Variable execution time

I am executing a query using parallel hint whose execution time varies when i am executing it continuously.
I created all the required indexes and the query uses all those indexes.
For example ::
1st time ---->3.20 sec
2nd time ---->1.34 sec
3rd time ----->5.41 sec
4th time ----->2.5 sec
5th time ----->5.8 sec
Can any one explain me why it is taking different execution time.

TRACE/TKPROF will give you exact timings.
Don't expect the execution time of a query to be always 100% the same if you run that query multiple times.
Workload changes, data changes, what's in LRU/MRU changes, etc.

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    Hello there,
    Our ontology contains 70 million triples (12.5 million asserted triples and 58 million inferred triples). We created a virtual model which includes both asserted and inferred triples).
    Our semantic network index configuration is 'PSCM' (index status is valid).
    The problem we encounter is when we run a SEM_MATCH query which includes a predicate as a variable, the query ran for 22 seconds. When a similar query is run when the variable is subject or an object or both the time for the SEM_MATCH query execution is 0.2 seconds. Is this reasonable? What do we do wrong?
    For example:
    1. Predicate as a variable (execution time is 22 seconds):
    ( ' { <> ?a 4 }',
    2. Subject as a variable (execution time is 0.2 seconds):
    ( ' { ?a <> 4  }',
    2. Object as a variable (execution time is 0.2 seconds):
    ( ' { <> <> a }',

    So far no lack, None of the solutions are working.
    Query execution time didn't change after executing the following:
    My original query (see below) execution time remains 22 secs.
    ( ' { <> ?a 4 }',
    When running the SEM_MATCH on each model ('TOM,'TOM_TF') separately execution time was very fast (~0.007 secs):
    ( ' { <> ?a 4 }',
    SEM_MODELS( 'TOM') ,
    ( ' { <> ?a 4 }',
    When running the query on both models, execution time was 54 secs:
    ( ' { <> ?a 4 }',
    We also run the original query via the Jena Adaptor using Java language and SPARQL, but the results were similar.
    As for using parallel parameter in SEM_APIS.ALTER_SEM_INDEX…, since we are using Oracle 11g release 1 the SEM_APIS.ALTER_SEM_INDEX doesn’t support the parallel parameter as far as we know.
    In Oracle 11g release 2 the SEM_APIS.ALTER_SEM_INDEX was extended to support the use of 'parallel' parameter.
    Any ideas on what do we do wrong?

  • Oracle Execution Time for function inside view

    Hi Guys,
    i would like to ask if i call a function inside a view , how does it behave in term of execution time and performance
    For Example i have a view as below
    create or replace view CUST.CUST_VIEW
    select a.nice , a.getCustomDisplay(,,a.dos,b.master_key) as custom from CUST.customer as a , CUST.master as b
    where a.idno = b.main_id_no
    AND the function look like this
    create or replace function getCustomDisplay(a varchar2,b varchar2,c varchar2,d varchar2)
    select * from CUST.MAPPING_MATRIX order by idno asc;
    for loop
    //logic goes here to determine the result return from matrix
    My Question is for example
    1. If i do select * from CUST.CUST_VIEW ( return 1000 records for example ) , so the function getCustomDisplay will be executed 1000 times also right ( that means select * from CUST.MAPPING_MATRIX order by idno asc; will also be executed 1000 times ) ?
    2. If i do select * from CUST.CUST_VIEW where rownum <= 20 , how many times getCustomDisplay() function will be executed ?
    The reason i ask this because recently we saw a few million execution times per day from AWR report for this query
    "select * from CUST.MAPPING_MATRIX order by idno asc;"
    But when i investigate , and put a logger whenever it call getCustomDisplay , the query above as mention in item no 2 only will be executed as many as the record that will be returned from ( view + where condition ).
    3. will it affect performance if my view return a lot of records ? or is there any way to improve it?

    i have other solutions that seems work for reducing number of execution times but do you think its scalable and feasible ?
    */* Private package data */*
    TYPE g_rec IS RECORD (
    id_no               VARCHAR2 (4),
    type_pass            VARCHAR2 (3),
    scheme_ind           VARCHAR2 (5),
    cat_pass             VARCHAR2 (2),
    entrepass            VARCHAR2 (2),
    display_type_pass        VARCHAR2 (15),
    display_cat_pass         VARCHAR2 (5),
    display_type_pass_desc    VARCHAR2 (80),
    rule_id                  VARCHAR2 (5)
    g_tab   g_tab_type;
    i       BINARY_INTEGER;
    procedure initializeTypePassMatrix(test  IN varchar2) as
    if(g_tab.COUNT < 1)then
    FOR appln_rec in (
    SELECT tb_type_cat_pass_matrix.id_no,
    FROM tb_type_cat_pass_matrix ORDER BY id_no asc)
    dbms_output.put_line('g_tab.COUNT before insert: ' || g_tab.COUNT);
    i := g_tab.COUNT + 1;
    g_tab (i).id_no         := appln_rec.id_no;
    g_tab (i).type_pass         := appln_rec.type_pass;
    g_tab (i).scheme_ind        := appln_rec.scheme_ind;
    g_tab (i).cat_pass          := appln_rec.cat_pass;
    g_tab (i).entrepass        := appln_rec.entrepass;
    g_tab (i).display_type_pass     := appln_rec.display_type_pass;
    g_tab (i).display_cat_pass     := appln_rec.display_cat_pass;
    g_tab (i).display_type_pass_desc:= appln_rec.display_type_pass_desc;
    g_tab (i).rule_id         := appln_rec.rule_id;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('g_tab.count after insert: ' || g_tab.COUNT);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('g_tab>=1, no need to initialize');
    end if;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('error happen'||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace);
    Logger.ERROR('TYPE_CAT_PASS_UTIL.initializeTypePassMatrix',SQLCODE,SQLERRM || ' ' ||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace,'SYSTEM');
    end initializeTypePassMatrix;
    procedure populateTypeCatPassFullDesc(typePass  IN varchar2, schemeInd IN varchar2,catPass IN varchar2,entrePass IN varchar2, displayTypePass IN OUT varchar2,displayTypePassDesc IN OUT varchar2, displayCatPass IN OUT varchar2 )is
    v_displayTypePass varchar2(15) :='-';
    v_displayTypePassDesc varchar2(100) :='-';
    v_displayCatPass   varchar2 (2):='-';
    v_type_pass  varchar2(3)  := '';
    v_scheme_ind  varchar2(5) := '';
    v_cat_pass  varchar2(2);
    v_entrepass  varchar2(2);
    v_flag_valid_1 boolean:=false;
    v_flag_valid_2 boolean:=false;
    v_flag_valid_3 boolean:=false;
    v_flag_valid_4 boolean:=false;
    v_appln_rec g_rec;
    dbms_output.put_line('line 1');
    FOR nomor in g_tab.FIRST .. g_tab.LAST
    v_appln_rec := g_tab(nomor);
    dbms_output.put_line('line 2.1');
    v_flag_valid_1 :=false;
    v_flag_valid_2 :=false;
    v_flag_valid_3 :=false;
    v_flag_valid_4 :=false;
    v_type_pass     := v_appln_rec.type_pass;
    v_scheme_ind    := v_appln_rec.scheme_ind;
    v_cat_pass     := v_appln_rec.cat_pass;
    v_entrepass    := v_appln_rec.entrepass;
    dbms_output.put_line('line 2.2');
    if(typePass =  v_type_pass or v_type_pass = 'NA') then
    v_flag_valid_1:= true;
    end if;
    if(schemeInd = v_scheme_ind or v_scheme_ind='NA') then
    v_flag_valid_2 := true;
    elsif(schemeInd is null and v_scheme_ind is null) then
    v_flag_valid_2 := true;
    end if;
    if(catPass = v_cat_pass or v_cat_pass='NA') then
    v_flag_valid_3 := true;
    elsif(catPass is null and v_cat_pass is null) then
    v_flag_valid_3 := true;
    end if;
    if(entrePass = v_entrepass or v_entrepass='NA') then
    v_flag_valid_4 := true;
    end if;
    if(v_flag_valid_1 = true and v_flag_valid_2 = true and v_flag_valid_3 = true and v_flag_valid_4 = true) then
    v_displayTypePass     := v_appln_rec.display_type_pass;
    v_displayCatPass     := v_appln_rec.display_cat_pass;
    v_displayTypePassDesc   := v_appln_rec.display_type_pass_desc;
    dbms_output.put_line('rule id got :'||v_appln_rec.rule_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('rule no got :'||v_appln_rec.id_no);
    exit when (0 = 0);
    end if;
    displayTypePass := v_displayTypePass;
    displayCatPass  := v_displayCatPass;
    dbms_output.put_line('1type:' || v_displayTypePassDesc);
    displayTypePassDesc :=    v_displayTypePassDesc;
    dbms_output.put_line('2type:' || displayTypePassDesc);
    dbms_output.put_line('type:' || v_displayTypePass);
    dbms_output.put_line('cat :' || v_displayCatPass);
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('error happen'||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace);
    Logger.ERROR('TYPE_CAT_PASS_UTIL.populateTypeCatPass',SQLCODE,SQLERRM || ' ' ||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace,'SYSTEM');
    end populateTypeCatPassFullDesc;
    function getDisplayTypePass(typePass  IN varchar2, schemeInd IN varchar2,catPass IN varchar2,entrePass IN varchar2) return varchar2 is
    v_displayTypePass varchar2(15) :='-';
    v_displayTypePassDesc varchar2(100) :='-';
    v_displayCatPass varchar2(2) :='-';
    return  v_displayTypePass;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('error happen'||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace);
    Logger.ERROR('TYPE_CAT_PASS_UTIL.populateTypeCatPass',SQLCODE,SQLERRM || ' ' ||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace,'SYSTEM');
    end getDisplayTypePass;
    By Using like above even i do query on select * from <some_view) it will be only one execution for
    SELECT tb_type_cat_pass_matrix.id_no,*
    **FROM tb_type_cat_pass_matrix ORDER BY id_no asc*
    the key point is the initializeTypePassMatrix function but it seems the variable only works for one session ?
    if i open new session it will be reset again .

  • Execution time in microseconds

    Can someone tell me what should be the ideal execution time of a program in microseconds. My program consists of 2586 lines and has almost around 10 subroutines and some 10 function modules. Could you suggest me how the execution time is determined for a program.

    You can use simple command like
    declare three variables :
    data : a Type i,
             b type i,
             c type i.
    Write the command in staring
    get runtime field a.  -> will have intial start time
    write the one more command in last
    get runtime field b. -> this is final time
    c = b - a.  -> c will have total execution time in micro seconds
    you can use ST05 Transaction to find out the time,here you need count the all times.

  • Execution Time & Explain Plan Variations

    I have a scenario here. I have 2 schemas; schema1 & schema2. I executed a lengthy SELECT statement of 5 TABLE JOIN in these 2 schemas. I am getting totally different execution time (one runs at 0.3 seconds & the other at 4 seconds) and a different Explain Plan. I assume that, since its the same SELECT statement in these schema, I should get the same Explain Plan. What could be the reason for these dissimilarities? Oracle Version: I am ready to share the Explain Plan of these 2 schemas. But they are of length around 300 lines.
    Thank you.

    There are many factors come in to play here.
    1.) Size of all tables involved are same
    2.) structures are also same
    3.) Also indexes are same
    4.) Also stats are up to date on both
    5.) Constraints and other factors are also same.
    PravinAnd a few more.
    6) session environments are the same
    7) bind variable values are the same - or were at first execution
    I'd change 4 to read Optimizer statistics are the same. (not up to date which is a bit vague).
    In short if you are using the CBO and feed in the exact same inputs you will get the exact same plan, however typically you won't get the exact same inputs and so may get a different plan. If your query has a time element and the two queries are hard parsed at different times it may actually be impossible to get the same input - for example the percentage of a table that is returned by a predicate like
    timestamp_col > sysdate - 1 will be estimated differently depending on the time of parsing for the same data.
    That all said looking at the plans might reveal some obvious differences, though perhaps it might be better to point at a URL that holds the plans given the length you say they are.
    Niall Litchfield

  • How to reduce the query execution time

    hai all,
    We have created query on Purchasing Cube 0PUR_C01 for
                                Purchase Order (PO) analysis for single vendor materials, but it is taking long time to execute (about 45 sec...).
    In the above Query we have used the following things:
    In Columns:
    i) Exceptional aggregation for maximum & minimum PO Net Price using reference characteristic as Calendar Day.
    ii) Minimum PO Price value we have multiplied with Actual GR Quantity for the calculation of Impact of Lowest PO Net Price.
    iii) Number of vendors calculated key figure.
    In Rows:i)     Only Material
    In Filters:
    i)     Plant with variable select Option u2013 Optional.
    ii)     Calendar Year / Month with Select Option u2013 Optional.
    iii)     Material with excluded Unassigned (#).
    iv)     Vendor with excluded Unassigned (#).
    Following are we have used for Performance:
    i)     Aggregates using Propose from query (only for this query).
    ii)     Partitioning on Calendar Year / Month (For 1 year 14 partitions) i.e. (04.2007 to 03.2008).
    iii)      Collapse.
    iv)     In RSRT we have set the following properties
    Read Mode = H
    Req.Status  = 0
    Catch Mode = 4
    Persistence Mode = 3 (BLOB)
    Optimization mode = 0.
    Our inputs to this Query:
    i)     We are passing plant range 1201 to 1299.
    ii)     Calendar Year / Month 04.2007 to 03.2008.
    So please suggest me how to reduce the execution time.
    please help me.
    kiran manyam

    First of all its a complete question with all the details. Good work.
    As you partitioned the cube based on calmonth and you are also giving calmonth in selection, it will definitely work towards improved query performance.
    As you are putting plant values in the selection, is there any aggregate available on plant characteristics? If not creating a aggregate on plant will help.

  • LabVIEW2012 has long execution time to write string than LabVIEW2011 on XP SP3

    in for loop, each execution will output string and display it on front panel by value property.
    But after upgrade to LabVIEW 2012, the execution time doubled on Chinese XP OS, I really want to know this difference between LabVIEW 2011 & LabVIEW 2012, pls advice.
    "I think therefore I am"

    This is no way to measure the execution time. Your parallel while loop spins as fast as the computer allows, consuming all CPU it can get in the process, and starving everything else. Your code is highly flawed!
    Eli: actually I add 10milliseconds delay inside both for and while loop. 
    In addition, get date/time in seconds is also a relatively expensive function, not to mention all these local variables! Your benchmark is completely meaningless! All it does is slow down your regular code, nothing else. How do you know in what order things start? Where is the "start time" initilized (where is the terminal?!)
    Eli: I am using the states machine, and set the "start time" during the program initialization, then calculate "test time"in next case (running block). 
    A proper benchmark uses a three-frame flat sequence with to high resolution relative seconds timers, on in each outer frame and the code to be benchmarked in the inner frame. (here is an example). The difference between the two timers is the exection time of the inner code in seconds. Make sure to only have wires in the benchmarking code. All controls and indicators belong outside the sequence. Also make sure that no other code can run in parallel to the sequence.
    Use this and you'll be surprise how fast your code actually runs.
    Then you should also disabele debugging.
    Please attach your actual code (including the subVI) so we can see what else you are doing wrong.
    Eli: if possible, give me your mail address, then I can sent more actual code to you separately. 
    "I think therefore I am"

  • CVI XML Functions Execution Times Increase When Looped

    I have written multiple functions using CVI that read XML files. I have confirmed in the Resource Tracking utility that i have cleaned up all of my lists, elements, documents, etc. I have found that when I loop any of the functions I have created, the execution times increase. The increase is small but it is noticable and does effect my execution.
    Are there any other sources of memory that I need to deallocate? It seems that there is a memory leak somewhere but I am unable to see where this increase is located.
    I am currently running LabWIndows/CVI 2009 on Windows 2008 Server. I have looped my functions using TestStand 4.2.1. Any help would be appreciated!
    Thanks in advance,
    Go to Solution.

    HI Daniel,
    Thanks for the quick response.
    It is indeed slow down in execution speed when we loop. When looped, the XML reader is overwriting variables, not adding to an array. Our application is structured differently than my test case. We run a CVI function from TestStand that contains a series of commands, which contains the XML reading. The XML looping is really done in CVI. I used TestStand in my test case just to get execution times. Our psuedocode for the CVI function is as followed:
    For loop (looping over values, like amplitude or frequency)
    Reading the XML
    Applying the data from the XML to set up some instrument(s)
    Do something...
    End loop
    I can confirm that the instrument set up is not the cause of the slow down. We have written the same XML reading in C# and applied the values to the instrument setup and do not experience the slow down.
    I tested with On-The-Fly Reporting enabled and the execution time continued to slow down.
    I hope that answers all of your questions!

  • Clustering of SQL query execution times

    In doing some query execution experiments I have noted a curious (to me, anyhow) clustering of execution times around two distinct points. Across about 100 tests each running 1000 queries using (pseudo-)randomly generated IDs the following pattern emerges. The queries were run from Java using all combinations of pooled/non-pooled and thin/oci driver combinations:
         100          *
         90          *
    R     80          *
    u     70          *
    n     60          *
    s     50          *
         40          *                                             *
         30          *                                             *
         20          *                                        *     *     *
         10          *     *                              *     *     *     *     
              0     100     200     300     400     500     600     700     800     900     1000     1100     1200
                                       Time(ms)Where about half of the total execution times cluster strongly about a given (short) time value with a smaller but broader clustering at a significantly slower mark, with zero intermediate values. The last point is the one I find most curious.
    What I would have expected is something like this:
    R     80          
    u     70          
    n     60          
    s     50          
         40                              *                         
         30                         *     *     *                    
         20                    *     *     *     *     *     *          
         10          *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *          
              0     100     200     300     400     500     600     700     800     900     1000     1100     1200
                                       Time(ms)The variables I have tentatively discounted thus far:
    -query differences (single query used)
    -connection differences (using single pooled connection)
    -garbage collection (collection spikes independent of query execution times)
    -amount of data returned in bytes (single varchar2 returned and size is independent of execution time)
    -driver differences (thin and oci compared, overall times differ but pattern of clustering remains)
    -differences between Statement and PreparedStatement usage (both show same pattern)
    I know this is a rather open-ended question, but does the described pattern seem faniliar or spark any thoughts?
    DB-side file I/O?
    Thread time-slicing variations (client or DB-side)?
    FWIW, the DB is DB and the clients are running on WinXP with Java 5.0 and 9i drivers.
    Thanks and regards,

    Further context:
    Are your queries only SELECT queries ?
    Yes, the same SELECT query is used for all tests. The only variable is the bind variable used to identify the primary key of the selection set (i.e. SELECT a.* from a, b, c where a.x = b.x and b.y = c.y and = ?) where all PKs and FKs are indexed.Do the queries always use the same tables, the same where clauses ?
    Yes, the same tables are always invoked. The where clauses invoked are identical with the excepton of the single bind variable as described above.Do your queries always use bind variables ?
    A single bind variable is used in all invocations as described above.Are your queries also running in single user mode or multi user mode (do you use SELECT FOR UPDATE ?) ?
    We are not using SELECT FOR UPDATEDid something else run on the database/on the server hosting the database on the same time ?
    I have not eliminated the idea, but the test has been repeated roughly 100 times over the course of a week and at different times of day with the same pattern emerging. I suppose it is not out of the question that a resource-hogging process is running consistently and constantly on the DB-side box.Thanks for the input,

  • Maximum execution time

    I am a newbie.
    does maximum execution time exist? if yes, how could we
    change it?
    I have an application to run for several hours. will it work?
    pls kindly advise.

    Ian Skinner wrote:
    > germ wrote:
    >> Basically, just add requestTimeout=time at the end
    of your page. E.g. :
    > Does this still work? I thought the requestTimeout URL
    variable had
    > been deprecated in the latest versions of ColdFusion.
    This is what I found with a brief search. This if from some
    The cfsetting requestTimeout attribute replaces the use of
    within a URL.

  • Loading jar files at execution time via URLClassLoader


    Sorry i have tried to format the code, but it has changed   to �... sorry read this one...
    Hello All,
    I'm making a Java SQL Client. I have practicaly all basic work done, now I'm trying to improve it.
    One thing I want it to do is to allow the user to specify new drivers and to use them to make new connections. To do this I have this class:
    public class DriverFinder extends URLClassLoader{
    private JarFile jarFile = null;
    private Vector drivers = new Vector();
    public DriverFinder(String jarName) throws Exception{
    super(new URL[]{ new URL("jar", "", "file:" + new File(jarName).getAbsolutePath() +"!/") }, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
    jarFile = new JarFile(new File(jarName));
    System.out.println("-->" + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
    System.setProperty("java.class.path", System.getProperty("java.class.path")+File.pathSeparator+jarName);
    System.out.println("-->" + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
    Enumeration enumeration = jarFile.entries();
    String className = ((ZipEntry)enumeration.nextElement()).getName();
    className = className.substring(0, className.length()-6);
    Class classe = loadClass(className, true);
    Class[] interfaces = classe.getInterfaces();
    for(int i=0; i<interfaces.length; i++){
    Class superclasse = classe.getSuperclass();
    interfaces = superclasse.getInterfaces();
    for(int i=0; i<interfaces.length; i++){
    }catch(NoClassDefFoundError e){
    }catch(Exception e){}
    public Enumeration getDrivers(){
    return drivers.elements();
    public String getJarFileName(){
    return jarFile.getName();
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
    DriverFinder df = new DriverFinder("D:/Classes/");
    System.out.println("jar: " + df.getJarFileName());
    Enumeration enumeration = df.getDrivers();
    Class classe = (Class)enumeration.nextElement();
    It loads a jar and searches it looking for drivers (classes implementing directly or indirectly interface java.sql.Driver) At the end of the execution I have found all drivers in the jar file.
    The main application loads jar files from an XML file and instantiates one DriverFinder for each jar file. The problem is at execution time, it finds the drivers and i think loads it by issuing this statement (Class classe = loadClass(className, true);), but what i think is not what is happening... the execution of my code throws this exception
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at com.marmots.database.DB.<init>(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorConfigHelper.carregaConfiguracio(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorConfigHelper.<init>(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorAdmin.<init>(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorAdmin.main(
    Driver file is not in the classpath !!!
    I have tried also (as you can see in comented lines) to update System property java.class.path by adding the path to the jar but neither...
    I'm sure I'm making a/some mistake/s... can you help me?
    Thanks in advice,
    (if there is some incorrect word or expression excuse me)

  • How to get the execution time of a Discoverer Report from qpp_stats table

    by reading some threads on this forum I became aware of the information stored in eul5_qpp_stats table. I would like to know if I can use this table to determine the execution time of a worksheet. In particular it looks like the field qs_act_elap_time stores the actual elapsed time of each execution of specific worksheet: am I correct? If so, how is this value computed? What's the unit of measure? I assume it's seconds, but then I've seen that sometimes I get numbers with decimals.
    For example I ran a worksheet and it took more than an hour to run, and the value I get in the qs_act_elap_time column is 2218.313.
    Assuming the unit of measure was seconds than it would mean approx 37 mins. Is that the actual execution time of the query on the database? I guess the actual execution time on my Discoverer client was longer since some calculations were performed at the client level and not on the database.
    I would really appreciate if you could shed some light on this topic.
    Thanks and regards

    Thanks a lot Rod for your prompt reply.
    I agree with you about the accuracy of the data. Are you aware of any other way to track the execution times of Discoverer reports?

  • How to get the total execution time from a tkprof file

    I have a tkprof file. How can I get the total execution time. Going through the file i guess the sum of "Total Waited" would give the total time in the section "Elapsed times include waiting on following events:"
    . The sample of tkprof is given below.
    SQL ID: gg52tq1ajzy7t Plan Hash: 3406052038
      NVL(APH.ORG_ID, -99) = NVL(ASP.ORG_ID, -99) AND
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute    442      0.08       0.13          0          0          0           0
    Fetch      963      0.22       4.72        350      16955          0         521
    total     1406      0.31       4.85        350      16955          0         521
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 173     (recursive depth: 1)
    Number of plan statistics captured: 1
    Rows (1st) Rows (avg) Rows (max)  Row Source Operation
             1          1          1  UNION-ALL  (cr=38 pr=3 pw=0 time=139 us)
             1          1          1   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL (cr=5 pr=0 pw=0 time=124 us cost=6 size=12 card=1)
             1          1          1    INDEX RANGE SCAN AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_N2 (cr=4 pr=0 pw=0 time=92 us cost=3 size=0 card=70)(object id 27741)
             0          0          0   NESTED LOOPS  (cr=33 pr=3 pw=0 time=20897 us)
             0          0          0    NESTED LOOPS  (cr=33 pr=3 pw=0 time=20891 us cost=12 size=41 card=1)
             1          1          1     TABLE ACCESS FULL AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL (cr=30 pr=0 pw=0 time=313 us cost=9 size=11 card=1)
             0          0          0     INDEX RANGE SCAN AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_N1 (cr=3 pr=3 pw=0 time=20568 us cost=2 size=0 card=1)(object id 27834)
             0          0          0    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_ALL (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 us cost=3 size=30 card=1)
    Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
      Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
      ----------------------------------------   Waited  ----------  ------------
      db file sequential read                       350        0.15          4.33
      Disk file operations I/O                        3        0.00          0.00
      latch: shared pool                              1        0.17          0.17

    user13019948 wrote:
    I have a tkprof file. How can I get the total execution time.
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
    total 1406 0.31 4.85 350 16955 0 521TOTAL ELAPSED TIME is 4.85 seconds from line above

  • How to improve the execution time of my VI?

    My vi does data processing for hundreds of files and takes more than 20 minutes to commplete. The setup is firstly i use the directory LIST function to list all the files in a dir. to a string array. Then I index this string array into a for loop, in which each file is opened one at a time inside the loop, and some other sub VIs are called to do data analysis. Is there a way to improve my execution time? Maybe loading all files into memory at once? It will be nice to be able to know which section of my vi takes the longest time too. Thanks for any help.

    If "read from spreadsheet file" is the main time hog, consider dropping it! It is a high-level, very multipurpose VI and thus carries a lot of baggage around with it. (you can double-click it and look at the "guts" )
    If the files come from a just executed "list files", you can assume the files all exist and you want to read them in one single swoop. All that extra detailed error checking for valid filenames is not needed and you never e.g. want it to popup a file dialog if a file goes missing, but simply skip it silently. If open generates an error, just skip to the next in line. Case closed.
    I would do a streamlined low level "open->read->close" for each and do the "spreadsheet string to array" in your own code, optimized to the exact format of your files. For example, notice that "read from spreadheet file" converts everything to SGL, a waste of CPU if you later need to convert it to DBL for some signal processing anyway.
    Anything involving formatted text is not very efficient. Consider a direct binary file format for your data files, it will read MUCH faster and take up less disk space.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • How to find out the execution time of a sql inside a function

    Hi All,
    I am writing one function. There is only one IN parameter. In that parameter, i will pass one SQL select statement. And I want the function to return the exact execution time of that SQL statement.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION function_name (p_sql IN VARCHAR2)
    exec_time NUMBER;
    --Calculate the execution time for the incoming sql statement.
    RETURN exec_time;
    END function_name;

    Please note that wrapping query in a "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (<query>)" doesn't necessarily reflect the execution time of the stand-alone query because the optimizer is smart and might choose a completely different execution plan for that query.
    A simple test case shows the potential difference of work performed by the database:
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
    Session altered.
    SQL> drop table count_test purge;
    Table dropped.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.17
    SQL> create table count_test as select * from all_objects;
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:02.56
    SQL> alter table count_test add constraint pk_count_test primary key (object_id)
    Table altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
    SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>null, tabname=>'COUNT_TEST')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.29
    SQL> set autotrace traceonly
    SQL> select * from count_test;
    5326 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.10
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3690877688
    | Id  | Operation         | Name       | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |            |  5326 |   431K|    23   (5)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| COUNT_TEST |  5326 |   431K|    23   (5)| 00:00:01 |
              1  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
            419  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
         242637  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
           4285  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
            357  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              0  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
           5326  rows processed
    SQL> select count(*) from (select * from count_test);
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 572193338
    | Id  | Operation             | Name          | Rows  | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT      |               |     1 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE       |               |     1 |            |          |
    |   2 |   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| PK_COUNT_TEST |  5326 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
              1  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
             16  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
            412  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            380  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              0  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
              1  rows processed
    SQL>As you can see the number of blocks processed (consistent gets) is quite different. You need to actually fetch all records, e.g. using a PL/SQL block on the server to find out how long it takes to process the query, but that's not that easy if you want to have an arbitrary query string as input.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle:

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