Video Broadcast (Not Live!)

Hi *,
we are seriously considering to purchase FMS for a customer
application, but we need to know if it is possible to stream in
broadcast FLV videos that are stored on the server (building a
Reading about the FMS features i found a lot of examples of
_live_ video streaming, handled by using a "camera" object etc.
(you surely know better than me what i'm talking about). But i
didn't find any example of broadcast streaming of a flv video file
_not_ live. Has anybody already done this with FMS?

Yes. FMS can publish recorded and live flvs to subscribers.
You can create a playlist of videos and mix and match between
recorded, live, and even mp3 streams.
is an article you will find useful.

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    We have a quarterly Town Hall event we set-up.  We have an audience of about 100 employees at our local corporate office.  We would like to broadcast a live video stream of the presenters as well as have the presentation available on the screen.  We have another 100+ employees that watch this over the web.
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    David Jackson
    IT Operations Manager

    Ummm, the same way you broadcast a video file.
    You feed the DataSource associated with your web cam through a Processor, program the Processor's tracks to output the encoding you want, and then you send that out via RTP.
    And on the receiving end, nothing changes from the video file.

  • HTML5 Video Works In Live and Preview But Not on My Website

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    <video id="0" preload="metadata" controls width="640" height="460">
            <source src="FunWithMyFriend.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs=&quot;theora, vorbis&quot;'/>
            <source src="FunWithMyFriend.webm" type='video/webm' />
            <source src="FunWithMyFriend.mp4" type='video/mp4' />
            <p>Video is not visible, most likely your browser does not support HTML5 video</p>

    Thanks Nancy, you're sure right about the user - I am a newbie and quite ignorant yet.  I am a Linux user through Host Gator (not so good btw - slow over-crowded servers).  I checked and added the basic MIMEs that I am trying to play.  h.264, mp4, mov, ogg (OGV), WEBM, even wmv. 
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    Thanks to anyone who helps - I really appreciate it.

  • Live Video Broadcasting over LAN

    Hi Guys,
    I have studied the JMF Framework.
    And sucessfully transmitted and received video and audio over a network i.e. LAN.
    Also I have successful in displaying Webcam onto applet.
    Only issue with me is how do I broadcast the Live Video to clients.
    Do help me at the earliest.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Ummm, the same way you broadcast a video file.
    You feed the DataSource associated with your web cam through a Processor, program the Processor's tracks to output the encoding you want, and then you send that out via RTP.
    And on the receiving end, nothing changes from the video file.

  • Live stream not live- plays like VOD

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    --- broadcaster.swf ---
    var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection()
    connection.connect(connect_url);  // my server/application/instance
    var stream = new NetStream(connection);
    stream.publish("mass", "live");  // live means stream live without recording on the server
    stream.attachAudio( Microphone.getMicrophone() );
    --- receiver.swf---
    var stream = new NetStream(connection);
    video1.attachNetStream(stream); // video1 is on the stage ( not FLVPlayback)"mass", -1, -1, true); // -1 means play live stream only, -1 means start at 'wherever the live stream is'
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    Can anybody tell me what is going on?

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    But the reciever is still seeng VOD not Live video.
    Is there something wrong with my receiver?

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    Apple... i am not impressed.

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    Do you have the latest version of Flash Player? Download Flash Player at and install it. Also, is your internet slow? Try changing your quality on the video to low when the video starts to see if it does the same thing.

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    The links Harm provided influenced the original build, but on his advice, I re-read them and decided to alter it and bit.
    If I swap out the ASUS Rampage for the Deluxe model, replace the Velciraptor with a Seagate 2TB, and the water cooling with a COOLER MASTER, Hyper 212 EVO CPU Cooler (rated Gold by hardwaresecrets), then I can upgrade to the larger COOLER MASTER, HAF 932 Advanced and keep the price about the same.
    Given my projected video editing demands, it doesn't seem like the ASUS Rampage MB offers much more than the ASUS Deluxe MB and the latter contains BT and wireless.
    Since I do not intend to OC, there doesn't seem to be a great need for liquid cooling, especially with the larger tower case. At any rate, it does feel better not put "liquid" and "computer" in the same sentence!
    The Corsair AX850 Gold power supply does indeed seem to be a better choice.
    There doesn't seem to a concensus in the all the discussions relating to using a SSD vs a hard drive for the boot disk. However, since boot speed is not an issue for me I don't need an SSD and the Velociraptor seems to a unnessary expense. While I don't need 2TB for the boot drive, they are not much more than the 1TB.
    The only question remaining is filtering the air. This machine will be in a dusty (but not dirty) environment. I read Harm's thoughts on air filtering provide in his link, but don't want to go the custom route. These aftermarket filters look nice st_Fan_Filter_Set_-_4_Piece.html, but for the cost, I'd rather put another $50-60 into the case and get one with good filtering.
    Does anyone have experience with a stock Full Tower with complete built-in filters they have actually used in a dusty environment they would be willing to share?
    Message was edited by: VideoShui

  • Switching video source for live video streaming

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    capture card to a standalone video during live video streaming? We
    are streaming live TV and we want to skip playing any
    If this is not possible, what is the best way skip playing
    any advertisements? Do we have to do it at the client player level
    i.e. catch an event from the video player and play a predefined
    video when the live video stream is stopped?

    Thanks for reporting your fix. That news could be very important to those who delete events from their hard drive to save space, but may want to reload them later to do some editing.
    It sounds like the key is re-importing with exactly the same name as before.
    Just curious: What kind of camcorder? Was it MiniDV tape? Flash? Hard drive? DVD?
    It strikes me that with tape it might be difficult to reimport an exact match. If you start on a different frame, the pointers could be off. But if that is not the case, it is very good news.

  • Video Broadcasting Project

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    I will very appreciate if anyone can share me the code.
    [email protected]

    I am also trying similar for lan using JSP.
    I have used Applt on client side to receive and present stream to client.
    But my problem is that I cant understand how to start streaming from server side when applet init.
    when I tried to embed reading RTP stream from file into JSP page.
    but it gives error that page can't bedisplayed. it is in format which cant be displayed.
    After thet I also tried to emplement it in Bean but it is giving similar error again.
    can anybody guid me, How to start streaming after Applet initialized on client side?
    please relpy me at
    [email protected]

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    tis true
    I know, I always do that but I was in a rush to get somewhere and I was relying on my thousand dollar Mac to do some kind of recovery or something. I know Microsoft always keeps temporary files (I think Mac does too, part of me asking here in this forum was for someone to tell me where I can find those files) and when you go to open Office Works then it gives you the option of opening the last recent documents, saved or not saved.
    I usually copy paste into my emial just in case something goes wrong with the created document but I just didn't have the time to login and do all that My loss, you live and you learn, BUT still if ANYONE got any info on this, PLEASE DO CHIME IN *keeping the hope alive*

  • MSE : "Files needed to display video are not installed..."

    I installed the MSI DigiVox ATSC w QAM USB stick. Live TV setup and channel scanning worked fine. But then when I try to use the tuner in Windows Media Center, and play live TV, I get stuttering video and audio for a few moments before this message is displayed:
    "Files needed to display video are not installed or not working correctly. Please restart Windows Media Center or restart the computer." I have of course tried both.
    WMC plays back movie files from my HDD without any problems.
    One symptom is when I go through guided setup, and choose 5.1, the Test button does not result in any audio output. Even though WMC's system sounds and file playback audio works fine.
    I have Win 7 64 bit, all updates. Intel i5 2500K integrated video (HD Graphics 3000) - latest drivers installed. Connecting via HDMI.
    I tried the exact same tuner on a Shuttle based x86 Win7 Ultimate 32-bit system, with a discrete ATI video cards, and everything worked fine.
    1) Is there a problem with the 64-bit drivers, or
    2) Is there a problem with MSI Digi Vox and Intel HD 3000 graphics?
    3) Something else?

    If I connect the HTPC directly to my Samsung DLP, it works fine.
    There must be a problem with the combination Intel HD3000, Onkyo TX-SR605 and Windows Media Center that I probably will never be able to solve  
    EDIT: So I tried a discrete ATI video card, and had the same problem. Ergo, it must be that WMC cannot handshake or communicate with my Onkyo TX-SR605 receiver.
    EDIT2: Also, my old 32-bit HTPC connecting via the same receiver, there is no problem. This is so frustrating. I think I will re-install Windows 7 64-bit + all drivers, and try WMC7 audio + Live TV before installing anything else.

  • Streaming flash video will not play automatically. Must move the mouse off the link

    I have 4 computers, all running Win7. On every one, Internet explorer. 2 have firefox 3. 2 have firefox 4. When clicking a link on a website that has live streaming video (flash) - the stream changes to the next one and the video feed begins right away. Works fine on all 4 computers in IE, and in both Firefox 3. The video starts when the mouse is clicked, or when the screen is refreshed. On both computers with firefox4 - the mouse click loads the new feed, but the video hangs on a white screen until the mouse pointer moves. same problem when the feeds are set to auto-rotate. they load every 30 seconds, but unless I physically move the mouse, no video plays (or click the 'next feed' button again, which gives a split-second peek at the video feed I am navigating away from), I need to monitor many security cameras, and this is excruciating. Safe mode does not help. I have the newest versions of everything. please tell me this is a bug and not someone's bright idea

    Your code paths are different on the index page video
    compared to the absmc page
    "ryonker" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g3esv7$c3r$[email protected]..
    > Hi Everyone,
    > I add a flash video to a page and when I preview it form
    DW CS3 and from
    > the
    > website the video does not appear. I already have one
    that is linked on
    > the
    > homepage but for some reason this additional on will not
    play. Here is a
    > link
    > to the page in question.
    > Does anyone have any suggestions for getting this to
    play? I have others
    > that
    > I need to add in addition to this one.
    > Thanks,
    > Robert

  • Teleconferencing app - Video/Audio not synced

    I have a Flex based application which is using Flash Media Server (FMS) server (version 4.0)  for live video streaming between two users (i.e. a one to one teleconferencing service). This streaming is one-to-one, as defined by business rules, so that no third person can join a teleconference. Either person can start the video stream via a browser-based Flex client and communication gets established once the second user joins. Validation for connecting the streams of the two users is implemented on the FMS server (as server side scripting defined in main.asc).
    Almost every teleconference has video/audio sync issue of anywhere between 2-10 seconds (i.e. the audio and video feeds are not synchronized).
    Question - any suggestions on how this can be corrected, either client or server side?
    Thanks for the ideas...

    Re: Video/Audio not synced when viewing on computerT I'm using the HD+ mode and it is in synch. After more playing around I noticed that I sometimes experience the stop motion but then it quickly returns. It only happens when I have other programs open. If I close all programs and just have open the video, it works well. Again, this is a limitation of my computer power.
    Try this... Open up the Task Manager and then play a video. See how much of the computers power you are utilizing when the video plays. Look at the processes that are open and close anything you don't need. Most people have too much stuff running in the background on their computers that slows it down. They usually come preloaded from the manufactor that way. I have set up my computer so that nothing runs automatically when you start-up. It makes the computer much faster.
    Also, are you running Vista? Vista is a memory hog. Try messing around with Vista's settings. Vista can limit your computer power. With your computer power, you shouldn't be having such a problem. Maybe switch back to XP.

  • Hi Guys,  I am using the full width video widget on a site. The widget was working perfectly however I have just added additional content to the site and re-uploaded and now the video is not working! Please help I have tried everything and am freaking out

    Hi Guys,
    I am using the full width video widget on a site. The widget was working perfectly however I have just added additional content to the site and re-uploaded and now the video is not working! Please help I have tried everything and am freaking out as this web-site has been payed for by my client.

    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

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