Using themes in iMovie for iOS

I created a movie (not trailer) using a theme on my new iPad.  However, when I drop in media (video, photos), the theme doesn't appear when I preview it (it does when I create a movie the same way on my MacBook).  The edit options seem limited in iOS.

You have to tap on a video clip to add a theme title.
Or you have tap to change the transitions between clips to the theme transitions (the icon with the 'star').

Similar Messages

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    Are there any possibility to fade in/out soundtrack using imovie for IOS on Iphone 5 or Ipadmini?
    And are there any possibility to change the speed of playing the video (slomo, faster, etc)?
    Thanx in advance for help.

    Yes it is. It's 3 seconds and in the .m4r format. I used it since I first bought my phone.
    One thing I've noticed, not that this has anything to do with it but... I named my phone xxx since I've had it, now when I hook it up to iTunes it shows up as xxx (2). Any idea what this is about?
    thanks for your reply.

  • IMovie for Mac: "iMovie cannot open files in the "iMovie for iOS Project" format."

    Question, asked professionally
    When will iMovie for Mac be able to open iMovie for iOS projects?
    Question, asked snarkily
    Any reasonable expectation that we will ever be able to edit projects--created in iMovie on our fancy new expensive phones--in iMovie on our fancy new expensive laptops?
    iPhone 6 Plus (contract-free, 128 GB)
    iOS 8.1.2
    iMovie for IOS 2.1.1
    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid-2014)
    OS X Yosemite 10.10.1
    iMovie for Mac 10.0.6
    Error Messages
    iMovie for Mac: "iMovie cannot open files in the "iMovie for iOS Project" format."
    iMovie for iOS: "An error occurred during export."
    Manufacturer: Apple (a multibillion dollar company)
    The year: 2015
    Hours lost: Three Weeks
    Total costs for both devices: $4,000
    Background Details
    I just wasted thousands of dollars on these two hardware devices by making the rookie mistake of assuming projects were compatible across iMovie applications. However, the exported .iMovieMobile project files are in an incompatible iMovie for iOS Project format that iMovie for Mac cannot import. So I am stuck with a 15 GB .iMovieMobile project file--for an hour-long+ video--that I created and I was editing on my iPhone for weeks that I can no longer edit on my iPhone due to an error, nor potentially rescue the lost hours on my Mac, the sole reason I purchased it one day ago. The reason I can no longer edit the project on the iPhone is because iMovie for iOS suddenly stopped displaying the video of the project in preview, external display, etc. The clip snapshots remain visible and the audio remains audible, but the video appears fully black. Any attempt to export the video at any resolution generates an error message. (This error applies only to this project; other projects export without issue.) I can save to and from iTunes or iCloud without issue, but import into iMovie for Mac is unavailable for this latest version. Deleting and reinstalling the app does not resolve the issue. Nothing has resolved this issue; so I purchased the Mac as a last attempt, and it appears that I will have to begin the meticulously painful process of recreating the video from scratch with all the titling, sound effects, precise edits, transitions, organization, etc. This video was to surprise my mother for her birthday with "this is your life" footage, including my late father. It may seem like a small first-world problem, but such things carry big emotional impacts. What began as such a wonderfully intuitive and joyful experience has descended into a soul-suffering nightmare of catastrophic proportions. This software grinch stole christmas.
    Likely Suspect
    I believe this originated from Apple's confusingly designed iTunes client that removed videos used by iMovie for IOS during a sync, which I successfully restored back to the iPhone. This apparently resulted in iOS seeking and then claiming to find all of the videos, but somehow a bug in the coding causes the audio to play but not display video, and no way to resolve the bug from an enduser standpoint. I was hoping that iMovie for Mac would allow me a workaround, but I'll never know because the iOS and Mac formats are currently and dishearteningly incompatible.
    I never performed a full backup of the iPhone, but I don't believe any of the iCloud nor local backups actually backup iMovie projects themselves anyway. (That's a fail.) So one must back them up manually to iTunes or iCloud.
    Hope Apple fixes this problem soon? Perhaps.
    Return the Mac to Apple, if they allow? Perhaps.
    Someone in this community will provide a magical workaround--that I haven't already attempted? Perhaps.
    As unlikely these options may be, I shudder to imagine that I may be forced to suffer no resolution and $3,000+ completely down the drain, because if iMovie for IOS worked as intended, I wouldn't have ever purchased the Mac as a last ditch effort to rescue the project. It meant that much to me to surprise my mother by attempting to retrieve this project file from oblivion--but to no avail.

    I appreciate you taking the time to copy and paste boilerplate responses to increase your points in this forum, but I've already read all those support articles in depth; but you have barely read my post at all. Please don't guess a fix. Only someone with the latest versions of iMovie, iOS, iPhone, Yosemite, and MacBook Pro is qualified to troubleshoot this, because anyone would immediately see that the following option no longer exists:
    Open iMovie on your Mac, and choose File > Import > iMovie for iOS Project.
    Read my post before you reply: It clearly says in the title and within my post that I can neither export nor import through iTunes without receiving an error message. So your response neither solved my question nor helped me whatsoever.

  • IMovie for iOS not finding videos since update to iOS 5.1

    Hello everybody,
    I just updated my iPhone 4 to iOS 5.1 to be able to get the newest iMovie for iOS update. The iOS Update as the iMovie Update went fine so far. But when I try to open projects I have made, iMovie just shows a yellow triangle and says that it can't find the movies. It tries to find them but with no success. I never moved the movies and they are still in the "Foto" App ( or camera-roll as it is namend sometimes). The Movies have all been taken with the build in camera, no import or nothing.
    I guess Apple has changed the directories name of the "Foto App" so iMovie can't find the Movies made under iOS 4.x and the program is not "inteligent" enough to find the movies anymore.
    Has somebody similar problems and could tell me how to re-link the movies?
    Many thanks!

    Jim20005 wrote:
    > I'm using XLS transfomation in DW for reading XML files.
    Now (I'm just back
    > form holiday), my webspace provider has updated to php
    5.1.5. I'm getting this
    > error:
    Comment out line 301 and add two new lines immediately after
    it like this:
    // $xml = DOMDocument::loadXML($content);
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    $err = $doc->loadXML($content);
    This is part of a PHP 8.0.2 hotfix that can be obtained
    directly from
    Adobe support.
    David Powers
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)

  • This version of iMovie cannot import Trailers created in iMovie for iOS.

    I have the latest verison of iMovie on both my Mac and iPad 3g. I used a trailer on the iPad iMovie and exported it to iTunes. On my Mac I went to iTunes and pulled the file down and clicked to open it. After iMovie can up it dispalyed "This version of iMovie cannot import Trailers created in iMovie for iOS."
    How can this be?

    I'm having the same problem.  I've check the instructions for exporting a Movie trailer that can be found in iMovie for iOS 6 and have followed them to a tee, numerous times.  Each time i export a trailer i've created using the iPad, i can easily save it to my MacBookPro.  But iMove on my laptop refuses to import a movie with the suffix ".iMoveTrailer", which is what you get in iMove for iOS6 when you export and use iTunes in Mac OS to save the file.  How strange?  There must be someting wrong going on here.  Anyoner have any thoughts?  I'm just trying to save an iMove trailer from the iPad and would like to burn it to a DVD to give to friends.  Hmmmm.....

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    other :
    all iwork apps for ios now at v1.5, too ( icloud support )

    I don't have a PC to test my iMovie for iOS videos on, but thought I would share some information about the format of my exported files and how I view them. Hopefully that may help!
    Looking at my most recent video (not a Trailer, just a standard themed video), after exporting from iMovie on my iPhone then importing to iPhoto on my MacBook Pro, the file details are:
    For video: H.264 960 x 540 (I exported as Large)
    For audio: AAC 44100 Hz, Stereo (L R)
    In QuickTime, this information can be revealed by selecting Window > Show Movie Inspector from the menu.
    How are you viewing the movie on the PC? Are you using QuickTime? If not you can download a version for Windows from Apple's site (Google it). The movie should play perfectly on QuickTime, whether on a Mac or on a Windows PC.

  • IMovie for iOS help

    Can anyone help me?  I have just filmed a trailer using the latest version of iMovie for iOS (on an iPad 3).  I then exported it from iMovie to Camera Roll as a 720p movie.  On my iMac I opened iPhoto and imported the video from my iPad's Camera Roll - dragged the file to the desktop and then copied onto a USB stick.
    The video plays perfectly on the iMac (running Mountain Lion) and perfectly on the iPad.
    When I attempt to play the video on a PC running Windows 7 it plays the movie fine BUT there is no sound (I have checked all the PC sound settings).  So I went back to the iMac - put the video into QuickTime and re-exported.  Again it works fine on the iMac (with full sound) but when I go to the PC - video plays but no sound at all.  I even tried importing the trailer into iMovie 11 on my iMac and then export - still no sound when played on a PC!
    Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?  It is driving me mad.
    Any help would be hugely appreciated.

    I don't have a PC to test my iMovie for iOS videos on, but thought I would share some information about the format of my exported files and how I view them. Hopefully that may help!
    Looking at my most recent video (not a Trailer, just a standard themed video), after exporting from iMovie on my iPhone then importing to iPhoto on my MacBook Pro, the file details are:
    For video: H.264 960 x 540 (I exported as Large)
    For audio: AAC 44100 Hz, Stereo (L R)
    In QuickTime, this information can be revealed by selecting Window > Show Movie Inspector from the menu.
    How are you viewing the movie on the PC? Are you using QuickTime? If not you can download a version for Windows from Apple's site (Google it). The movie should play perfectly on QuickTime, whether on a Mac or on a Windows PC.

  • Convert iMovie for iOS Trailer to a Project

    Similar to how its done on the Mac version of iMovie, is it possible to convert a trailer to a project using iMovie for iOS
    I want to convert the superhero themed trailer to a project, in order to add additional clips, pictures and increase times.

    I would love to do the same. I can find instructions for the previous version but they don't apply to the current version (2.1). I'm using iMovie for both iOS 7 and 8, iPhone and iPad, repectively.

  • IMovie for IOS Cannot export 60p despite iPhone 6 capability to shoot 60p

    iMovie for IOS Cannot export 60p despite iPhone 6 capability to shoot 60p
    I am obliged to use Pinnacle Studio for IOS 8
    I have bought a superb iPhone 6 Plus, shooting in 1080/60p, I cannot edit my clips to build a 60p Master.
    I understand the choice for shared video streams to use 720/30p 5Kb/s from my 1080/60p 25Kbps clips as it has to be streamed even on small PC.
    But if I want a master file 1080/60p at 25Kbps, and send it by mail with the superb new Cloud Mail to my mac mates, I cannot do it
    I need a master hacker to poke this 60 number I nee somewhere into iMovie, it should be somewhere in the compressor frameworks used by iMovie in the app Package for exporting.
    Best regards to the community

    I appreciate you taking the time to copy and paste boilerplate responses to increase your points in this forum, but I've already read all those support articles in depth; but you have barely read my post at all. Please don't guess a fix. Only someone with the latest versions of iMovie, iOS, iPhone, Yosemite, and MacBook Pro is qualified to troubleshoot this, because anyone would immediately see that the following option no longer exists:
    Open iMovie on your Mac, and choose File > Import > iMovie for iOS Project.
    Read my post before you reply: It clearly says in the title and within my post that I can neither export nor import through iTunes without receiving an error message. So your response neither solved my question nor helped me whatsoever.

  • Add chapters with iMovie for iOS

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  • IMovie for iOS crashed on startup on iPad.

    I created a 10-minute video on iMovie for iOS (iPad) -- however when I access iMovie, the application crashes on start up. How do I stop the app from crashing? I previously deleted and reinstalled the app (and lost the then 11-minute movie I had made). I would prefer not to redo the video again. On both occasions, the app crashed after adding a song to the movie.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks for the quick response. I reset the iPad last night -- however iMovie continued to crash upon startup. I didn't realize that I could backup my project via iTunes. I will try to do this in the future. I had previously saved about seven minutes of work as a completed video and will use this as a starting point for my third attempt at this.
    It was a different song that caused the app to crash each time. I wonder if iMovie for iOS is equipped to edit projects that are over 10 minutes in length, as I have not had this issue with projects of shorter duration.

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  • Hi - just using the new iMovie for the first time - apparently there should be a sidebar containing tools like "Content Library". Not on mine - even in Window view, Content Library features like text etc are all greyed out - obviously it's me - help?

    Hi - just using the new iMovie for the first time - apparently there should be a sidebar containing tools like "Content Library". Not on mine - even in Window view, Content Library features like text etc are all greyed out - obviously it's me - anyone help please?

    Sorry - I should have added that I have imported a Quicktime movie, originally created as an iPhoto slideshow.
    I want to create rolling credits at the movie end and apparently you can only do this using iMovie - can you help please?

  • The Imovie instaled in my MacBook Pro can't imported iMovie for iOS

         I've been trying to open an IMovie in my MacBook Pro that I transferred from my IPad through ITunes. However I receive the following message from the IMovie: This version of iMovie cannot import Trailers created in iMovie for iOS. I have IMovie 11 installed and it has all current updates.
    Any help will be appreciated,

    Peter Steiner wrote:
    "The document “Tit_for_Tat.wmv” could not be opened. The movie is not in a format that QuickTime Player understands."  Sometimes I get a movie clip from another Mac user, but my Macbook Pro can't open it and I get this message.  What do I need?  Thank you
    Do you realize the answer to your question is on the right, under "More Like This."

  • In what frame rate (fps) iMovie for iOS exports videos?

    I shot two similar clips with an iPhone 6. One in 30fps and the other in 60fps just to see how much smoother would the slow motion be in iMovie. The clip shot in 60fps worked great even when slowed down by 1/2. The odd thing was, that when i reset both clips to normal, original speed and whatched the movie in in full screen in iMovie, I noticed that the smoothness of the clip shot in 60fps is gone and both clips look like they were shot in 24fps or 30fps.
    So my question is, in what framerate iMovie exports projects? And is there a way to export in 60fps?
    Thank you for your help!

    Sadly it appears that ALL exports are converted to 30p only incuding Prores !, some like iCloud Sharing are even less 720/30p 5Mbps
    True for iMovie for iOS and latest iMovie for Mac that does not have anymore "export to Quicktime" that enabled 60p export
    Big regression only driven by marketing issues,
    Final Cut Pro X solve the problem on Mac OSX
    Pinnacle Studio solve the problem on IOS 8

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