Veeeeeery noob-like questions about fluxbox

Hi all, i sat up today my first-ever flux and i have 2 questions:
1) how do i setup shell transparency? i have xbcompmgr launching before flux into .xinitrc, but urxvt still has black background (when i use awesome/wmii wms it works)
2) i have dual head set up with xrandr (LVDS1 1366X768 and VGA1 1024X768) and sometimes when i fullscreen windows, they exceed boundaries or don't show titlebar (so i cannot move them around, which apparently fixes all) any help here?
and if you have any suggestions on what i can use (actually i just tryed batterymon and i like it) to improve my flux, everything is welcome thanks all!

# fluxbox startup-script:
# Lines starting with a '#' are ignored.
# Change your keymap:
xmodmap "$HOME/.Xmodmap"
# Applications you want to run with fluxbox.
# unclutter -idle 2 &
# wmnd &
# wmsmixer -w &
# idesk &
# And last but not least we start fluxbox.
# Because it is the last app you have to run it with exec before it.
xcompmgr &
batterymon &
fbsetbg -l &
exec fluxbox
# or if you want to keep a log:
# exec fluxbox -log "$fluxdir/log"

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    Hi, TasisGrafix2-
    Edge Animate doesn't support css3d natively, but you can use a third party library such as edgehero.js to make this work.
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    Hi ,
    You might want to refer the following link to find your serial number and activate your software .
    Here is the link for the same.
    Let us know how it goes .We'll do the best possible to get your issue fixed.
    Sukrit Dhingra

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    I would recommend using a distributed version control system (DVCS) with a hosted service, such as using Git/Mercurial and Github/BitBucket/UnFuddle.  With Git, you can use a .ignore file to specify files/folders that you want to exclude from being stored in version control (I also exclude my CFBuilder project files from my repositories).  You would then sync your local Git repositories with your service of choice, and they would be accessible from any machine. 
    There are many advantages of using Git and a hosted service over just Dropbox:
    Each computer has a complete copy of the code repository, including all code changes over the history of your project.
    You store code modifications in "commits", or small entries in the DVCS.
    Commits can contain user-defined descriptions that help you identify what you did at each step of your development process
    You can roll back commits if you break something in your code.
    You can create "branches" of your code when you want to work on a specific feature of your application, and that branch is kept in isolation from other branches until you are ready to merge it back into the main production code branch.
    You can have public or private hosted repositories on the various services, enabling you to work with a team or participate in open-source development.
    There are Eclipse plugins available for CFBuilder that provide GUI tools for working with Git and hosted repositories (unless you are comfortable with using the command-line to do all your Git interactions).
    I don't think you can separate the project settings from the project in CFBuilder.

  • Questions about your new HP Products? HP Expert Day: January 14th, 2015

    Thank you for coming to Expert Day! The event has now concluded.
    To find out about future events, please visit this page.
    On behalf of the Experts, I would like to thank you for coming to the Forum to connect with us.  We hope you will return to the boards to share your experiences, both good and bad.
     We will be holding more of these Expert Days on different topics in the months to come.  We hope to see you then!
     If you still have questions to ask, feel free to post them on the Forum – we always have experts online to help you out.
    So, what is HP Expert Day?
    Expert Day is an online event when HP employees join our Support Forums to answer questions about your HP products. And it’s FREE.
    Ok, how do I get started?
    It’s easy. Come out to the HP Support Forums, post your question, and wait for a response! We’ll have experts online covering our Notebook boards, Desktop boards, Tablet boards, and Printer and all-in-one boards.
    We’ll also be covering the commercial products on the HP Enterprise Business Community. We’ll have experts online covering select boards on the Printing and Digital Imaging and Desktops and Workstations categories.
    What if I need more information?
    For more information and a complete schedule of previous events, check out this post on the forums.
    Is Expert Day an English-only event?
    No. This time we’ll have experts and volunteers online across the globe, answering questions on the English, Simplified Chinese, and Korean forums. Here’s the information:
    Enterprise Business Forum: January 14th 7:00am to 12:00pm and 6:00pm to 11:00pm Pacific Time
    Korean Forum: January 15th 10am to 6pm Korea Time
    Simplified Chinese Forum: January 15th 10am to 6pm China Time
    Looking forward to seeing you on January 14th!
    I am an HP employee.

    My HP, purchased in June 2012, died on Saturday.  I was working in recently installed Photoshop, walked away from my computer to answer the phone and when I came back the screen was blank.  When I turned it on, I got a Windows Error Recovery message.  The computer was locked and wouldn't let me move the arrow keys up or down and hitting f8 didn't do anything. 
    I'm not happy with HP.  Any suggestions?

  • Some questions about Muse

    First of all, I would like to say that I am very impressed with how well Muse works and how easy it was to create a website that satisfies me. Before I started a daily updated website I thought I would encounter many problems I will not be able to solve. I have only had a few minor issues which I would like to share with you.
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    It would be helpful to have an option of rolling a mouse to an anchor (like in here and here  I mean any action of a mouse wheel would make a move to another anchor/screen. It would make navigation of my site very easy.
    Is it possible to create a widget with a function next anchor/previous anchor? Currently, in the menu every button must be connected to a different anchor for the menu to be functional.
    A question about Adobe Muse. Is it possible to create panels in different columns? It would make it easier to go through all the sophisticated program functions.
    The hits from Facebook have sometimes very long links, eg.
    ( 3667782&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582). If such a link is activated, the anchors in the menu do not work on any page. I mean the backlight of an active state, which helps the user to find out where on page they currently are. The problem also occurs when in the name of a html file polish fonts exist. And sometimes the dots does not work without any reason, mostly in the main page, sometimes in the cooperation page either ( In the first case (on main page), I do not know why. I have checked if they did not drop into a state button by accident,  moved them among the layers, numbered them from scratch and it did not help. In the cooperation page, the first anchor does not work if it is in Y axle set at 0. If I move it right direction- everything is ok.
    The text frame with background fill does not change text color in overlay state ( I mean a source button at the beginning of every text. I would like a dark text and a light layer in a rollover, but  the text after export and moving cursor into it does not change color for some reason.
    I was not sure whether to keep everything (whole website) in one Muse file (but I may be mistaken?). I have decided to divide it into months. Everyone is in a different Muse file. If something goes wrong, I will not have any trouble with an upload of a whole site, which is going to get bigger and bigger.
    The problem is that every file has two master pages. Everything works well up to the moment when I realize how many times I have to make changes in upper menu when I need to add something there. I have already 5 files, every with 2 masters. Is there any way to solve this problem? Maybe something to do with Business Catalyst, where I could connect a menu to every subpage independently, deleting it from Muse file? Doing so I would be able to edit it everywhere from one place. It would make my work much easier, but I have no idea jendak how to do it.
    The comments Disqus do not load, especially at horizontal layouts  ( I have exchanged some mails and screenshots with Disqus help. I have sent them a screenshot where the comments are not loaded, because they almost never load. They have replied that it works at their place even with attached screenshot. I have a hard time to discuss it, because it does not work with me and with my friends either. Maybe you could fix it? I would not like to end up with awful facebook comments ;). The problem is with Firefox on PC and Mac. Chrome, Safari and Opera work ok.
    YouTube movie level layouts do not work well with IE11 and Safari 7 ( The background should roll left, but in the above mentioned browsers it jumps up. Moreover the scrolling with menu dots is not fluent on Firefox, but I guess it is due to Firefox issues? The same layout but in vertical version rolls fluently in Firefox (
    Now, viewing the website on new smartphones and tablets. I know it is not a mobile/tablet layout, but I tried to make it possible to be used on mobile hardware with HD (1280) display. I mean most of all horizontal layouts (, where If we want to roll left, we need to roll down. Is there a way to make it possible to move the finger the direction in which the layout goes?
    On Android phones (Nexus 4, Android 4.4.2, Chrome 32) the fade away background effect does not work, although I have spent a lot of time over it (!.html). It is ok on PC, but on the phone it does not look good. A whole picture moves from a lower layer instead of an edge which spoils everything.
    This layout does not look good on Android ( The background does not fill the whole width of a page. There are also problems with a photo gallery, where full screen pictures should fill more of a screen.
    Is it possible to make an option of  scroll effects/motions for a fullscreen slideshow widget thumbnails ( It would help me with designing layouts. Currently, it can go from a bottom of a page at x1 speed or emerge (like in this layout) by changing opacity. Something more will be needed, I suppose.
    Sometimes the pictures from gallery ( download very slowly. The website is hosted at Business Catalyst. I cannot state when exactly it happens, most of the time it works ok.
    I really like layouts like this ( On the top is a description and a main text, and the picture is a filled object with a hold set at the bottom edge. That is why there is a nice effect of a filling a whole screen- nevertheless the resolution that is set. It works perfect on PC, but on Android the picture goes beyond the screen. You can do something about it?
    In horizontal layouts ( km.html) holding of a filling object does not work. Everything is always held to upper edge of a screen regardless the settings. Possibility of holding the picture to the bottom edge or center would make my work much easier.
    According to UE regulations we have to inform about the cookies. I do not know how to do it in Muse. I mean, when the message shows up one time and is accepted, there would be no need to show it again and again during another visit on the website. Is there any way to do it? Is there any widget for it maybe?
    The YouTube widget sometimes changes size just like that. It is so when the miniature of the movie does not load, and the widget is set to stroke (in our case 4 pixels, rounded to 1 pixel). As I remember ( in case of a load error) it extends for 8 pixels wide.
    Last but not least - we use the cheapest hosting plan in Business Catalyst. The monthly bandwidth is enough, although we have a lot of pictures and we worried about it at first. Yet we are running out of the disk storage very quickly. We have used more than a half of a 1 GB after a month. We do not want to change BC for a different one, because we like the way it is connected with Muse. But we do not want to buy the most expensive package - but only this one has more disk space. We do not need any other of these functions and it would devastate our budget. Do we have any other option?
    I’m using Adobe Muse 7.2 on OS X 10.9.1.
    and I'm sending Muse file to <[email protected]>

    Unfortunatley, there is no way to get a code view in Muse. I know quite a few people requested it in the previous forum, but not really sure where that ended up. Also, you may not want to bring the html into DW unless you only have 1 or 2 small changes 2 make. Two reasons. First, it isnt backwards compatible, so if you are planning on updating that site in Muse, you will need to make those changes in DW everytime you update. Second, by all accounts the HTML that Muse puts out is not pretty or easy to work with. Unlike you, I am code averse, but there was a lenghty discussion on the previous forum on this topic. I know they were striving to make it better with every release, just not sure where it is at this point.
    Dont think I am reading that second question right, but there was a ton of info on that old site. You may want to take a look there, people posted a ton of great unique solutions, so it worth a look.
    Here is the link to the old forums-

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