Valid Dates

I have a table that accepts 3-part dates as:
Because these are transcribed from hand-written pages and entered at
high speed there are often mistakes:
e.g. MONTH_C = 'JIN' or YEAR_C = '200M'.
How can I check that all the entries are valid date values?
Or better, prevent them from being entered?

Assuming that you can't get your columns changed into one date column, and that you have to live with this (IMO) rubbish design, then I'd seriously consider making the day_c and year_c columns to number datatype.
And a constraint on month_c to hold only JAN, FEB, MAR, etc.
And constraints on the day_c column to hold 1-31, and on year_c to be four digits long (and greater than a certain year, if that's applicable).
But really, I'd be aching to create one date type column.
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Or indeed, what Rob said *{:-)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    Dear Pawar
    This are the basic IMG settings in order to used the engineering change management
    x refers to a tick.
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    Status         Poss
      1             x            x             ' '         Active
      2            ' '          ' '            ' '         Inactive
      3            ' '          ' '             x          Locked
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    History Requirement             ' '
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    Hope this will help you one of our friends gave me this

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    Hi Don,
    RFQ means...requesting quotation from a vendor. Validity date start and validity end means the quotation should be send before the validity end date from the vendor. Before getting the quotation and before knowing the rate, how could you make purchase order to that vendor. Before you rise PO, you should maintain the quotation in ME47. As per standard SAP, you should rise po quotation.

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    This doesn't suprise me...
    I'm not sure if there is a standard solution, but you could do this via user-exit/BADI (see [here|] under maintenance plans )

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    from my point of view I can inform you that these dates are validity dates for the document. Normally these dates are filled when the document is released to show which version of the document is valid or was valid in a specific period.
    By using menu "Extras" >> "Versions". Here a list of all versions should be displayed and the columns "Valid From" and "Valid to" should show the validity dates.
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    Best regards,

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    Hello Nisha,
    before doing business with a new vendor for services, our QA group needs to go thru a serie of verifications. We check various things such as insurance, certification,...
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    [Version: SAP 4.6C/ SAPKH46C48]

                   The error itself telling you the correction. You profit center which is assigned to your cost center has a validity date less than the one you are now assigning.You can check in KE52 against the profit center assigned to your cost center master data. However the best thing is to go to KS01 and create this cost center with desired validity date.
    This will resolve your issue.

  • Validating Date

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    Here's the code:
    try {
    SimpleDateFormat lDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    Date fecha = lDateFormat.parse(strDate);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    Note: for example I pass "01/01/69" and it returns to me "01/01/0069" ....

    What you want to do is use yyyy as the year. As the documentation says, Java will interpret 2 digit dates to be in the range you want. If you use yyyy, you force it to assume a valid 4 digit date. So 63 is assumed to be 0063, not 1963. yy forces it to assume the century as you wish. Here is the documentation for SimpleDateFormat:
    When parsing a date string using the abbreviated year pattern ("y" or "yy"), SimpleDateFormat must interpret the abbreviated year relative to some century. It does this by adjusting dates to be within 80 years before and 20 years after the time the SimpleDateFormat instance is created. For example, using a pattern of "MM/dd/yy" and a SimpleDateFormat instance created on Jan 1, 1997, the string "01/11/12" would be interpreted as Jan 11, 2012 while the string "05/04/64" would be interpreted as May 4, 1964. During parsing, only strings consisting of exactly two digits, as defined by Character.isDigit(char), will be parsed into the default century. Any other numeric string, such as a one digit string, a three or more digit string, or a two digit string that isn't all digits (for example, "-1"), is interpreted literally. So "01/02/3" or "01/02/003" are parsed, using the same pattern, as Jan 2, 3 AD. Likewise, "01/02/-3" is parsed as Jan 2, 4 BC.

  • Maintain Validity Date for Documents

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    Validity Dates here means (Documents cannot be used if validty is over)
    I could not find any option in CV01*   T-Codes.

    Dear Prasant,
    You can also do this solution also if you find it OK.
    1. Create a Class with "Validaty Date" as characteristics. Assign this Charac to class. Assign this class to doc Type. This charac should not be editable to any one except creator.
    2. Create a program with BAPI " Set Status" ( Check the name). which will run in background to check the validity date of Document. If the validity date is reached the BAPI will change the status to "S" as stated by Chritoph.
    This will help user to manually tracked which documents have exceded the validity date. You can also genegrate report and mail it to particular user that what documents have been set to Status "S".
    Hope I have provided a valid solution as I have tried similar kind of functionality with changing a characteristics with Date.
    With warm Regards
    Mangesh Pande

  • IVL License and validity date

    Hello Experts,
    How do you apply an IVL license to a sales order that was placed before the validity date of the license? 
    The business scenario that I have is a sales order was placed in September, and it required a license.   We applied for the license and recieved it recently and the validatity date is December 2010 thru December 2011.   The license was maintained in the system as such, but the license will not apply to the order since it was placed prior to the stated validity of the license because the document reference date that is being used is the date the order was placed.    Is there a way to account for this without having the sales rep replace the order so the document reference date is inside the validity date of the license recieved from the government?

    In your GTS system go to Transaction- /n/SAPSLL/LCD_CHANGE and delete the existing license from the existing order.
    Then go to transaction- /n/SAPSLL/CUHD_MR_EXP and check boxes of "Display Log" and Save Log" and execute it with order number. New license will be assigned to it but make sure you have maintained the correct license determination strategy for it.

  • User lock / Validity date?

    Hello IDM Gurus,
    I needed your insight on an issue we're facing; Using standard tasks from the SAP provisioning framework, we have a task that locks a user in a connected SAP system; and we have another task that sets a person's validity date to today's date (basically invalidating their account by the following day); After locking a user using the task we then go ahead and set the same user's validity date as today's date; as a result of this, the administrator lock set previously ends up disappearing. I don't believe this is normal behavior; shouldn't a validity date and an admin lock exist independent of each other? Is this happening because of the way the SAP Provisioning framework sets a validity date?
    Would greatly appreciate any advice and insight on the issue!
    Thanks a lot in advance!
    Best regards,


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