Video Express Custom Theme - mp4 animation is stripped

Hi there,
I utilized a custom theme in the Video Express tool and chose for it to play at the start and end of my presentation. I have the mp4 outputted to the size specifications however, in Video Express, the animation of the video does not play. When you play this file outside of the program, it works fine.

You might be playing the video from the middle section. Please check that your play bar should start from the beginning.
Makes sure that you have applied the theme before and at the end of the recording.
If that doesn't resolve it then please you may share your contact details as private message.

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    Adobe Presenter is a Windows application, so being able to download it may be irrelevant. The link you provided works for me, but again, I think you may need the Adobe Presenter Video Express tool, as that is the Mac application (and it's free). You should be able to get it from the Mac store,
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    Message was edited by: Jorma Jennings

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    Hi Sagar,
    In Power View, it has several default theme colors for us to apply to our workbook. Also, we can change the Font, Text Size and Background of the chart. However, it is not support to design a custom theme color.
    You can refer to the following steps to change the theme colors:
    1. On the POWER VIEW tab, in the Themes group, click Themes.
    2. Under Built-in, click the theme that you want to use.
    Please refer to the following screenshot below:
    Alisa Tang
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alisa Tang
    TechNet Community Support

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    The templates used by your new theme in apex(that you created when you copied) would still be referencing your old css path.
    So update check the templates used in your new theme for the referred css files
    <li>In Your new theme's page templates check for the directory path that point to the old theme and modify that
    For example(I am using theme2 here)
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/css/theme_4_0.css" type="text/css" />
      <!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/css/theme_4_0_ie.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->
      <!--[if IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" href="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/css/theme_4_0_ie6.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->
      <!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" href="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/css/theme_4_0_ie7.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->Change the string in the CSS file path from theme_2 to theme_10 , assuming that it is in the same directory as the other themes. Else modify it appropriately.
    Do this for all page templates(or atleast the ones you use).

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    Only the themes present in the desktop in which the users fall will be available in the personalize link.
    In detail
    System admin->portal display->Desktop and display rule ->open your desktop (in which the user falls)
    Add all your custom theme to the desktop.
    By now the custom theme will be present in personalize->custom theme.
    Karthiheyan M

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    Can we assume that your 1080p30 is an AVCHD.mp4 file or other?
    You manually or the project automatically should set the project preset to
    DSLR 1080p30 @29.97
    (If your frame rate is really 30 instead of 29.97, then go with DSLR 1080p30 instead of DLSR 1080p30 @29.97)
    See the following link for setting the project preset manually
    For your export
    with Presets = MP4 - H.264 1920 x 1080p30
    Please let us know if you have further questions on this or need clarification on anything written.
    Thank you.

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    I have not tried in Presenter 10 but in version 9 below worked.
    if you hook up different web cam models (meaning not the same model x 2 or x 3 but totally different models) you can use multiple cameras and "switch" between them by using the pause function on the keyboard while recording videos. An example. Use 2-3 web cams that are all HD cams but different models (Logitech 920 HD is a good choice for this plus one or two other Logitech HD models). You can then record with say your main camera pointed at you, pause the recording, choose a camera that is over your shoulder for a "see what I am seeing on my monitor" as an example and then switch again to a third camera for a profile view of yourself.

  • NW2004s: Assigning a custom theme to a web dynpro running in the portal

    The situation is as follows:
    Some web-dynpros (for java) have a custom theme, a theme which is <b>not</b> the default theme of the portal or  the default theme for web-dynpros in general.
    In NW2004 this worked as follows:
    When starting a web-dynpro in the portal it checked if it was started with the right theme. If <b>not</b> the exit plug of the WD interface view was called with an Url of the WD application plus a parameter for the right theme.
    This is the famous parameter sap-cssurl.
    For that parameter there are some values possible:
    1) sap-cssurl=http://<host>:<port>/irj/portalapps/
    2) sap-cssurl=http://<host>:<port>/irj/portalapps/
    3) sap-cssurl=http://<portal>:<host>/webdynpro/resources/
    The first 2 are locations of the portal environment, the last one is a location of the WD runtime environment.
    As I noticed this must be a full qualified absolute Url including host and port.
    This works in NW2004 for web dynpro's running standalone <b>AND</b> in the portal.
    Now for NW2004s:
    The 3 variants of the parameter sap-cssurl work for web dynpro's running standalone.
    But now for web dynpro's which are integrated in the portal:
    The exit-plug with an Url is not possible anymore, this leads to the runtime error:
    <i> Exit-Plug must no be triggered with an URL when running in portal. Use portal navigation instead to navigate to another application!</i>
    Okay, as a first workaround I tried the portal navigation,
    but somehow the supplied parameter sap-cssurl has no effect.
    The code for that in the on-startup plug of the WD component:
      "theme_set=X&" + theme,
    I used there absolute portal navigation and the  parameter (sap-cssurl=...) is part of the <b>launcher parameter</b> and the <b>business parameter</b> in the call to <b>WDPortalNavigation.navigateAbsolute</b>.
    But as I wrote above, this has no effect on the theme.
    In the I-View the parameter "Supply portal theme" is set to <b>NO</b>, otherwise the parameter "sap-cssurl" is supplied twice (this can be seen in the poroperties of the web-page in Internet Explorer).
    What I tried afterwards was setting the parameter sap-cssurl hardcoded in the "Application parameters" of the I-View. This doesn't work either.
    My question is: Should this be anyway possible for a NW2004s portal?
    Did anyone successfully implement this?
    Kind regards,
                Erich Lind

    Hi Erich,
    I am facing the same problem. I am on 04 s and couldnot implement the custom theme to a web dynpro running in the portal. When I run the web dynpro app as stand alone, the custom theme applies fine. But when in portal, it takes the standard theme.
    Was wondering if you figured this out.

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    Select/highlight the ones that you want to change in your iTunes library, do Get-Info (control-I) and change their Media Kind on their Options tab to 'Music Video' - and then similarly for the podcasts.

  • How do I leverage a custom theme for Outlook 2013?

    Microsoft has a problem. They use the term "theme" in Office in 2 different ways: 1) the 3 background colors you can choose of the Office applications and 2) a collection of colors, fonts, and layout that can be customized and defined by the user
    for the applications.
    I know how to create a theme in PowerPoint and save it as a default for all new presentations. Allegedly you can you this across Office applications but this is where it breaks down (as far as my user experience goes).
    I've created a theme in PowerPoint. It has my custom colors. I want to use that same collection in Outlook.
    I can apply it on a email by email basis (Options menu for an email), but I want the default email (new or reply) to use that custom theme. I see my theme in the drop down menu under a heading of Custom, but there isn't a way to set it as default
    (behavior differs from PowerPoint here).
    So I look under the Outlook File menu, then Options and select Mail. You can change stationary, but the custom theme isn't an option there.
    Then there is Styles under the Format Text menu when in a new email. There are color options and font options, but again, no way to leverage the work I did in creating the custom theme.
    Searching on customizing themes for Outlook only gets me answers on the first use of the word theme, not the latter.
    Is there no way to you the theme I created for Outlook 2013?

    Its very simple - if you want a product that remains consistent and does not change its layout every few years, that is fully customizable, and will remain being supported by subsequent operating systems, then get an open source product running in an open
    source OS. It seems that you can no longer rely on MS to provide consistency, stability, or support for their own products. 
    When will MS realise that customer familiarity with their products is their intellectual property, like branding, which you would never trash every five years. Imagine that MS wanted to change their name to a new company name, or their Outlook brand to Inlook
    - it would never happen. So why is thee trade getup and arrangement changing so often and against what their customers want? Is it to justify thee new products? Maybe with cloud and 365, they will finally be happy and stop mucking about with what works (after
    they change everything back to '95 /XP format?).

  • Creating mobile web dynpro application which customized theme

    Hi guys,
    I have created a mobile web dynpro application and a theme with Theme Editor. Then I have appended this theme with the sap-cssurl parameter to my application.
    <b>my_application? sap-cssurl=http://host:port/webdynpro/resources/</b>
    It works well in my first testing on my laptop.
    In order to test it on my mobile device I have also appended sap-wd-client parameter to my application. Now my URL looks like
    <b>my_application? sap-cssurl=http://host:port/webdynpro/resources/</b>
    It doesn’t work. My application layout looks as if I don’t use the theme. Did somebody have the same problem and can help me by finding a solution.
    Thanks for your answers.

    Hi Marita,
    Mobile Web Dynpro supports several handheld mobile devices. I guess yours is a Pocket PC. Except the newest Pocket PC 2003, all the other versions don't have CSS support. Therefore the current Pocket PC client "PieClient" of Web Dynpro lacks the ability for customized themes. On the other hand, themes are supported for more advanced devices, such as Nokia Communicator 9500/9300.

  • Spark skins, modules and custom themes: linking issues?

    I've read some other threads on this topic that were related to the pre-release versions, but I can't get a complete answer get. I also opened an issue in the bug tracker (, but I'm also posting here, hoping to get some help.
    Basically, I have a bunch of skin classes for the standard Spark controls (e.g. s:Button), as well as other skin classes for my custom SkinnableComponent objects. I need to reuse those skins in many projects, so I created a theme: I put in a Flex Library Project all my skin classes, all related graphical assets, and a defaults.css stylesheet that associates each component with its correct skinClass.
    Now, in my modular application project, what is the correct method to link this compiled theme SWC? I tried different ways, and found some issue for each one:
    In <app>-config.xml, using the <theme> compiler option: this way, modules don't pick up the skinClass correctly (default components use the standard Spark skin, and for custom components I get many skinNotFound errors).. its a pity, I like this method because command-line invocations of MXMLC (build scripts) automatically apply the settings in the config.xml file, while I have to manually keep in sync any additional compiler argument.
    In <app>-config.xml, using the <theme> compiler option and add -compiler.isolated-styles=false: seems to work, but not always.. moreover, the option must be put in additional compiler argument, and not in <app>-config.xml, to have effect... I understand that the config.xml file, in a modular application, is only applied to the main application (or that it must replicated with correct name for each module)?
    In additional compiler arguments, using the theme+= option.. these arguments should be used also for modules compilation, and this seems the most effective solution at the moment (swf size of compiled modules has slightly increased), but skinNotFound errors still happens sometimes, usually going away after a clean build.. maybe this has something with the incremental build performed by Flash Builder and/or optimization of modules?
    Right now, I've tried adding also -keep-all-type-selectors in the compiler arguments to see how it goes...
    Is my scenario supported by Flex 4? How should I setup my environment? I read how to create custom themes in the official documentation ( and a specific help section exists about using styles with modules ( 78ed3a750d6b8f1b97f82d12508050aa0-8000), but it only cover simple style sheets, no specific information about compiled themes and the suggested linking strategy.
    I'm using Flash Builder 4.5.1 and compiling with Flex SDK 4.5.0 (both application and theme), the project use some Halo components (e.g. DateField) but almost all components are Spark, and I use Spark component for <s:Application> and <s:Module>. Modules are optimized for the main application, and are loaded using the ModuleManager.
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Cosma Colanicchia

    I'm not sure Spark components will work if the compatibility mode is set to

  • Can you change the button color on a custom theme?

    I recently installed a nice theme called Fractal-01 Song of a morning breeze. I had to installan add-on to change the menus that were white and thus invisible, but I have not figured out how to get the grey buttons for like Home and Back and Reload black, and they are very hard to see with this theme.
    I tried changing them in Custom Theme Restorer, but nothing seems to change them to black. I can't imagine that the person who designed this theme would have made these washed out colors that blend into the theme the default, but maybe he or she did. It is a shame to give up on such a nice theme if I don't have to, but it helps if you can see your buttons.

    Hi sherylz,
    It is also possible to edit the theme, but it may be wise to make a copy of it:
    *[ MDN Reference]
    *Add on to make own skin: []

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    A rather simple way, regardless of version, may be to:
    1) Select everything and scale down;
    2) In the Select dropdown click Object, then Text Objects, then Object>Transform>Transform Each and scale up to the original size or to a(nother) suitable one.

Maybe you are looking for