V32 production vs development build limitations ?

I've built an Adobe DPS v32 app and after some successful development tests submitted the production build into apple itunesconnect.
Couple weeks later Apple approved the app and we released it.
Turns out the production version (the one we download from apple store) does not work as we saw it working in the development build.
I want to note that this has nothing to do with the 'normal' app viewer and folios.
This is a problem inside a custom icon's WebView content (a custom icon we create on step 6 - Navigation Toolbar - of DPS App Builder).
The problem is that inside Icon HTML resources zip we load some content within iframes.
In the development build all iframe content is loaded and the rest of our custom application runs fine. But in the apple store downloaded app, the iframe content is loaded, but the rest of our custom application stops working.
That is, in the production build, as soon as there is one iframe on our custom page (as simple as its content may be), the rest of our custom app stops working (that is, it seems there is some javascript error or something and all custom app buttons suddenly do nothing).
I must say that this was all working in iOS 7, development and production... This behaviour started after iOS 8 as v32 release.
Was there any changes to the WebView creation code? I saw some news that Apple created a new WKWebView and kept UIWebView for legacy purposes.... is Adobe DPS using the old or the new one ?
Do you know of any changes to the old/new that could be causing this problem?
(we are using local storage to store some app files... although i was told that even if this local storage fails, the app should continue to run fine... it still loads the files from the internet)
I'm not sure if i explained my problem correctly. Ask away..
Thank you,
Diogo Neves

Thank you for your response.
- Version of your viewer (full version) in app store
Build 3.0.63 (
- Link to your app in the app store
- When that build was submitted via itunes (approx)
binary submitted afor review on Sep 11, 2014 (approved and released last weekend)
We've already resubmitted a new version on Sep 22, 2014, version 3.0.66 (, it's still waiting for review.
I can no longer test the previous app version in development mode since i didnt save the files after submitting...
Comparing the app store version with the new development version, the bug appear to be gone since everything seems to be working fine ...
Thank you again,
Diogo Neves

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    You can download the software thru the page linked below.  You will need your serial number to get it working.  If you registered the software when you first installed it then your serial number should be available thru your Adobe account online.
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    Robert Geier wrote:
    Most companies only pay for PROD licenses. I disagree. Most companies have licenses for all their environments. If you are a large customer, you probably bundle all the environments together and you may not have a separate charge for the lower environments, but you are still in effect paying for development environment licenses.
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    Best Regards,
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    Hello Pedro,
    1. In SCC8 the SAP_APPL profile isn't available, so i guess i need to use SAP_ALL and change the user master data accordingly afterwards right?
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    This is the reason that normally the 'Production to Development' copy is not recommended. I would wait if our other techies here can help/advise us for this.
    A simple difference between a client copy and system copy is that the client copy is just 'client dependent' change and system copy is 'system wide' change - erasing everything on the target and just overwriting/duplicating the 'complete source' onto the target.

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         at oracle.jdevimpl.debugger.jdi.DebugJDI.addClass(DebugJDI.java:626)
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    You can try system copy for this.
    Pls chk this document , might be useful
    Activity to be performed after client copy :
    BW system Copy :
    System Copy BW
    Re: bw system copy
    BDLS :
    Re: After R/3 Refresh
    BDLS on BW Q/A
    Check following OSS notes.
    Note 543715 - Projects for BW Migrations and System Copies
    Note 886102 - System Landscape Copy for SAP BW 2.X, 3.X and NW2004s BI
    Note 325525 - Copying and renaming systems in a BW environment
    Note 184754 - Procedure after BW database copy
    client copy
    Client Copy

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    Following is the query which is hitting mainly two tables. SA_ORDER & AC_INVOICE.
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    SELECT distinct A.GL_COMPANY_ID,
    c.order_name parent_order_name,
    from ac_invoice a,
    sa_order b,
    (select parent_invoice_id, sum(total_invoiced_amount) write_off
    from ac_invoice
    where invoice_type_id = 3
    group by parent_invoice_id) H,
    (select order_id, order_name from sa_order where order_type_id in (3)) c
    WHERE a.order_id = b.order_id and a.invoice_id = H.parent_invoice_id(+) and
    b.parent_order_id = c.order_id(+) and
    a.invoice_id NOT IN
    ((SELECT invoice_id
    FROM ac_invoice
    WHERE parent_invoice_id IS NOT NULL AND invoice_type_id != 3)
    (SELECT parent_invoice_id
    FROM ac_invoice
    WHERE parent_invoice_id IS NOT NULL AND invoice_type_id != 3)) and
    A.GL_COMPANY_ID = 1 and UPPER(A.customer_name) like upper('%KTLA%')
    invoice_type_id in (1, 3, 4, 5, 2) and a.invoice_status_id = 1

    Please follow the advice in [url http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=501834&tstart=15]this thread for both your development and production environment.

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    DEP :- SP19 and PEP - SP9.
    Thanks much,

    The best practises are :
    1) All the Portal Servers in the System Landscape should have the same version, same support package and patches.
    2) You should never transport from Production to Development, it's always the other way round.
    Why do you want to transport something from Production to Development ? We always develop somthing, test it and then trasnport it to production. Any modifications to be done, should be first done on the Development Server, tested and then transported to the Production. I don't see a need to transport content from Production to Development.
    Anyways, if you want to do so can you always create a transport package on Portal Production Server, add those pages to the transport package, export the transport package. You may save this transport package on the local system or you may copy this from the export folder of the server to the import folder of Portal Production Server. Then on the Portal Developement Server import the file. If you have saved the transport package file on your local machine, then while importing select client, browse and then import the file from your local machine or else select server -> browse -> import folder -> select the transport package file and import.
    Hope this helps.
    PS: Reward points for helpful answers.

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    Please suggest me how can i follow because i don't have EXP in these area.Hope you understand the situation.

    I am not sure if we can lock the mapping according tot he env. you log into. I can provide an alternate solution by using different project names and store the mapping into them or using different mapping names to indicate them as prod or dev maps.
    From a developer perspective i would suggest u have different environments for dev and prod and as a manager i would like to inform that u have have many audit issues if this goes on.

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    Hi Guru,
                  we had modified the multioprovider(based on 2 infocubes) in the  development system and need to transport to the production,in development we had deleted the data in the cubes to redesign the multiprovider, so what will be the case in production ,did i need to delete the data in cubes before transporting the mulitprovider?
    Edited by: venkata cv on May 28, 2009 5:19 PM

    Hi venkat,
                  Did you modify only Multirovider.
    If so Collect Multirovider in transport connection
    choose Grouping option as -
    >only necessary object
    collection mode as -
    > Collect automatically.
    assign package
    collect under one request by click on transportation icon.
    Go to TX : SE09  release your request.
    Import request in respective target system based on your transportation route else communicate with basis team.
    Hope this will help you.

  • Copying Scripts from Production to Development server...

    Hi everybody,
    I have a script by name YRSCRIPT_INV in production server.I have a script in Development server with the same name, But i want the script in the production to be copied to the client with someother name.Is it possible to do that?

    Hi Vardharaj,
    You have a script with the same name in both production and development .Do you want to copy from prd to dev or dev to prd ? What ever it is , just copy it with a newname and assign the transport request name to the new form and then you can transport it .

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    Now our client is asking is there any possibility that we can copy the production data bases and replicate in the Dev and QA.
    Is there any auto sync method where the production data updates will be updated in Dev and QA automatically.
    Our environment is Project Server 2010  4 PWA data bases and 1 config data base and 1 config data base for project sites.
    Please suggest a best possible way to solve this issue as i thought to take the the PWA back up frm central admin along with the 4 db back up from pwa--- 6 db back up from sql server---- restore all of them in the Dev and QA---i don't think it is the right
    Geeth If you feel that the answer which i gave you is Helpful please select it as Answer/helpful.

    As per your First post you only want to update the data of DB on regular basis. 
    Now you are talking about back up restore Please be clear what you want . 
    If you have all the configuration ready on qa and dev then only replication need to be done. 
    can i use the replication mechanism for all the 5 databases in PS 2010 at time won't be a problem right
    ?  YES
    other wise 
    If i want to copy the PWA configuration part can i use play book or any other steps i need to perform.
    We have some workflows on PWA instance. Create workflow on Dev and QA

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