Variables add to MSI installation help

I am new to PowerShell. I am working on an install script that will install an MSI but I need to add some variables to the argument because it needs to be install on multiple computer from different servers. Here is the script I have written:
$IP=((ipconfig | findstr [0-9].\.)[0]).Split()[-1]
$IP2 = (([ipaddress]$ip).GetAddressBytes()[0..2] -join ".") + ".201"
$Hname = [System.Net.Dns]::gethostByAddress("$IP2").hostname
$Hname = $Hname.Substring(0,13
msiexec /i \\$Hname\Applications\DNA\DNAClient4.0.msi /l*v "C:\DNA40ClientInstall.log" INSTALLDIR="Q:\" DBNAME="PROD" EXEPATH="Q:\OSI\BANK\Exe" MAPPATH="\\$Hname\PROD"
DELETE64BIT="True" /quiet
Start-sleep -s 100

I know it is a little clunky but it works like a champ. The MSI install portion is where I need help because depending on the computer subnet it needs to install from that server on that subnet. $Hname is the variable for serve
name. The way it is written does not seem to work. Would like some direction on how to make this work.
msiexec /i \\$Hname\Applications\DNA\DNAClient4.0.msi /l*v "C:\DNA40ClientInstall.log" INSTALLDIR="Q:\"

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    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

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    arai-c wrote:
    I have full version of this software but I am not able to install it silently because it always gives Google toolbar pop up which We dont required
    arai-c wrote:
    the problem is we dont have msi file for 10.6.*.* and hence I am not able to create package for it
    I don't understand; two days ago you wrote that you have it, now you don't...?
    If you don't have it, then why not deploy the current version - I don't see the point of installing an old, unsecure software version.

  • PowerPoint add-in is not working when installed for All Users using msi installer.

    Hi All,
    I have created PowerPoint add-in using c#-vsto. I have created msi installer to install this add-in with following two options:
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    2. Everyone
    However, add-in is not working properly (Events and custom task panes are not working). 
    I have created registry key as below
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    2. for Just me : HKPU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Powerpoint\Addins\MyAdd-in
    But when I set InstallAllUsersVisible property to False (When add-in is installed only for current user ), then add-in works fine for current user.
    Please let me know if anything is missing!!!

    This is the forum to discuss questions and feedback for Microsoft Office, the issue is more related to develop the add-in, you'd better post your question to the MSDN forum for VSTO
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Issues with Shockwave / MSI installer

    <UPDATE 8/3/09> Nearly all of the issues mentioned below are still present in the MSI installer for - the only one that Adobe have fixed is the one where the MozillaPlugins 'Version' value is left blank by the MSI by default - this is now created correctly, but all of the other issues remain.
    Personally I have given up trying to use this MSI package to deploy Shockwave until Adobe get their act together - instead I am using a wrapper to wrap the Shockwave executable inside an MSI file and deploying it that way, although this is not ideal.
    I have created an MST file which will fix the MSI installer for version, which I will post to another forum shortly, but I am not planning to keep it updated for future versions as I don't really have the time.
    I've tried submitting the following via the Adobe Customer Support portal and via the Feature Request/Bug Report form, but the first told me that I needed to 'get in touch with Adobe Enterprise Solutions team for getting help' and that 'to get in touch with them you have to purchase a contract', and the second resulted in a bounced email address saying that '[email protected]' 'does not exist at the organization this message was sent to'.
    In short, attempting to contact Adobe to report issues with their installers sucks, and I am posting this here in the vain hope that someone at Adobe might read this message and possibly forward it to the relevant people. Some of the issues have already been reported here on this forum, but some of them are new, and I guess others might be interested in them too.
    I would like to report some issues with most recent version of the Shockwave installer, available in MSI format from the following location: oc=en_us
    This is the installer for version, with a digital signature dated 06 November 2009 10:52:21
    When downloading this version of the installer in Windows Installer (MSI) format, the following issues manifest themselves, most of which are not a problem when using the Full EXE installer available from the same page.
    First of all, when installing the MSI file using Group Policy Software Deployment, if you log on to the computer after the MSI file has been deployed and view a web page that contains Shockwave content, you receive the following errors in the Windows event log:
    Event Type: Warning
    Event Source: MsiInstaller
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 1004
    Date:  16/12/2009
    Time:  16:51:23
    User:  CRGS\DefaultUser
    Computer: ITO01
    Detection of product '{7D0F2155-D7D3-42CE-903F-684ADD77FF89}', feature 'Adobe_Shockwave_Player_', component '{E89F323D-7BDB-46E1-A0FD-6227821F94EA}' failed.  The resource 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Application Data\Adobe\' does not exist.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    Event Type: Warning
    Event Source: MsiInstaller
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 1001
    Date:  16/12/2009
    Time:  16:51:23
    User:  CRGS\DefaultUser
    Computer: ITO01
    Detection of product '{7D0F2155-D7D3-42CE-903F-684ADD77FF89}', feature 'Adobe_Shockwave_Player_' failed during request for component '{3D3697FC-DB90-46D8-9ED4-5D54B4901F62}'
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    If you are logged on as an Administrator, then the computer will immediately attempt to 'repair' the Adobe Shockwave Player installation in order to create the missing folder 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Application Data\Adobe\', which leads to a significant delay in the initialization of the Shockwave content on the web page. If you are logged on as a non-Administrator, the errors will still appear, but the 'repair' operation will fail due to insufficient permissions to create the above folder.
    I have done some testing and it seems as if this problem can be easily resolved by removing the code from the installer which tells it to create an empty folder in the 'Application Data' folder called 'Adobe\Shockwave Player 11'. This code seems to be entirely unnecessary, as no files are created inside this folder as part of the installation, and I have removed it successfully from my own copy of the MSI without it causing any issues. I have found some other people who are also experiencing this problem in the following forum post: (post number 8)
    and since this 'repair' operation causes all customised registry settings to be reset back to defaults as part of the repair, it would be very helpful if this 'feature' could be removed from future versions.
    Secondly, there are a number of registry keys which are created incorrectly by the MSI installer when the above 'repair' operation takes place, which need to be corrected to prevent further issues from occurring:
    Under '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{1F3CB77D-D339-49e0-B8E4-FECD6D6F8CB8}\LocalServer32]', the 'default' value is set to the following by the MSI:
    (Please note that there is a double quotation mark at the end of the value, but not at the beginning)
    Whereas the executable installer creates the value as follows:
    "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\SwHelper_1152602.exe"
    According to a forum post (, post 15), this causes DCOM errors when Shockwave is launched, if the MSI 'repair' has taken place as described above.
    The above registry value should be set to the following in the installer's Registry table:
    "[INSTALLDIR]Shockwave 11\SwHelper_1152602.exe"
    so that the MSI installer works the same as the executable one.
    Under '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{6EF568F4-D437-4466-AA63-A3645136D93E}\1.0\0\win32]', the 'default' value is set to the following by the MSI:
    Whereas the executable installer creates the value as follows:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\SwHelper_1152602.exe
    Also, under '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{6EF568F4-D437-4466-AA63-A3645136D93E}\1.0\HELPDIR]', the 'default' value is set to the following by the MSI:
    Whereas the executable installer creates the value as follows:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\
    Once again, the above registry values should be set to the following in the installer's Registry table to fix the issue:
    [SystemFolder]Adobe\Shockwave 11\SwHelper_1152602.exe
    [SystemFolder]Adobe\Shockwave 11\
    Under '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}]', the 'default' value is NOT SET by the MSI by default:
    Whereas the executable installer creates the value as follows:
    Shockwave ActiveX Control
    This value should be set in the installer's Registry table to fix the issue.
    Under '[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\Shockwave 10\location\common]', the 'default' value is set to the following by the MSI:
    Whereas the executable installer creates the value as follows:
    Also, under '[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\Shockwave 10\location\coreplayer]', the 'default' value is set to the following by the MSI:
    Macromed\Shockwave 10\
    Whereas the executable installer creates the value as follows:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Shockwave 10\
    Also, under '[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\Shockwave 10\location\coreplayerxtras]', the 'default' value is set to the following by the MSI:
    Macromed\Shockwave 10\xtras\
    Whereas the executable installer creates the value as follows:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Shockwave 10\xtras\
    The above registry values should be set to the following in the installer's Registry table to fix the issue:
    [SystemFolder]Macromed\Shockwave 10\
    [SystemFolder]Macromed\Shockwave 10\xtras\
    The MSI installer does not create '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.dcr]', '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.dir]', or '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.dxr]'
    Wherease the executable installer creates all three of these keys and populates them all with the following 'default' value:
    "Content Type"="application/x-director"
    These keys and values should be set in the installer's Registry table to fix the issue.
    The MSI installer creates a value under the following registry key:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponets\SwDi r]
    However this registry key is obviously misspelt (missing an 'n' in 'OptionalComponets') and should read as follows:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponents\SwD ir]
    This key name needs to be changed in the installer's Registry table to fix the issue (also pointed out in the following forum post: (post number 10)).
    Under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\], the 'Version' value is left blank by the MSI by default:
    Whereas the executable installer creates the value as follows:
    This registry value should be set to the correct version in the installer's Registry table to fix the issue.
    Finally, the MSI installer creates a number of registry values under the following path:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\\Mime Types]
    These values are *in addition* to the values created under the following path:
    (Note there is no space between 'Mime' and 'Types' in the second key path)
    The executable installer *only* creates registry keys under the 'MimeTypes' key, and it seems as if this is the correct formatting for the key (also pointed out in the following forum post: (post number 11)).
    The unnecessary 'Mime Types' registry keys and values should be removed from the installer's Registry table to avoid any potential issues.
    I am sorry that this is such a long list, but it seems as if a number of things have been changed in the transition from to, and it would be very helpful if these changes could be put back to how they were before, so that the MSI and the executable installers function in the same way as much as possible.
    Message was edited by Borgquite - added update

    Have posted an updated version of the MST to my webspace here:
    This new version fixes the following issues (changes to this version in bold):
    MsiInstaller repair & errors on first run as non-admin (removes 'AppData' directory entries)
    DCOM errors once Shockwave is installed (adds double quotes to the beginnning of LocalServer32 value)
    Incorrect TypeLib paths in the registry (fixed to use built-in [SystemFolder] property)
    Default CLSID description value missing (set to 'Shockwave ActiveX Control', as per the executable installer)
    Incorrect Shockwave 10 paths in the registry (fixed to use built-in [SystemFolder] property)
    Misspelt 'OptionalComponets' registry key (renamed to 'OptionalComponents')
    Missing .dcr, .dir, .dxr Content Type registry values (included in the executable installer)
    Fixed incorrect AppID registry key (set to use installer's [VERSION] variable)
    Removed 'Launch SWDNLD.exe' shortcut created in Programs subfolder (people don't want this - see here)
    I have tested this on my network and it all seems to work fine. Unfortunately my original plan to use the executable installer didn't work out as it does not include the Shockwave 10 compatibility components described here and here, so it looks like I'll have to keep this MST file up to date with the latest versions until Adobe fix the problems themselves...
    If you want to see the changes that I have made, load up Adobe's MSI file in Orca, then use Transform / Apply Transform to apply the MST, and look for the entries in green.
    Please post any feedback to this thread, and I will try to respond if I can help!
    Chris Hill

  • MSI installer not working MSI 5.0 Windows 7

    Hello I am trying to get MSI installer to work and when I go to install anything that has the Windows Installer Package it opens Notepad in a scrambled message. I have tried numerous avenues to no avail (regedit,copy paste regedit, troubleshooters, sfc/scannow,
    command prompt etc.) I tried to choose the file association of MSIexec in System32 and it just opens this 
    I have tried what is suggested in this forum and regedit says:
    I have tried this and didn't work
    I have tried changing C :\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /V in regedit and that didn't work
    I have searched event viewer and all that's in there is a warning and information of successful installs and uninstalls.
    I have tried %windir%\system32\msi.dll version in Command prompt and it says that the system cannot execute the specified program
    I am thinking it is just a matter of finding the correct file association that the windows installer can use to install that program but I am unable to find that! 
    I did a system restore but the only good restore was from earlier today and it still just opens notepad. before I did the restore I went into services and the computer couldn't find the file (windows installer) so I did a restore and now it at least sees
    the file and I can start the service.
    Can I please get some help fixing this? would uninstalling MSI and re-installing it work? I have been searching forum after forum and nothing has yet worked.
    I did a clean install of windows a couple of weeks ago
    Microsoft answers gives me thee worst answers a person could come up with.
    for a complete list of what my computer is check my bio

    Hi ingenuities, 
    Try importing these reg file under Safe mode.
    If you really need this work, I am supposing the only way is to try importing them manually, if any value key is using by process, use process monitor to filter out these processes and shut them down.I monitored values under MSI.package seems like no
    value was using by system.
    I exported msi.package and patch to text, it is from a clean Windows 7 intallation。
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    @="Windows Installer Package"
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Msi.Package\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\ShimLayer Property Page]
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    @="Windows Installer Patch"
    @="&Apply Patch"
    D. Wu

  • OUI-10009: There are no new nodes to add to this installation

    I have followed ML NOTE: 270512.1 and I am able to add clusterware on second Node
    When I have tried to "Add the RAC software to the new node" at time I am getting bellow error
    OUI-10009: There are no new nodes to add to this installation
    I have genrated trace using this command
    ./ "CLUSTER_NEW_NODES=bullhead-rac2" -logLevel trace -debug
    Here it is
    Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production
    Copyright (C) 1999, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    [main] [13:54:16:457] [NativeSystem.<init>:259] NullSecurityManager is set for Native System calls
    [main] [13:54:16:464] [Library.getInstance:95] Created instance of Library.
    [main] [13:54:16:465] [Version.isPre10i:189] Returning FALSE
    [main] [13:54:16:466] [UnixSystem.getCSSConfigType:2014] configFile=/var/opt/oracle/ocr.loc
    [main] [13:54:16:475] [Utils.getPropertyValue:221] keyName=ocrconfig_loc props.val=/dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s1 propValue=/dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s1
    [main] [13:54:16:476] [Utils.getPropertyValue:292] propName=local_only propValue=FALSE
    [main] [13:54:16:477] [UnixSystem.getCSSConfigType:2058] configType=false
    [main] [13:54:16:481] [Version.isPre10i:189] Returning FALSE
    [main] [13:54:16:482] [ClusterInfo.<init>:222] m_olsnodesPath=/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs/bin/olsnodes
    [main] [13:54:16:485] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:74] Calling Runtime.exec() with the command
    [main] [13:54:16:486] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:76] /oracle/product/10.2.0/crs/bin/olsnodes
    [main] [13:54:16:550] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:131] runCommand: Waiting for the process
    [Thread-2] [13:54:16:551] [] In
    [Thread-3] [13:54:16:551] [] In
    [Thread-2] [13:54:17:965] [] OUTPUT>catfish-rac1
    [Thread-2] [13:54:17:969] [] OUTPUT>bullhead-rac2
    [main] [13:54:18:62] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:133] runCommand: process returns 0
    [main] [13:54:18:63] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:147] RunTimeExec: output>
    [main] [13:54:18:64] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:150] catfish-rac1
    [main] [13:54:18:64] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:150] bullhead-rac2
    [main] [13:54:18:65] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:155] RunTimeExec: error>
    [main] [13:54:18:66] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:175] Returning from RunTimeExec.runCommand
    [main] [13:54:18:66] [ClusterInfo.getNodeNames:341] Number of nodes=2
    [main] [13:54:18:69] [ClusterInfo.getLocalNodeName:242] cmd=/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs/bin/olsnodes -l
    [main] [13:54:18:69] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:74] Calling Runtime.exec() with the command
    [main] [13:54:18:70] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:76] /oracle/product/10.2.0/crs/bin/olsnodes
    [main] [13:54:18:70] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:76] -l
    [Thread-5] [13:54:18:134] [] In
    [main] [13:54:18:135] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:131] runCommand: Waiting for the process
    [Thread-4] [13:54:18:134] [] In
    [Thread-4] [13:54:19:560] [] OUTPUT>catfish-rac1
    [main] [13:54:19:626] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:133] runCommand: process returns 0
    [main] [13:54:19:627] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:147] RunTimeExec: output>
    [main] [13:54:19:628] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:150] catfish-rac1
    [main] [13:54:19:628] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:155] RunTimeExec: error>
    [main] [13:54:19:629] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:175] Returning from RunTimeExec.runCommand
    [main] [13:54:19:630] [ClusterInfo.getLocalNodeName:247] exit value 0
    [main] [13:54:19:631] [ClusterInfo.getLocalNodeName:253] output.length=1
    [main] [13:54:19:631] [ClusterInfo.getLocalNodeName:257] output[0]=catfish-rac1
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    No pre-requisite checks found in oraparam.ini, no system pre-requisite checks will be executed.
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable :
    Total args: 25
    Command line argument array elements ...
    Arg:7:-Doracle.installer.prereqConfigLoc= :
    Initializing Java Virtual Machine from ../../jdk/jre/bin/java. Please wait...

    Any resolutions yet?
    I have a dual monitor set up on my PC, i get the same error..
    Checking installer requirements...
    Checking operating system version: must be B.11.11 or B.11.23. Actual B.11.11
    Checking Temp space: must be greater than 1300 MB. Actual 1440 MB Passed
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 12288 MB Passed
    All installer requirements met.
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2007-10-11_11-42-06AM. Please wait ...-------------------------------------------------------
    Total args: 23
    Command line argument array elements ...
    Arg:7:-Doracle.installer.prereqConfigLoc= :
    Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /tmp/OraInstall2007-10-11_11-42-06AM/jre/1.4.2/bin/java. Please wait...
    /a03/OEM_10.2.0.1: > Warning: Cannot convert string "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-140-75-75-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct

  • MSI installation returned 1625 This installation is forbidden by system policy (BizTalk IAAS Azure)

    Hello guys,
    I'm trying to install the developer tools on a azure VM (BizTalk standard image). I try to go to the folder where the installation files are, and after run setup and selecting the developer tools, the installer fails. When I look at the log file I have this
    MSI installation returned 1625 This installation is forbidden by system policy
    Any idea that could help?

    Hi Ricardo,
    Please try bellow steps taken from
    this similar thread. Hope it will work for you.
    Click Start -> Control Panel
    Open Administrative Tools
    Open Local Security Settings
    Click Software Restriction Policies
    If no software restrictions are defined, right click the Software Restriction Policies node and select New Software Restriction Policy
    Double click Enforcement
    Select "All users except local administrators"
    Click OK
    Reboot the machine
    If this answers your question please mark as answer. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

  • Automaticly run Program\Script After and MSI Installation

    Hi All,
    Today I started looking into the use of Application Model in SCCM 2012.
    It was easy to create an application by using the import MSI function, which automatically created the application, deployment type and detection rule. But I'm struggling with how to run a script afterwards, when the MSI installation was successful.
    I've looked into creating 2nd deployment type making the first deployment type as it's dependency, but it's mandatory that I also need to make an detection rule. And this is where I'm stuck ass the detection rule I want to have the same as
    for the first deployment type which will make it impossible to run because the condition will be evaluated ass already installed.
    Is there a way to avoid the detection rule? If not is if possible trigger something after the first deployment type based on the errorlevel after the MSI installation.
    My goal is to write a regkey  somewhere in HKLM\Software\<company name> after an successful installation of an application. This location we've included in our hardware inventory for reporting purposes.
    Any suggestions to achieve this goal are welcome .

    I've resolved it with using the AddDploymentTypebyMISInstallerAuto function from the Add-CMDeployment command and provided an InstallationProgram parameter to override the default InstallationProgram.
    The comman-line looks like
    -ApplicationName <Name>
    -ForceForUnknownPublisher $True `
    File> -MsiInstaller
    Test1 –InstallationBehaviorType InstallForSystem
    < Custom
    In this way I have the detection based on the MSI GUID and the ability to use a wrapper script.

  • Is there Full Version MSI installer package for the last version of Adobe Reader?

    Is there Full Version MSI installer package for the last version of Adobe Reader?
    Where can we find it?

    The full MSI installer for the latest 9.5.0 release is available at:
    However, there is no full MSI installer available for the latest 10.1.2 release, since it wasn't a single dot release. The Reader 10.1.2 installer is available as a MSP file which can be applied onto the Reader 10.1.0 or Reader 10.1.1 installation.
    You could also create an AIP for the latest 10.1.2 release, which would give you a single MSI installer along with the extracted files. Please have a look at the below mentioned document for more details on the same:
    Hope this helps.

  • "Add Operating System Installer Wizard" Throws Error When Adding OS's

    Good Afternoon All - 
    Okay - I just installed SCCM 2012 in our production environment - whoo hoo!
    Going through the initial setup and configuration, I had a few errors that I had to take care of, but was able to figure out what caused them OR just uninstall / reinstall them fixed it.  I've got a new issue I can't figure out, though.
    On my SCCM 2012 Primary Site Server, I created a folder named Images and shared it to my SCCMAdmin account (full) and SCCM Admin group (full).  Inside of it, I created sub folders for each of the OS's that I want to have installers for.  For now,
    I am working with Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64.
    In the console (signed in as SCCMAdmin), I go to Software library, then Add Operating System Installer Wizard.  I type in the UNC path going to shared folder, then sub folder holding the ISO file and click Next.  I then get an error saying
    "The specified path does not contain a valid operating system or you do not have permission to access it.  Specify a valid path."
    Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but here's what I've tried to fix it so far...
    - Tried pointing it to a folder with the ISO's contents extracted as well as to the Sources folder
    - Downloaded the ISO from TechNet so that I know it was fresh - nogo
    - Tried adding a Windows 8 ISO I had laying around - nogo
    - Checked folder share permissions as well as security ones.  I even gave Everyone full access - nogo
    - Checked SCCM component and site status - green across the board.
    Any ideas? - Thanks!
    Ben K.

    Sorry to bring up a relatively old post, but wanted to relay my experience with this same problem.  In my case, I knew all permissions were correct, but I received the same error message.  Turns out the problem was that I had only copied the
    install.wim file to my Images directory.  I then directed SCCM to the Images directory and got the error message.  The reason for the error was that SCCM is looking for the folder structure that is on the DVD, namely, the "sources" directory. 
    By the time I figured this out, I had already copied the entire "sources" directory to the root of my Images directory.  I moved all of these files under the Images\Sources directory and went ahead and copied the rest of the DVD to the Images directory. 
    After doing that, I was able to complete the wizard as expected.  Hope that helps someone to not have to waste the same 2 hours that I just did.  :)

  • Latest Skype .msi installer

    I would greatly it if someone could please send me a direct link to download the latest version of the .msi installer for Skype.
    I need to update Skype on my Windows 7 Professional 64 bit system and also on my Windows 8.1 Professional 64 bit system. (With regard to the latter, Windows Update offered the update but it failed to install 3 times, and I was unable to find a link to download the standalone version).
    Thanks and regards,
    Go to Solution.

    nedim.samp wrote:
    i have problem for skype , i cannot install / uinstall skype , please help me 
    Please send me answer on e-mail : [e-mail removed for privacy and security]
    Please help me fast
    sorry for my bad english
    Try to clear any currently installed version using this MS Fix It:
    If this will still not help, then try this:
    Be aware that if you want to install the currently latest version, then you should use this msi-installer link in order to extract the Skype.exe and files:

  • Downloading MSI Installer

    I am unable to download the MSI installer from  It just takes me to another page which locks up my computer screen.

    Flash Player
    Internet Explorer (ActiveX):
    Download EXE Installer
    Download MSI Installer
    Import SCCM/ConfigMgr SCUP Catalog*
    Other browsers:
    Download EXE Installer
    Download MSI Installer
    Download Background Update Resources
    Don't know if that helps.

  • Updated 8i Installation Help Page

    I have updated the 8i Installation Help Page. In particular, I have completed the section on "Configuring Net8".
    I have also updated the section "Post Database Creation Procedures" the other day and discussed the bug with the startup and shutdown script provided in the Oracle8i Linux Installation Guide.

    Although I e-mailed you this already, I am reposting it for others:
    The scripts are not meant to be run by the 'oracle' user by the 'root' user, as
    these scripts are executed during startup and reboot. That's why you see in the
    an 'su' command such as:
    su - $ORA_OWNER -c $ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart
    to change from 'root' to 'oracle', and return to 'root'
    You should not be prompted for a password during startup and shutdown, as it
    connects as 'internal'. If the user 'root' is prompted for a password, add the
    linux group 'dba' as a secondary group of linux account 'root'.
    In RedHat 6.0, I get on my screen:
    Starting up listener8i [OK]
    Starting up oracle8i [OK]
    Starting up names8i [OK]
    Also true for shutdown. Your /var/log/messages will show you the output from
    svrmgrl, it it indeed startup and shutdown.
    Also, make sure what are the run levels in RedHat 6.1 for HALT, SHUTDOWN, and
    the default runlevel. These are indicated in /etc/inittab. As I am using RedHat
    6.0, these runlevels may be different with RedHat 6.1 and other distros for that
    In RedHat 6.0, HALT is 0, SHUTDOWN is 6, and default is 3. If they are different
    in 6.1, then you need to make the link in the proper directory under /etc/rc.d.

  • TS1424 bonjour missing/msi.installer

    I 'm unable to down load updates, can anyone help? Missing Bonjour and msi.installer for I-Tunes

    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any Bonjour entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

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