Visa driver

I want to communicate with an instruement thru ethernet. I wonder which version of VISA driver I should use. I have windows XP.

The first version of NI-VISA to support Ethernet was 2.5, I believe and the first version to support XP was 2.6.1. This information is available in the readme files. The latest version of NI-VISA is 4.1 and I don't know of any reason why you just can't use the latest version.

Similar Messages

  • NI-VISA Driver with Interrupt detection

    Hello everyone,
    I am new to PCI and PCI driver, encounter an problem when use the NI-VISA to program a PCI driver with the interrupt detection.
    Here is the situation:
    This PCI card is made of two chips : the PCI9030 pci bridge chip and ET1100 chip (the local chip that connected to PCI9030). The memory of ET1100 is mapped 1:1 to the PCI9030 memory starting at BAR2. Now I want the PCI card generates an interruption when the content of register at offset 0x221 changes.  
    I add the interrupt detection (see the figure above or the attachment), interruption removal and disarm following the guide "Using the NI-VISA Driver Wizard and NI-VISA to Develop a PXI(e)/PCI(e) Driver in Windows". However, when I completed and installed this driver in the LabVIEW RT OS, the system can recognize the card, but cannot generate the interruption when the register at offset 0x221 changes, therefore does anyone tell me the reason ? Or tell me how to program this driver using NI-VISA?
    Any suggestions is welcome.
    And Thank you in advance!

    Duplicate post here:
    Bobby Breyer
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Error while trying to install NI-VISA driver on SUSE LINUX 11.1(The version of gcc in the path does not match the version of gcc used to compile the currently running kernel.)

    hi i am trying to install NI-VISA driver on SUSE LINUX 11.1.
     the error message it shows is
              ******************************** ERROR ****************************************
    * The version of gcc in the path does not match the version of gcc used to    *
    * compile the currently running kernel.  This can cause unpredictable         *
    * behavior in kernel drivers and should be fixed.                             *
    * gcc version: Linux)                                                          *
    * kernel compiled with: 4.3.2                                                 *
    ******************************** ERROR ****************************************
    my kernel source version is 
       linux-8nes:/home/admin # rpm -qi kernel-source
    Name        : kernel-source                Relocations: /usr/src
    Version     :                         Vendor: openSUSE
    Release     : 0.1.1                         Build Date: Sun 16 Aug 2009 03:43:52 PM IST
    Install Date: Sat 24 Oct 2009 02:13:12 AM IST      Build Host: rinck
    Group       : Development/Sources           Source RPM: kernel-source-
    Size        : 309251954                        License: GPL v2 only
    Signature   : RSA/8, Sun 16 Aug 2009 03:57:25 PM IST, Key ID b88b2fd43dbdc284
    Packager    :
    URL         :
    Summary     : The Linux Kernel Sources
    Description :
    Linux kernel sources with many fixes and improvements.
        Linus Torvalds <[email protected]>
        see /usr/src/linux/CREDITS for more details.
    Source Timestamp: 2009-08-15 17:53:59 +0200
    GIT Revision: 8a413546901c407e96f7fba18574cceeb40452af
    GIT Branch: SLE11_BRANCH
    Distribution: openSUSE 11.1 
    i had also installed GCC 4.3.2.
    it shows the error message as i had posted.
    please kindly help me on this.
    Thanks and regards,

    Check this solution

  • USB Visa driver stops responding

    I have currently developed a production test for a USB device but am coming across a very strange bug.  I go through a test sequence via case structure (i.e. Test 1 = Button 1 test, Test 2 = send command to device and read response back, Test 3 = button 2 test, etc).  I send commands through a control transfer and/or read data through report 8.  Also when the button is pressed, I read it through the interrupt endpoint.  I am using a VISA driver for this USB device that I created through the NI-VISA driver wizard.  Of course I open the VISA when I start the test and close the VISA once the test sequnce is completed (whether it passes or fails).
    However, I sometimes get a strange issue where the USB device stops responding between test sequences.  For example, test 1 passed but when it gets to test 2, the dongle does not seem to respond to the command and therefore, test fails within a certain amount of time that I specified.  But, if I leave the device plugged in and I restart the test, it will go through the sequence just fine. 
    I have used a USB sniffer (i.e. CatC) to monitor the USB traffic on the USB line.  When I press buttons, I can see that there is still data transferring wirelessly (this is a wireless joystick) via an LED that blinks on the dongle whenever it recieves data from the joystick, however, I see no USB traffic on the sniffer.  If I leave the dongle plugged in and I simply restart the test sequence, I see USB traffic again. 
    This is very strange to me and I suspect that Windows is somehow losing the USB dongle and then reenumerating it (but I am not sure).  However, when this is done, the VISA session is now lost in the middle of my test sequences and I cannot recover until I open up the VISA again.  Has anyone ever come across this type of issue before?  It is strange because most of the time it works, but sometimes it does not and it is giving me false failures.  I am not sure if the dongle is "reenumerating" during my test sequence or if some reason, the VISA session is getting lost.

    Is it possible that the device is getting reset? I have seen some devices that do no reset themselves correctly and Windows does not detect that they have been reset. The net effect is that the 2-way communication becomes a 1-way pipe. One experiment you can try when you see this happen is to unplug and plug the device back in. If you begin reading data again then Windows and the device are getting out of sync for some reason.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

  • Where to download visa driver development tool

    I need visa driver development tool ,but I don't know where to download it? HOPE TO GET HELP.

    Under Tools>Instrumentation, is the Create Instrument Driver Project. Is that what you are talking about? That's in LabVIEW 8.x and I did not have to select or download anything. Since I did a full install of LabVIEW and all drivers, it may be that it is included with the installation of NI-VISA but that would be just a guess to try if you don't have it.

  • VISA Driver Development Wizard

    I found a reference to this great document called
    Using the VISA Driver Development Wizard and NI-VISA to
    Register-Level Program a PXI/PCI Device under Windows.
    As I described in another post, I am having performance problems
    using AccessHW to talk to a legacy ISA board under XP compared to
    Win2k where performance was decent.
    To rule out AccessHW as the problem and confirm that it is an
    XP/hardware issue, I'd like to try another method of
    reading memory at address 0xE0000-0xEFFFF.
    Since the legacy ISA bus on my motherboard is actually
    bridged from the PCI bus, is there anyway to hack with the
    VISA Driver Development Wizard to do memory reads
    on the ISA bus?
    Perhaps making a fictious PCI card with a VISA driver?
    any thoughts?

    Hi Graham,
    Which version of the NI VISA drivers are currently installed on your system?
    Applications Engineer

  • I can't install VISA driver and USB GPIB driver on my PC with VISTA... help me...

    I have LabVIEW7 and VISTA, it's ok, but I can't install VISA driver and USB GPIB driver on my pc... it's necessary to connect my pc with instruments? Or LabVIEW7 have this files??? Thanks,
    Sweet, Beautiful and Young Female Physicist (SBYFP)
    (I speak a not very good english, so If U are Italian LabVIEW expert speak in Italian, if U speak in Eglish... please speak easy )
    My e-mail for personal contact: [email protected]_NO_SPAM_PLEASE
    Go to Solution.

    You need Administrator privelages to install drivers on Vista

  • NI-VISA driver wizard and SCPI command

    I had a go with a NI-VISA driver wizard. I wanted to create a driver for MH3114 DAQ. Wizard went trough very smoothly, and the driver has been installed.
    However when I did *IDN? under MAX I've received an error.
    Does it mean I have to create/implement any SCPI command? 
    How the wizard is intened to work?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi MimiKL,
    As Dennis has said, instruments are either designed to work with SCPI commands or not. If the user manual does not state the device is SCPI compliant then SCPI commands aren't going to work.
    All the driver wizard does is generate a number of VIs which will send the standard SCPI commands to an SCPI compliant instrument. Depending on how you are communicating with the instrument (which bus) you may need to modify these VIs subtly to work with different instruments. But, as mentioned, if the device you are trying to communicate with isn't SCPI compliant then this is never going to work. For future reference, when using the driver wizard, all of the generated subVIs will have comments in them telling you exactly what you need to replace and change to get the driver working for your instrument.
    If your device isn't SCPI compliant and you have a dll which works then you should continue using it.
    Best Regards,
    National Instruments - Tech Support

  • Visa driver wrong endpoint descriptors

    I am trying to communicate with a custom-made HID device with LabVIEW using the NI-VISA Driver Wizard. The device can be used with the standard windows driver with C#, but now I will use it with LabVIEW.
    The device has the following endpoint descriptors:
    Endpoint Descriptor 81 1 In, Interrupt, 1 ms
    1 In
    1..0: Transfer Type
    7..2: Reserved
    64 bytes
    1 ms
    Endpoint Descriptor 01 1 Out, Interrupt, 1 ms
    1 Out
    1..0: Transfer Type
    7..2: Reserved
    64 bytes
    1 ms
    There are two endpoint descriptors for communication in Interrupt mode. But after creating a driver with the Driver Wizard this driver doesn't have these two endpoints. Instead it recognizes the descriptor with 0x1 as Bulk In Pipe and the Descriptor 0x81 as Interrupt In Pipe (a screenshot is attached, because the values cannot be copied).
    A communication with the LabVIEW examples which uses the Interrupt In Pipe does work, but everything else failed because of the wrong out endpoint.
    Is there any way to correct the descriptors?
    usb wrong descriptors.PNG ‏63 KB

    cschwarz wrote:
    I thought it would be much easier to communicate with the device from LabVIEW with such a driver. Are there any good examples to communicate with HID devices with the standard Microsoft dll?
    I was searching a lot but I didn't find any good material...
    You mentioned C# in a previous post. Look at that example.

  • Develop visa driver

    I'm new to Labview. I have a Hardware, connected vie etthernet to a desktop computer. I want provide labview code, to easy connect to Labveiw with this hardware.
    A code in VC C++ already exists connecting to the hardware, with
    1) Init function, initialising the hardware, prompting first time the user for ip address and finding all modules connected to the hardware
    2) start function, starting thread for each module, writing and reading data to an form each module with a given period as parameter
    3)IO functions reading and writing to each module, parameters: module, bytepos and value for writing.
    Is the Visa Driver developemnt the proper way of doing it?
    open -> 1)
    configure -> 2)
    peak, poke -> 3)
    It is a good idea to use the c-code library functions in an dll library connecting to labview?
    Or should I use an other approach?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for all the links,
    I went through many of the documents.
    Again the description: In Visual C++ is already existing code, where the user can write an application using API functions for Initialising, Starting and I/O. Only in the background threads, the data are transfered and recieved via Ethernet to the hardware.
    Rewriting the C code in Labview would only increase the maintanace work.
    All what i read about VISA functions, they are interfaces to a card, serial port, TCP/IP devices. In my case, Labview should access the c- API functions, so that code will handle the access to the hardware. What is the best way for this access.
    It is a good idea to import them through a library dll as vi's, put them into the private section of my Labview driver, and use Labview standard public function signitures  to provide a uniqe interface for my code? Exist such an standard, and if yes, where I can find it?
    Or it is better way , to run the VC Application with a socket server, and using VISA with TCP/IP as resource?

  • NI VISA driver wizard找不到

    我安装了Labview2013,和ni visa540_full.exe,现在我想用NI VISA driver wizard做一个usb的.inf文件,可是我找不到NI VISA driver wizard这个程序啊!

             正确安装了VISA5.4版本驱动后,选择开始》程序》National Instruments》VISA》VISA驱动程序开发员向导,即可打开

  • NI VISA driver wizard 驱动安装问题

    我在使用NI VISA driver wizard生成了一个USB设备的驱动,例如叫devicedrv.inf,然后在下一步的过程中如果选​择直接安装这个驱动,driver wizard会调用DriverWizardInstallInf64.exe(我的电脑是64位的,如果​32位的最后就是inf32)去安装这个drvier。安装成功后就能在电脑上识别我的设备了。
    我的问题是,我现在想把这个驱动部署到另一台没有安装NI-VISA的计算机上。我做过的尝试是,直接把这​个inf文件和拷贝到目标计算机上,右键单击后Install;拷贝winusb.sys至系统驱动文件夹​下。但是这样操作之后插上设备并没有正确识别 。然后我又尝试过去使用DriverWizardInstallInf64.exe这个程序,但是发现它并​没有任何可以跟的参数设置,也没有帮助文档,无法安装这个inf。

             您在开发机上生成的USB设备的驱动已经调用了NI VISA的底层函数,简单的拷贝到另外一台PC上是行不通的。需要在另外一台PC上安装NI-VISA Run-Time Engine

  • How do I insure that the VISA driver is installed when I insatll my applicatio​n using the applicatio​n builder?

    One some PC's , when I sniatll my applciation build with teh applicaio buider, it apperas that the VISA drivers  are missing. In other cases it install them fine.

    Hi Juand,
    I have included some screenshots of where you would be able to see the VISA runtime in both MAX and in the installer page if you have it installed. 
    If you do not have it installed, it can be downloaded at  Although the runtime should have been installed with the full version of the driver. 
    Scott G.
    AE Specialist
    National Instruments
    VISAinINSTALLER.jpg ‏541 KB
    VISAinMAX.jpg ‏461 KB

  • Agilent 53131A VISA Driver ?

    Hello !
    I´m looking for a driver to Agilent 53131A...
    The current driver for download don´t have/use
    VISA (current driver is CERTIFIED by NI but VISA is not
    implemented, strange ?) !
    Software: Labview 7, Teststand 3
    I don´t like re-work...
    Thanks in advance
    Niklas Lithander
    NOTE Norrtelje AB

    Let's try again...
    Try these steps:
    1. Follow the link in my previous post.
    2. Download the "CVI" version.
    3. Extract the zipped contents into a temporary directory.
    4. Start LabView.
    5. Open a blank vi.
    6. Under TOOLS => Instrumentation => select "Import CVI instrument driver"
    7. Select "HP5313XA.FP" from your temp directory.
    8. It should select all already, so simply click on "OK".
    9. Let it convert.
    10. Go back to the "new" block diagram in LV.
    11. OPEN a file called "HP5313XA.llb". It is located in the instrument library inside your LabVIEW directory.
    12. Select the vi you want (ex:
    13. It will be in VISA.
    14 )

  • Cannot Install NI-VISA Driver in Windows 7

    Hi all,
    Software is not exactly my strength, so I apologize if this question is poorly worded or trivial.
    I am trying to use NI-VISA 4.6 to create a driver for a USB mouse.  My eventual goal is to read off the raw positional data from the USB rather than read the mouse's position on the screen.  This way I will be able to use the mouse to track distance traveled without having to worry about the cursor going off the edge of the screen.  My VI will be working roughly along the lines of this one, which was so kindly offered by Intaris on this thread.
    I am running into problems installing the driver I created with NI-VISA mostly following directions from here.  I created the .inf driver and copied it to C:\Windows\inf.  Since I am using Windows 7, I copied the Vista driver rather than the driver for earlier versions of windows (another user on the tutorial I linked to above said this worked).  I selected my .inf file and clicked "install" from the right mouse button drop-down menu.  I received an error message the first time I tried saying that the driver was not verified and proceeded anyway.  No .pnf file was created in the inf folder (as I believe that it should have).  I tried updating the driver for this particular mouse to the new driver I created in the device manager.  Windows resisted, saying that it already had installed the best driver for the job.
    So now I am not exactly sure what to do.  I believe that other people have figured out how to get this to work, but I am clueless as to what I can do differently.  Does anyone out there know what might be wrong?  Does there need to be a .pnf file in order to get the driver to work?
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for everyone's help.  I think I finally found the solution .
    I did a lot of fumbling with Windows and eventually I got a driver I created in NI VISA to be accepted.  Since the whole thing was hacked together, I am having trouble determining the steps that got it to work.  I am not sure that this list of steps is either entirely necessary or complete, but in the interest of helping out people with a similar problem, I will try to explain what I did to get the mouse to be read.
    The key was probably uninstalling the mouse that I wanted to use for the project.  I did this in the device manager, and then found the USB root hub that was running my device.  I updated the driver through here rather than through the "Mouse" section.  The information on how to do this is explained in more detail in these two KnowledgeBase articles:​BB4CC86257536005A3692​C038886257141000036F2?OpenDocument
    I created the NI-VISA drivers and saved them in the default folder (under MyDocuments/National Instruments/NI-VISA) and installed them from there.  I am not sure if the installation step was necessary.  Then I updated the drivers as explained in the second linked KnowledgeBase article listed.
    I think that the crucial step was uninstalling the mouse in the Device Manager.  This might be the "firmware" mentioned in the KnowledgeBase article linked below, but the wording is so ambiguous that I thought I would have to uninstall the drivers.​2CE6886256F3B00714D03
    Thanks again for the help

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