Virus move from pc to mac?

Hi, so I just made the switch from pc to mac, and I may or may not have moved a virus. About a month ago, I had found a virus on my HP, and removed it and installed the necessary software. I guess in the process of backing up my files, the virus moved from my (now clean) PC to my external harddrive. I just got my mac today, and was going to start the transfer of all of my documents from the harddrive. When I opened the harddrive folder, I saw an autorun file and am assuming that is the virus (there are not any program files or run files on my harddrive).
I know it is possible for the virus to move from one computer to another via external harddrive, but is this also true for PC to mac? If I were using my PC, my antivirus software would catch it and I would be able to remove it using a program. But I currently do not have any such software for the mac.
Any suggestions on what to do would be greatly appreciated...
ps. my old PC is currently dead (unrelated to the virus) and all of my files solely exist on this external harddrive.

The only virus that are cross platform are macro virus (sometimes we find them in Word or Excel documents). Anyway, if you use Office 2008 that won't be a problem because MS removed VBA from the Mac version of Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
One last word: the fact that right now there are no virus for the Mac doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful with what we install in our beloved machines.

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    Are the movies in the correct format:
    Video formats
    H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
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    Are you going to give us any additional clues as to what you are really asking here?
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    Basically, your question is the equivalent of my saying my car won't start but failing to mention whether or not I am out of gas, my battery is dead, or that I have removoed the distributor cap, wires, or spark plugs from the engine. To properly solve the issue we need all possible information that you can provide describing exactly what you are doing, how you are doing it, what is not working as your expect it should, and what your goals are. In cases where you cannot answer such questions, it is often helpful to simply post/upload a sample "problem" file and let other users here examine it to determine the problem and/or suggest a specific solution for your particular system/configuration combination.

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    Moreover, you could try Handbrake.
    Handbrake is a software that converts DVD to any format you specify, and it does rely on the popular ffmpeg Unix program. (In fact, I bet most conversion software do rely on ffmpeg...).
    I garantee Handbrake is not another of those programs, commonly called thing like DVD2iPod (I don't mean to harm this software if it does really exist) or DVDRIPMAGIX, or well... you know.
    So, in Handbrake, there's a list of presets from which you can choose to convert the video to. You should perhaps leave it to Normal (which will encode it to a .mp4 movie, thus rendering you with a far lesser file than 25GB).
    Of course, the 25GB you were prompted is an uncompressed file, like DV format is. It is used for editing from uncompressed source, but you are coming from a DVD, which is in the base, not an uncompressed source as far as I know. Thus explaining why the movie on the DVD is not 25GB.
    I hope all this will be useful to you!

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    I was fighting this battle the past few days myself; but actually it is REALLY easy now. See here:
    Then, once iTunes was on the Mac, I did this:
    1. On the Mac rename ...\iTunes\iTunes Library.itl as ...\iTunes\iTunes Library
    2. On the Mac delete ...\iTunes\iTunes Library Genius.itdb (Apparently the PC & Mac versions are not compatible - iTunes will just rebuild it later)
    3. Launch iTunes and immediately press & hold down the Option key until a dialog opens asking you to Choose a library. Navigate to the folder/drive you've copied from the PC and open ...\iTunes\iTunes Library.
    (thanks to turingtest2 for the above steps)
    That was it. Did it yesterday evening. All playlists, libraries, everything copied fine. No problems; no broken links. Perfect.

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    People mean different things when they say synchronize, so exactly what are you doing, and exactly what happens?

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    Open iTunes, click on "Movies" in the upper left corner (where it probably says "Music" when you open iTunes), and double click the movie you wish to see.

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    You really need to get a MacBook Pro if you plan on doing graphic and video work. The graphics circuit in a MacBook shares memory with the main RAM. Performance for pro graphic and video work is anemic.
    How big is the learning curve?
    Should be easy for you. You can always run Windows on it right along side the Mac OS with Fusion.
    What are the essential programs to get?
    iLife includes apps you can use. You may want to look at some Adobe products for graphics work.
    Are the peripherals good if so which ones?
    You should have a good drive for backup. External USB drives are inexpensive.
    and finally is the switch totally worth me paying the 1000 or so USD to get a mac?
    You will be looking at little more for a MacBook Pro. You can get an educational discount though it you're in school. You may even consider a refurb. Same warranty as a new one.
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    Hope this is useful ...

    Connect your iPhone to the Mac with its cable and launch iPhoto. You'll see the option to import the photos from the iPhone.
    Can you explain why you say the photos got deleted somehow?  What version of iPhoto and system are you running?  What do you see in iPhoto's window when you launch IPhoto?  There's a good chance you still have the photos but the iPhoto library is damaged and is not displaying them.  How big does the Finder indicate the library package is?

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    Moreover, you could try Handbrake.
    Handbrake is a software that converts DVD to any format you specify, and it does rely on the popular ffmpeg Unix program. (In fact, I bet most conversion software do rely on ffmpeg...).
    I garantee Handbrake is not another of those programs, commonly called thing like DVD2iPod (I don't mean to harm this software if it does really exist) or DVDRIPMAGIX, or well... you know.
    So, in Handbrake, there's a list of presets from which you can choose to convert the video to. You should perhaps leave it to Normal (which will encode it to a .mp4 movie, thus rendering you with a far lesser file than 25GB).
    Of course, the 25GB you were prompted is an uncompressed file, like DV format is. It is used for editing from uncompressed source, but you are coming from a DVD, which is in the base, not an uncompressed source as far as I know. Thus explaining why the movie on the DVD is not 25GB.
    I hope all this will be useful to you!

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