Viewing chemical structure stored as a SMILES string

I am testing a trial version of Crystal Reports to create reports from our Oracle database which we use to store chemical information. I have had success except for being able to view chemical structures that are stored in the database in SMILES format. I want to see the actual structure in the report. Right now, it just shows a blank box. Does Crystal Reports have a way of doing this?
Thank you.

Hi Paige,
I've never seen or heard of anyone every asking about that field type so I did a little searching and found this link:
I doubt we support that field type but try creating a Command Object, connect to the DB and then select Add Command and type in SQL that should return that field and then drop the field into the report and see if it shows any thing.
If not the only thing I can think of is if it's possible to create a stored Procedure and convert the data into text formats as a work around.
If you could explain what you shoudl see as an example and how to insert the data into and oracle field I can post this to the PM and R&D group to see if it's something we could add into our data type support.
Thank you

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    I believe that Apple should have provided an easily way to get Pymol images into iBooks Author as VRML has been the de facto standard.  After a number of days, I have a method which works, but this much effort should not be necessary.  Anyway here it is.
    1)  Set the viewport in Pymol to 512,384 to do this in the command window type
    viewport 512,384
    Note, I'm not totally sure you need to do this.
    2) Draw you image in Pymol and output the image in VRML format, to do that
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    3) In a terminal window go to the folder where the above file is located and issue the following command.  This removes some stuff that messes up the lightening
    sed '9,15d' pymol_output.wrl > bender_in.wrl
    4) Next you need blender.  You can download it from
    5)  Open Blender.  In the upper right corner in the Scene section
    right click on Lamp and delete it
    right click on Cube and delete it
    right click on Camera and delete it
    Save this file so you don't have to do this every time.  I called mine empty_blender_file.blend
    6) Either open empty_blender_file.blend or continue from #5 and read in the file from #3
    File -> import->X3D Extensible 3D (.x3d/.wrl)
    this reads in the file
    7) Write out the file in collada .dae format
    File->export->collada (.dae)
    Done.  This file will read into iBooks Author and have somewhat uniform lighting.  By the way, .dae files can be opened an checked in Preview.  Its easier than going back and forth into the iPad, since you can rotate the image in Preview.
    Hope this helps, let me know if it works for you and if you have any suggestions.
    Finally someone needs to write a one step VRML and X3D to collada converter that will work with PyMol and Chimera etc.
    Have fun!

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    Try something like below, You need to replace CreatedDate column with appropriate date column in your table.
    1. Alter the view to get the required date:
    ALTER VIEW vw_AuthorizedStationeries AS
    SELECT Authorized, CreatedDate
    FROM dbo.Stationeries
    WHERE Authorized = 1
    2. Alter SP:
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    WHERE CreatedDate <= @CreatedOn
    You can pull required information directly from your table:
    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_stationeries (@CreatedOn datetime)
    SELECT Authorized
    FROM dbo.Stationeries
    WHERE CreatedDate <= @CreatedOn and Authorized = 1
    If this post answers your query, please click "Mark As Answer" or "Vote as Helpful".

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    user12941450 wrote:
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    A view is a SQL statement. Only difference is that the SQL statement is stored in the database's dictionary. Let's consider the following view:
    create or replace view foo_view as select * from empWhen you use the view as follows:
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    why not
    desc emp
    I agree the OP hasn't spent as much time formulating their question as they expect us to spend on answering it, but it seems clear to me that they want a single command which lists everything - not just columns but constraints and indexes too.
    To which the short answer is, 'cannot be done'.
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    Cheers, APC
    blog: http://radiofreetooting.blogspot,com

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    Tom Gewecke wrote:
    See if any of these work:
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    Dave Sawyer wrote:
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  • View pdf file stored in oracle database through oracle forms

    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    Oracle Toolkit Version (Production)
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V10. - Production
    PL/SQL Editor (c) WinMain Software (, v1.0 (Production)
    Oracle Query Builder - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools GUI Utilities Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE     Production
    I have created external directory and am able to load pdf files in oracle database table called test_blob.
    CREATE TABLE test_blob (
    id NUMBER(15)
    , file_name VARCHAR2(1000)
    , image BLOB
    , timestamp DATE
    I have 2 pdf files in the table. I want to view this pdf from forms when the user clicks on the button. On when-button-pressed trigger I want to show pdf on the screen. Any help is appreciated. Not on the designer. I want to run form application.
    SELECT id, file_name,
    DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(image) Length,
    FROM test_blob
    1001|2011 HeartlandEmployeeReferralCard.pdf|353718|1/28/2013 11:44:41 AM
    1002|2011 HeartlandEmployeeReferralCard.pdf|353718|1/28/2013 11:51:07 AM
    Edited by: user_anumoses on Jan 28, 2013 11:45 AM

    We were able to do the same thing with Oracle Application Server and Oracle WebLogic Server. I cannot remember how different the processes were, but it seems like they were very similar. I am going to give you the instructions on how we implemented a "Read PDF" procedure on the WebLogic Server. If you are still on the Application Server you may have to do some Google searches, but it all boils down to the mod_plsql DAD Configuration file.
    Our PDF was located in a table with the following structure:
       (id_document                    NUMBER NOT NULL,
        doc_blob                       BLOB,
        note                           VARCHAR2(240),
        created_by                     VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,
        created_dt                     DATE NOT NULL,
        case_id                        NUMBER NOT NULL,
        filename                       VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL)Based on that table structure we created a procedure named READ_PDF which you will reference below in the dads.conf file below:
    CREATE or REPLACE procedure read_pdf (p_id_document IN number)
      view_file     blob;
      select doc_blob
        into view_file
        from case_documents
       where id_document = p_id_document;
      HTP.P ('CONTENT-LENGTH: ' || DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH (view_file));
      WPG_DOCLOAD.download_file (view_file);
    GRANT EXECUTE ON read_pdf TO financial_user_role  -- Name of role to execute
    /Basically, you are passing in one parameter and that is the primary key for your table. You are selecting the pdf stored in a BLOB for that primary key. The commands below that allow the pdf to open up so you can view it – we got this off some search we did a few years ago.
    Now, you need to add logic to your Oracle Form that will call the procedure above, but the URL is based on the dads.conf file that we will set up below… Anyway, we created a button on the form module with a label of "View". In the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger the logic looks like this:
    -- The View logic uses the DAD (Database Access Descriptors) method to view a .pdf file from the form.
    -- The DAD was created on WebLogic Server  with the name findadgen.  This allows an http request be made
    -- to the database.
      v_file          varchar2(400);
      v_success       boolean;
      ret_val         number;
      v_http_link     varchar2(400);
      -- The format of the link is as follows: hostname:port/pls/DAD_name/procedure_name
      v_http_link := 'http://finas03:8888/pls/findadgen/read_pdf?p_id_document=' || :case_documents.id_document;
      web.show_document(v_http_link, '_BLANK');
    end;The name of our WebLogic Server is "finas03" so that is what is listed in the URL. The "findadgen" is the name of the <Location> in the dads.conf file below, the "read_pdf" is the name of the procedure we created above, the "p_id_document=" is the IN parameter listed in the READ_PDF procedure created above, and the ":case_documents.id_document" is the reference to the primary key in our Oracle Form.
    For WebLogic, you can either go through Enterprise Manager (directions below) or update the dads.conf file on the filesystem directly (if you update the dads.conf file directly then skip to step 4 and ignore step 5):
    1.     Enterprise Manager -> Web Tier -> ohs1
    2.     Oracle HTTP Server (pull-down) – Administration – Advance Configuration
    3.     Select File – dads.conf
    4.     Add something similar:
    # ============================================================================ 
    #                     mod_plsql DAD Configuration File                         
    # ============================================================================ 
    # 1. Please refer to dads.README for a description of this file                
    # ============================================================================  
    # Note: This file should typically be included in your plsql.conf file with 
    # the "include" directive. 
    # Hint: You can look at some sample DADs in the dads.README file 
    # ============================================================================
    <Location /pls/findadgen>
        SetHandler pls_handler
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from All
        AllowOverride None
        PlsqlDatabaseUsername financial
        PlsqlDatabasePassword sdo_3#d1
        PlsqlDatabaseConnectString ffindbTNSFormat
        PlsqlNLSLanguage AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
        PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
        PlsqlDefaultPage read_pdf
    </Location>You are adding the <Location> section to your dads.conf file. The "finddadgen" is the name that you will reference in a change you fill make to your Oracle Form. The "financial" is the Schema, the "sdo_3#d1" is the password for that Schema, the "ffindb" is the database that the stored procedure is located on, and the "read_pdf" is a stored procedure you will have to create in order to read the pdf.
    5.     Press the "Apply" Button
    6.     Obfuscate the DAD password by running the script located in $ORACLE_HOME/bin (This was done on Unix on our server with the following commands):
    $> cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    $> perl -f /u01/app/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/config/OHS/ohs1/mod_plsql/dads.conf
    7.     Restart the Oracle HTTP Server using Fusion Middleware Control:
    Enterprise Manager -> Web Tier -> ohs1
    Oracle HTTP Server – Control – Shutdown
    Oracle HTTP Server – Control – Start Up
    If you followed the instructions above, you should have created a stored procedure, added logic to your Oracle form to reference that stored procedure, and created an entry in the dads.conf file. Once you move the form onto the server and you restart the HTTP Service, you should be able to view a pdf that is stored in a table directly from your Oracle Form.

  • How to find out the structure stored field  value in a standard program

    Hi Gurus,
    Please suggest me how to find out the structure field stores the value in which table.
    Exanple : i have a strutured field in T.code cj31 is BPDY-WERT1 and it is stotring value 10,000,000.00. know i need to find out in which table this value is storing .
    Please suggest me its urgent.
    Thanks in Adavance!!!
    Points will be rewarded.......

       Go to transaction ST05,Click activate trace with filter,Give the transactio name as cj31,Go to the transaction and navigate to the place where the particular field is present, then again go to st05 ,Deactivate the trace and display the trace.
    Now u can see how the data is fetched ,U can even go to display mode of the same transaction cj33

  • Export to Excel is not working for List View Web Part after filtering using Query String parameters in SharePoint 2010

    I am filtering SharePoint list view web part based on Query string parameter and I am doing Export to Excel by using following code.
    <a href="#" onclick="javascript:window.location='../_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?CS=109&Using=_layouts/query.iqy&List=0DC67399-BE11-48F3-ADFC-E911FB8B5845&View=54671412-3EFE-4281-835A-9EF747AE774E&CacheControl=1'"><img
    alt="Excel" src="/_layouts/images/icxlsx.gif" border="0"/>&nbsp;Export to Excel</a>
    Issue: Able to do Export to Excel when there are no filters applied on list view web part but if applied filters on web part and do export to excel , only header fields are displaying in the excel sheet.
    I don't know why owssvr.dll is behaving like that .
    Please share your ideas.
    Thanks in Advance.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to create hyperlink to export to excel.
    The URL to execute the export is as follows:
    {Site URL}/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?CS=109&Using=_layouts/query.iqy&List={List GUID}&View={View GUID}&CacheControl=1
    After getting the GUID, you  need to “decode” the list GUID.
    Replace %7B with {
    Replace %2D with –
    Replace %7D with }
    More information:
    Create Link to Export Library Contents to Excel
    SharePoint - Create a link to export to Excel
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    How do I view all my files stored on iCloud?
    I purchased additional iCloud memory space , backed up my iPhone then deleted videos from my iPhone to free up space.
    Now I would like to retrieve a home video. Where/how do I see what's saved in my iCloud account?

    You can't use iCloud to free up space on your phone like that.  Videos are only stored in the iCloud backup, and can only be accessed by restoring the backup to your phone.  However, if you delete the videos from your phone and continue to back up, the backup containing the deleted videos will be overwritten by one that doesn't and they will be lost.  Hopefully haven't backed up your phone since you deleted these videos.  If not, restore the backup to your phone to recover them.
    In the future, import your camera roll photos and videos to you computer using your usb cable as explained here:  Then you can delete them from your phone and sync them back later if you ever want to.

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    select * from table where col1 = A1 or A2 or A3 and col2 = B1 or B2 or B3.
    The number of values within each CSV string are unknown until they are passed into the stored proc. How would I best go about this?

    You can use a comma separated string of values in the where clause of the query this way:
    SQL> select * from emp;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    10
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> select * from emp
      2  where ','||&instr||',' like '%,'||empno||',%';
    Enter value for instr: '7654,7876,7369'
    old   2: where ','||&instr||',' like '%,'||empno||',%'
    new   2: where ','||'7654,7876,7369'||',' like '%,'||empno||',%'
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20Max

  • How Do I Call PL/SQL Stored Procedure That Returns String Array??

    I Have Problem Calling An Oracle(8i) Stored Procedure That Returns Array Type (Multi Rows)
    (As Good As String Array Type..)
    In This Fourm, I Can't Find Out Example Source.
    (Question is Exist.. But No Answer..)
    I Want An Example,, Because I'm A Beginner...
    (I Wonder...)
    If It Is Impossible, Please Told Me.. "Impossible"
    Then, I'll Give Up to Resolve This Way.....
    Please Help Me !!!
    Thanks in advance,

    // Try the following, I appologize that I have not compiled and run this ... but it is headed in the right direction
    import java.sql.*;
    class RunStoredProc
    public static void main(String args[])
    throws SQLException
    catch(Exception ex)
    java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
    props.put("user", "********"); // you need to replace stars with db userid
    props.put("password", "********"); // you need to replace stars with userid db password
              // below replace and DBNAME, and port address if different than 1521
    Connection conn =
    DriverManager.getConnection("", props);
    // replace "Your Stored Procedure" with your stored procedure
    CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("Your Stored Procedure");
    ResultSet rset = stmt.execute();

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