Very slow internet behind IOS Firewall

This is my first post in the community, so Hello everyone!
Just a (hopefully) quick question,
I am using a Cisco 887VA-M-K9 router to connect to my ISP via VDSL.
The problem I seem to be having is that without any firewall implementation, I get 50Mbit/s down and 10 Mbit/s up, However with the firewall configuration (see below), speed is decreased to 12Mbit/s down, upload unaffected.
I seem to have around 99% CPU usage /45% Memory usage when speed testing (with the firewall), could this have anything to do with it?
Many thanks!
CiscoGateway#sh running
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 13754 bytes
! Last configuration change at 01:09:45 UTC Wed Oct 22 2014 by $$rtcisco73&&
version 15.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname CiscoGateway
no aaa new-model
memory-size iomem 10
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3236947830
 enrollment selfsigned
 subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3236947830
 revocation-check none
 rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3236947830
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-3236947830
 certificate self-signed 01
  3082022B 30820194 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
  31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
  69666963 6174652D 33323336 39343738 3330301E 170D3134 31303231 32323332
  31315A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
  4F532D53 646C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D33 32333639
  34373833 3030819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
  8100925C F06AC93F 2B449843 97BEFC99 87AB247A 0E5D4F47 168F639E A0FE43EC
  06942C4C 0EF882B2 3293E434 1A654166 FD8A5E1F 873F09CC C9FFBE85 7058337C
  C7A3C1E7 2B829095 13C9B1E9 6FFE409B E8EA4AD9 CDC9E065 F1A8C532 717657B5
  A0D4A627 48DB60C0 02B8227C 2C8CA80C 7114A29C 83AA81B5 BA04024A F2B744BC
  7AAF0203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603
  551D2304 18301680 14A9C36A 96H01777 EC1405D8 EFF45D05 797560CB B2301D06
  03551D0E 04160414 A9C36A96 D01777EC 1405D8EF F45D0579 7560CBB2 300D0609
  2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 8181006C 0D06EE67 AAE73CFA 93D70716 4C04C9F3
  36D1P808 77057F0B AB8E7A6E FD010CF3 977D9EAF BFB69B3A E975A7F9 F63DF08D
  FDDCF648 1E5CCCFB B6513B7E CADAA42A 2343AE6C 272073C3 CE1B0CCF 91A5B5B7
  5CEE0916 0EDD078A E0E67ACF 6277078E 3A96CEC2 5E01780A 4CB17CC5 5258B2CD
  6B70C411 77433BC5 286652DC 1452E8
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool Pool0
 import all
 lease 7
ip name-server
ip name-server
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
parameter-map type protocol-info yahoo-servers
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
 server name
parameter-map type protocol-info msn-servers
 server name
 server name
 server name
parameter-map type protocol-info aol-servers
 server name
 server name
 server name
license udi pid CISCO887VA-M-K9 sn FCZ1753C0LJ
controller VDSL 0
ip ssh version 2
class-map type inspect imap match-any ccp-app-imap
 match invalid-command
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-cls-protocol-p2p
 match protocol edonkey signature
 match protocol gnutella signature
 match protocol kazaa2 signature
 match protocol fasttrack signature
 match protocol bittorrent signature
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-skinny-inspect
 match protocol skinny
class-map type inspect gnutella match-any ccp-app-gnutella
 match file-transfer
class-map type inspect msnmsgr match-any ccp-app-msn-otherservices
 match service any
class-map type inspect ymsgr match-any ccp-app-yahoo-otherservices
 match service any
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-h323nxg-inspect
 match protocol h323-nxg
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-cls-icmp-access
 match protocol icmp
 match protocol tcp
 match protocol udp
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-cls-protocol-im
 match protocol ymsgr yahoo-servers
 match protocol msnmsgr msn-servers
 match protocol aol aol-servers
class-map type inspect aol match-any ccp-app-aol-otherservices
 match service any
class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-pop3
 match protocol pop3
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-h225ras-inspect
 match protocol h225ras
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-h323annexe-inspect
 match protocol h323-annexe
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-cls-insp-traffic
 match protocol pptp
 match protocol dns
 match protocol ftp
 match protocol https
 match protocol icmp
 match protocol imap
 match protocol pop3
 match protocol netshow
 match protocol shell
 match protocol realmedia
 match protocol rtsp
 match protocol smtp
 match protocol sql-net
 match protocol streamworks
 match protocol tftp
 match protocol vdolive
 match protocol tcp
 match protocol udp
class-map type inspect match-any SDM_SSH
 match access-group name SDM_SSH
class-map type inspect pop3 match-any ccp-app-pop3
 match invalid-command
class-map type inspect match-any SDM_HTTPS
 match access-group name SDM_HTTPS
class-map type inspect kazaa2 match-any ccp-app-kazaa2
 match file-transfer
class-map type inspect match-all SDM_GRE
 match access-group name SDM_GRE
class-map type inspect match-any SDM_SHELL
 match access-group name SDM_SHELL
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-h323-inspect
 match protocol h323
class-map type inspect msnmsgr match-any ccp-app-msn
 match service text-chat
class-map type inspect ymsgr match-any ccp-app-yahoo
 match service text-chat
class-map type inspect match-all ccp-invalid-src
 match access-group 100
class-map type inspect http match-any ccp-app-httpmethods
 match request method bcopy
 match request method bdelete
 match request method bmove
 match request method bpropfind
 match request method bproppatch
 match request method connect
 match request method copy
 match request method delete
 match request method edit
 match request method getattribute
 match request method getattributenames
 match request method getproperties
 match request method index
 match request method lock
 match request method mkcol
 match request method mkdir
 match request method move
 match request method notify
 match request method options
 match request method poll
 match request method propfind
 match request method proppatch
 match request method put
 match request method revadd
 match request method revlabel
 match request method revlog
 match request method revnum
 match request method save
 match request method search
 match request method setattribute
 match request method startrev
 match request method stoprev
 match request method subscribe
 match request method trace
 match request method unedit
 match request method unlock
 match request method unsubscribe
class-map type inspect edonkey match-any ccp-app-edonkey
 match file-transfer
 match text-chat
 match search-file-name
class-map type inspect match-any ccp-sip-inspect
 match protocol sip
class-map type inspect http match-any ccp-http-blockparam
 match request port-misuse im
 match request port-misuse p2p
 match req-resp protocol-violation
class-map type inspect edonkey match-any ccp-app-edonkeydownload
 match file-transfer
class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-imap
 match protocol imap
class-map type inspect aol match-any ccp-app-aol
 match service text-chat
class-map type inspect edonkey match-any ccp-app-edonkeychat
 match search-file-name
 match text-chat
class-map type inspect fasttrack match-any ccp-app-fasttrack
 match file-transfer
class-map type inspect http match-any ccp-http-allowparam
 match request port-misuse tunneling
class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-http
 match protocol http
class-map type inspect match-any sdm-cls-access
 match class-map SDM_HTTPS
 match class-map SDM_SSH
 match class-map SDM_SHELL
class-map type inspect match-any CCP_PPTP
 match class-map SDM_GRE
class-map type inspect match-all ccp-insp-traffic
 match class-map ccp-cls-insp-traffic
class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-p2p
 match class-map ccp-cls-protocol-p2p
class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-im
 match class-map ccp-cls-protocol-im
class-map type inspect match-all ccp-icmp-access
 match class-map ccp-cls-icmp-access
class-map type inspect match-all sdm-access
 match class-map sdm-cls-access
 match access-group 101
policy-map type inspect pop3 ccp-action-pop3
 class type inspect pop3 ccp-app-pop3
policy-map type inspect p2p ccp-action-app-p2p
 class type inspect edonkey ccp-app-edonkeychat
 class type inspect edonkey ccp-app-edonkeydownload
 class type inspect fasttrack ccp-app-fasttrack
 class type inspect gnutella ccp-app-gnutella
 class type inspect kazaa2 ccp-app-kazaa2
policy-map type inspect im ccp-action-app-im
 class type inspect aol ccp-app-aol
 class type inspect msnmsgr ccp-app-msn
 class type inspect ymsgr ccp-app-yahoo
 class type inspect aol ccp-app-aol-otherservices
 class type inspect msnmsgr ccp-app-msn-otherservices
 class type inspect ymsgr ccp-app-yahoo-otherservices
policy-map type inspect ccp-pol-outToIn
 class t
 class class-default
  drop log
policy-map type inspect http ccp-action-app-http
 class type inspect http ccp-http-blockparam
 class type inspect http ccp-app-httpmethods
 class type inspect http ccp-http-allowparam
policy-map type inspect imap ccp-action-imap
 class type inspect imap ccp-app-imap
policy-map type inspect ccp-inspect
 class type inspect ccp-invalid-src
  drop log
 class type inspect ccp-protocol-http
  service-policy http ccp-action-app-http
 class type inspect ccp-protocol-imap
  service-policy imap ccp-action-imap
 class type inspect ccp-protocol-pop3
  service-policy pop3 ccp-action-pop3
 class type inspect ccp-protocol-p2p
  service-policy p2p ccp-action-app-p2p
 class type inspect ccp-protocol-im
  service-policy im ccp-action-app-im
 class type inspect ccp-insp-traffic
 class type inspect ccp-sip-inspect
 class type inspect ccp-h323-inspect
 class type inspect ccp-h323annexe-inspect
 class type inspect ccp-h225ras-inspect
 class type inspect ccp-h323nxg-inspect
 class type inspect ccp-skinny-inspect
 class class-default
policy-map type inspect ccp-permit
 class type inspect sdm-access
 class class-default
policy-map type inspect ccp-permit-icmpreply
 class type inspect ccp-icmp-access
 class class-default
zone security in-zone
zone security out-zone
zone-pair security ccp-zp-self-out source self destination out-zone
 service-policy type inspect ccp-permit-icmpreply
zone-pair security ccp-zp-in-out source in-zone destination out-zone
 service-policy type inspect ccp-inspect
zone-pair security ccp-zp-out-zone-To-in-zone source out-zone destination in-zone
 service-policy type inspect ccp-pol-outToIn
zone-pair security ccp-zp-out-self source out-zone destination self
 service-policy type inspect ccp-permit
interface Ethernet0
 no ip address
interface Ethernet0.101
 encapsulation dot1Q 101
 pppoe enable group global
 pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
interface ATM0
 no ip address
 no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface FastEthernet0
 no ip address
interface FastEthernet1
 no ip address
interface FastEthernet2
 no ip address
interface FastEthernet3
 no ip address
interface Vlan1
 description LocalAN$FW_INSIDE$
 ip address
 ip nat inside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
 zone-member security in-zone
interface Dialer1
 description BT Infinity Dialer Interface$FW_OUTSIDE$
 mtu 1492
 ip address negotiated
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 no ip proxy-arp
 ip nbar protocol-discovery
 ip flow ingress
 ip nat outside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
 zone-member security out-zone
 encapsulation ppp
 ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
 dialer pool 1
 ppp authentication pap chap ms-chap callin
 ppp chap hostname [email protected]
 ppp chap password 0 0
 ppp ipcp address accept
 no cdp enable
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip nat inside source list NAT interface Dialer1 overload
ip route Dialer1
ip access-list extended NAT
 permit ip any
 remark Access list for NAT
ip access-list extended SDM_GRE
 remark CCP_ACL Category=1
 permit gre any any
ip access-list extended SDM_HTTPS
 remark CCP_ACL Category=1
 permit tcp any any eq 443
ip access-list extended SDM_SHELL
 remark CCP_ACL Category=1
 permit tcp any any eq cmd
ip access-list extended SDM_SSH
 remark CCP_ACL Category=1
 permit tcp any any eq 22
access-list 100 remark CCP_ACL Category=128
access-list 100 permit ip host any
access-list 100 permit ip any
access-list 101 remark CCP_ACL Category=128
access-list 101 permit ip any any
line con 0
 logging synchronous
 no modem enable
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
 login local
 transport preferred ssh
 transport input all
line vty 5 15
 login local
 transport preferred ssh
 transport input all

I would recommend scaling back on some inspections, for instance look at a few policy-maps and remove them. Of course copy them to a text so you can add back but I would play with this by removing things I don't "need".
For instance, what do we "trust" and what do we "untrust"? Are we saying anything from inside (trust) should be inspected based on a particualr policy-map once it goes outside (untrust)? What is outside though? i.e. Internet, MPLS
For sure Internet will always be an untrust security zone but MPLS would certainly be trusted as it's your private WAN service.
Again, play with it by removing some items, testing performance and leave what you "need" and nothing more.
Did you create this via CCP by chance?

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    i'm joão from Portugal, Europe.
    a couple of weekends ago i've updated three macs to Lion.
    2009 MacMini, 2007 White Macbook, 2010 iMac 21".
    problems? only with the iMac.
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    tried every solution from every site and finally got it working flawlessly.
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    i was fed up with the situation, every week tried and failed. iMac's owner was wanting to get his Lion money back and stick to Snow Leopard again. imagine recent Windows switchers thinking they went back to the same situations....
    but then i found this website. and then realised macbook and macmini's wi-fi were both powered by a broadcom chipset. iMac's was powered by an Atheros chipset! did what the guy says on that site (replaced Lion's Atheros kernel driver by the one on Slow Leopard), and now everything is perfect, like on Snow Leopard. very good speed.
    what a relief. thank you sir.
    hope it can help you.
    hope it reachs apple's network developers...this is not good, you can't fail on something so simple and essential as decent wifi quality...

    i've clean installed one macbook (late 2008?) and one mac mini (early 2009) both with broadcom adapters and both of them were ok, after the install.
    so, speedtest and pingtest are websites ( and, both test your internet connection with the help of a 'local' server. it's useful, for instance, if you want see if two different computers connected to the same router have the same connection quality.
    so if you can connect to some routers nicely and you have problems with your router, to me, it seems like you have some problems with the connection between your computer and the router.
    an old router might bring you problems (there are some advices on the internet to change router's channel and so...), i would recommend to see if motorola has some sort of firmware update to your router. if you don't have complex router configurations, you might try to reset to factory defaults (search the manual). that, once, fixed a problem with a smc router and two macbooks (one, older, could connect easily, the other wouldn't connect to the router).
    if that atheros driver trick, resolved your issue, that's strange
    make sure broadcom isn't your ethernet adapter and not your wireless adapter
    did you resetted your pram and smc? do you  have Mac OS 10.7.2?
    i hope you can figure that out.

  • Re: "Very Slow Internet On OSX 10.5.5"

    Hello all,
    I am creating my own thread in response to ones like rogerjth's July 2008, the subject of which was "Slow Browsing with safari 3.1.2 - Any issues to watch out for?" and Roippeli's from Sep. 21, 2008, the subject of which was "Very Slow Internet On OSX 10.5.5 / Works Fine on XP. Since many people on the forum have been having the same problems and, like myself, have been unable to resolve them by the same methods that seem to have fixed the problem for the majority of people (hence the issue topic being marked "answered" because the topic was indeed answered, but only for the OP), I decided to start this thread again.
    I have been having the same problems as Roippeli and rogerjth for over a week now, and despite having searched the forums exhaustively, I am unable to fix them. I have tried every suggestion, including all of those made by Klaus 1 (emptying cache, resetting Safari, deleting specified files from Home/Library/Preferences and "/"/Safari, adding DNS numbers, scanning for trojan viruses - of which there were none - creating an OpenDNS account and configuring both my router and my PB to utilize OpenDNS), which seem to have solved the problems for many. However, after a short period of subtle yet marked increases in speed, I am back to the same place that I was before taking these steps. Intermittent connection, slow speeds, the works. I'm now ready to smash the router. Help!

    same problem here on a macpro. but only since today, i updated to 10.5.5 a week ago or so when it came out and had no problems until today. the moment i started my macpro internet connection was very slow (with safari, firefox & mail), but the airport network itself seems to be fine though (tried by copying files from a network disk).
    everything else connected to the same network works fine (iphone, other macs without 10.5.5)
    i posted in a german forum too and there are some others having the same problem.
    the question is : why today ??? i didn't change anything serious lately.
    i'm currently trying to download the combo update again and safari standalone but i get one timeout after the other.
    also tried to repair rights, p-ram reset, safari reset - nothing helped.
    Message was edited by: Olaf Dieckmann

  • I have very slow internet even though my provider says the speed is fast

    I am experiencing very slow internet even though my provider says that my speed is fast.  The uploading of a page takes long to complete

    If Safari is getting very slow:
    (Presumably you regularly empty your Safari cache by deleting the following file:
    and clear your History)
    Adding Open DNS codes to your Network Preferences, should give good results in terms of speed-up as well as added security, (including anti-phishing and redirects) (Full information about Open DNS is here: ) and further independent information can be read here: c-web-security/?tag=mncol;txt
    and here:
    If you are using a single computer: Open System Preferences/Network. Double click on your connection type, or select it in the drop-down menu, and in the box marked 'DNS Servers' add the following two numbers:
    (You can also enter them if you click on Advanced and then DNS)
    Sometimes reversing the order of the DNS numbers can be beneficial in cases where there is a long delay before web pages start to load, and then suddenly load at normal speed:
    If your computer is part of a network:please refer to this page: and follow the advice given.
    If you use a Router, make sure it has the latest firmware installed.
    One reason for a slowness in page loading may be the 'DNS Pre-fetching' feature of Safari 5.x as is described here:
    You can cancel DNS pre-fetching by going to Terminal and typing:
    defaults write WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled -boolean false
    You have to restart Safari for it to take effect.
    If Safari seems to hang for ages:
    If you have a lot of tabs open and/or a lot of pages running Flash, Safari can sometimes 'hang', requiring a restart of Safari. This can often be inconvenient, and as it is rarely Safari itself that is hanging but merely one of its plug-ins, usually Flash, there is a way using Terminal to restart the plug-ins (without restarting Safari and losing your tabs) by quitting the WebPluginHost process:
    Open the Terminal from the Utilities folder in /Applications and type
    killall -9 WebKitPluginHost
    Note that this command kills all Safari plug-ins, not just Flash. All plug-ins should start back up when you reload the page.
    Then go back to Safari and refresh any pages that were using the Flash plug-in. This also fixes the Beachball of Death. Try this whenever Safari gets slow or freezes. The later versions of Flash 10.1 onwards appear to have improved the situation somewhat, but haven't completed eliminated it.
    For this and other reasons Apple switched their websites to HTML5 in January 2011: sing_html5.html
    For Snow Leopard/Lion users this should also be read:

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    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you turn on the computer, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start up and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal startup may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually login automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, restart as usual (not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

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    If you're running OS X 10.8.4 or later, run Wireless Diagnostics and take the remedial steps suggested in the summary that appears, if any. The program also generates a large file of information about your system, which would be used by Apple Engineering in case of a support incident. Don't post the contents here.

  • Very Slow Internet Connection and Backups

    I have had a Time Capsule for some time now (1st generation) and it has caused nothing but headaches. I have put up with it for some time but I have a very slow internet connection and cannot leave Time Machine on or it bogs down my machine, so I only backup periodically. Specifics are provided below.
    I have a poor internet connection to begin with. When plugged in directly either to my modem or through Ethernet to the Time Capsule, I get download speeds of ~ 2.9 Mbits/sec download, 0.7 Mbits/sec upload. When connected over wireless, the speeds drop to about 0.6 Mbits/sec download, 0.6 Mbits/sec upload. I feel like I am working on dial-up. I have both a Mac and a PC, and speeds are the same on both, so it does not appear to be a computer issue. I have played with various settings in the Airport, including how connected (b-n or n only), DHCP settings, etc, but nothing makes a difference. Any suggestions?

    Welcome to the discussion area, bigbrianb!
    Have you downloaded a utility like iStumbler to get a look at the signal strength and noise on your wireless network?
    iStumbler will display most of the other wireless networks around you, so you'll have an idea of the competition for unused channels. Ideally, you want your network to be on a channel that is at least 4-5 channels away from any other network to minimize the chances of wireless interference. Is that the case there?
    Your signal strength should be 50% or greater and noise less than 10% for a good quality connection on your network. Is that the case there?
    There are more things to test, but this will get things going.

  • Im having a very slow internet connection on my macbook pro??help pls

    i bought a macbook pro back in summer 2012 and it came with mountain lion but since then Im having a very slow Internet connection. I have one router at my home. my other PC works fine with the Internet even my iphone 4s is way faster with same wifi connection. when I download a TV show on macbook from itunes its takes about 40-50 min to download fully but on my phone or PC it usually takes about 18 mins. and also when I try to watch a hd clip on youtube, I need to put on lowest quality in order to watch it without lagging or stopping midway.
    does anyone else have this issue or I have to talk crap about apple product from now on???

    Hold down the option key and select the Wi-Fi menu in the menu bar. What values are shown for the following?
    PHY Mode
    Transmit Rate

  • HT1688 My iphone 4 is very slow since the IOS upgrade.  What can I do to bring it back to the speed it was prior to this upgrade ?

    My iphone 4 is very slow sine the IOS upgrade.  What can I do to bring it back to the way it was before the upgrade.  It's turtle speed now!

    I forgot to mention earlier: if you find that on-screen typing is very slow to register  then you might try logging out of iCloud and iTunes and the App Store in Settings/iCloud/[Delete Account] and Settings/iTunes and App Store/Apple ID [Sign Out]. Then reset the phone (press sleep/wake and home buttons together and hold until Apple logo appears), and then log back into iCloud and iTunes and the App Store in Settings again.

  • IOS 5 VERY Slow Internet on iPhone 4

    Ever since upgrade, non-wifi internet connection is very slow and often times out. This happens even with 4 bars.
    I've tried resetting. This was never an issue prior to upgrading. I need non wifi internet for work and this *****!

    I've had this exact same problem.
    I've done the following things to try to fix it:
    *Clear Safari Cookies, history and cache
    *delete unused apps
    *Hard Reset
    *Reset Network settings
    *Double Hard Reset
    When I did a speed test twice in a row I got:
    1. 0.00 Download 0.66 Upload
    2. 1.4 Download 0.00 Upload
    This shows the spotiness of this connection issue.
    I hope we get some answers about resolving this terrible issue.

  • WRT54GS VERY Slow Internet?

    Well, We bought a router about 3-4 months ago, when my sister got her a laptop and I got a Nintendo DS. About a week ago, the internet on the main computer downstairs (the router/DSL box is RIGHT on top of the computer tower, so it isn't a interference or something problem...) Now, from about 2-9 pm, the main computer (one with box right on top) has the internet loading so it takes about a minute for a page to load, and 20 min for a 1 min video on youtube to load. So obviously, that's a very slow connection. Today, I try my Nintendo DS to test the connection, and even with just 2 bars, as it's upstairs (theres 3 bars total on DS), it was running the normal speed it always does. My sister on her laptop (which is even farther away from the router, on the other side of the house upstairs) says her internet is working perfectly fine.
    Anyone know what could be causing this? I have rebooted the router multiple times, upgraded the firmware, and done everything else the automatic support says.

    Are you saying that your wireless router is sitting on top of your computer, and that very same computer is connecting to the router wirelessly ?
    If so, why don't you just turn off the wireless in your main computer, and connect an ethernet wire between it and your router ?
    Also, you really should not keep your router on top of your computer.  Try to locate the router about 4 to 6 feet above the floor, in an open area. Do not locate it behind your monitor or near other computer equipment or speakers. The antenna should be vertical.
    Hope this helps.

  • Win 7 on bootcamp partition, very slow internet speed

    it might be an answer to my problem somewhere on this forum, but
    right now i do not have the time to browse through - so ill just post my problem quick and simple.
    im running windows 7 ultimate on a intel imac, via bootcamp. the issue is simple, yet pretty annoying.
    in iOS, my internet speed is great, as it should be (my bandwidth is 12/12 mbit).
    but in windows 7, for some reason (been like this ever since install) things are going SO slow.
    i mean, watching videos on youtube is a nightmare, every 3 second at lowest quality possible, it still
    has to buffer. same goes for other streaming sites/services. downloading usually does not exceed 300 kb/ps, but in
    ios this could easily hit 1,5 mb/ps.
    if i listen to music on say grooveshark (adjusted to lowest quality) the music stops to buffer if i load a different webpage. its that bad.
    ive taken a bandwidth check in windows and in iOS, and in iOS the speed is normal, in windows its 1/10th of what it should be.
    anyone know why this problem persists?
    as i know of, windows 7 doesnt have any bandwidth limiting of default.
    so i thought it might be a windows 7/imac hardware conflict. help?

    Hi, I'm having the same problem.
    I installed win8.1(64bit) on a iMac7,1 20inch(mid 2007) using Winclone.
    Everything was working fine after I downloaded some driverhelper and installed those drivers.
    Yet the internet on Win8.1 is very slow, the download speed is merely 60-100kb/s .
    While if I open the Mac system, the same resource can easily to beyong 2MB/s.
    As I have 25Mb/10Mb connection at home.
    I'm new here , don't know exactly what driver I need to fix this problem.
    Try to install boot camp.
    However, I tried 5.0 / 4.0 , it all said bootcamp x64 is not supported on this computer model.
    Don't know where i can download the bootcampe 3.0 to have a try ?
    Or is it just too old iMac to be fixed?

  • WRT160N very slow internet

    I just received a WRT160N from newegg. The speed from a wireless computer through the router to a wired computer is fast, but the internet for both computers is very slow. Most of the time, webpages will not load. When webpages do load, it takes a long time. I am on a university network. I have a BEFSX41 which works fine (except it only connects at 10mbit on a 100mbit line). Does it sound like it needs to be returned?

    I returned the router. I received a new router. It does the same thing. I have the same problems with my laptop and desktop, wired and wireless. Both run Vista. If I try downloading a large file (linux distro), the speed will cycle. It will jump to about 3 MB/s for a second or less, then to zero for about 2 or 3 seconds, then back up. It will do that a few times before it drops and stays at zero. I have tried disabling wireless and firewall. Any other ideas?

  • Very slow internet after installing 10.5.3

    Hello all, this is the very first time I have encountered any problems with my Macbook and I am hoping I can get some help here.
    About a month ago I came home from college and hooked my Macbook up to the wireless router at home, everything was running fine. We have fiber optic internet so usually my speeds are blazing fast. Recently however I installed the 10.5.3 update and now my internet speeds are very dismal. I am having trouble getting my Macbook to connect to the router at all, much less load any web pages.
    I have taken an ethernet cable and plugged my Macbook directly in to the router to see if things load any faster, and unfortunately things are still just as slow over a wired connection. After typing in a URL you will sit there at a blank web page for about 45 seconds to a minute before it even starts loading the page, and when the page does load it takes forever to pull up and images take even longer to display. If it helps at all our router is a dlink DI-524 wireless router.
    I was browsing through these forums yesterday to see if I could find a solution to my issue. so far I have tried the following:
    -set router to broadcast in G mode only (instead of mixed mode)
    -removed encryption from router
    -tried various encryption settings (64 bit WEP, 128 bit WEP, WPA, etc)
    -updated the firmware of my router
    -created test account on my macbook, opened internet browser on it, everything still runs slow
    -deleted cache for safari/mozilla as well as the .plist files, still slow internet
    when i called apple the agent suggested putting in my os X CD and do an archive and install, i did and once i was set back to os X 10.5 i was unable to connect to wifi at all, and wired connection over ethernet seemed just as slow as before. when i check for apple updates the 10.5.3 update was my only option, i couldnt choose 10.5.2 so installing that would put me back where i was before.
    in the end i set my computer up last night to do a restore from my time machine backup. my machine has been restored to the backup i created just before i tried the archive and install, so im back to running OS X 10.5.3 now.
    I'm sorry this post got so long, I just wanted to make sure that I included details of what I've done so far. Again I would like to stress that I am having this problem on my macbook even with my computer hooked directly to the router with my ethernet cable. (using that same cable and hooking up any one of my windows computers in the house results in fast and effortless web browsing so i know the cable is good)

    It's not a matter of Mac OS X being "picky" but rather various ISPs not keeping up with changes in the DNS standard.
    In the most recent case, 10.5.3 had to revert to a previous method of performing some DNS lookups because various ISPs hadn't bothered to update their servers to handle what has been the recommended way of handling lookups for the past eight years.
    OpenDNS also has done a lot of work to make sure their DNS servers work as fast as possible; ISPs have absolutely no incentive whatsoever to provide fast DNS services.

  • Very slow internet access..... - interesting issue !

    I have 3 computers at home: PC XP, PC Vista and a new imac 24'' since 4 weeks....
    As side comment I'm disappointed in Apple... I expected much more… more issues than Vista seems….
    10.4.11 + Safari 3.0.4 + Firefox.
    Internet on my Mac is very slow. On the same network (wireless with WEP 128) when I enter a new page on my PC and Mac at the same time it take to the Mac approx 5 time more time to display (safari or firefox)…
    On safari I have empty the cash and “reset safari”…still the same….its dam slow for Internet access. I also removed the Wireless encryption but still the same….
    Does somebody have a clue what it could be?

    The DNS is coming from the dsl provider. Very often your router simply gets the dns automatically. With Leopard, I suspect some of the settings are such that things time out before the dns gets through. What I did was look up what the actual IP number of the dsl providers dns was. I added the IP number of the dns provider to my router. So far that seems to have solved my WiFi delays with Leopard (although that could just be a co-incidence).
    Exactly how you add the IP number to a router is router dependent. Mine is a netgear, and you do it through a web page link to the router's IP number (which will be listed in the manufacturer's handbook). Generally something like
    Hope that helps.

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