VC Input Ports (Input Form & Input Table)

Hi everybody
I have an RFC with two input ports in VC. One of then is a table, so i need to fill de text data in te first Input port (form view), an in the second input port fill a list (input table). I fill the data o.k. but when i click on submit button, seems like the RFC is not
receiving the data complete.
I run the test data servirce wiht one item in the second input port, and there it works fine.
tnks for your help.

Problem Solved. I try modifiying the parameters of the entry list table, and it works fine.

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    in my Model.
    The BAPI has an input-table PAYMENTITEMS.
    The problem is, that in Visual Composer it appears as an output port.
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    Any ideas ?

    Hi Marcel,
    thanks for your reply. It works !
    How about I want to use a table both for in- and output ?

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    I am new in Jdev 11g. I try to develop an input table with two dependent dropdown list. I can create independent dropdown list in such table. When I try to implement dependent one following some examples do it in a form using bind variable in the view object I get an empty listbox. How can I do this? Is it possible. I cannot find any documents about this.
    Thanks in advance

    it hasn't changed between 10.1.3 and 11. The basic outline of how you do it is
    - use a managed bean to query the data
    - populate the list with f:selectItems that point to the managed bean ArrayList<SelectItem> for the master and the detail
    - obtain the master ID in the managed bean by parsing the #{row} variable when the table renders
    - then bulild the detail list
    - have the detail list referencing the ArrayList<SelectItem> you expose for the details
    Note that without proper caching, the action is quite expensive

  • "RUN-TIME ERROR '3078': The Microsoft Access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'name'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

     When I run the code below I get the following error:"RUN-TIME ERROR '3078': The Microsoft Access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'False'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly. Note that I do not call
    anything by the name of "false" anywhere in this code.
    The subject code (the underscored line of code is highlighted in the debugger when the error occurs):
    Option Compare Database
    Private Sub JobAssign_Click()
    End Sub
    Function MatLotListAvail_openform()
    Dim dbsAPIShopManager2010 As DAO.Database
    Dim rstMaterialLotJobJoint As DAO.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Set dbsAPIShopManager2010 = CurrentDb
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM MaterialLotJobJoint WHERE JobID" = "tempvars!JobID" And "MatLotID" = "tempvars!MatLotID"
    Set rstMaterialLotJobJoint = dbsAPIShopManager2010.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
    If rstMaterialLotJobJoint.EOF Then
    DoCmd.OpenForm "JobAssignMatConf", acNormal, "", "", acEdit, acNormal
    Forms!JobAssignMatConf!PartapiIDVH = TempVars!PartapiID
    Forms!JobAssignMatConf!JobapiIDVH = TempVars!JobapiID
    Forms!JobAssignMatConf!JobIDVH = TempVars!JobID
    Forms!JobAssignMatConf!MaterialLotIDVH = TempVars!MatLotID
    Forms!JobAssignMatConf!Desc = TempVars!MatDesc
    Forms!JobAssignMatConf!recdate = TempVars!recdate
    DoCmd.Close acForm, "MaterialLotListAvailable"
    Else: MsgBox "This material lot has already been assigned to this job."
    DoCmd.Close acForm, "MaterialLotListAvailable"
    End If
    End Function

    I think the SQL statement should be
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM MaterialLotJobJoint WHERE JobID=" & _
    tempvars!JobID & " AND MatLotID=" & tempvars!MatLotID
    This assumes thatJobID and MatLotID are number fields.
    Regards, Hans Vogelaar (

  • How to pass the data from a input table to RFC data service?

    I am doing a prototype with VC, I'm wondering how VC pass the data from a table view to a backend data service? For example, I have one RFC in the backend system with a tabel type importing parameter, now I want to pass all the data from an input table view to the RFC, I guess it's possible but I don't know how to do it.
    I try to create some events between the input table and data service, but seems there is no a system event can export the whole table to the backend data service.
    Thanks for your answer.

    Thanks for your answer, I tried the solution 2, I create "Submit" button, and ser the mapping scope to  be "All data rows", it only works when I select at least one row, otherwise the data would not be passed.
    Another question is I have serveral imported table parameter, for each table I have one "submit" event, I want these tables to be submitted at the same time, but if I click the submit button in one table toolbar, I can only submit the table data which has a submit button clicked, for other tables, the data is not passed, how can I achieve it?

  • Startrfc - how to call with "input table"?

    I have not been able to get sapnwrfc for Perl to compile correctly on my AIX systems so i want to try something different.
    I started to investigate using startrfc to get my data but am running in to a problem.
    Problem Summary:  I want to get information via RFC_READ_TABLE using startrfc.  I can successfully call function modules but cannot figure out how to send in a "WHERE" clause using startrfc.  Does anyone know how to send "input tables" to startrfc so that I can limit my results?
    Background:  I want to dump a list of the dialog UIDs in a SID/client.  When I do RFC_READ_TABLE via SE37, it asks for an "OPTIONS" input table that you use to put the "WHERE" clause.  I fill in the information in the "TEXT" field and all is well.
    I can call startrfc with the -T option and capture the output to a file, but I cannot figure out how to use an input file to provide the OPTIONS table.  -E doesn't work. 
    Here is what I call:
    /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS60/exe/startrfc -t -3 -h <hostname> -s 60 -c 000 -l E -u <my id> -p <my password> -F RFC_READ_TABLE -E QUERY_TABLE=USR02 -E "DELIMITER=|" -T DATA,1000,w=output.txt -T OPTIONS,100,r=input.txt
    My input file (input.txt) looks like:
    TEXT="BNAME = 'someuid'"
    Here is the error message I get when I run this.
    RFC Call/Exception: SYSTEM_FAILURE
    Group       Error group 104
    Message     A dynamically specified column name is unknown.
    Note that I know that there are other functions to check for existence.  I am attempting to get a dump of all dialog users with some information from USR02 not normally provided by the builtin function modules (ERDAT).  This is just the first step to getting there.  Once I have this figured out, I'll send in a "*" to match all.  Also, I am able to do this sort of successfully via Perl's sapnwrfc but am unable to get it compile on AIX and that is where I need to run this.
    Can anyone help?
    Edited by: Eric Young on Apr 7, 2011 5:59 PM
    Edited by: Eric Young on Apr 7, 2011 6:00 PM

    It's fairly obtuse as well, but I can see that I'm sending something.  I just don't know what it should look like so that SAP likes it.  Here's the relevant send section:
    000240 | 04000000 01033003 02000800 0001F400 |......0.......ô.|
    000250 | 00000003 02030100 074F5054 494F4E53 |.........OPTIONS|
    000260 | 03010330 00040000 00020330 03020008 |...0.......0....|
    000270 | 00000032 00000001 03020303 00325445 |...2.........2TE|
    000280 | 5854203D 2022424E 414D4520 20202020  |XT = "BNAME = 'S|
    000290 | 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 |SOMEUID'"        |
    0002a0 | 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 |                |
    Please note that I've obfuscated "SOMEUID" and the corresponding HEX dump.
    Edited by: Eric Young on Apr 7, 2011 6:26 PM

  • Input table sort for uncommited data

    Hi OTN,
    I have an input table on my ADF page. The table is based on a view object which has ORDER BY VALUE clause.
    There is an opportunity to insert new rows and edit Value attribute of any row.
    I would like the table always to be sorted by Value attribute before commiting the changes.
    Input fields have autosubmit=true and I also have button which performs ADFUtils.findIterator(..).executeQuery() and refreshing the table (with addPartialTarget or table's partial trigger).
    Besides I tried declarative column sorting.
    By no means I succeeded to sort the table with new values without commiting data.
    Is there any possibility to do this?

    After applying this code in a managed bean           System.out.println("ViewObject.QUERY_MODE_SCAN_DATABASE_TABLES | ViewObject.QUERY_MODE_SCAN_VIEW_ROWS");
              trIter.getViewObject().setQueryMode(ViewObject.QUERY_MODE_SCAN_DATABASE_TABLES | ViewObject.QUERY_MODE_SCAN_VIEW_ROWS);
              trIter.executeQuery();in-memory sorting really works.
    But now I have a row with null NEnd first in my table. Without modifying query mode it was last just as I need.
    It is now:null
    30Can I bring null row back to last position?
    Tried trIter.getViewObject().setSortBy("NEnd nulls last"); and trIter.getViewObject().setSortBy("deocde(NEnd, null, 9999, NEnd)"); with no success.
    Edited by: ILya Cyclone on Jul 8, 2011 3:28 PM

  • How do I change the order of input tables in joiner?

    I have 3 input tables in a JOINER, how can I change the order? for instance, the order now is: t1, t2, t3, for some reason, I want to change to t3, t2,t1.
    I use outer join among tables, different table order cause OWB generated different sql statement.
    Please help! Thanks.

    Unfortunately you cannot... The only way is to remove one group, then create a new one instead and re-connect the group...

  • AWM dimension mapping - is it possible to load data from two input tables ?

    Hello All
    I have two tables ProductFamily (parent level) and Products (child level).
    I want to load a dimension from these two tables where the parent-child relationships are maintained (I am using AWM).
    I created a mapping with these two tables as input, but the data loaded does not maintain the relationships.
    So how do I do that? Is it possible to load dimensions where different levels get data from multiple tables?
    Is there any type of joiner available in AWM?
    Few Notes:
    - I do not want to use OWB here as my data is clean
    - In AWM, When I loaded the data from a single view which contained data from both input tables, it worked fine. But this is my worst case option.

    You should use the Snowflake Dimension option in the Dimension mapping screen for the Product Dimension (as opposed to the default dimension mapping style - star schema).
    This will modify the mapping inputs to include a separate parent level key for each hierarchy/level i.e. for each hierarchy/level (unless topmost level of hierarchy), you need to specify the parent level key in addition to the current level key, code/name/description/other attributes etc.
    You can do the mapping in either .... use icons at the top of the mapping screen.
    the drag/drop mode by dragging the relational column onto dimension model - hierarchy/level/attribute
    the table expression mapping mode which gives the same effect.. dragging a column onto an attribute sets the expression in <schema>.<table>.<column> format.
    Note1: Complete the mapping in one go.. Switching b/w the mapping modes cause the mappings to be reset.
    Note2: Assume your data is correct, foreign key to parent level table: ProductFamily exists in child level table: Products.

  • ADF 11g Input Table createinsert operation - can I manipulate?

    I am an ADF newbie, and trying to figure out how to best approach this, any help appreciated.
    I am using JDeveloper with ADF BC.
    I want to create/delete from a table from UI. I followed 23.3 Creating an Editable Table and 23.4 Creating an Input Table from Fusion Dev Guide.
    Basically, I:
    - Created an entity object, call it xxEO
    - Created a view object based on this entity object, call it xxEOVO
    - Dropped xxEOVO from data control palette as ADF table, and added createinsert, delete, commit operations to toolbar.
    This works great.
    But now I am trying to prepopulate one of the fields on every new row creation when createinsert is clicked. Basically, I dont want the user to be able to change this value, i want it to just show a read-only value in the new row when they hit the createinsert button.
    Is there an easy way to do this? What are my options? I dont see any generated code where I can plug my value in..

    user514831 wrote:
    Thank you for your reply.
    The existing ActionListener JDeveloper created for me when I dropped CreateInsert as a button is : #{bindings.CreateInsert.execute}.
    So is it that if I want to do anything more complicated than showing all table columns and updating all table columns, I cannot use this and have to replace by custom code like the one you have provided?
    I guess, you want to make only few columns that you have defaulted to be read only & not the entire row.
    If so, make these columns as readOnly
    <af:column sortProperty="Jan" sortable="false"
    headerText="#{bindings.Results.hints.Jan.label}" id="c2">
    <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.Jan.inputValue}"
    <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.Jan.validator}"/>
    <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"

  • Input table becomes Read-Only

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to implement input table but the table shows as read-only.
    1. Node cardinality = 0...n
    2. Selection = 0...1
    3. Singleton = true
    All fields are input field.
    After i deploy and run the application, the read-only table shows up.
    Please advise me on this. Thanks in advance.

    Hello Jomsri,
    The table is coming as read only because you havenot added any element to the nodes and by default there will be no element in the node as you are selecting a cardinality of 0...n. If you change it to 1..n then you can see one row will have input fields enabled.
    Best way to implement this is add a button in the layout, name it as add a new row and in the action of this button add the following code:-
             IPrivateTestingCompView.I<nodename>Element a = wdContext.node<nodename>().create<nodename>Element();
    this will add a new row to the table each time you press the push button.
    Hope this will solve the problem

  • BAPI Input Table

    1. I need to know how to implement a table as input for a bapi.
    We've created a BAPI (RFC Func.) via SE37 and added input tables to tables TAB. But no sure if this is correct.
    How can we try this BAPI via SE37.
    2. Is there very generic sample RFC Func. which has input table structure in standart SAP system?

    Dear Husyein,
           BAPI's are nothing but remote enabled function modules they are similar to any other function modules.You refer tables to function modules to pass internal tables to function modules.
          in the tables tab you declare the tables refering to standard structures.
           go look into any function module which table is passed .
          go a hhead.

  • SQL in Input Tables

    I have an input table in a mapping and I need to override the default select query with my own custom query having some filter criteria and some nvls and decode's and other such things.
    Can anyone let me know where to write the source query override ??

    of course 2., but the OWB (look here: generates following mapping:
    -- Note: This generated code is for demonstration purposes only and may
    -- not be deployable.
    sql_stmt VARCHAR2(32767);
    get_abort BOOLEAN := FALSE;
    get_trigger_success BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    get_errors NUMBER(22) := 0;
    get_status NUMBER(22) := 0;
    -- Status variable for Batch cursors
    -- Function Main -- Entry point in package "FILTER"
    -- Function "ZUZ_KM1_Bat"
    -- performs batch extraction
    -- Returns TRUE on success
    -- Returns FALSE on failure
    END "ZUZ_KM1_Bat";
    get_batch_status BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    -- Initialize all batch status variables
    "ZUZ_KM1_St" := FALSE;
    "ZUZ_KM1_St" := "ZUZ_KM1_Bat";
    RETURN get_status;
    END Main;
    This is the same like 2.

  • Input table on BAPI

    Hi all,
    I have a problem when I call a BAPI parsing a input table.
    Normaly, I can define a input using: on the Custom Controller.
         Z_Bapi_Mov_Estoc_Input input2 = new Z_Bapi_Mov_Estoc_Input();
    but this bapi have a input table.
    How can I add this values?
    I've try with this code, but no work's:
         IPublicMagatzemListCust.IItemsElement newMaterialNodeElement;
         newMaterialNodeElement = wdContext.createItemsElement(new Zdetalle());
    the table is mapped using Items node.
    Can anyone help me?
    thanks in advance,

    Hi David
      Well lets say the table name is "MYTAB"
    Then what you need to do is in the model if you see you will get a Table class called "MYTAB"
    //After your lines
    Z_Bapi_Mov_Estoc_Input input2 = new Z_Bapi_Mov_Estoc_Input();
    //code to add values to table
    MYTAB tab = new MYTAB();
    //Set table attributes
    now add the tab to the inp created
    Hope that helps you. This will add the values to the table.

  • How to print out the Forms and Table fields relationship, data mapping?

    I create a forms and tables relationship inside the Form Developer 11g, once I created the Data relationships between the form data field and the Table column name. I don't have any command to print it out, such as Layout Wizard.
    Are there any programs on Windows platform can print it out?

    hi all,
    i have try to do this
    public static void Readbinary() throws Exception
              String file = "D:\\05-09.190501+0800";
              DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
              //but then how to read the content ??????can you give me more hint ?????
    i have find the netflow v5 structure by C
    struct NFHeaderV5{
    uint16_t version; // flow-export version number
    uint16_t count; // number of flow entries
    uint32_t sysUptime;
    uint32_t unix_secs;
    uint32_t unix_nsecs;
    uint32_t flow_sequence; // sequence number
    uint8_t engine_type; // no VIP = 0, VIP2 = 1
    uint8_t engine_id; // VIP2 slot number
    uint16_t reserved; // reserved1,2
    struct NFV5{ 
    ipv4addr_t srcaddr; // source IP address
    ipv4addr_t dstaddr; // destination IP address
    ipv4addr_t nexthop; // next hop router's IP address
    uint16_t input; // input interface index
    uint16_t output; // output interface index
    uint32_t pkts; // packets sent in duration
    uint32_t bytes; // octets sent in duration
    uint32_t first; // SysUptime at start of flow
    uint32_t last; // and of last packet of flow
    uint16_t srcport; // TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent
    uint16_t dstport; // TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent
    uint8_t pad;
    uint8_t tcp_flags; // bitwise OR of all TCP flags in flow; 0x10
    // for non-TCP flows
    uint8_t prot; // IP protocol, e.g., 6=TCP, 17=UDP, ...
    uint8_t tos; // IP Type-of-Service
    uint16_t src_as; // originating AS of source address
    uint16_t dst_as; // originating AS of destination address
    uint8_t src_mask; // source address prefix mask bits
    uint8_t dst_mask; // destination address prefix mask bits
    uint16_t reserved;
    but how to translate the structure to java,then get the data from the file ?
    Edited by: 903893 on Dec 21, 2011 10:52 PM

Maybe you are looking for