Video Conferencing in Air 3 for Android/IOS

We are in the process of creating a Video Conferencing application for Android and IOS devices, the app would be published on Android and IOS market.  I have some quires related to using Air 3.0 for the development:
For Android devices Front facing camera is supported only in Air 3.0, but can we assume Air 3.0 would be officially available by end of this year?
Would this feature available for all Android 2.2 and above devices?
Can we use Flash Media Server/any other streaming server for video conferencing?
I have read in some of the post that Apple store do not allow video streaming with RTMP, is this true? Is there any work-around to use streaming video from within Air app for IOS?
Thanks in advance!

I used milkmangames ANE. (50$), because i didnt want to fork the code for each os.
It was "easy" to set up (quotes: as easy as something complicate can be).
Consumables, or One-time-purchases worked out of the box, but restore, subscriptions and auto subscriptions (like newspapers) had bugs like hell and were unusable.
Also check out here for some free stuff (wich propably works as well as the comercial, "supported" stuff, stupid-me)...
More ANEs:

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    I've developed a Air for Android application targeted specifically for Samsung N 800.
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    I'm not sure if I completely understand you, but if I do, you want to check the Exif info to see how the image is oriented, then rotate it to show it how you want on the screen. Take a look at this post here: it may help with doing what you need. It's a little tricky and works differently for iOS and Android, but not too hard to figure out. Also, in the future, you may have more luck getting some decent answers by posting in this forum:

  • AIR for Android video issue

    On Android, in an app that I’ve developed successfully for iOS, I’m seeing this problem:
    There are 5 videos built-into the app. On Samsung phones (S3 and S4), running Android 4.4.2, at the first attempt to play a video there’s sound but no picture. After returning to the video menu and attempting again, video and sound play normally. If a video is stopped and another one is started, initially a frame of the previous video is displayed (for a fraction of a second), then play resumes normally with the chosen video.
    The sound-but-no-video problem does NOT show up on a Nexus 7 running 4.4.3, although the flash-frame problem does.
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    This feels like AIR-for-Android buggishness. Any confirmation out there? Similar problems? Workarounds?
    I’ve read somewhere that AIR runtime  v.3.3 may solve some video problems on Android, but not sure where to find an archived Android version of AIR that old.

    Well, as it sometimes happens with me, I have spoken too soon. The answer that I marked as ‘correct’ the other day (Colin, are you there?), seems to be not quite the right answer. At least, it doesn’t solve the video problem that I’m having with some, but not all, Android devices.
    After trying Colin’s suggestion – using  if (stage.stageVideos.length != 0) to make sure that a stageVideoAvailabilityEvent hasn’t already fired when I try to play my first StageVideo instance – and getting perfect results in 10 consecutive tries on my Samsung S4 and S3 phones, I figured that was IT.
    Next day, same devices and same code, it DIDN’T work! I pulled hair, issued profanities, hammered on the table. It didn’t matter—I still got a ‘mis-fire’ on the first play of a video whenever (almost whenever) I opened the app. After the first play everything was good – which is the exact problem that I started with many days ago. When I played Colin’s Sesame Street ‘Let’s Get Ready’ app again – the same first-play-of-video problem shows up there too.
    This problem does not show up on Nexus 7  and the Samsung Galaxy 5 Tab. It is a royal p.i.t.a. on Samsung phones, where I need my app to work.
    I created a bare-bones app to reproduce the problem, code below. Just a single class to play a single video with no controls. A few parameters (path to the video, and viewport stuff) are passed in from the document Class. I run it 10 times on my S4. It fails 7 times and plays well 3 times. The 'initialize2()' function never fires, proving that the stageVideos array already exists by the the time the 'initialize1()' function is called.
    I'm pretty sure that this is not a coding problem (because it works well on some Androids and in iOS), but WHAT is it??
    package vidTestSource
      import flash.desktop.NativeApplication;
      import flash.desktop.SystemIdleMode;
      import flash.display.MovieClip;
      import flash.display.Sprite;
      import flash.display.StageAlign;
      import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
      import flash.geom.Rectangle;
      public class MobileVideosolo extends MovieClip
          public var stream:NetStream ;
          public var video:StageVideo;
          var xx:Number;
          var yy:Number;
          var ww:Number;
          var hh:Number;
          var mymoov:String;
      public function MobileVideosolo(mymoov,xx,yy,ww,hh)
          this.xx = xx;
          this.yy = yy;
          this.ww = ww;
          this.hh = hh;
          this.mymoov = mymoov;
         addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onstage);
    function onstage(e)
        if (stage.stageVideos.length != 0)
          stage.addEventListener(StageVideoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABILITY, stageVideoState );
    function stageVideoState(e)
           stage.removeEventListener (StageVideoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABILITY, stageVideoState);
    function initialize1()
          var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection() ;
          nc.connect(null) ;
          stream = new NetStream(nc) ;
          stream.client = this ;
          video = stage.stageVideos[0] ;
          video.viewPort = new Rectangle(xx,yy,ww,hh) ;
          video.attachNetStream(stream) ;
 (mymoov) ;
          MovieClip(parent).sVtext.text = "Init 1";
          stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
    function initialize2()
        var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection() ;
         nc.connect(null) ;
         stream = new NetStream(nc) ;
         stream.client = this ;
         video = stage.stageVideos[0] ;
         video.viewPort = new Rectangle(xx,yy,ww,hh) ;
         video.attachNetStream(stream) ; (mymoov) ;
         MovieClip(parent).sVtext.text = "Init 2";
         stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

  • How to record a time-limited video with Adobe AIR for iOS

    I am trying to record a time-limited video with Adobe AIR for iOS.
    For example, I want to implement the following function. Start a one-minute timer before launching CameraUI to record video. When the timeout event happens after one minute, stop recording video, close the CameraUI view and obtain the video data so far.
      I have several questions related to that.
      1. How to stop recording video from outside the CameraUI view(in this case, from the timeout event handler) and then close the CemeraUI view? As far as I know, to close the CameraUI view, the only way is to press the [Use Video] button or the [Cancel] button from inside the CameraUI view. Is it possible to close it from outside?
      2. Even if the first problem mentioned above is solved, then how can I get the video data so far(in this case, the video data before the timeout). I know that normally we can get a MediaPromise object from MediaEvent parameter of the  complete handler, and read the video data from the MediaPromise object. But obviously in this case, we can not access the MediaPromise object just because the complete handler itself will not be executed since the [Use Video] button is not pressed.
      3. Is it possible to add a stopwatch to show possible remaining recording time when CameraUI view is open? It seems that the CameraUI automatically uses the full screen of iOS device(in my case, iPad) and there is no extra space to show the stopwatch.
      Are there any solutions or workarounds about the three problem above? I really appreciate it if anyone has any idea about this. Thanks in advance.

    You'd have more control by using the Camera object, showing the camera on a video object inside a Sprite, and capturing that. Then you could put whatever graphics alongside it on the stage.. I've used FlashyWrappers in a test to capture the video to the library.  It took some work, but the test worked well...
    Flash/AIR record videos of your apps and games: Rainbow Creatures

  • AIR for Android - best video specs?

    Hello everyone,
    I'm trying to develop a custom video player app using the AIR for Android extension in Flash Pro CS5.
    I tried out an FLV and an MP4 video with the most stripped back code snippet, but the video still seemed a bit jerky on my phone. (Samsung Galaxy S)
    // Code
    var video:Video;
    var connect_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(connect_nc);
    stream_ns.client = this;
    video = new Video();
    Would anyone know what the ideal encoding specs are for non-jerky video? Is it something to do with H.264, or perhaps CPU vs GPU? (I tried that too, with no visible difference.) Even with the app running at the appropriate frames per second (in this case, 24fps), the video seemed less than smooth.
    Any comments would be much appreciated!

    Hi [email protected]
    These should help you:
    regards Mike

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    I there a possible way to update the air for android for an fla or apk? Or how can I let my originally file work fine in flash cs6??

    system couldn't find the file
    If you can´t get a more specific hint why your project can´t compile then I can think of some reasons theis error might occur
    1.You had files included besides the swf, like videos, audio files, xml files, that are not present in the place air expects them to be
    2.somewhere in your createWin functions there is a class import needed that isn`t present in 3.2 anymore, for example some classes or functions from classes that were valid in 2.6 are not any more in 3.2
    3. to achieve better eror logging, allow for debugging in the publishing options and see what specific lines in your code throw the error
    4.any air app needs a cert file, this needs to be created once, if you migrated to e new system it might be you never created that file which air expects to even begin the compiling process
    once you isolate the problem, report back

  • Adobe Air for Android - caching key event that have "unusual" keycode

    I am developing an application for a platform. The OS of this platform is Android Gingerbread (2.3.4) The platform has some buttons with "unusual" key code: 141, 131 etc.
    Native application that created in ADT can catch and respond to these keyboard events While my Adobe AIR application (created in Flash professional) are Indifferent to them.
    I try both: stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,KeyHandler,false,0,true); NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,KeyHandler,fa lse,0,true);
    How can I "catch" this event? Maybe a way to add constant to the keyboard class?

    If you are deploying for iPhone it is on the 'general' settings(First setting page opened).
    Just noticed you are making android app but i still added iphone deployment settings for further future
    But if you are using it for flash/android you have to add code into your fla descriptor with XML language(dont worry it is 1 line of code)
    Watch the video on this page about GPU rendering: ml
    Your app shouldn't lag after these steps but if you have a project that gets bigger and has lots of code it MIGHT lag so that is when external files should help.

  • Air for Android Extremely Slow...

    Hey everybody,
    Hopefully some of you have been trying the prerelease of Air for Android like myself. Its all great and easy peasy to export the apps to my phone but it seems to be ridiculously slow even for seemingly simple scripts.
    This is what i'm trying to run at the moment and the app times out before it gets running (All the apps do get running eventually but only after the time out timer could have run over multiple times).
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.sensors.Accelerometer;
    var vx:Number = 0;
    var vy:Number = 0;
    var s:Shape = new Shape;
    s.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
    s.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
    with (
    var accel:Accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrameLoop);
    accel.addEventListener(AccelerometerEvent.UPDATE, onAccelEvent);
    function onAccelEvent (evt:AccelerometerEvent):void
        vx += evt.accelerationX;
        vy += evt.accelerationY;
    function onFrameLoop (evt:Event):void
        s.x = Math.round(s.x + vx);
        s.y = Math.round(s.y + vy);
    From what I can see theres nothing actually wrong with the code from what I can see but it just takes so frickin' long to load. If I make an app with some equally simple animations it loads almost instantly. I am aware that this is only a prerelease version of the software and the documentation does say that hardware acceleration has not been added yet but whenever I watch the videos up on youtube of the Adobe team making amazing apps with obviously buckets of script running smoothly on their phone I get annoyed
    P.S The processor on my phone isn't the problem either (Nexus One Eclair )

    If you are deploying for iPhone it is on the 'general' settings(First setting page opened).
    Just noticed you are making android app but i still added iphone deployment settings for further future
    But if you are using it for flash/android you have to add code into your fla descriptor with XML language(dont worry it is 1 line of code)
    Watch the video on this page about GPU rendering: ml
    Your app shouldn't lag after these steps but if you have a project that gets bigger and has lots of code it MIGHT lag so that is when external files should help.

  • Flash cs5.5 FLVplayback Encoding Problems with Air for Android

    Dear All,
    I'm trying to play flv in my air application by using FLV playback in flash cs5.5.
    I can play flv in the pc but not on the samsung galaxy tab andriod platform.
    if anyone out there has tried out FLV playback with either an Air For Android application, where the FLV files are packaged within the app, or either streaming via normal http//:, any help  would be greatly appreciated.

    First disable autoplay. It gave errors for me. Try to make the movie play with the play() command.
    to embed the movie in your air bundle, just go to publish settings for your flash project. Then in that screen go to the player settings.
    In the first GENERAL tab you'll see a the bottom that you can add files to your project
    Propably there is allready your .swf and an .xml file in there.
    Using the + icon you can add your video.
    Make sure that your video is in the same directory as your . FLA file and you can use it as is (by name)
    If for example your flashfile is in c:\mytest\mytest.fla and the video in c:\mytest\videos\myvideo.flv , then you will have to load your video as "videos/myvideo.flv" with a FORWARD slash, never use \
    Good luck

  • I need help adding admob ads to air for android flash cs5.5 app

    I would like to know how can i add admob ads in adobe flash cs5.5 air for android app without buying any extentions please tell in detail because my scripting in as3 is VERY weak, so detailed answers would be lovely.

      flash-air-admob-ane-for-ios-and-android - Admob Ane,a adobe native extention(ANE) for actionscript developer to add go…
    you need upgrade to flash cc.

  • Air for Android language problem

    i have an Air for Android APK compiled by Flash CS5.5 that shows support for languages that are not in the app. I successfully removed these in my iOS apps, but am unable to find out how to do this for Android apps. Anyone developed a process to fix this?

    I'm still having this issue with every export. This seems to be a problem that just won't die.
    Edit: This might be the answer

  • Using Google Play Developer License RSA code with Air for Android App?

    What is the procedure for using Google Play Developer's provided license code (Base64-encoded RSA public key to include in your binary) for an Air for Android app in Flash?
    I see the need to load a p12 file and have gone through the process of creating one for Air for iOS with OpenSSL but the Google provided key is in a different format. To start with it is delivered by copy/paste off a webpage.
    I am using Flash CS5.5. I could switch to CS6 if neccesary.

    Follow this link, see post number 12.

  • AIR for Android app location

    I am developing an AIR for Android app. When the app is published, does anyone know where on the phone the app is stored? It would be on the internal memory as the app is never moved to the sd card.
    I need to know this as the app exports a pdf file. I am using File.applicationStorageDirectory so the pdf should save in the app directory but I cant find it.
    Would the app be stored in the same directory for iOS as well?
    UPDATE: 18/01/12
    I have found the app location and which can be accessed with a rooted phoned.
    I also have the pdf saving in the /Local Store/ directory of the app. However, is it possible to save the pdf in the sdcard directory? I have tried a relative path (../../../../../../sdcard) but that didnt work.

    Hi guys, any ideas?

  • Download Flash/AIR for Android, where?

    When I go to Adobe's download center I don't get an option for Android download.
    So from where exactly I can download Flash player and AIR for Android ?

    Adobe Flash Player and AIR for Android are available directly from the Android Market on supported Android devices.  If you are unable to find Adobe Flash Player in the Market, the most likely reason is that your device does not meet the minimum system requirements.
    Specifically, Flash Player requires a CPU with support for the ARMv7-A instruction set to achieve the level of performance required for acceptable multimedia playback.
    Your device has an ARM11 CPU, which only supports the ARMv6 instruction set.
    For future reference, Adobe maintains a list of devices certified to work with Adobe Flash Player and AIR here:
    You might want to give Skyfire a try.  It uses "remote desktop" technology to render Flash animation and video in the cloud, for devices that are incapable of processing Flash content natively:

  • Air for Android problem

    Hi. Hope someone can help!
    I've successfully published an interactive childrens book app for the iPad using Air for iOS. I now want to publish the same app using Air for Android. I did a quick test just to see what it will look like and found that the animation is very slow and therefor the voice over is out of sync.
    The animations are hand drawn images with very basic tween motions. That's it!
    For navigation I used code snippets.
    Can someone please point me in the right direction?

    did you test on an android device or emulator?
    if you used the emulator, test on a device.
    if you tested on a device make sure you have always have a background bitmap even if its just a stage colored rectangle.

  • How to add Google Ads or similar in "AIR for Android" application?

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    What I already know:
    I know that Adobe provides AdMob native extension API which allows you to add Google Ads in your app. But unfortunately, it's not free.
    What I want:
    I want a free resource through which I can add ads in my application.
    Please guide me how can I achieve this?
    Thanks in advance,

    Yes, its for me broken, too.
    I found the link in this thread:
    Maybe try to contact the author or one of the thread participants for an unbroken version?

Maybe you are looking for

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