Using virtual burner

I am using Itunes 10 and it won't recognize Noteburner (a virtual burner).  Any suggestions? 

The external burner should show up as an option when you go to build & format (or format), if you have any more details it would help
OS, type of burner, what steps have you done (repair permissionss) etc. Does the burner show up in the system profiler?

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    Toast Titanium by Roxio.

  • How to enter text in text input box using virtual keyboard in flex application

    Re: how to enter text in text input box using virtual keyboard in flex application
    im using flash builder 4,
    i  designed virtual keyboard, i have to update the text in text input box  continously by using virtual keyboard.
    i used button events.i did  some mistake there.
    can some one help me out of tat.
    thanks  in advance.
    i have included my mxml program with this.
    <?xml  version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application  xmlns:fx=""
                    xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955"  minHeight="600" creationComplete="initfunc()">
                import  mx.controls.Alert;
                private function initfunc():void
                public function handleEvent ( e :  MouseEvent ) : void
                    var a:String= ;
                   var b:String=null;
                        case "Button20":
                       case "Button21":
        <s:Panel  x="43" y="82" width="527" height="213">
          <mx:Button  x="71" y="86" id="b1" label="1" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="180" y="86"  id="b2" label="5" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="127" y="86"  id="b3"  label="3" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="99"  y="86"  id="b4" label="2" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="323" y="86"  id="b5" label="0" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="86"  id="b6"  label="9" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="265"  y="86"   id="b7" label="8" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="237" y="86"  id="b8" label="7" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="209" y="86"  id="b9"  label="6" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="42"  y="86"  id="b10" label="`" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="382" y="86" id="b11" label="=" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353" y="86"  id="b12"  label="-" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="410"  y="86"  id="b13" label="back" width="76" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="157" y="86"  id="b14" label="4" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="109" id="b15"  label="tab" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="105"  y="109"  id="b16" label="q" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="247" y="109"  id="b17" label="y" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="303" y="109"  id="b18"  label="i" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="361"  y="110"  id="b19" label="p" width="34" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="394" y="109"  id="b20" label="[" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="191" y="109"  id="b21"  label="r" width="34" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="424"  y="109"  id="b22" label="]" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="222" y="109"  id="b23" label="t" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="161" y="109"  id="b24"  label="e" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133"  y="109"  id="b25" label="w" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="332" y="109"  id="b26" label="o" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275" y="109"  id="b27"  label="u" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="220"  y="133"  id="b28" label="g" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="424" y="132"  id="b29" label="enter" width="62"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="132"  id="b30"  label="caps" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275"  y="133"  id="b31" label="j" width="42" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="314" y="132"  id="b32" label="k" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133" y="133"  id="b33"  label="s" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="161"  y="133"  id="b34" label="d" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="250" y="133"  id="b35" label="h" width="31"  height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="105" y="133"  id="b36"  label="a" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="191"  y="133"  id="b37" label="f" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="342" y="132"  id="b38" label="l" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="152" y="154"  id="b39"  label="x" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353"  y="154"  id="b40" label="." width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="325" y="154"  id="b41" label="," width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="154"  id="b42"  label="m" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="259"  y="154"  id="b43" label="n" width="37" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="236" y="154"  id="b44" label="b" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="211" y="154"  id="b45"  label="v" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="181"  y="154"  id="b46" label="c" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="122" y="154"  id="b47" label="z" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="154"  id="b48"  label="/" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="368"  y="132"  id="b49" label=";" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="396" y="132"  id="b50" label="'" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="154"  id="b51"  label="shift" width="82" height="24"/>
            <s:Button  x="407" y="154" id="b52" label="shift" width="79" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="455" y="109"  id="b53" label="\" width="31"  height="24"/>
        <s:TextInput  x="161" y="27" id="textbox" width="253"/>
    saran r

    how to code for these buttons "control,alt,delete,insert and spacebar".
    can u help me how to program?
    i have attached the mxml code with this,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                   creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
                import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName;
                private var inpText:String = 'inp1';
                private var shiftState:Boolean = false;
                private var capsState:Boolean = false;
                protected function keyboard_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+(event.currentTarget as Button).label;
                    if (shiftState == true) shift_clickHandler(null);
                protected function caps_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    capsState = !capsState;
                    if (capsState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function tab_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"    ";
                protected function shift_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    shiftState = !shiftState;
                    if (shiftState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function enter_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"\n";
                protected function backspace_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var tmpStr:String = this[inpText].text;
                    this[inpText].text = tmpStr.substr(0,tmpStr.length-1);
                protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                protected function focus_enterHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    inpText =;
            <s:State name="PRIMARY"/>
            <s:State name="SHIFTED"/>
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:TextInput id="inp1" y="36" width="151" horizontalCenter="0" click="focus_enterHandler(event)" y.PRIMARY="239" horizontalCenter.PRIMARY="42" width.PRIMARY="199" height.PRIMARY="31"/>
        <s:Group id="keyboard" width="661" height="184" horizontalCenter="0" y="300" focusEnabled="false">
            <s:Button x="5" y="5" label="~" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="`"/>
            <s:Button x="49" y="5" label="!" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="1"/>
            <s:Button x="93" y="5" label="@" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="2"/>
            <s:Button x="137" y="5" label="#" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="3"/>
            <s:Button x="181" y="5" label="$" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="4"/>
            <s:Button x="225" y="5" label="%" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="5"/>
            <s:Button x="269" y="5" label="^" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="6"/>
            <s:Button x="313" y="5" label="&amp;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="7"/>
            <s:Button x="357" y="5" label="*" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="8"/>
            <s:Button x="401" y="5" label="(" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="9"/>
            <s:Button x="445" y="5" label=")" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="0"/>
            <s:Button x="489" y="5" label="_" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="-"/>
            <s:Button x="533" y="5" label="+" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="="/>
            <s:Button x="577" y="5" label="Backspace" height="43" width="80" fontSize="11" fontWeight="bold" click="backspace_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="48" label="Tab" height="43" width="67" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="tab_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="72" y="48" label="Q" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="q"/>
            <s:Button x="116" y="48" label="W" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="w"/>
            <s:Button x="160" y="48" label="E" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="e"/>
            <s:Button x="204" y="48" label="R" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="r"/>
            <s:Button x="248" y="48" label="T" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="t"/>
            <s:Button x="292" y="48" label="Y" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="y"/>
            <s:Button x="336" y="48" label="U" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="u"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="48" label="I" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="i"/>
            <s:Button x="424" y="48" label="O" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="o"/>
            <s:Button x="468" y="48" label="P" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="p"/>
            <s:Button x="512" y="48" label="{" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="["/>
            <s:Button x="556" y="48" label="}" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="]"/>
            <s:Button x="600" y="48" label="|" height="43" width="57" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="\"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="91" label="CapsLock" height="43" width="80" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="caps_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="85" y="91" label="A" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="a"/>
            <s:Button x="129" y="91" label="S" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="s"/>
            <s:Button x="173" y="91" label="D" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="d"/>
            <s:Button x="217" y="91" label="F" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="f"/>
            <s:Button x="261" y="91" label="G" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="g"/>
            <s:Button x="305" y="91" label="H" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="h"/>
            <s:Button x="349" y="91" label="J" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="j"/>
            <s:Button x="393" y="91" label="K" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="k"/>
            <s:Button x="437" y="91" label="L" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="l"/>
            <s:Button x="481" y="91" label=":" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=";"/>
            <s:Button x="525" y="91" label="&quot;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="'"/>
            <s:Button x="569" y="91" label="Enter" height="43" width="88" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="enter_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="111" y="134" label="Z" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="z"/>
            <s:Button x="155" y="134" label="X" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="x"/>
            <s:Button x="199" y="134" label="C" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="c"/>
            <s:Button x="243" y="134" label="V" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="v"/>
            <s:Button x="287" y="134" label="B" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="b"/>
            <s:Button x="331" y="134" label="N" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="n"/>
            <s:Button x="375" y="134" label="M" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="m"/>
            <s:Button x="419" y="134" label="&lt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=","/>
            <s:Button x="463" y="134" label="&gt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="."/>
            <s:Button x="507" y="134" label="?" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="/"/>
            <s:Button x="551" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
    thanks in advance,
    saran r

  • Regd. error in sender agreement(when to check sender uses virtual receiver)

    hi Experts,
    I  am doing a file(  SFTP adapter ) to IDOC scenario.
    I got an error :
    Couldn't retrieve inbound binding for the given P/S/A values:FP=XYZ;TP=;FS=XXXX;TS=XXXX;AN=XXXXXX;ANS=;
    I checked my sender agreement  and saw some "*" symbol displayed at the end on SA name.
    To quick fix it and remove the star symbol'', i have just created SAgreement  again and this time i checked "Sender uses virtual receiver " and revomved thestar symbol '' and saved without mentioning anything there.
    When i tested it worked!  but i want to know what made it work, is it the right practice.
    i did a lilttle search on when to use  "sender uses virtual receiver" option.i came to an understanding that it is mainly used to handle multiple input file formats in a single configuration scenario.
    one more qns:
    What are marketplace adapters,is this error comes when we use adapters which are not inbuilt or bought from external vender.
    Edited by: Anika Gulati on Jun 10, 2009 1:23 PM

    Here are few ways for it...
    SAP Process Integration: When to Use u201CSender Uses Virtual Receiveru201D in a Sender Agreement
    SAP Network Blog: Virtual Receiver - Why do you 'really' need it?

  • XML Reports end with WARNING Status, Using Virtual Hostname by Veritas HA

    Dear Experts,
    We have upgraded our Application from to R12, 12.1.3. Now in the Upgraded Application we are unable to open/view any of the XML based Concurrent Reports. All the XML Concurrent Reports are ending in Status WARNING.
    When we click on the View Out put, we are just getting the XML code and not the XML based reports.
    The log file of Out Put Postprocessor shows the following errors:
    5/28/13 12:40:20 PM] [STATEMENT] [960882:RT4152834] Get Output Type
    [5/28/13 12:40:20 PM] [STATEMENT] [960882:RT4152834] XML file name: /mnt/oracle/ERPROD/inst/apps/ERPROD_erp-lh-dr/logs/appl/conc/out/o4152834.out
    [5/28/13 12:40:20 PM] [STATEMENT] [960882:RT4152834] XML file is on node: ERP-LH-DR
    [5/28/13 12:40:20 PM] [UNEXPECTED] [960882:RT4152834] java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl.getString(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.util.CpUtil.getCanonicalLocalNode(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(
    [5/28/13 12:40:20 PM] [960882:RT4152834] Completed post-processing actions for request 4152834.
    And error like below:
    The error we are getting from the Application log files are related to Hostname. Following is the abstract from the Output Post Processor log.
    [5/29/13 2:56:02 PM] [UNEXPECTED] [960900:RT4155505] java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl.getString(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.util.CpUtil.getCanonicalLocalNode(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(
    Concurrent Manger Log files shows the following error:
    Executing request completion options...
    Output file size:
    ------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------
    Beginning post-processing of request 4158856 on node ERP-LH-DR at 30-MAY-2013 18:53:38.
    Post-processing of request 4158856 failed at 30-MAY-2013 18:53:38 with the error message:
    One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
    ------------- 2) PRINT   -------------
    Not printing the output of this request because post-processing failed.
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    **Please suggests:**
    **1- Is there any way to make these XML reports work with Veritas HA, using Virtual hostname**
    **2- Can we identify or pin point from where the Out Put Postprocessor is setting the Physical Hostname.**
    Ali Ammar

    The metalink note Output Post Processor Fails Due to java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset [ID 740529.1], is not related to us, we have already verified that. In our case the Application is running on Virtual Hostname and this virtual hostname is taken care by Veritas Library, ACC.
    Secondly the FND_NODES also shows the Virtual hostname as the application is configured on Virtual Hostname. So in our case its not seems to be comming from the FND_NODES tables, rather it seems that some of the Java files/class is picking it by the OS command uname -a.
    So if we can find that class or environment file of java, we can export the Virtual Hostname as we used it in configuration. Please note that the Concurrent Manager and Application listener are also working fine on the Virtual Hostname, by using the Veritas library.
    VHOSTNAME=<virtual hostname>
    Please suggest.
    Best Regards
    Ali Ammar.

  • Since iDvd is no longer supplied with Lion, what is best to use to burn to dvd for TV?

    Since iDvd is no longer supplied with Lion, what is the best product to use to burn to dvd for TV from iMac?  Is there a free solution?

    Thank you very much for the link.  I'm in the process of evaluating the trial version of a couple of products other than iDvd.  Since iDvd does not have a trial, I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions.  Once I'm done, I plan on putting up the resluts of what I've found.  Work is very busy this week, so I probably won't get a chance to work on this much until next week.
    Anyway, I'm importing movies from my Sony Handycam DCR-TRV20.  I've used iMovie to perform the download from the camcorder (the other products don't support this).  The other products can work directly on the imported .dv files without having to export things from iMovie as a .mov file.  I have not had time to see if there is a quality difference between a burned DVD with .dv clips vs. .mov imported from iMovie.  So my questions regarding iDvd are as follows:
    Can iDvd work directly on .dv files, or do you need to import .mov from iMovie?
    If iDvd can work with these files directly, is it easy to do things such as clip them and do affects on them?
    Is there a quality difference when viewing a burned DVD if .dv files were used vs. imported .mov files?
    Since I have later versions of the iLife products than what comes packaged in the iLife that contains iDvd, can you install only iDvd in what is purchased from Amazon?
    Thank you very much is you know the answer to any of these questions.

  • How to use virtual keyboard in flex application

    i am using flash builder 4,
    how to use virtual keyboard in flex?
    if any one aware of this pls reply me.......
    saran r

    how to code for these buttons  "control,alt,delete,insert and spacebar".
    can u help me  how to program?
    i have attached the mxml code with this,
    <?xml  version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                    xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955"  minHeight="600"
                     creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)"  viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
                 import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName;
                 private var inpText:String = 'inp1';
                 private var shiftState:Boolean = false;
                 private var capsState:Boolean = false;
                 protected function  keyboard_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     this[inpText].text =  this[inpText].text+(event.currentTarget as Button).label;
                     if (shiftState == true) shift_clickHandler(null);
                 protected function caps_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     capsState = !capsState;
                     if (capsState == true)
                         currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState =  "PRIMARY";
                 protected function tab_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"    ";
                 protected function shift_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     shiftState = !shiftState;
                     if (shiftState == true)
                         currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState =  "PRIMARY";
                 protected function enter_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"\n";
                 protected function  backspace_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     var tmpStr:String = this[inpText].text;
                     this[inpText].text = tmpStr.substr(0,tmpStr.length-1);
                 protected function  application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                 protected function focus_enterHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     inpText =;
             <s:State name="PRIMARY"/>
             <s:State name="SHIFTED"/>
             <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value  objects) here -->
         <s:TextInput id="inp1" y="36" width="151" horizontalCenter="0"  click="focus_enterHandler(event)" y.PRIMARY="239"  horizontalCenter.PRIMARY="42" width.PRIMARY="199"  height.PRIMARY="31"/>
         <s:Group id="keyboard" width="661" height="184"  horizontalCenter="0" y="300" focusEnabled="false">
             <s:Button x="5" y="5" label="~" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="`"/>
             <s:Button x="49" y="5" label="!" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="1"/>
             <s:Button x="93" y="5" label="@" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="2"/>
             <s:Button x="137" y="5" label="#" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="3"/>
             <s:Button x="181" y="5" label="$" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="4"/>
             <s:Button x="225" y="5" label="%" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="5"/>
             <s:Button x="269" y="5" label="^" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="6"/>
             <s:Button x="313" y="5" label="&amp;" height="43"  width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold"  click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="7"/>
             <s:Button x="357" y="5" label="*" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="8"/>
             <s:Button x="401" y="5" label="(" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="9"/>
             <s:Button x="445" y="5" label=")" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="0"/>
             <s:Button x="489" y="5" label="_" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="-"/>
             <s:Button x="533" y="5" label="+" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="="/>
             <s:Button x="577" y="5" label="Backspace" height="43"  width="80" fontSize="11" fontWeight="bold"  click="backspace_clickHandler(event)"/>
             <s:Button x="5" y="48" label="Tab" height="43" width="67"  fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="tab_clickHandler(event)"/>
             <s:Button x="72" y="48" label="Q" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="q"/>
             <s:Button x="116" y="48" label="W" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="w"/>
             <s:Button x="160" y="48" label="E" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="e"/>
             <s:Button x="204" y="48" label="R" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="r"/>
             <s:Button x="248" y="48" label="T" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="t"/>
             <s:Button x="292" y="48" label="Y" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="y"/>
             <s:Button x="336" y="48" label="U" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="u"/>
             <s:Button x="380" y="48" label="I" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="i"/>
             <s:Button x="424" y="48" label="O" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="o"/>
             <s:Button x="468" y="48" label="P" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="p"/>
             <s:Button x="512" y="48" label="{" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="["/>
             <s:Button x="556" y="48" label="}" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="]"/>
             <s:Button x="600" y="48" label="|" height="43" width="57"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="\"/>
             <s:Button x="5" y="91" label="CapsLock" height="43"  width="80" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold"  click="caps_clickHandler(event)"/>
             <s:Button x="85" y="91" label="A" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="a"/>
             <s:Button x="129" y="91" label="S" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="s"/>
             <s:Button x="173" y="91" label="D" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="d"/>
             <s:Button x="217" y="91" label="F" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="f"/>
             <s:Button x="261" y="91" label="G" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="g"/>
             <s:Button x="305" y="91" label="H" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="h"/>
             <s:Button x="349" y="91" label="J" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="j"/>
             <s:Button x="393" y="91" label="K" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="k"/>
             <s:Button x="437" y="91" label="L" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="l"/>
             <s:Button x="481" y="91" label=":" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY=";"/>
             <s:Button x="525" y="91" label="&quot;" height="43"  width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold"  click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="'"/>
             <s:Button x="569" y="91" label="Enter" height="43" width="88"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="enter_clickHandler(event)"/>
             <s:Button x="5" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
             <s:Button x="111" y="134" label="Z" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="z"/>
             <s:Button x="155" y="134" label="X" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="x"/>
             <s:Button x="199" y="134" label="C" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="c"/>
             <s:Button x="243" y="134" label="V" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="v"/>
             <s:Button x="287" y="134" label="B" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="b"/>
             <s:Button x="331" y="134" label="N" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="n"/>
             <s:Button x="375" y="134" label="M" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="m"/>
             <s:Button x="419" y="134" label="&lt;" height="43"  width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold"  click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=","/>
             <s:Button x="463" y="134" label="&gt;" height="43"  width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold"  click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="."/>
             <s:Button x="507" y="134" label="?" height="43" width="44"  fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)"  label.PRIMARY="/"/>
             <s:Button x="551" y="134" label="Shift" height="43"  width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold"  click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
    thanks in  advance,
    saran r

  • Load Balancing using Virtual IP on DMZ interface of 5520 ASA

    We want to achieve a load balancing scenario using Virtual IP on DMZ interface on a Cisco ASA 5520.
    The IPs we are going to use on DMZ are and
    These IPs are going to be NATted to all inside IPs.
    Lets say our outside IP is X.X.X.X
    This IP points to and with .2 being the primary and .3 being the secondary.
    When I hit the outside IP, it should point me to .2 and that .2 should take me to the inside IPs.
    I need configuration assistance with that.

    Hi Pratik,
    The ASA does not support having 1 global/translated IP address on the outside mapped to multiple local/real IP addresses on the DMZ. If it did, the ASA would have no way of deciding if traffic destined to X.X.X.X is really meant for or For this scenario, you should use a dedicated load balancer or a router that supports policy-based routing.

  • Sender Uses Virtual Receiver - Receiver Determination & Sender Agreement

    Hello all,
                There is a Checkbox with Sender Uses Virtual Receiver  while creating Receiver Determination & Sender Agreement.Could anyone tell when one shall use that checkbox & diffrence of using the same in Rx Determination & Sender agreement ? And Lastly What is the significance of using * in Party &
    Service in that Sender Uses Virtual Receiver  part ?

    we will use it when we are using B2B scenario......
    More details... please check this.............

  • Question on using Virtual PC with Access

    Right now I'm using 2 systems at my office, Linux SuSE and XP, both on different machines. I just ordered a PowerBook G4 and will be upgrading it to 2GB memory when it comes in. The PB is to replace my SuSE box and I'm wondering if I will need keep my XP box as well. My office runs a proprietary software program for manufacturing purposes, and it runs on XP and uses .Net along with Access.
    My question (finally) is if I can run this on my PB or if I need Virtual PC? If I need VPC, will it work on my PB and will it be pretty slow (not a lot of processing power is needed nor is the program terribly graphic oriented)? My concern is the .Net and Access usage.

    You'll need VPC (or keep the XP PC). If you're getting a PowerBook G4, yes it will be slow(er). If you're getting an MacBook Pro, you won't be able to use Virtual PC.
    If it is very graphical oriented, I'd stick with keeping a PC around.

  • How do i add Linux systems to be monitored using Virtual agent/SNMP in OLT?

    Dear All,
    I need to know the process to add Linux systems to be monitored using Virtual agent and SNMP in OLT ?
    I have added my details to Virtual agent and chosen ssh and all i get is cannot connect
    Appreciate if someone can give me the detailed screenshot by screenshot process.

    On 05/13/2010 09:30 AM, Raja Vengala wrote:
    Yes, the problem is with the old packaged PLINK.exe. Downloaded version is working smoothly. Any reason for shipping the old version ??
    From: Mikael Fries
    Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:56 PM
    To: Praveen Arora; Drupad Panchal; Matthew Demeusy; Ashish Dave; Raja Vengala
    Subject: RE: OLT Linux system moniting issue
    I have set up LINUX and virtual agent configs a couple of times, and it has worked pretty ok.
    What I found was that you might have to download a newer version of PLINK.exe and put that onto your OLT system.
    (with the packaged version, I also had some communication issues)
    Try to download the lates plink.exe and see if that works…
    (you may want to restart you system after replacing plink.exe)

  • "Sender uses Virtual Receiver"...What it is?

    Hey Guys,
    In Sender Agreement, we have an option of selecting Sender uses virtual receiver option.I tried finding out wht "Sender uses virtual receiver" is all about all i could find out is....this option is used when we have parties communicating that do not know the entire system landscape...
    Can u plz add to it???
    Many Thanks,

    Hi Pritish,
    Please go through these links and se if it helps.....

  • Sender uses Virtual receiver

    Dear All,
    I can find Sender uses Virtual receiver check box on both sender Agreement and receiver Determination.can you explain for what purpose and situation we should use this.

    Check "Sender uses Virtual Receiver"...What it is? .
    Sunil Chandra

  • Dynamic Logic without using Virtual Characteristics/Key Figures

    I am new to Bex so please do let me know if this can be done without using virtual keys or characteristics.
    Logic should start processing from condition 1 to 4 sequencially.. If condition 2 is true, conditions 3 and 4 should not be processed.
    1. Column A if  Sales value is between  10 - 20
    2. Column B if  Sales value is between  15 - 25
    3. Column C if  Sales value is between  20 - 30
    4. Column D if  Sales value is between  25 - 35
    Scenerio 1 :
    Sales value = 16
    Based on this scenerio, the sales value should be displayed in column A only.

    I agree that this is a solvable problem if there are no overlapping conditions but my requirements do have them. I might have over simplify the problem or maybe there is a better way to do this. Here is the real scenario.
    YTD = Year to Date Sales is the total dollar amount of sales from January 1, XXXX through the last day of the previous month.
    LYTD = Last Year to Date Sales is the total dollar amount of sales from January 1, (XXXX – 1 year) through the last day of the previous month one year prior.
    The order by which the logic will check each customer sites classification is as follows:
    1. New Account
    2. No Purchase
    "A customer site is considered a <b>New Account:</b>
    IF LYTD had zero sales activity
    "A customer site is considered a <b> No Purchase</b>:
    IF a customer site had zero sales activity in the previous 3 months
    <b>AND</b> a customer site had sales activity within the report period (i.e YTD)
    Jan 2007 >>>>>> $100
    Feb 2007 >>>>>> $0
    March 2007 >>>> $0
    April 2007 >>>>> $0
    Jan 2006 >>>>>> $0
    Feb 2006 >>>>>> $0
    March 2006 >>>> $0
    April 2006 >>>>> $0
    <u>Scenerio 1</u>
    I run a report on the 15th of May 2007.
    The first column has the <b>New Account</b> logic. Based on the 2006 sales data,  LYTD is $0 since there is no sales activity from Jan - April 2006. So the sales data will fall under the first column since the new account logic is true.
    The second column has the the <b>No Purchase</b> logic. Based on the 2007 sales data, YTD is $100 since there was sales activity from Jan - April 2007. At the same time the previous 3 months (Feb - April 2007 ) has $0 sales. Based on this logic the sales data will fall under the second column since the no purchase logic is also true.
    Now both the columns have data. This is the overlapping scenario I was referring to.
    That is why I need to process the column logic sequentially. Once a condition is true , I need to break and move on to a new row.
    Message was edited by:
            Nigel K

  • Oracle 10g installation on linux using virtual box.

    Iam trying to install oracle 10g on enterprise linux using virtual box.I downloaded oracle 10g for linux and while running the installer,Iam getting this error
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/OraInstall2010-04-16_07-29-46AM/jre/1.4.2/lib/i386/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Method)
    at sun.awt.NativeLibLoader.loadLibraries(Unknown Source)
    at sun.awt.DebugHelper.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
    Please help me to solve this

    user9362721 wrote:
    Iam trying to install oracle 10g on enterprise linux using virtual box.I downloaded oracle 10g for linux and while running the installer,Iam getting this error
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/OraInstall2010-04-16_07-29-46AM/jre/1.4.2/lib/i386/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryHi.
    This question was answered in this forum yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that. And ... (Or at least it feels like we get this every day, and sometimes several times a day.)
    Search for 'xhost'

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