Version Control slips again.

I was disappointed, but not really surprised, to see that version control has been left out of the 1.5 preview. I assume it is not in a fit state to be seen in public, but that in itself speaks volumes about oracle's attitude to SQLDeveloper.
When will oracle start treating sqldeveloper as a serious development tool as opposed to a marketing exercise to try to pull in users of other RDBMSs? A development tool without version control is a joke.

We are very serious about the tool - but can't please you our customer base. If we put a feature in that some, but not all like, there are complaints it's not ready; if we leave it out, you complain we're not serious. We have a significant number of features ready for you to use and would like you to have access to these sooner rather than later. The choice is to delay the product longer or allow you to see the features that are there and ready for review. The readme states that we plan to have the version control in the next early adopter's release. I think leaving it out does speak volumes, it should tell you that we took heed of your requests. It was in and still in testing, so we elected to keep it back until the next drop.

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  • Can I have a library of PDF docs with version control? Can it cope with version nos. embedded in the file name?

    I manage a set of documents which are edited in Word but "published" as PDFs (using Word 2010's save to PDF capability).
    I want to create a library for them on SharePoint (my company has SharePoint Online via its Office 365 subscription).
    I'm pretty much a SharePoint novice but even I can see it's easy to upload the documents to a simple library. The things that are giving me a headache are:
    Can I tell SharePoint what the version number of the uploaded PDF document is? The version number as understood by the library needs to match the version number written into the document (where it is called a revision number and increments in whole numbers
    starting from zero).
    How do I handle replacing the uploaded PDF documents with new versions? If they were Word documents I could edit them by opening them from the SharePoint library, checking them out if necessary, and SharePoint would handle version control.
    But since the PDFs are generated from editable masters (Word documents) which are NOT on SharePoint I would need to edit the local Word document on my PC then generate a PDF version then upload it to replace the existing PDF document in the
    library. Is it easy to upload a new document over the top of an old in a SharePoint library?
    Hoping someone can give me some answers.
    Bruce Officer

    hi Bruce,
    1. It sounds like what you need is to set the starting version number since your revision number increments in whole numbers, it would match up to SharePoint once the starting version number is set. You can potentially create a new custom field in the
    library to manually track the version of the uploaded PDF document, but this might not match up with SharePoint's own version number and could get confusing. Another possibility is to upload dummy versions of the PDF document until the SP version
    matches with the revision version and then delete these dummy versions.
    2. When you upload the PDF document again into the library, it should prompt you to see if you want to replace the existing. If you proceed with the upload, it should replace and increment the SharePoint version number.
    Please Mark Answered if my reply solves your problem. Thanks!
    Jeff Thai
    Technical Solutions Architect, AvePoint

  • Version control for FH files

    For the last 2 years I've been using a subversion system that
    works very well with FH files. It does basicly the same as
    VersionCue but works with a lot of file formats (not Flash 8 btw)
    My setup is like this:
    - File server at my home studio (just a win machine with RAID
    5 disks and mapped network drives shared on my home network)
    running Win XP Pro (backup done every 24h)
    - a workstation running TortoiseSVN on Win XP Pro (it becomes
    a shell extension in Explorer)
    my simple system:
    - I create a version repository in my project folder on the
    - I check out a working copy of the file(s) I want to work
    with to a local folder or a dedicated disk partition as I do
    Whenever I save my changes I commit these changes to the
    repository with a text comment
    Icon overlays tells me the status for each file and folder
    under version control
    Whenever I get a file corruption (it happens with FH files) I
    just check out a fresh working copy from that last commited
    version. You can of course revert to any previous version at any
    time or create branches out from one main design.
    The best thing is that I'm able to review my change log
    without opening a lot of files and revert to previous designs
    without keeping a lot of different files, and of course being able
    to resolve problems with corrupted FH files with minimal loss.

    I started version control on 01/14/2014.
    As you can see below I modified several topics. When I opened the RSC database and did a history on any modified Topic from 01/14/2014 to a date in the future, it always said there was no difference.  In the past it always showed there was a difference and what the difference was.
    I have started and stop version control several times hoping that would resolve the problem. Right now I am not using version Control.
    I will start version control again.
    Richard Wright
    Functional Area Expert II
    Systems Made Simple (SMS)
    1615 Woodward Street
    Austin, TX  78772
    Service Delivery and Engineering (SDE)
    Enterprise Operations (EO)
    Enterprise Applications Support (EAS)
    (512) 326-6610
    [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
    One of the Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Privately Held Companies in the U.S.

  • "version control" for Oracle database?

    My work involves loading data from csv files into database tables. The data structure is different in the csv files than that in the tables, so the loading is not straight forward and I often make mistakes along the way. I would like to know what the best practice is for undoing mistakes and rolling back to meaningful point back in time. To make this more concrete, consider the following scenario.
    10:00AM I start loading some data into the database. I create two external tables for my csv files.
    10:30AM I create a PL/SQL script to insert the data from the external tables to the target tables.
    10:35AM I run the PL/SQL script and commit the change.
    11:00AM I notice a bug in my script: some of the data is loaded incorrectly, and some are not loaded.
    11:15AM I fix the bug, try to run it again but it fails this time because of unique constraints.
    At this point, I want my database to go back in time to 10:00AM, so I can start over. How can I do this?
    12:00PM Suppose I manage to start over and successfully loaded the two csv files. I still have more files to load. Before I proceed, I want to somehow "tag" the database so that I can go back to this state later (say two weeks from now, and the rollback segment isn't large enough to go back two weeks).
    Currently I use data pump export/import to undo mistakes on my development server. Due to the size of the database, it is not as efficient as I would like. I am from a Java developer background. The scenario sounds a lot like source version control to me. Is there such a thing in database land? What's the best practice for doing rapid try-error-rollback cycles?

    Is the data in the external tables sorted by some attribute? Consider keeping a small metadata table indicating the last successful key of the attribute that was committed. Then, after the commit, set a Savepoint (use the attribute key value for the savepoint name) and continue execution. If you find an error before your next commit, you can rollback to that savepoint and not lose all of the updates prior to it, but remember that a subsequent commit erases all savepoints you have set. Flashback of the table(s) is also a good idea. You can get the current db commit no. by executing 'Select current_scn from v$database' (you may need privs to read this table from the dba), and then executing 'Flashback table <table_name> to scn <scn_no>'. You can also use a Timestamp in place of scn_no with the Flashback command.

  • Version Control and Dreamweaver CS5.5

    I want to install version control on both a shared Bluehost server and a dedicated Hostgator server, sites on both I manage with DW CS5.5.
    I've read the help articles but it seems they are targeted at installing svn on your local machine, and I want to install it on my remote servers. I realize this is not a Dreamweaver specific question but wondered if there are any obvious paths to this someone might know of.
    I do have svn installed on my bluehost server, but haven't yet been able to figure out how to set up a repository there yet. So when I do
    svn --version, it shows me all the version info, indicating it was successfully installed, but I haven't been able to set up a repo yet, via ssh. Can this be done in DW or do I have to get it done via SSH on the server first, then set the path to it in the version control tab of the site set up/management tabs AFTER I accomplish setting it up via SSH on the server first?
    Thanks very much in advance...

    So here is where I am with it if you have any suggestions I'd appreciate it:
    Hostgator tech support helped me get it back to 1.7.5 (no explanation for how it became 1.6 after I installed and verified 1.7.5, odd)
    So here was the interaction but I'm still (stupidly I'm sure) stuck:
    From tech support:
    You *should* be able to communicate with a SVN 1.7.5 server with a svn 1.6 client without issue.
    1) When I run svn --version on your , I show version 1.7.5:
    [~]# svn --version
    svn, version 1.7.5 (r1336830)
    compiled Jun 28 2012, 22:37:11
    Yes, the user and password for SVN must be set up within svn. Here is a brief outline of setting up a repository.:
    First, create the repository:
    svnadmin create ~/myrepository
    Edit the configuration file for the newly created reposiroty:
    nano ~/myrepository/conf/svnserve.conf
    Add the following, presuming you want no anonymouse access and write access for authenticated users:
    anon-access = none
    auth-access = write
    password-db = passwd
    Open up the passwd file to create it and ready it for editing:
    nano ~/myrepository/conf/passwd
    Add your password to it like so:
    exampleuser = examplepassword
    Import your project to it (if any):
    svn import /path to your project/myD5project file:///home/juicyserveradmin/myrepository
    Start and daemonize the svn server:
    svnserve -d
    You should now be able to check out your project from DreamWeaver.
    4) SVN typically runs on port 3690. Port 2223 is your SSH port. If DreamWeaver allows your to connect to SVN via SSH, then it will be over port 2223 - in this case you would need ot provide your SSH login credentials.
    What I'm still stuck on:
    I added the repo as he said, ~/repos
    I added two users/passwords to the file (not sure how to confirm I did it right though)
    I'm stuck on this step:
    svn import /path to your project/myD5project file:///home/juicyserveradmin/myrepository
    Here is how it's set up now, if you could help me think through what makes sense I'd really appreciate it.
    I've got my live site,
    We've been doing all of our development work live on the front end which is of course a terrible idea and constantly causes issues where problems are showing up live.
    So i set up which is within the main directory called /dev and as a subdomain.
    I also set up /dev2 the same way.
    The only difference is that /dev is set on cron to have all of main files copy to it once a day, so it stays more or less in sync.
    /dev2 is not being synced that way.
    My idea was then I've got two dev folders we can do work in, one that syncs and one that stays static.
    I want to have svn working for all 3....the live site, the /dev and the /dev2.
    So would I need to create repos in each of those 3? Or just one repo? file names would be the same in all three so it seems like there would need to be repolive, repodev , repodev2 or something like that?
    I want the same user/pass at the moment for all 3.
    Then I'm back to not quite sure how to set that up in DW, and, what to import into each if that's the best way to do it?
    Also I was confused about the path command above.
    In the scenario above can you create that path for me to see exactly how I should paste it in if I do three repos, if, and please tell me, if doing it that way even makes sense?
    For DW server settings, is the sever address the IP address of my dedicated server?
    And I'm not sure what to put for Repository Path given the questions above.
    Thanks again for your patience and help...
    I see from this link
    That I would maybe want to set up different directories within the /repos directory for the three versions of the site, live, dev and dev2?
    I'm still confused about the format of the path.
    Would it be like
    svn mkdir file:///nameofmyhomedir/repos/live
    svn mkdir file:///nameofmyhomedir/repos/dev
    svn mkdir file:///nameofmyhomedir/repos/dev2
    Where I want the directories to be named live,dev and dev2?
    Can you correct that path for me if that's not quite right?
    I do see in DW now for my local site that I've got + next to all the files after setting up the Version Control server, but, because I don't have the path to the repo right I guess or the server address says it can't connect:
    Access: Subversion
    Protocol: SVN
    Server Address: My IP address?
    Repository Path: Not sure if I did ~/repos what the full path to it on my server is?
    Server Port: 3690
    username/pass what I set up in the file according to his directions.
    Can you steer me towards dialing this in right pretty please?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • SQLDeveloper Version Control

    I have seen some posts regarding version control in SQLDeveloper. Evidently, integration with PVCS is a feature to be added in some future version.
    There might be an easier way to handle it. If SQLDeveloper would allow us to specify a "version logging" folder, and if it would then create a new version of any edited source file in that folder, each time you press the save button, then this would handle 80% of the need, with only 1% of the complexity.
    For example, suppose the object was named "MyView", and then I edit it. Then, in the logging folder, we end up with file name "MyView.sql" in the logging folder. If I edit again, then the previous version is renamed as "MyView 09-20-06 10_44_22.sql" (append the time and date to the file name), and a new version MyView.sql is put into the logging folder.
    You maintain the time-stamped file versions, forever. You might have like a two week or 500 version limit, or something like that, so the folder does not fill up infinitely.
    That is about it. If you made a mistake, and needed to roll it back, you just grab a previous version. If you want to check it into PVCS, then you just take the file and copy it into your source folder and then check it in.
    You are never going to be able to fully integrate SQLDeveloper with PVCS, because the target keeps moving. Instead, you should focus on simple compatibility between the two approaches.
    The current method of edits directly in the database and no roll-back and no ability to check-in the code other than copy and paste, this does not work.

    Umm.. The reason that people ask for version control integration is to save time. Switching to another application to check in/out files is a huge waste of time as well as being error prone.
    Tools like JDeveloper and Eclipse have histories like what you are asking for. Histories such as that are a great help when debugging files, but cannot be substituted for good source control integration.
    Oracle, can we get the 'history' tab enabled in the file editors like JDeveloper? That feature is great in JDeveloper and would be a great edition to SQL Developer.

  • Extremely slow performance on projects under version control using RoboHelp 11, PushOk, Tortoise SVN repository

    We are also experiencing extremely slow performance for RoboHelp projects under version control. We are using RoboHelp 11, PushOk and a Tortoise SVN repository on a Linux server. We are using a Linux server on our IT guys advice because we found SVN version control under Windows was unstable.
    When placing a Robohelp project under version control, and yes the project is on my local machine, it can take up to two hours to complete. We are using the RoboHelp sample projects to test.
    We have tried to put the project under version control from Robohelp, and also tried first putting the project under version control from Tortoise SVN, and then trying to open the project from version control in Robohelp. In both cases, the project takes a ridiculous amount of time to open. The Robohelp status bar displays Querying Version Control Status for about an hour before it starts to download from the repository, which then takes more than an hour to complete. In many cases Robohelp becomes unresponsive and we have to start the whole process again.
    If adding the project to source control completes successfully, and the the project is opened from version control, performing any function also takes a very long time, such as creating a topic. When I generated a printed documentation layout it took an astonishing 218 minutes and 17 seconds to complete. Interestingly, when I generated the printed documentation layout again, it took 1 min and 34 seconds. However when I closed the project, opened from version control, and tried to generate a printed documentation layout, it again took several hours to complete. The IT guys are at a loss, and say it is not a network issue and I am starting to agree that this is a RoboHelp issue.
    I see there are a few other discussions here related to this kind of poor performance, none of which seem to been answered satisfactorily. For example:
    Why does it take so long when adding a new topic in RH10 with PushOK SVN
    Does anybody have any ideas on what we can do or what we can investigate? I know that there are options for version control, but am reluctant to pursue them until I am satisfied that our current issues cannot be resolved.
    Thanks Mark

    Do other applications work fine with the source control repository? The reason I'm asking is because you must first rule out that there are external factors causing this behaviour. It seems that your it guys have already looked at it, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
    I have used both VSS and TFS and I haven't encountered such a performance issue. I would suggest filing it as a bug if you rule out that the problem is not related to external influences:
    Kind regards,

  • TFS 2010 offline version control features

    Hi Team,
    Thanks in advance.
    We are planning to upgrade TFS 2010 to TFS 2013 and duration will be 4 days.
    During upgrade TFS 2010 will be down and users will work offline.
    What all version control features users can perform(like edit file, rename file, shelve, label, Branch)?
    After completion of upgrade will users able to checkin the code back to TFS 2013 without any issues?.
    Please help us on above questions?
    Best Regards,

    Obviously, if TFS is down, they can't do anything in TFS. They can edit files, but if the files were not checkout prior to the migration, they will need to check it out once TFS comes back again. (And they will need to flip the read-only bit manually.)
    Users should also be advice to perform a Get Latest before you take down TFS, so they don't start to make changes in old versions.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Version Control of APEX Pages and Shared Components

    My organisation has a large customer base and over the last 2 years we have migrating from a forms to an apex user presentation layer. We have had a number of customers live on the apex front end for close to a year now.
    Our current method of releasing apex objects is at the application level (ie applications are exported for version control in PVCS and then released to Test etc). We now want to investigate exporting pages and shared components individually. Hence, I have a few questions:
    1. If I export a page and this is checked into PVCS and I forget to export a 'List of Values' shared component. What happens when the page in PVCS is created in another environment (ie Test). I guess the ‘Page Import’ would still succeed but the reference to the ‘List of Values’ would be some large made up number.
    How would we detect the missing dependency after import ?
    2. Regarding New or Changed Templates. Once again, if a page references a new template and is then exported, checked into PVCS and imported into test but the template is missed for migration to test, would the import succeed but the template reference would be broken, like in number 1.
    3. How can Application level objects be locked (reserved) when undergoing modification.
    Any comments would be appreciated especially if there are any sites using pages and shared component exports for version control and releases.
    For anyone who's interested, the method we are thinking of using is:
    ..Page Export script will be version controlled
    ..ALL the shared component export scripts will be added to 1 main SQL script
    Hence we only end up with 2 configurable objects in PVCS.

    1. If I export a page and this is checked into PVCS and I forget to export a 'List of Values' shared component. What happens when the page in PVCS is created in another environment (ie Test). I guess the ‘Page Import’ would still succeed but the reference to the ‘List of Values’ would be some large made up number.
    For component export/import, the source and target worskpace ID and application ID must be identical. You can achieve the workspace "sameness" by exporting and importing the workspace from one database to another, thus preserving the workspace's numeric ID, aka security group ID. Similarly applications must be exported/imported/installed without changing their IDs in the installed-into instance. More fundamentally, the application you import/install components into must be an identical copy of the source application with respect to the internal object IDs, allowing only for differences that incent you to migrate changes from a higher rev level of the application into a copy that is at a lower rev level.
    As to the specific question, if you copied a page but didn't copy an LOV into the target application then if the LOV referenced by the page already existed in the target application then page would simply reference the existing, perhaps down-level, LOV in the application. If the LOV did not already exist but had been newly created in the source application, then the target application page would contain an invalid reference and would produce a runtime error.
    How would we detect the missing dependency after import ?
    I don't know of any reports that would tell you this. There are several types of omissions that you need to watch out for, not all of which can be detected by inspection of the target application in isolation.
    2. Regarding New or Changed Templates. Once again, if a page references a new template and is then exported, checked into PVCS and imported into test but the template is missed for migration to test, would the import succeed but the template reference would be broken, like in number 1.
    Yes, same case.
    3. How can Application level objects be locked (reserved) when undergoing modification.
    There is no provision for this as there is for pages.
    For anyone who's interested, the method we are thinking of using is:
    ..Page Export script will be version controlled
    ..ALL the shared component export scripts will be added to 1 main SQL script
    Hence we only end up with 2 configurable objects in PVCS.
    So you propose to have one script of all pages and another script for everything else? I'm not sure I got that right.

  • Version control for ODI

    Hi User Community,
    In our workplace we are handling ETL (ODI drive in the network drive) by placing folder (TST,STG & Production for Each Environment).
    We use clearcase as version control over here. can some suggest their experience & better ways of handling ODI Code in any Version Control tool.
    Appreciate your help in advance,
    Thank you,
    Sudheer Palagiri

    Hi Sudheer,
    I think Clear case is a better way of handling code deployments or migrations with in environments. We use SVN version control system where we check in updated code for each deployment. And, we freeze code check-in until next deployment. As you have in your work place, we have different folders for DEV, UAT and PROD. I am really not sure ODI version control is helpful in code deployments. It does help up have mulitple versions of scenarios, but still we need to decide which version is going to other enviroments and export them to a folder, import them again.

  • Raptor and Version Control

    Here are some discussion points for use of Raptor with version control.
    Developer, Tester, Production DBA.
    Each developer has their own database or schema to work with.
    Database code is PL/SQL and DDL
    Client code is everything else including sql scripts.
    VC stands for generic version control. I may slip into CVS speak, but ideally this is product neutral.
    Scenario 1: New developer on existing project.
    1 Check out sources
    Obviously need to define a VC repository connection in Raptor
    Probably also need to define filesystem directory to check out to. Conceivably raptor could do this under the covers but if the source code is a mixture of database code and client code this isn't possible.
    2 Run sources against database to create schema objects
    This would probably be a manual job within raptor but a nice feature would be a tool to work out the dependencies and run everything in the right order.
    3 Edit-save-compile-edit objects in the database
    At this stage the database code is out of sync with the filesystem and the VC. Since the definitive version is in VC the filesystem is irrelevant so it would make sense to save the object back to the filesystem when you click the save/compile button.
    If VC isn't active this is obviously a bad idea since the filesystem version is the backup.
    4 Create new object in database.
    The new object needs to be immediately saved to the filesystem and added to VC(but not committed). The create dialog should ask for a filename as well as object name.
    5 Commit changes to VC
    What gets committed? All the database code in the schema of the current connection? All the database code which is known to CVS (which should include new ones created at step 4)? What about client code? Is there a need for a project to which objects can be added manually or automatically.
    There may be clashes between this developer's changes and anothers.
    Need to be able to compare current database with current cvs and merge in changes before commiting. The merged changes need to be immediately applied to the database.
    6 Whoops forgot something, edit object on filesystem but don't check in.
    7 Next day, try to edit same object in the database.
    We now have a 3-way discrepancy between vc, filesystem and database. Raptor needs to allow diff/merge between database and filesystem as well as between database and VC.
    Scenario 2: New Project
    1 Developer creates some database code
    edit-save-compile is entirely within the database at this stage and no VC is involved. At some point the developer has to define a vc repository and directory. Raptor needs to be able to create a new repository or module (cvs import for example) either at this stage or the first time code is saved.
    There could be an option to make VC compulsory so that whenever a developer creates an object, the relevant VC actions are taken.
    2 This scenario merges into scenario 1.
    Scenario 3: Tester begins new testing cycle
    Scenario 4: DBA implements new code in production database.
    1     User checks out latest code from CVS
    2     User runs code against database to create schema objects.
    This is very straight forward. I am not even sure that this should involve raptor, it should all be done by scripts in sqlplus. The one raptor involvement could be reconcilation of the objects in the test database with the VC repository.
    A few other thoughts.
    I haven't thought about multi-schema development, ie making changes to more than one schema at a time. Should a VC repository be associated with a particular connection?
    I haven't thought about managing 'create table' vs 'alter table'. A tool which generated an alter table from the different between db and vc or between 2 vc revisions would be useful.
    All checkout/export/diff actions should be against labels/tags/branches as well as the tip.
    Filenames and formats.
    There should be preferences to allow the user to specify file extensions and other naming conventions (eg upper/lower case). I use the following for ddl files
    table_name.tbl -- create table
    table_name.con -- constraints for table
    table_name.idx -- indexes for table
    Table DDL
    Currently table ddl as generated from raptor includes storage details. Not all of this is relevant in the development process and could cause spurious differences in version control.
    I also like my constrains in a separate file from the table ddl.
    PL/SQL Templates
    The ability to define basic package and procedure templates with VC keywords etc in place. New | Procedure etc would use these templates
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks for the detailed use cases. We can use this message to track Version control feature requests.
    We do want to provide this support in future releases.

  • Version control library

    I'm looking for some code that can take care about tracking changes in text files, allows return to previous version state etc. in one word - things that version control system such CVS and SVN do.
    I need that kind of functionality in my application. Any links or names that I can google ? :)

    You didn't understand me. My application manages some
    text data, that can be edited via web browser
    interface. This application must have SOME
    functionality of the CVS - recording changes to files
    and possibility of the return to any previous version
    of managed document. I'm looking for some libraries
    that can offer such functionality. Again - I need that
    versioning must be used form INSIDE of my application.You need to define better what attributes you want. If all you are looking for is
    a way to access old versions most CM systems allow you to do that inside an
    application or outside. You just need to refer by a complete path to the verison you
    want. I've done this with both ClearCase and RCS.

  • HELP! - Lost CVS Version Control Profiles in JSC-2

    Can anyone tell me how to restore the default JSC-2 Version Management CVS Profile?
    Somehow I managed to delete the CVS AND the VSS Profiles, so I cannot set up ANY sort of Version Management.
    What can I do to fix this??
    Many thanks in advance,

    I think the easiest way would be to start with a fresh userdir. That's where the IDE stores all the per-user changed information.
    Move $HOME/.Creator/2_? (0 or 1 depending on which update version you are) to something like $HOME/.Creator/2_?.myOld ;-)
    Now the next time you start the IDE, everything should be back in order with the version control. But you will have to open you projects again etc!
    -- Marco

  • How do I fix project after "Remove From Version Control" corrupted it?

    I am using RoboHelp 9.0.1 and installed both Tortoise SVN 1.6.9 and latest PushOK SVNSCC then added my large RoboHelp project to SVN. I was able to check in and out files from SVN but had several issues with it:
    1) Super super slow. Working with folders or any renames would take 10 seconds per file and up to 1 hour if needed to refresh the root folder.
    2) I could not perform some actions at all, such as delete, rename, or move folders. I kept getting COM errors.
    I therefore decided that working with SVN and RoboHelp is not practical, at least not on my VPN so I decided to disconnect the project from source control and just work locally. The only option that I saw that sounded like it would do that was the "Remove from Version Control". This started a process that lasted for several hours. At the end of it, I now have several significant issues:
    1) The order of the files and folders in my Project Manager is completely wrong now. I have almost 1000 topics and reordering all of them is not possible.
    2) The Table of Contents, Glossary, and Index files appear empty. They had content before.
    2) A couple of the Single Source Layouts I had created are completely missing.
    3) Many, but not all, of the folders have tons of files with the extension ending in "_temp_removed_by_svn"
    4) Many, but not all, of the files are actually gone from SVN so I can't recover a clean image. There was no warning that this command would actually delete the files from SVN (I thought it would just remove the version control connection).
    5) Who know what other issue exist that I haven't seen.
    Any idea how I can fix this?
    Thanks in advance,

    Are the "_temp_removed_by_svn" files in your local folder or SVN? Let us know how you get on with the new project. It sounds like something is wrong with SVN. Can you use the SVN Log command to see whether there is a different version you can restore. This might also give you an indication of what might have caused the problem. You could try deleting your CPD file. It gets rebuilt it is isn't there anyway. This file can become bloated and it is good practice to delete it when it gets close to 2mb in size. Your project is fairly large and has a lot of folders and may affect performance. Have you considered splitting them and merging the output? I know you probably don't want to consider this right now, but I think it may be a better long term solution.
      The RoboColum(n)
      Colum McAndrew

  • Regarding version control

    Could u please help me out in giving some ideas of version control in sap?
    First let me give some example as follows:
    First if i develop something in the developement server then later when i transfer to the QA server and later to production server then is there any change in version.
    Please give me a details of this issue????

    hi priya,
    Version Control
    Version control is a mechanism that helps maintaining the revision history of a development resource and tracking the changes done to it. It defines a set of constraints on how a development resource can be changed. A development resource that complies with the constraints defined by the version control is called a versioned resource. When a versioned resource is modified or deleted, a new version is created for the resource. A unique sequence number is associated with each version of the resource created in a particular workspace. This sequence number identifies the order in which the versions were created in that workspace. The DTR graphically represents the relationship between the different versions of a versioned resource in the form of a version graph.
    For the representation of version graphs, this document follows the conventions shown in this figure.
    The figure shows the meaning of the symbols in the version graph.
    The following changes are tracked by the version control mechanism of the DTR:
    ·        Addition of the resource to the repository
    ·        Modification of the resource in the repository
    ·        Deletion of the resource from the repository
    In all the above cases, a new version of the resource is created.
    Production Delivery
    To deliver your product, you have first to package it. There are different packages you can use for shipping your product to your customers:
    &#9679;      Software Component Archives (SCAs) – this is the standard way to deliver software for the SAP NetWeaver platform.
    &#9679;      Software Deployment Archives (SDAs) – for top-level applications you can deliver only the executable part of the software. You can directly deploy the SDA file.
    &#9679;      Public Part Archives (PPAs) in Development Component Interface Archives (DCIAs) – for reusable components (Java EE server libraries, Web Dynpro components, Visual Composer components and so on). You can deliver only the metadata of the components. DCIA can be included in SCA file too.
    How to do that?
    Using the command line tool provided with the SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment you can:
    &#9679;      package a collection of components into an SCA including only the deployable archives. This is required if you do not want others to reuse the delivered components.
    &#9679;      package a collection of components into an SCA including the deployable archives and the corresponding interface archives. This allows customers to develop against these components. Those customers can directly import the SCA into their own SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) or into an SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio local installation.
    &#9679;      package the public parts of a component together with the required metadata into a DCIA (and further into an SCA).
    &#9679;      include source code into an SCA.
    &#9679;      unpack a deliverable archive and drop the result into an existing version control system for example, or directly import them into an existing Design Time Repository (DTR).
    Delivery of Source Code for Further Customization
    In addition, you can deliver source code to your customers to allow further customizing or add-on development. The deliverable archive may contain sources for:
    &#9679;      individual development components (DCs).
    &#9679;      a collection of development components, for example a whole software component (SC).
    A customer can add a new source compartment to an existing configuration, and then locate that compartment in the file system where it is accessible by the version control system in charge. Then he or she extracts the sources with the command line tool to the compartments root directory and refreshes the configuration in the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. The compartment tree is populated with components from the archive. Afterwards, the customer may put those components under version control. Deliverables that contain only individual components may be treated accordingly.
    This mechanism may also be used for other purposes, for example for setting up a simple backup and restore mechanism for components in Developer Studio, or sharing DC sources without having a central version control system: a developer may pack a compartment and store the resulting SCA on a central share or backup system. Another developer may take that SCA and import it.
    Note the following limitations connected with this kind of source code delivery:
    &#9679;      There is no support for handling conflicts when different actors in a delivery chain develop independently in the same source code. You cannot prevent the customer from modifying delivered sources. When you ship a new version of the sources, there is no special support for updating and no support for merging the update with modifications done by the customer. You and the customer have to agree on a process how those conflicts are handled. For example, the customer can decide not to import the update you deliver directly into the active development line, but to unpack the delivered sources to some unconnected sandbox system and perform the required merges manually.
    &#9679;      When you deliver source code to customers, it is important that you also deliver the required libraries and generators that are needed to build these sources. For example, it may be necessary to ship some archive compartments that contain used components.
    &#9679;      There is no support for delivering deletions in a new version. If a source file was deleted, the customer has to manually ensure that the file is also deleted in the Developer Studio or source code management system.
    &#9679;      If a customer prefers to work with the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI), this customer cannot directly import the source delivery package into the NWDI landscape. Between NWDI landscapes at different places, sources usually are exchanged through a more sophisticated export format that contains not only the pure source code, but also the versioning meta information of the exporting DTRs. This ensures that the importing repository can detect conflicts that arise due to modifications. If this versioning information is not available, the only way to import source deliveries is to unpack them to a file system and manually put them under version control with the Design Time Repository perspective of the Developer Studio. In case of an update, the customer would have to check out all affected files, merge them with the new versions from the source delivery, and finally check them in as a new version.
    More information: Composition Environment Command Line Tool
    see this url
    reward me if usefull

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