Video used for the display models

Does anyone happen to have a link to the video Apple/stores use for their iPads? You know the videos they display using the 'Demo' app showing what the iPad does and ect. It's also looped I believe?

I've seen that demo video running on all of the Macs in the store myself. While I'd like to have it too, I'm sure it's proprietary. Searching for it may be frustrating too...

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  • Best way to clean microfiber cloth used for the display?

    What is the best way to clean microfiber clothes used for the display?

    Hand washing works well, but can be tedious.
    If you decide to machine wash, make sure of a few things:
    - Use warm water
    - Do not wash with towels or undergarments. The microfiber cloth will pick up every bit of lint from them.
    - Wash it with similar color items.
    - Use regular soap, but don't use bleach or fabric softener. The bleach can damage the cloth (and the Apple cloth is black anyway, do you really want a spotted cloth?) and the fabric softener will reduce the effectiveness of the cloth.
    - Hang it up to dry or dry it on the lowest setting of your dryer. I am not certain about the Apple cleaning clothes, but other microfiber clothes have been known to actually melt in the dryer if it gets too hot.
    To hand wash:
    - Put the cloth in a bowl with a tight fitting lid, add a little soap. Either dish soap or laundry soap will work, you don't need much.
    - Close the lid tight & then shake the bowl hard for a few minutes. Find a 3 year old, they'll love to help do this.
    - Remove the cloth & rinse it well, making sure the water runs clear.
    - Air dry flat or throw it in the dryer at a low setting.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12025: Switching out the old video component for the new video component that uses OSMF .

    Revision: 12025
    Revision: 12025
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-19 17:48:04 -0800 (Thu, 19 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    Switching out the old video component for the new video component that uses OSMF.  Also fixing RSL issue with OSMF because a change in flex-config.xml accidentally got overwritten.  Also fixing a bug caught during the last code review where you would set the volume on the VideoPlayer, but the volumeBar wouldn't be made aware of that change.
    Switching out the video component results in many API changes.  The changes are highlighted below:
    Class name changes:
    - spark.primitives.VideoElement is being renamed to spark.components.VideoDisplay
    - spark.components.mediaClasses.StreamingVideoSource is renamed to park.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoSource
    - spark.components.mediaClasses.StreamItem is renamed to park.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoItem
    VideoDisplay/VideoPlayer event changes:
    The new video component's events are:
    - bytesLoadedChange :
    - currentTimeChange :
    - durationChange :
    - mediaPlayerStateChange :
    The old video component's events were:
    - close : (removed)
    - complete : (replaced with mediaPlayerStateChange)
    - metaDataReceived : (replaced with mediaPlayerStateChange)
    - playheadUpdate : (replaced with currentTimeChange)
    - progress : (replaced with bytesLoadedChange)
    - ready : (replaced with mediaPlayerStateChange)
    VideoDisplay/VideoPlayer property changes:
    - maintainAspectRatio:Boolean has been renamed to scaleMode:String and rather than true/false, it now access 4 values: none, zoom, letterbox, and stretch.  See the enum class org.osmf.display.ScaleMode.
    - playheadTime:Number has been renamed to currentTime:Number
    - playWhenHidden has been renamed to pauseWhenHidden, and it's "tense" has been reversed.  So playWhenHidden = true correlates to pauseWhenHidden = false.  Also, before we would only pause when the video component was explcitly set to visible=false, but now we detect if the video components or any of it's ancestors have been hidden.
    - totalTime:Number has been renamed to duration:Number
    New properties:
    - bytesLoaded:Number This is a new property not available on the old video component
    - bytesTotal:Number This is a new property not available on the old video component
    - loop: Boolean this was a property added a while ago on the old video component but not in the original video player spec
    - mediaPlayerState: this is a new property that details the state of the video component.  See for all the possible values.
    - seekToFirstFrame:Boolean (pending PARB approval) - This is a new property available on VideoDisplay/VideoPlayer.  When autoPlay = false, if seekToFirstFrame is set to true, then we will connect to the server to start downloading the video, figure out the size of the video and resize appropriately, and show the first frame of the video.  If seekToFirstFrame is false, then no connection to the server is made, there's no implicit size for this video, and the first frame will not be show automatically.  By default the value of this property is true.  In the old video component, when autoPlay = false, we always has the same behavior as seekToFirstFrame = true.  Now it is controllable through this property.  Eventually, (not for Flex 4.0), we will most-likely have support for a thumbnail source or a splash screen so the video's preview will show up without making an unneeded connection to the server.  The property name may change depending on PARB.
    Other changes:
    - autoRewind: The default of autoRewind is now true instead of false
    - enabled: before we paused the video when the video component was explicitly set to enabled = false.  Now we pause the video when the video component or any of it's ancestors have been disabled.
    VideoPlayer-only changes:
    - property is now a new property on VideoPlayer.  It was previously only on VideoDisplay.
    - The skin states for the old VideoPlayer were: connectionError, disabled, disconnected, loading, playing, stopped, connectionErrorAndFullScreen, disabledAndFullScreen, disconnectedAndFullScreen, loadingAndFullScreen, playingAndFullScreen, stoppedAndFullScreen.  The new skin states are: uninitialized, loading, ready, playing, paused, buffering, playbackError, disabled, uninitializedAndFullScreen, loadingAndFullScreen, readyAndFullScreen, playingAndFullScreen, pausedAndFullScreen, bufferingAndFullScreen, playbackErrorAndFullScreen, disabledAndFullScreen
    DynamicStreamingVideoItem property changes:
    - bitRate:Number renamed to bitrate:Number
    DynamicStreamingVideoSource property changes:
    - initialIndex has been added to DynamicSteramingVideoSource
    - live:Boolean has changed to streamType:String which accepts values: live, recorded, any.  See the enum class for more info.
    - serverURI:String renamed to host:Object
    - streamItems:Array has changed types to streamItems:Vector.
    - bufferedStart will be removed
    - bufferedEnd will be renamed to loadedRangeEnd.  This property name still may change depending on PARB.
    - bufferedArea skin part needs to be renamed.  Probably will be renamed to loadedArea.  PARB still deciding.
    QE notes: -
    Doc notes: -
    Bugs: -
    Reviewer: Kevin
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: Yes
    Modified Paths:
        flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/wireframe/src/spark/skins/wireframe/ ml
    Added Paths:
    Removed Paths:

    I've got that same problem: iPod Touch 2nd Gen, Apple Component Cables, and an HD TV.
    The funny thing is, the cable works fine with an iPod Classic (160 GB) but not for the iPod Touch. Can anyone explain why that is?

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    these are the best

  • Get a Samsung HDTV and ATV or wait for the latest model?

    A newbie to HDTV, video and ATV.
    I have almost decided to buy the Samsung 50" plasma HDTV PN50A650. But have discovered that Samsung has a new model PN50A760 with added capabilities for playing video and wireless networking.
    Connectivity is an issue to me. Spending all the green on a HDTV, I do not want it to be obsolete in 4 years. What if I get a digital camcorder? Or Apple introduces a flat-rate movie-rental scheme? My options:
    OPTION A) Wait a few months until the $500 premium for the new model drops.
    Some excerpts for reviews of the latest 760 model:
    "The 7 series can playback video content stored on a USB device while the 6 series are limited to images and audio."
    (Naively, I thought that all HDTVs should be able to play back video.)
    "The 7 Series can stream audio, video and pictures over your home network."
    "The TV recognizes not only MP3 and JPEG files but also XviD and MPEG4 files to enjoy video playback."
    "The TV can also reach out to your home network and play back photos, videos and music stored on networked computers. You'll need to install special software, included with the TV, onto your PC." This could be some very basic software. Suitable for Macs?
    "While this feature seems pretty cool, it's not as good as similar functionality built into a PS3 or an Xbox 360, let alone that of a dedicated network media streamer like Apple TV. Despite being billed as DLNA-compliant, the TV won't play nice with DLNA server software like Windows Media Player 11 or TVersity, so you're stuck with the included proprietary software. Samsung's software is basic..." (Compatibility with Macs?)
    OPTION B) Buy the older model and then, add ATV. The total cost will be less and I think, the video playback (through my iMac?) and networking capabilities (2Wire Wi-Fi) will be much better. But I see there have been problems between ATV and Samsung HDTV.
    Isn't the combo with ATV a much more capable and flexible (and cheaper) long-term solution? Which Samsung is unlikely to match?
    Thanks for your valuable advice! (Urgent for the X-Mas season!)

    Winston, I think you're missing my points:
    1) If you're interested in a device for watching HD video, then you can compare the AppleTV and Blu-Ray. You then have to look at what other features they provide, or don't provide as the case may be, and decide. I was just giving my opinion on an alternative.
    2) There was no detailed information given as to what the streaming capabilities were and so I was giving my opinion again.
    To say that there is little difference quality wise between current HD broadcasts (even if some are 1440x1080i) and the maximum output of the AppleTV at 1280x720 shows a total lack of experience on your part of watching HD broadcasts on a TV capable of 1920x1080, or a lack of appreciation of the better detail contained in the picture. It's like comparing AppleTV HD at 1280x720 with DVD PAL native resolution of 720x576 and saying there is little difference quality wise. But then if you look at the US market where 30fps is standard, the AppleTV cannot support resolutions higher than 960x540, and then you really are lowering the benefits of the AppleTV over DVD quality, and the difference between the AppleTV and HD broadcasts is even bigger.
    I have compared video from HD broadcast at 1920x1080 with the same video converted down to 1280x720 on the AppleTV, and the loss of detail is noticeable, especially when watching on a 40" TV, not an uncommon size these days with them being used with games consoles. Before you comment, no it is nothing to do with how I convert them, there is just physically far fewer pixels available. I much prefer watching 1920x1080 through my Media PC than watching 1280x720 through my AppleTV.
    Also, as we all know it happens, there is software available freely on the internet - no names will be mentioned - that allow the convertion of movies from DVD to a PC, and likewise from HD-DVD and Blu-Ray to a PC. So reality is that it's available now and with the cost of 1TB and 1.5TB HDDs so cheap, the potential for a 1920x1080 resolution video collection for playing on a 1920x1080 TV is already there. Saying it's not going to happen 'any time soon' is rediculous as it's already happening, albeit quietly, especially as talk of how to do such things is not allowed on this forum.
    You keep using this phrase 'any time soon' without quantifying it. You use words like 'unlikely'. We live in a fast changing world. The world of televisions has changed dramatically in the last two years, whereby nearly all mid-priced TVs (both plasma and lcd) from about £800 GBP upwards now support native 1920x1080. Two years ago I paid over £1500 GBP for a 37" plasma supporting native 1024x720. You can now buy Sony OLED 11" TVs, which a couple of years ago were just being shown off as prototypes. In my opinion, OLED will blow away lcd and plasma tv sales within 5 years, and in my timescale, that is any time soon.
    12 months ago I bought a blu-ray player for a PC, whilst people around me were going for hd-dvd. The format wars was predicted as not going to end 'any time soon' and no one could have forseen that within 6 months the whole blu-ray / hd-dvd argument would be over.
    For your information, ABC in the US have been broadcasting in HD for over 10 years.
    But as I keep saying Winston, these are my opinions. You're allowed yours and I'm allowed mine.

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    Connect one display to the Mini-Displayport and the other to a USB port using an adapter like this:
    Or buy a Matrox DualHead2Go DP Edition external video box and connect both displays to that, which in turn connects to the Mini-Displayport on the computer.
    There are limitations either way. A USB-connected display will be less responsive than one connected to the MDP, because USB 2 is slow. To use two displays with the Matrox box, I believe the displays must be identical. Read and understand all the caveats about each alternative before making a decision about which way to go.

  • Best Video Settings For The iPad.

    Hi everyone,
    Does anyone know this ? "Best Video Settings For The iPad".
    Kindly and in simple terms state the best possible settings to be use when converting videos for the iPad that optimizes the entire screen size/ area without a black borderline around your video. it's rather frustrating to have many technical jargons online without anyone giving real pointers at real values in conversion settings.
    Thanks in anticipation.

    Kindly and in simple terms state the best possible settings to be use when converting videos for the iPad that optimizes the entire screen size/ area without a black borderline around your video.
    It is impossible to answer your question without knowing both the aspect ratio of the source file and your personal preferences for displaying it on a 4:3 iPad screen.
    Basically, you have two options here when converting files of one aspect ratio for display on a screen of another aspect. You can distort the original display to "fill" the ipad screen. (E.g., you can make a widescreen movie exactly fill your iPad screen but then people and objects will look tall and skinny.) The other option is to convert at the original aspect ratio and simply use the iPad "zoom" option to force your widescreen movie to fill your 4:3 screen by scaling the height of your movie to fill the screen and allowing the left and right edges of you movie to be cropped from your view. You have no other choices here other than living with the defaulted black areas.

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    Basically I need a driver for the display, and the LAN ?
    Best Regards,

    What OS do you use???
    If you use the XP you will not find the LAN driver on the recommended driver site!
    I can not give you any advices where to find such driver because I dont know what LAN card is installed in your oldie.
    But why you dont check this yourself? Try to find out what LAN card you use and googel a little bit for compatible applications ;)

  • AMD/ATI video driver and the display

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    Hello, @gunnyswife1719 
    Welcome to the HP Forums.
    It seems that you're getting a bsod error about the graphics. I will try to assist you with this.
    Start with updating the graphics.
    AMD High-Definition (HD) Graphics Driver
    If that doesn't work, you can try using the HP Recovery Manager to reinstall the factory default drive.
    This may also help you: Resolving Blue Screen errors in Windows.
    Let me know how everything goes.
    Thank you for posting on the HP Forums.
    I worked on behalf of HP.

  • What data is used for the link title in osssearchresults.aspx

    In our OOTB SharePoint installation we have a search results page in a collaboration site that displays Word documents. Each word document has a Title property, however the text used for the hyperlink to the document in the search results page does not seem
    to use the Title property, instead it uses some text from inside the document, e.g. the contents of the first H1 tag.
    I had a look at the XSL of osssearchresult.aspx core results web part, and this uses a "title" parameter. So I can only assume that when SharePoint search catalogues a Word document, it decides to ignore the title property of the list item
    and instead derives the title text from content within the document itself.
    Is that correct? Or am I missing something? Can I change the title for Word documents in search to be the actual title of the list item?

    The word documents   have two columns “Name” and “Title” by default. The “Name” column is the file name and is “file” column type, its related Crawled Property is  ows_LinkFilename
    .  The  “Title” column is the document title and is “Single line of text” column type, its related Crawled Property is ows_Title . When SharePoint Search crawls the word document, both the two columns are crawled. However, the ows_Title 
    crawled property  is mapping to “Title” managed property, but the ows_LinkFilename crawled property does not map to any managed property. In the SharePoint search results, the word document  shows its “Title” managed property.
    So for your scenario, the search result should show the “Title” column value. Please go to your document library and verify the “Title” column’s value of your word documents.
    For more information, you can refer to the thread:
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • What r all the tables  used for the following report

    what r all the tables  used for the following report
    •     Report that displays all the late shipments in a particular period of time</b>
    send important fields for this tables also
    thanks in advance.

       Imp table are vttk,vttp,vtts.

  • Better use for the Lock Screen

    Why isn't apple making a better use for the Lock Screen (or lets 3rd party apps to do it)?
    Why can't we get a preview of our upcoming calendar events, get weather info and other useful information just by pressing ON.
    every other smart phone has it. Ever the old Nokia smartphone has it.
    So why aren't we?

    duplikate2 wrote:
    I personally will be going back to a blackberry if Apple doesn't fix this issue or allow a third-party app to solve this MAJOR ANNOYANCE!
    Wow ... I am sure Apple will be in shock. They have only sold five million phones and obviously everyone has ben wringing their hands this glaring omission.
    Seriously, tell Apple here as we are just users like you can can do nothing for you and your demands. And signing up for the Board just to say that was a waste of your time but it is of course yours to waste.
    And, FWIW I am completely happy about not having my personal information on display on my phone.

  • The factory profile for the display could not be found.

    Whenever I try to color calibrate my Mid 2010 iMac I get the error message "The factory profile for the display could not be found". When you look at the profile settings for the display a color sync profile is set, but the setting for the factory profile is blank. I know where the color sync profiles are stored but it seems to me that the display has lost the setting to the factory profile. Can anyone tell me what the default factory profile setting should be? and how do you restore the setting? (note: I seem to have all the ICC files, it's the default factory setting itself that is missing)

    There seems to be a lot of posts about this issue dotted around the net with no-one able to come up with a solution. So I found a solution myself! =P
    1) Download a copy of Plistedit Pro. It's shareware, so donate!
    2) Edit /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist (you will need to create a copy of the file, edit the copy and then copy back)
    Using the plist editor find the coloursync entry for your device and simply edit the factory default entry to point to a valid colorsync profile file (.icc).
    I can now colour calibrate my iMac again. Phew!!!

  • Desktop is too big for the display

    Some how this morning while on my Mac a display setting or something was changed. If your on the desktop, with all windows closed, the background, icons, dock.....everything is too big for the display. If you move the cursor all the way to left it will 'slide' the desktop in that direction. Move it all the way to the right edge of the display and it 'slides' the desktop to the right until you reach the edge. Also the same for the up or down directions.
    At first I thought it had something to do with the multi-touch track pad, but I don't think so. I have checked all the display settings I can think of and have tried re-sizing the desktop to all other settings in an attempt to fix the problem. Additionally I have restarted/shutdown the computer totally to see if it would fix the issue. No success. Please help.

    I had the same problem, but the zoom was already off. So I went under "options" and unchecked "use scroll wheel with modifier keys to zoom," and that took care of it.
    Thought that might help some others who find this thread.

  • Can Not Calibrate the display. The factory profile for the display...

    I have an apple cinema display 20" and a mac powerbook g4 (1.25 GHx PowerPC g4, 1.25 GB DDR SDRAM) with os 10.4.9. All of my software is up to is date.
    I used to be able to calibrate my colorsync profiles. My computer's hard drive recently failed and I had it replaced and the system re-installed (If any of you live in NYC, I took it to tek Serve, and they know what they are doing).
    Now when I try to calinbrate my monitor I get the error "Can Not Calibrate the display. The factory profile for the display could not be found." Like I said I have updated to 10.4.9 but this hasnt solved my problem. I have restarted my computer, and this has also not solved my problem.
    Any help!?! Please! This is important to me as I do color work for print and I need to see colors accurately When I use my computer.

    I fixed it already. There was indeed a problem in the preferences. In my case I removed the whole preferences folrder to the desktop (which forces the computer to rebuild it fresh) and it worked fine! Then one at a time 'as it was needed, I put back the preferences for other applications (mail, itunes etc). Turns out no preferences was better than whatever corrupted preference was in there causing the problem. You know what I mean. If no preferences are there the applications start over building it new automatically. So it was like a preferences restart. sorta.
    Unfortunately, since I dont have applecare I had to spend 50 bucks on the phone with apple to figure this out. It's amazing how long it took them to actually pinpoint the problem. Hopefully if anyone gets that error in the future they'll find this post on google and save some bucks.

Maybe you are looking for