Using two computers with my nano

I have a PC at home and a mac book at work. My PC has decided to not open the disk drive to put music onto my nano so I would like to use my mac, however, when I did that I lost all of my music off of my nano that was downloaded from my PC. Can I keep my music on my nano and download new music from my mac? If so, how?

Open iTunes first and go to Edit>Preferences>Devices and check the box "Prevent iPods and iPhones from syncing automatically" and choose Ok. Then connect your iPod.
If you want to connect and use an iPod on more than one computer or with more than one library you need to change the update preference in the iPod Summary tab to "Manually manage music and videos" and click Apply. The content of iTunes and the iPod are not syncronised in this mode so the two can be different. You can directly access the content of the iPod and play it through iTunes and you can drag and drop whatever you want to the iPod from either library:
Using iPod with Multiple computers
Managing content manually on iPod and iPhone

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    "Question: I have a computer at home and one at work. Can I update my iPod music collection from more than one computer?
    Answer: Yes. When you first connect iPod to your computer, iPod recognizes that computer as its "home" computer. Each time you connect, iPod automatically downloads the music library stored on it. When you connect iPod to a different computer, iPod asks for permission before synchronizing with this music library. If you choose Auto-sync, iPod recognizes the second computer as its home computer and breaks the link with the original computer. If you do not choose Auto-sync, iPod switches to manual update mode, allowing you to selectively drag songs, albums, or playlists from the second computer to your iPod.
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    Message was edited by: lainb

    If you want to connect and use an iPod on more than one computer you need to change the update preference in the iPod Summary tab to "Manually manage music and videos" and click Apply. In this mode you just drag and drop whatever you want to the iPod from either library:
    Using iPod with Multiple computers
    Managing content manually on iPod
    iPod 101: Fill 'er Up
    Note: When changing from automatic to manual, check the "manually manage music and videos" box in Summary then press the Apply button. "Don't" uncheck Sync Music in the Music tab, it will be unchecked by default when you choose the manual setting, if you uncheck it without setting the iPod to manual first you'll erase all the songs from your iPod
    Something else to be aware of when using an iPod in manual mode is that the "Do Not Disconnect" message will remain on the display until you physically eject the device. In that case use Safely Remove Hardware icon in the Windows system tray on your desktop or check this link: Safely Disconnect IPod

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    What do you mean by "won't pick up the songs"?
    You can only sync with one iTunes library. However, you can manage mauic and videos among different computer by:
    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
    You can transfer iTunes purchases to a computer by:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer

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    I tried ipconfig /release - ipconfig /renew - ipconfig /flushdns nothing yet. Not sure about your #2 and #3. And I just updated my firmware.
    Anyone with expertise? Thanks.

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    What else can we do?

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