Vehicle number in delivery

Hi friends,
can any one please tell me where can i give vehicle number for delivery and how that vehicle number can be shown in delivery output
pls help

I hope this possible through serial number maintanence. because again the vehicle come for the service so the vehicle should identified by the equipment no. if the vehicle is selling from dealer side u should maintanin vehicle no as a serial number manually go to edit----techinical objects at order level if u want it. if u want to go for delivery u can check in the menu bar u can find it.if its is O.E.M(Original equipment Manufacturer like hero honda, hyundai, Toyota etc) then it should be automatic.

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    Well, it is improtant in terms of system performance only.
    See about 10.000 eliveries flowing after each run to your ECC system? It will cause you a bottleneck on the queue.
    But besides this, nothing to worry.
    Luiz Giani

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    Advance Thanks

    Hi Sanjeev,
    Sorry. That is not the one. ETENR is of NUMC 4. But the field I am seeing is atleat 8 characters (maybe 10).
    I dont have any further information than the name given :
    Delivery Schedule Number or Delivery Plan Number field.
    I can further say to you that this is being used in Vendor Decleration

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    has 5 schedule lines..with 5 different delivery dates.
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    2.   quantity 30
    3.   quantity 20
    4.   quanity  6
    5    quantity  4
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    Any suggestions ?
    Thank you in advance.

    Check in the below link.
    relation between VBEP-ETENR and LIKP-VBELN

  • In order confirmation i need invoice number and delivery number.

    Dear Experts,
    I need invoice number and delivery number in order confirmation.
    how can i get the delivery number an invoice number.
    Program name: RVADOR01

    In the Order confirmation Only sales order details will be there
    You better write a PERFORM  statement in Script and in the subroutine fetch the Delivery number and Invoice number with the following links and display them in script
    You can also can use the VBFA table
    using Prev doc type = C (order) and Subsequent doc type = J to get the Delivery
    and Sunsequent type = M for getting the Invoice Number
    see the sample code for subroutine
    form get_freight tables in_par structure itcsy out_par structure itcsy.
    tables: ekko,konv,t685t.
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
             ebeln like ekko-ebeln,
             knumv like ekko-knumv,
           end of itab.
    data: begin of itab1 occurs 0,
             knumv like konv-knumv,
             kposn like konv-kposn,
             kschl like konv-kschl,
             kbetr like konv-kbetr,
             waers like konv-waers,
             kwert like konv-kwert,
           end of itab1.
    data: begin of iout occurs 0,
             kschl like konv-kschl,
             vtext like t685t-vtext,
             kbetr like konv-kbetr,
             kwert like konv-kwert,
           end of iout.
    data v_po like ekko-ebeln.
    read table in_par with key 'EKKO-EBELN'.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
       v_po = in_par-value.
      from ekko
      into table itab
      where ebeln = v_po.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        loop at itab.
          into table itab1
          from konv
          where knumv = itab-knumv and
                kappl = 'M'.
        loop at itab1.
          if itab1-kposn <> 0.
            select single * from t685t
                              where kschl = itab1-kschl
                                and kappl = 'M'
                                and spras = 'EN'.
            iout-vtext = t685t-vtext.
            iout-kschl = itab1-kschl.
            iout-kbetr = itab1-kbetr.
            iout-kwert = itab1-kwert.
            append iout.
            clear iout.
        sort itab1 by kposn.
        loop at iout.
          sort iout by kschl.
          if ( iout-kschl eq 'GSDC' OR
               iout-kschl eq 'GSFR' OR
               iout-kschl eq 'GSIR' ).
            at end of kschl.
              read table iout index sy-tabix.
             write:/ iout-kschl,iout-vtext,iout-kwert.
          out_par-name = 'A1'.
          out_par-value = iout-vtext.
          append out_par.
          out_par-name = 'A2'.
          out_par-value = iout-kwert.
          append out_par.
    /:DEFINE &A1& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A2& = ' '
    /:CHANGING &A1&
    /:CHANGING &A2&
    This Code is to be written in the PO form under ADDRESS window.
    /:DEFINE &A1& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A2& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A3& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A4& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A5& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A6& = ' '
    /:CHANGING &A1&
    /:CHANGING &A2&
    /:CHANGING &A3&
    /:CHANGING &A4&
    /:CHANGING &A5&
    /:CHANGING &A6&

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    No standard reports shows both delivery and billing references in a single report.  You can develop a query in SQVI by table joining VBFA, LIKP and VBRK.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Updating Batch Number while delivery creation from sales document

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         I have to write code inside user exit MV50AFZZ which updates batch number during delivery creation. Suppose I have a sales having more than one line items. Each line item have different material numbers, and one material number may have more than 1 batch number. And all these batch numbers have to be updated for their corresponding material numbers. Batch  number corresponds to LIPS-CHARG. So how we can maintain values for this field more than once for a particular material number?

    Hi Pankaj,
    Were you able to update the Batch Number?
    What is the function Module that you used? and where exactly did you code in the logic?

  • Invoice split by number of delivery line items

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    If my delivery has 20 line items is there a way to split the invoice into two separate documents of 10 lines each?

    Instead of splitting the Invoice on the basis of delivery line items, you can fix the maximum of lines allowed in the Invoice. So this will help you having multiple invoices from a delivery.
    I don't know if this suits you.
    There is routine number 6 which acomplishes this (Single Invoice Limited), where coding has been done on the basis of config. (Sales Org:Limit number of billing items TVKO-MAXBI).
    This can be assigned at the item level (Copy control - Delivery to Billing, VTFL)
    Instead you can create a seperate routine which initially checks the number number of line items in the reference delivery document and then creates an invoice with specific lines.
    Hope this helps.

  • Removing Serial Number from Delivery

    Hi Folks,
      I have a requirement of Removing Serial Number from Delivery Document. Is there is some BAPI or FM available for this?
      Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Anirban,
      I tried the FM. By Using the FM status of Serial Number 'Assigned to Delivery' is removed.
      But I could still see the Serial Number attached to Line Item in tran VL02N.
      Following is the code I have written.
    MOVE: '0085003031'     TO DA_SERXX-LIEF_NR,
            '000030'         TO DA_SERXX-POSNR,
            '0000034226'     to DA_SERXX-OBKNR,
            'M047SBX050034'  TO SERNO-SERNR.
            APPEND serno.
        objkopf                    = 'SER01'
        serxx                      = DA_SERXX
        operation                  = 'SDD1'
        MATERIAL                   = 'BM20847'
        j_vorgang                  = 'PMSA'
      BSTCH                      =
      BSTUP                      =
      DEL_COMPLETE               = ' '
      PROFILE                    =
      BUDAT                      =
      ANZSN                      =
      SERIAL_COMMIT              =
      STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED         =
       SERNR                      = serno
       R_SERNR                    = e_serno
       T_SMESG                    =  t_msg
       OBJECTLIST_NOT_FOUND       = 1
       PARAMETER_ERROR            = 2
       OTHERS                     = 3
    Please Let me know if I am worng someware.
    Thanks a lot,

  • Adding field External Vehicle Number (VLCVEHICLE-VHCEX)

    How can i add the standard vehicle attribute 'External Vehicle Number' (VLCVEHICLE-VHCEX) to the screen of standard action SMOD?

    The filed you talking about is not 'External Vehicle Number', Its Customer Fleet Number VLCVEHICLE-VHCEX.
    this field is free field, you cna maintain that in Service area of vehicle master

  • How can i restrict the change of serial number in delivery document ?

    how can i restrict the manual change of serial number in delivery document ?

    I can tell you that you are observing standard program behavior.       
    By using a reference document for a return delivery, you are only      
    receiving proposal values for a new document. The posting will not     
    create a permanent link between the referred document and the return   
    delivery document.                                                                               
    Hence it is allowed to change various fields. This applies not only    
    to serial numbers, but to storage location, quantity and other fields.

  • Number of vehicles based on delivery quantity

    Hi Experts,
    My outbound delivery is containing 20 MT of material to be despatched.
    How to find or plan for 2 vehicle of 10MT capa each.
    Or if i have availability of 4 vehicles of 5MT capa each, how to plan and execute?
    warm regards

    The attached contains a sub-form called 'header' that contains the drop-down 'dd'. The exit event on 'dd' captures the selected value from the drop-down and adds instances of the sub-form called 'subform'.
    // form1.page1.header.dd::exit - (JavaScript, client)
    var numStr = this.rawValue;
    for (var i=1; i <= numStr; i++) {

  • Find the sales order number with  delivery document

    i want to quickly look for the delivery document  related the sales order ,now i find it via se16 in talble vbfa.
    please help me provied with means.
    best regards.

    hello, friend.
    you can go to your delivery document and click on the 'document flow' icon.  you will see the sales order number there.

  • How to trace sales order number from delivery number, when batch is split

    Hi All,
    I have created a Sales Order and a Outbound Delivery against the sales order.
    While creating the Outbound delivery, I have split the qty in two batches.
    Now when I go in table LIPS, and search on the basis of the Delivery number, I get two rows, one for each batch. But here the sales order LIPS-VGBEL, and Sales order item no (LIPS-VGPOS) is updated only for the 1st batch line item, but is not updated for the second batch line item.
    Please help me so that on the basis of the delivery number, i will be able to find record from tables for sales order for both the line items (i.e. for each batch).
    Immediate help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance.

    I have created delivery against sales order.
    While picking (during delivery PGI), I selected two batches to suffice the delivery qty. Please refer the example quoted below.
    Sales order (SO1) - Material (Mat1) - qty (15 ea)
    Delivery against sales order (Del1) - batch split: batch1 - 10 ea
                                                                         batch2 - 5 ea
    In table LIPS: when I enter delivery number as "Del1" and execute, I get 2 records:
       del no.     Item No.      Material   Qty       Batch no       Sales Order no     Sales Order Item no
    1. DEL1       10              Mat1        10 ea    batch1          SO1                    10
    2. DEL1       20              Mat1         5 ea     batch2         ______                 ____
    Thus in the 2nd record, the Sales order no.(LIPS-VGBEL) and sales order item no. (LIPS-VGPOS) does not get updated.
    I have to develop a report to display the Sales Order number and sales order line item number for each batch of the Delivery for the same item number. Please guide me to know how I can get the same.
    Hope this clarifies the issue faced.

  • How to get master sales order number from delivery number

    Hi All,
    I need logic for getting master sales order number from available Delivery number.
    Note: There can be many SO's in diffrent levels.
    Finally i need to pick up master sales order no.
    Thanks in advance.

    I have a outbound delivery[VL03N] 'X' in my system .
    Then for getting sales order no i am writing below code:
      SELECT single vbelv vbeln
             from vbfa
             INTO (vbelv, vbeln)
             where vbeln   EQ p_vbeln AND
                   vbtyp_n EQ 'J'.
    Then vbelv i need to pick up master sales order no.
        SELECT vbelv vbeln
               from vbfa
               INTO TABLE i_so
               where vbeln   EQ l_vbelv AND
                     vbtyp_n EQ 'C'.
    If i write code as above it is giving four sales orders which one of them is master sales order no!

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