Videos freeze my ipod

i just bought a new 5th generation video ipod. everything in my iTunes library transferred just fine. all the music plays, all the music videos play, but, when i try to play a tv show, it either freezes immediately or a few seconds into the video. when i look at the "Description" column in iTunes, all the tv shows have an "i" inside a grey circle on the far right side. i can't find any error message information in the HELP file, so i'm stuck. i have been through the 4 R's or 5 R's or whatever it is several times. what now?

i'm looking at the TV Shows on iTunes. they are not exclamation points, they're "i's". they may have been there all along. the TV Shows will play fine on my computer.
everything on my ipod looks fine until i try to play the TV Show. it gets to the first frame and freezes. nothing works until i reset. the strange thing is that music videos play just fine.

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    Well, My problem was also started by the updater. Then XP would freeze and restart then fail to completely restart until I disconnected the ipod. This would happen ever time I connected the ipod to the computer via firewire or usb 2.0 ports. I finally tried to hook up the ipod to a usb 1.0 port and the computer worked fine. I then quickly used the updater again on my ipod and when I was done I used add/remove programs and removed the updater. Since then computer and ipod both work fine.
    So, with out knowing all your specific details... try hooking your ipod up to different usb ports and try the firewire hook up to see if that makes a difference. You can look through these posts and find a lot of people with this problem and I sure what worked for me may not help you.

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    My 60GB ipod video freezes up after a few minutes of
    playing video.
    The only way to fix it is to go back to the previous updater. You'll lose everything on your iPod but you can sync again afterwards.
    1) Uninstall the 1.1 updater from your computer.
    2) Install the 1.0 updater onto your computer. It's on the CD that came with your iPod.
    3) Plug in your iPod.
    4) Run the 1.0 updater.
    5) Select 'restore'.
    6) Follow instructions.
    7) Resync with iTunes.
    Good luck.

  • Videos freeze up, i cant turn my ipod off

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    have you updated with ipod updater 3-23-06?
    I've heard that the problem where video play stops and then audio quits was resolved at least for some people with this update.
    when the ipod makes independent noise that is usually the harddrive working. sometimes after a while of video playback the ipod gets warm and it won't respond to sleep commands until it cools off and the harddrive stops running. then you can turn it off.
    when that happens have you tried resetting? (holding down menu and select buttons until apple screen comes on). I think that might help it respond faster.
    good luck
    the warm ipod thing may not be absolutely factual.

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    Apple won't send you a new iPod since (as you said in your post), the iPod now works fine.
    It seems you've fallen victim to the 'bug' that afflicts some 60GB iPods after updating to software version 1.1. The cure, as reported here many times on the boards, is to revert to version 1.0 (as you have done), and await a newer updater that contains a fix.
    Aside from that, there's nothing more you can do.

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    Try the 5 R's
    If you do a factory restore make sure you back your music up

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    Ok, that's what I expected.
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    Dell 4550   Windows XP  

    As it turns out, mine just needed about ten minutes to sit there and think after I plugged the iPod in. Maybe yours is the same way. It's not acceptable, but you can get to your iPod if you have the patience.
    I've also noticed that it feels the need to reanalyze the gapless playback information for all my songs after the first time I add something to the iPod after I plug it in. I think it might have been doing that when I first plugged it in also, and just wasn't updating the screen.

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    anyone please advise.

    Does the video work on your computer?
    What did you use to convert the video?
    Do other videos work on your iPod?

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    HP   Windows XP  

    It probably does have to do with it being a new computer. In iTunes go to the Store menu on top and Deauthorize your computer. Now play one of the newly purchased videos that didn't play on the iPod. When prompted enter your Apple ID and password.
    You do want to delete the ones that didn't play from your iPod, but it doesn't have anything to do with being out of disk space (not memory). Now resync the videos and see if they play correctly.

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    So am i right in thinking if i want to watch videos i can only do so on version 1.0 and if i want to listen to radio i can only do so on version 1.1????????????????
    Can somebody please help me? I think i'm going mad!!!!

    The common fix for this video freezing problem does indeed seem to be reverting to the earlier version of the software, so yes, you lose the radio function. It also seems to depend on what software you use to convert the video and what model iPod you have (the 30GB seems to be less prone to this than the 60GB). It also doesn't affect everyone's iPod (mine included).
    I think it's a matter of "either/or" until Apple addresses the matter with another updater.

  • TS1702 Some videos freeze

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    It probably does have to do with it being a new computer. In iTunes go to the Store menu on top and Deauthorize your computer. Now play one of the newly purchased videos that didn't play on the iPod. When prompted enter your Apple ID and password.
    You do want to delete the ones that didn't play from your iPod, but it doesn't have anything to do with being out of disk space (not memory). Now resync the videos and see if they play correctly.

  • Videos freezing!

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    Same problem here with firmware 1.1. Videos in MPEG4 format (at the least - I haven't tried H.264 yet) pause and/or freeze. This happens with videos that played great with 1.0 firmware, as well as new conversions. I've converted with iSquint set to optimize for iPod, MPEG4 (not H.264), maximum quality ("Go nuts") and 128 kbps audio. When played, repeatably at the 31 second mark the video freezes and does not continue. This happens in the exact same point in multiple different videos - it's always the 31 second mark. If I scan forward a bit the video will start again, but often without sound. Even when I then get sound, the freeze happens again a short while later. Repeat.
    When I changed iSquint to encode the same way except for the quality set to "High" instead of "Go Nuts", the result is only very slightly better - the video pauses for about 4 seconds at the 31 second mark but then continues. However it then freezes at 1:22 and doesn't start again. I tried setting the quality to "Standard" and it gave the same 3 or 4 second pause at the 31 second mark. I didn't continue that one to see if it would freeze for good at 1:22 or not. I'm now trying an H.264 conversion to see if that has the same problem or not. That conversion is in progress so I don't have anything to report yet.
    I also tried "restoring" my iPod to factory settings (but still with 1.1 firmware) but it didn't help. Same problem. I guess I'm going to have to go back to version 1.0 as well. I have a 60 GB vPod and I'm syncing with a Mac, so this isn't a Windows only problem. Was considering the FM remote, but it looks like that's not going to happen now.
    PowerMac G4 dual-533 MHz (DA)   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   Black 60 GB vPod

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    Any ideas would be appreciated!
    Also, I have to use h.263 codec for compatability reasons with other mobile phone devices and 32kbits/second data rate and aac 20kbps at 11.025 kHz.
    Thanks in advance.

    I had the same problem and downgraded to the lower version. now the video works without any problem, but there seems to be another problem. when I want to eject the ipod from itunes, I get a message, that the iPod cannot be ejected because data on the iPod is currently used by an external program...
    any idea...?
      Windows XP  

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