Wait_time vs seconds_in_wait vs last_Call_et in V$session

DB :
Os : Aix 6.1
we executed the below query once got a call from client due to slowness .
select sid,status,last_Call_et,event,wait_Class,wait_time,seconds_in_wait from v$session where sid=7521;
7521 DRGR MAGR01 JDBC Thin Client -1 22926 g5mwxjn7jsfp6
After some time,executed again
select last_Call_Et,WAIT_TIME,SECONDS_IN_WAIT,status,event from v$session where sid=7521;
*30413 -1 25347* ACTIVE
latch: cache buffers chains
I checked in oracle documentation regarding wait_time and seconds_in_wait (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/dynviews_2088.htm)
If wait_time=* -1 *,what SECONDS_IN_WAIT represents?
what is the difference between wait_time vs seconds_in_wait vs last_Call_et in V$session.
Thanks & Regards,
Edited by: user3266490 on Jul 20, 2012 2:05 AM

Please read the FAQ and learn how to enclose your listings in tags so we can read them.
I can't help you at this time because I can not read what you posted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    Hi, all.
    Recently, I have found the unbelievale value for SECONDS_IN_WAIT in v$session view. The database is
    select sid, wait_time, seconds_in_waits,wait_class, event,state from v$session;
    500 0 117874 Cluster gc buffer busy WAITING
    In the above example, session 500 is waiting for something for 117874 seconds.
    117874 seconds is 32.7 hours(117874/60/60).
    Thus, session 500 is waiting for 32.7 hours.
    The unit of SECONDS_IN_WAITS column is really "seconds"????
    Thanks and Regards.

    Hi, yes the metric is on seconds, you must review the definition for this field on the view, look this.
    If WAIT_TIME = 0, then SECONDS_IN_WAIT is the seconds spent in the current wait condition.
    If WAIT_TIME > 0, then SECONDS_IN_WAIT is the seconds since the start of the last wait, and SECONDS_IN_WAIT - WAIT_TIME / 100 is the active seconds since the last wait ended.

  • Monitoring Oracle session with SQL_ID

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    How can I know a SQL_ID belonging to a user/schema in Oracle. Can anyone post me the query to find the SQL QUERY/SQL_ID belonging to a user session. I have googled but dint get what i expected. Hope I get it here. We dont have OEM configured to monitor the session.
    Oracle DB version :
    OS version : IBM - AIX
    Imran Khan

    imran khan wrote:
    Hi All,
    How can I know a SQL_ID belonging to a user/schema in Oracle. Can anyone post me the query to find the SQL QUERY/SQL_ID belonging to a user session. I have googled but dint get what i expected. Hope I get it here. We dont have OEM configured to monitor the session.
    Oracle DB version :
    OS version : IBM - AIX
    Imran Khanlook for SQL_ID below
    SQL> desc v$session
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    SADDR                                              RAW(4)
    SID                                                NUMBER
    SERIAL#                                            NUMBER
    AUDSID                                             NUMBER
    PADDR                                              RAW(4)
    USER#                                              NUMBER
    USERNAME                                           VARCHAR2(30)
    COMMAND                                            NUMBER
    OWNERID                                            NUMBER
    TADDR                                              VARCHAR2(8)
    LOCKWAIT                                           VARCHAR2(8)
    STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(8)
    SERVER                                             VARCHAR2(9)
    SCHEMA#                                            NUMBER
    SCHEMANAME                                         VARCHAR2(30)
    OSUSER                                             VARCHAR2(30)
    PROCESS                                            VARCHAR2(24)
    MACHINE                                            VARCHAR2(64)
    PORT                                               NUMBER
    TERMINAL                                           VARCHAR2(30)
    PROGRAM                                            VARCHAR2(48)
    TYPE                                               VARCHAR2(10)
    SQL_ADDRESS                                        RAW(4)
    SQL_HASH_VALUE                                     NUMBER
    SQL_ID                                             VARCHAR2(13)
    SQL_CHILD_NUMBER                                   NUMBER
    SQL_EXEC_START                                     DATE
    SQL_EXEC_ID                                        NUMBER
    PREV_SQL_ADDR                                      RAW(4)
    PREV_HASH_VALUE                                    NUMBER
    PREV_SQL_ID                                        VARCHAR2(13)
    PREV_CHILD_NUMBER                                  NUMBER
    PREV_EXEC_START                                    DATE
    PREV_EXEC_ID                                       NUMBER
    PLSQL_ENTRY_OBJECT_ID                              NUMBER
    PLSQL_ENTRY_SUBPROGRAM_ID                          NUMBER
    PLSQL_OBJECT_ID                                    NUMBER
    PLSQL_SUBPROGRAM_ID                                NUMBER
    MODULE                                             VARCHAR2(64)
    MODULE_HASH                                        NUMBER
    ACTION                                             VARCHAR2(64)
    ACTION_HASH                                        NUMBER
    CLIENT_INFO                                        VARCHAR2(64)
    FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE                               NUMBER
    ROW_WAIT_OBJ#                                      NUMBER
    ROW_WAIT_FILE#                                     NUMBER
    ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#                                    NUMBER
    ROW_WAIT_ROW#                                      NUMBER
    TOP_LEVEL_CALL#                                    NUMBER
    LOGON_TIME                                         DATE
    LAST_CALL_ET                                       NUMBER
    PDML_ENABLED                                       VARCHAR2(3)
    FAILOVER_TYPE                                      VARCHAR2(13)
    FAILOVER_METHOD                                    VARCHAR2(10)
    FAILED_OVER                                        VARCHAR2(3)
    RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP                            VARCHAR2(32)
    PDML_STATUS                                        VARCHAR2(8)
    PDDL_STATUS                                        VARCHAR2(8)
    PQ_STATUS                                          VARCHAR2(8)
    CURRENT_QUEUE_DURATION                             NUMBER
    CLIENT_IDENTIFIER                                  VARCHAR2(64)
    BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS                            VARCHAR2(11)
    BLOCKING_INSTANCE                                  NUMBER
    BLOCKING_SESSION                                   NUMBER
    FINAL_BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS                      VARCHAR2(11)
    FINAL_BLOCKING_INSTANCE                            NUMBER
    FINAL_BLOCKING_SESSION                             NUMBER
    SEQ#                                               NUMBER
    EVENT#                                             NUMBER
    EVENT                                              VARCHAR2(64)
    P1TEXT                                             VARCHAR2(64)
    P1                                                 NUMBER
    P1RAW                                              RAW(8)
    P2TEXT                                             VARCHAR2(64)
    P2                                                 NUMBER
    P2RAW                                              RAW(8)
    P3TEXT                                             VARCHAR2(64)
    P3                                                 NUMBER
    P3RAW                                              RAW(8)
    WAIT_CLASS_ID                                      NUMBER
    WAIT_CLASS#                                        NUMBER
    WAIT_CLASS                                         VARCHAR2(64)
    WAIT_TIME                                          NUMBER
    SECONDS_IN_WAIT                                    NUMBER
    STATE                                              VARCHAR2(19)
    WAIT_TIME_MICRO                                    NUMBER
    TIME_REMAINING_MICRO                               NUMBER
    TIME_SINCE_LAST_WAIT_MICRO                         NUMBER
    SERVICE_NAME                                       VARCHAR2(64)
    SQL_TRACE                                          VARCHAR2(8)
    SQL_TRACE_WAITS                                    VARCHAR2(5)
    SQL_TRACE_BINDS                                    VARCHAR2(5)
    SQL_TRACE_PLAN_STATS                               VARCHAR2(10)
    SESSION_EDITION_ID                                 NUMBER
    CREATOR_ADDR                                       RAW(4)
    CREATOR_SERIAL#                                    NUMBER
    ECID                                               VARCHAR2(64)

  • Object locked in v$locked_object but can't find session/process blocking

    I am on database, windows x64.
    A developer calls me and tells me there are locks on 3 tables, and the locks are not released.
    So I run this to see which objects are locked by which session
    select vlo.object_id, vlo.session_id, vlo.oracle_username, vlo.process
      , do.owner, do.object_name, do.object_type
      , vs.saddr, vs.serial#, vs.paddr, vs.username, vs.ownerid, vs.status, vs.server, vs.schemaname, vs.osuser, vs.machine, vs.program, vs.type, vs.logon_time, vs.last_call_et
      , vs.blocking_session_status, vs.event#, vs.event, vs.wait_class#, vs.wait_class, vs.wait_time, vs.seconds_in_wait, vs.state
      from v$locked_object vlo
        inner join dba_objects do on (vlo.object_id = do.object_id)
        left outer join v$session vs on (vlo.session_id = vs.sid)-----------
    I get (after finding out my table locks come from SID 514)
    OBJECT_ID              SESSION_ID             ORACLE_USERNAME                PROCESS      LOCK_MODE           OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME                                                                                                                      OBJECT_TYPE         SADDR            SERIAL#                PADDR            USERNAME                       OWNERID                STATUS   SERVER    SCHEMANAME                     OSUSER                         MACHINE                                                          PROGRAM                                                          TYPE       LOGON_TIME                LAST_CALL_ET           BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS EVENT#                 EVENT                                                            WAIT_CLASS#            WAIT_CLASS                                                       WAIT_TIME              SECONDS_IN_WAIT        STATE              
    373122                 514                    IRMFIN                         22AB7298     ROW EXCLUSIVE       IRMFIN                         IC_PRODUCT_STATUS                                                                                                                TABLE               000007FF3E1A9070 1301                   000007FF3E639120 IRMFIN                         2147483644             INACTIVE DEDICATED IRMFIN                         IRMTEST                        IRM                                                              DSA0:[GEMBASE730.][RUN]GEM.EXE                                   USER       2012/09/05 13:55:51       702                    NO HOLDER               263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      6                      Idle                                                             0                      702                    WAITING            
    373025                 514                    IRMFIN                         22AB7298     ROW EXCLUSIVE       IRMFIN                         IC_BIN_DETAIL_STATUS                                                                                                             TABLE               000007FF3E1A9070 1301                   000007FF3E639120 IRMFIN                         2147483644             INACTIVE DEDICATED IRMFIN                         IRMTEST                        IRM                                                              DSA0:[GEMBASE730.][RUN]GEM.EXE                                   USER       2012/09/05 13:55:51       702                    NO HOLDER               263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      6                      Idle                                                             0                      702                    WAITING            
    373055                 514                    IRMFIN                         22AB7298     ROW EXCLUSIVE       IRMFIN                         IC_LOT_STATUS                                                                                                                    TABLE               000007FF3E1A9070 1301                   000007FF3E639120 IRMFIN                         2147483644             INACTIVE DEDICATED IRMFIN                         IRMTEST                        IRM                                                              DSA0:[GEMBASE730.][RUN]GEM.EXE                                   USER       2012/09/05 13:55:51       702                    NO HOLDER               263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      6                      Idle                                                             0                      702                    WAITING             -----------
    I run it again and I get something different, this time the lock is still there, but no session. select * from v$session where sid= 514 returns nothing.
    I get
    OBJECT_ID              SESSION_ID             ORACLE_USERNAME                PROCESS      LOCK_MODE           OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME                                                                                                                      OBJECT_TYPE         SADDR            SERIAL#                PADDR            USERNAME                       OWNERID                STATUS   SERVER    SCHEMANAME                     OSUSER                         MACHINE                                                          PROGRAM                                                          TYPE       LOGON_TIME                LAST_CALL_ET           BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS EVENT#                 EVENT                                                            WAIT_CLASS#            WAIT_CLASS                                                       WAIT_TIME              SECONDS_IN_WAIT        STATE              
    373122                 514                                                                ROW EXCLUSIVE       IRMFIN                         IC_PRODUCT_STATUS                                                                                                                TABLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    373025                 514                                                                ROW EXCLUSIVE       IRMFIN                         IC_BIN_DETAIL_STATUS                                                                                                             TABLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    373055                 514                                                                ROW EXCLUSIVE       IRMFIN                         IC_LOT_STATUS                                                                                                                    TABLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       When I run the query later, I sometimes get another session, but the lock stays. It seems here, that I am catching the same SID on new sessions, but it is probably a different serial # than the original session locking the table rows.
    I get nothing from
    select * from dba_waiters;
    select * from dba_blockers;
    Now why are those 3 tables row locked on some rows and I can't find the session responsible? The developer tells me his application crashed and the rows are locked since.
    So far ( keep in mind I am not a locking expert) the only way I found to release the locks is a DB bounce, its a test DB so no biggy.
    Is this a bug? Am I missing something?
    This is the second time this has happened. How can I solve this issue?
    Best wishes to all.

    Thank you for your reply.
    I do not think I can kill the session (514) it does not exist, even though v$locked_object reports tables are locked by session 514
    see below
    select * from v$locked_object
    XIDUSN                 XIDSLOT                XIDSQN                 OBJECT_ID              SESSION_ID             ORACLE_USERNAME                OS_USER_NAME                   PROCESS      LOCKED_MODE           
    9                      26                     351467                 373122                 514                                                                                               3                     
    10                     41                     339655                 373025                 514                                                                                               3                     
    11                     6                      92004                  373055                 514                                                                                               3                     
    select * from v$session order by sid
    ( no session 514)
    SADDR            SID                    SERIAL#                AUDSID                 PADDR            USER#                  USERNAME                       COMMAND                OWNERID                TADDR            LOCKWAIT         STATUS   SERVER    SCHEMA#                SCHEMANAME                     OSUSER                         PROCESS      MACHINE                                                          PORT                   TERMINAL         PROGRAM                                                          TYPE       SQL_ADDRESS      SQL_HASH_VALUE         SQL_ID        SQL_CHILD_NUMBER       PREV_SQL_ADDR    PREV_HASH_VALUE        PREV_SQL_ID   PREV_CHILD_NUMBER      PLSQL_ENTRY_OBJECT_ID  PLSQL_ENTRY_SUBPROGRAM_ID PLSQL_OBJECT_ID        PLSQL_SUBPROGRAM_ID    MODULE                                           MODULE_HASH            ACTION                           ACTION_HASH            CLIENT_INFO                                                      FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE   ROW_WAIT_OBJ#          ROW_WAIT_FILE#         ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#        ROW_WAIT_ROW#          LOGON_TIME                LAST_CALL_ET           PDML_ENABLED FAILOVER_TYPE FAILOVER_METHOD FAILED_OVER RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP          PDML_STATUS PDDL_STATUS PQ_STATUS CURRENT_QUEUE_DURATION CLIENT_IDENTIFIER                                                BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS BLOCKING_INSTANCE      BLOCKING_SESSION       SEQ#                   EVENT#                 EVENT                                                            P1TEXT                                                           P1                     P1RAW            P2TEXT                                                           P2                     P2RAW            P3TEXT                                                           P3                     P3RAW            WAIT_CLASS_ID          WAIT_CLASS#            WAIT_CLASS                                                       WAIT_TIME              SECONDS_IN_WAIT        STATE               SERVICE_NAME                                                     SQL_TRACE SQL_TRACE_WAITS SQL_TRACE_BINDS ECID                                                            
    582                  41322092               000007FF3E6279B0 88                     IRMFIN                         0                      2147483644                                               INACTIVE NONE      88                     IRMFIN                         IRM-NTSERVER\ttoupet           2768:5812    IRM-NTSERVER\IRM-WINDEV                                          2091                   IRM-WINDEV       WDMAP.EXE                                                        USER       00               0                                                           000007FF296D46B0 1249880231             gkm8w8157za57 0                                                                                                                     WDMAP.EXE                                        3924246850                                              0                                                                                       4272871                480874                 5                      109733                 0                      2012/09/06 08:54:26       369                    NO           NONE          NONE            NO                                           DISABLED    ENABLED     ENABLED   0                                                                                       NO HOLDER                                                             55                     263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      driver id                                                        1297371904             000000004D545300 #bytes                                                           1                      0000000000000001                                                                  0                      00               2723168908             6                      Idle                                                             0                      369                    WAITING             irtrcs01.ivacorm.com                                             DISABLED  FALSE           FALSE                                                                           
    000007FF3E1A0FA0 508                    55443                  41321967               000007FF3E62E488 93                     RODMILL                        0                      2147483644                                               INACTIVE DEDICATED 93                     RODMILL                        flong                          4144         IT011                                                            49450                  unknown          SQL Developer                                                    USER       00               0                                                           000007FF126A6BC0 293046999              7jjvy5s8rg2qr 0                                                                                                                     SQL Developer                                    1012150930                                              0                                                                                       4280261                373579                 5                      348686                 0                      2012/09/06 08:39:23       218                    NO           NONE          NONE            NO                                           DISABLED    ENABLED     ENABLED   0                                                                                       NO HOLDER                                                             5486                   263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      driver id                                                        675562835              0000000028444553 #bytes                                                           1                      0000000000000001                                                                  0                      00               2723168908             6                      Idle                                                             0                      218                    WAITING             irtrcs01.ivacorm.com                                             DISABLED  FALSE           FALSE                                                                           
    000007FF3E1A2518 509                    3086                   41287084               000007FF3E628A20 64                     SYSMAN                         47                     2147483644             000007FF3D7C21D8                  ACTIVE   SHARED    64                     SYSMAN                                                        1234         IRMFAX                                                           1341                                    OMS                                                              USER       000007FF357CE418 4281219134             2b064ybzkwf1y 0                      000007FF357A8BF0 2532399038             5dwsqwabg2pxy 0                      178612                 8                                                                       OEM.SystemPool                                   2960518376             NotificationMgr                  3664650334             IRMFAX.ivacorm.com:4889_Management_Service                       4281687                177737                 14                     40683                  0                      2012/09/03 11:44:37       7                      NO           NONE          NONE            NO                                           DISABLED    ENABLED     ENABLED   0                                                                                       UNKNOWN                                                               48888                  45                     wait for unread message on broadcast channel                     channel context                                                  8792836163648          000007FF3DE04840 channel handle                                                   8792836060256          000007FF3DDEB460                                                                  0                      00               2723168908             6                      Idle                                                             0                      7                      WAITING             irtrcs01.ivacorm.com                                             DISABLED  FALSE           FALSE                                                                           
    000007FF3E1A3A90 510                    35277                  41286699               000007FF3E6279B0 64                     SYSMAN                         0                      2147483644                                               INACTIVE NONE      64                     SYSMAN                                                        1234         IRMFAX                                                           3154                                    OMS                                                              USER       00               0                                                           000007FF3E844AD8 3275117642             43c5ykm1mcp2a 1                                                                                                                     OEM.CacheModeWaitPool                            796036576                                               0                      IRMFAX.ivacorm.com:4889_Management_Service                       4280509                -1                     0                      0                      0                      2012/09/03 10:58:32       169                    NO           NONE          NONE            NO                                           DISABLED    ENABLED     ENABLED   0                                                                                       NO HOLDER                                                             29909                  263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      driver id                                                        1297371904             000000004D545300 #bytes                                                           1                      0000000000000001                                                                  0                      00               2723168908             6                      Idle                                                             0                      169                    WAITING             irtrcs01.ivacorm.com                                             DISABLED  FALSE           FALSE                                                                           
    000007FF3E1A5008 511                    51686                  41287085               000007FF3E6279B0 64                     SYSMAN                         0                      2147483644                                               INACTIVE NONE      64                     SYSMAN                                                        1234         IRMFAX                                                           1342                                    OMS                                                              USER       00               0                                                           000007FF36C3CED8 2539923080             6v7n0y2bq89n8 0                                                                                                                     OEM.SystemPool                                   2960518376             JobDispatcher                    875884737              IRMFAX.ivacorm.com:4889_Management_Service                       4281706                -1                     0                      0                      0                      2012/09/03 11:44:37       5                      NO           NONE          NONE            NO                                           DISABLED    ENABLED     ENABLED   0                                                                                       NO HOLDER                                                             38929                  263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      driver id                                                        1297371904             000000004D545300 #bytes                                                           1                      0000000000000001                                                                  0                      00               2723168908             6                      Idle                                                             0                      5                      WAITING             irtrcs01.ivacorm.com                                             DISABLED  FALSE           FALSE                                                                           
    000007FF3E1A6580 512                    28994                  41293063               000007FF3E6279B0 64                     SYSMAN                         0                      2147483644                                               INACTIVE NONE      64                     SYSMAN                                                        1234         IRMFAX                                                           3636                                    OMS                                                              USER       00               0                                                           000007FF32990C90 1763828656             44nz3b1nk3sxh 1                                                                                                                     OEM.CacheModeWaitPool                            796036576                                               0                      IRMFAX.ivacorm.com:4889_Management_Service                       4280509                -1                     0                      0                      0                      2012/09/04 00:00:02       169                    NO           NONE          NONE            NO                                           DISABLED    ENABLED     ENABLED   0                                                                                       NO HOLDER                                                             20902                  263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      driver id                                                        1297371904             000000004D545300 #bytes                                                           1                      0000000000000001                                                                  0                      00               2723168908             6                      Idle                                                             0                      169                    WAITING             irtrcs01.ivacorm.com                                             DISABLED  FALSE           FALSE                                                                           
    000007FF3E1ABB60 516                    48427                  41292026               000007FF3E62DC50 93                     RODMILL                        0                      2147483644                                               INACTIVE DEDICATED 93                     RODMILL                        ebesner                        10808        Fingers                                                          59004                  unknown          SQL Developer                                                    USER       00               0                                                           000007FF127B0A58 351849430              bkcpdnnagjkyq 0                                                                                                                     SQL Developer                                    1012150930                                              0                                                                                       4049825                533716                 21                     17036                  0                      2012/09/03 21:53:47       61389                  NO           NONE          NONE            NO                                           DISABLED    ENABLED     ENABLED   0                                                                                       NO HOLDER                                                             2578                   263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      driver id                                                        675562835              0000000028444553 #bytes                                                           1                      0000000000000001                                                                  0                      00               2723168908             6                      Idle                                                             0                      61389                  WAITING             irtrcs01.ivacorm.com                                             DISABLED  FALSE           FALSE                                                                           
    000007FF3E1AD0D8 517                    2                      0                      000007FF3E635FD0 0                                                     0                      2147483644                                               ACTIVE   DEDICATED 0                      SYS                            SYSTEM                         4292         CHARLIE                                                          0                      CHARLIE          ORACLE.EXE (q001)                                                BACKGROUND 00               0                                    0                      00               0                                    0                                                                                                                                                                      0                                                       0                                                                                       112                    -1                     0                      0                      0                      2012/08/22 17:46:54       1264692                NO           NONE          NONE            NO                                           DISABLED    ENABLED     ENABLED   0                                                                                       UNKNOWN                                                               2685                   281                    Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait                                                                                                   0                      00                                                                                0                      00                                                                                0                      00               2723168908             6                      Idle                                                             0                      16                     WAITING             SYS$BACKGROUND                                                   DISABLED  FALSE           FALSE                                                                           
    000007FF3E1AE650 518                    2                      4294967295             000007FF3E635798 0                      SYS                            3                      2147483644                                               INACTIVE DEDICATED 0                      SYS                            IRM-NTSERVER\cluster           3704:1572    IRM-NTSERVER\CHARLIE                                             49181                  CHARLIE          rhs.exe                                                          USER       000007FF3EA55E08 654885888              bcfjz80mhjj00 0                      000007FF3EA55E08 654885888              bcfjz80mhjj00 0                                                                                                                     rhs.exe                                          1733424889                                              0                                                                                       4281686                -1                     0                      0                      0                      2012/08/22 17:46:54       16                     NO           NONE          NONE            NO                                           DISABLED    ENABLED     ENABLED   0                                                                                       NO HOLDER                                                             58582                  263                    SQL*Net message from client                                      driver id                                                        1413697536             0000000054435000 #bytes                                                           1                      0000000000000001                                                                  0                      00               2723168908             6                      Idle                                                             0                      16                     WAITING             SYS$USERS                                                        DISABLED  FALSE           FALSE                                                                           

  • How can a session have an ACTIVE status with a WAITING state

    Hi all,
    I would like to know the difference between status and state of a session ?
    The documentation says :
    for status ACTIVE : Session currently executing SQL
    for state WAITING : The session is currently waiting...
    How can a session execute a SQL statement and be waiting at the same time ?

    Hi fcjunic,
    It's really not paradoxical, once you understand the definition of the terms.
    First, we have V$SESSION.STATUS, which can be ACTIVE or INACTIVE. A session is ACTIVE if it's in a database call. So, think of this from the client side point of view. A session does a parse call, or an execute call, or a fetch call, etc. For the duration of that call, till control returns back to the client, that session is said to be ACTIVE.
    From the time the calls returns, till the time of the next call, the session is INACTIVE.
    Next, we have V$SESSION.STATE. This is probably more useful to think of from the server process point of view. This refers to whether the server process is currently running, i.e. on the CPU, or WAITING, i.e., waiting on a resource. Possible values for this column are WAITING, WAITED KNOWN TIME, WAITED SHORT TIME, and WAITED UNKNOWN TIME. Of those possibilities, a session is only actually waiting if STATE is WAITING. All the other values mean that it's no longer waiting, but is running on CPU.
    A session w/ STATUS of INACTIVE, will always be in STATE of WAITING, waiting on the 'SQL*NET message from client' wait. So, in that case, it means the server process is waiting around for work to do. It's in between calls, so, STATUS is INACTIVE, and it's waiting on that network port, to receive the next call from the client.
    An example of a session that's ACTIVE and has STATE of WAITING, would be a session that's, for example, doing a full table scan. So, it's got lots of data to read from disk. While the session waits for the read from disk to complete, the session waits on 'db file scattered read'.
    Finally, for completeness, the difference between the different possible values of the STATE column. I already covered WAITING. If a session is not waiting, it's now on CPU, and it previously waited. If so, it either waited more than 10 ms, in which case it will report WAITED KNOWN TIME, or less than 10 ms, in which case it reports WAITED SHORT TIME, or timed_statistics is false, in which case this column will always be WAITED UNKNOWN TIME. Also, it's important to pay attention to this column, when trying to interpret the WAIT_TIME and SECONDS_IN_WAIT columns.
    See here:
    for more information.
    Hope that helps,

  • Status inactive in v$session

    on what basis, session is shown as inactive in the status column of v$session..
    am connected through toad and execute so many queries, but still my session is shows as inactive ..
    can anyone shed some lite on this ?

    O/S:Win XP Proff
    This is the output that I got from V$session which has got one user ,Aman connected and ran a long query which took sufficiently good amount of time to get complete.
    SQL> /
    24 rows selected.
    SQL> /
    23 rows selected.
    SQL> select status,username,last_call_e from v$session;
    select status,username,last_call_e from v$session
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00904: "LAST_CALL_E": invalid identifier
    SQL> select status,username,last_call_et from v$session;
    STATUS   USERNAME                       LAST_CALL_ET
    ACTIVE                                             8
    ACTIVE                                          5124
    ACTIVE                                          5392
    ACTIVE                                          5392
    ACTIVE                                          5402
    ACTIVE                                          5406
    ACTIVE                                          5406
    ACTIVE                                          2399
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    STATUS   USERNAME                       LAST_CALL_ET
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE   SYS                                       0
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5430
    ACTIVE                                          5436
    STATUS   USERNAME                       LAST_CALL_ET
    ACTIVE                                          5436
    INACTIVE AMAN                                     36
    24 rows selected.
    SQL>I guess,you must have noticed too.There is one session which gets added and removed on its own. I am getting 23 rows and than 24 ,the second last one becomes an active session but my session,Aman's,remains inactive only. The last_call_et column is also shown which according to docs,is showing time period of staying inactive. Interstingly, I couldn't make my user's status changed to Active. My best guess is that it might have become active when the call was submitted but after that it has become inactive again.I surely can be wrong but just wanted to share my thought.If you can explain the behaviour in more detail,it will be great.

  • How to check the date of an Oracle session

    How to check how long a session was opened?

    set lines 100 pages 999
    col ID          format a15
    col osuser     format a15
    col login_time     format a14
    select      username
    ,     osuser
    ,     sid || ',' || serial# "ID"
    ,     status
    ,     to_char(logon_time, 'hh24:mi dd/mm/yy') login_time
    ,     last_call_et
    from     v$session
    where     username is not null
    order     by login_time
    Andy Barry

  • Query completed but session still not released.

    Hi Everybody,
    We are trying to refresh a materialized view using a below mentioned command,
    exec dbms_snapshot.refresh('NESTER.MVREPAIR','?');
    While querying v$session_longops we are getting the work complete output.
    1* select sofar,totalwork, time_remaining from v$session_longops where sid='245'
    SQL> /
    32018 32018 0
    However the session from where we are trying to referesh the materialized view is still not released.
    It seems oracle is still doing something in the background.
    Also after querying LAST_CALL_ET from v$session, the value keeps on changing.
    select LAST_CALL_ET from v$session where sid =245;
    SQL> /
    Please suggest..!!

    Am I missing something here?
    LAST_CALL_ET is a number indicating the time since the last query from the session was fired. It would go on increasing till the session is connected and remains idle.
    If you have not done anything from that session after the refresh, the LAST_CALL_ET is going to go on. Ever increasing.
    Message was edited by:
    Satish Kandi

  • Session taking long time

    How to identify a user, suppose a user is opening a AR transaction form and its taking enough time, like more than an hour; how could i identify that particular user ? please suggest any scripts or any related ways.
    Thanks n appreciate.

    I think LAST_CALL_ET of v$session will help to identified this kind of user.
    What LAST_CALL_ET represent in v$session
    As per oracle doc
    If the session STATUS is currently ACTIVE, then the value represents the elapsed time in seconds since the session has become active.
    If the session STATUS is currently INACTIVE, then the value represents the elapsed time in seconds since the session has become inactive.

  • Last_call_et keeps resetting, no other evidence of activity

    I'm trying to debug an issue with a process that pulls a bunch of data into an Access database from a couple of Oracle databases (yes, we're working on killing Access).  Almost everything I can see is telling me that Oracle is doing nothing and it's purely an Access issue but last_call_et in v$session keeps resetting itself which makes me believe that Oracle is doing something.  I'd be really appreciative if anyone can help me figure out what I'm missing.
    What I'm Seeing
    When I query gv$session, I'm seeing the session that Access opened.  Every time I look, the status is INACTIVE, sql_id is NULL, and prev_sql_id is a constant value.  When I look at gv$sql for that prev_sql_id, executions isn't increasing and executions = end_of_fetch_count.  So far, so good, Oracle's off the hook.
    However, when I pull in LAST_CALL_ET from gv$session, that value never gets above 10 seconds.  It's constantly resetting.  That makes me believe that Oracle is doing something every few seconds.  But I can't for the life of me think of anything that it could possibly be doing that wouldn't cause a change in prev_sql_id or a change in the number of executions of the SQL statement.
    Is there something that I'm overlooking here?

    JustinCave wrote:
    gv$session_wait_history is reporting events of
    SQL*Net message to client
    SQL*Net message from client
    It does appear that the Access changes resolved the overall issue.  But while Access was chugging away, I was still seeing LAST_CALL_ET getting reset with no other obvious signs of activity.
    If it was changing between FROM and TO there must have been some message coming from Access and bouncing back without an error. Possibly some sort of OCI "ping" type call that didn't involve an SQL statement.
    Update:  something like a "set context" or "set client identifier" perhaps; possibly a (non-SQL) rollback or commit
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Find dead Session

    Let´s say i have a session that connects to the database without the listener (beq or ipc)
    this session has a infinite loop like
    insert into ....
    end loop;
    i kill this sql*plus session with the "X" Button, so the transaction still continue.
    How can i find this "dead" session?
    Any Ideas ?
    Thanks in advance
    PS: sqlnet.expire_time only works if you connect through the listener

    thanks for the fast reply and ok it´s a theroretical question
    but if i have 100 Session with the same username i can´t find it this way.
    i tried it with last_call_et in V$session but it dosn´t work also.
    Mayby comparing the process id of v$process with the process explorer (sysinternals)
    but isn´t there a easy way to find dead sessions ?

  • Sessions going on Increasing in the DB

    Hi All,
    In our environment we are using weblogic on which CRM Application is deployed.
    Initial Capacity -- > 1
    Maximum Capacity -- > 25
    However the sessions in database when we query the below are huge in nos :
    select * from gv$session
    As the sessions at the database end , we are not able to connect to the DB until we manually kill the session
    Could anybody throw some light whether there is any eficient way to handle DB sessions from Weblogic end thru some parameter or Some best practices which could be followed ??
    Thanks in Advance

    I m Just Throwing some light,with below few sql queries..this usually helps in my environment..Consult with DB Guy before executing the query in production.
    1)Below Query will show session information and time of execution
    col MODULE for a37
    col osuser for a18
    col username for a10
    col sid for 9999
    col serial# for 9999
    col spid for 999
    col LAST_CALL_ET for 99999
    select a.sid,b.spid,a.username,
    to_char(a.logon_time,'DD-MM HH24:MI:SS') LogonDate, a.osuser, a.status, a.module,a.last_call_et
    from v$session a, v$process b where a.paddr = b.addr
    and a.status = 'ACTIVE' and a.username is not null
    order by 8 desc
    2)Below Query will show all active session
    set pagesize 120
    set linesize 150
    select username, count(*) from v$session where status = 'ACTIVE'
    group by username;
    column spid format a5
    column sid format 9999
    column serial# format 999999
    column username format A10
    column schemaname format A8
    column osuser format a14
    column machine format a32
    column logondate format a15
    column terminal format a10
    column status format a8
    column module format a25
    select a.sid, a.serial#, b.spid, a.process, a.username,
    to_char(a.logon_time,'DD-MM HH24:MI:SS') LogonDate, a.osuser, a.machine, a.status, a.module
    from v$session a, v$process b where a.paddr = b.addr
    and a.status = 'ACTIVE' and a.username is not null
    order by b.spid;
    3)Below Query will show inactive plus active
    set pagesize 120
    set linesize 150
    column spid format a5
    column sid format 9999
    column serial# format 999999
    column username format A10
    column schemaname format A8
    column osuser format a18
    column machine format a25
    column terminal format a10
    column logondate format a15
    column status format a8
    column module format a20
    select a.sid, a.serial#, b.spid, a.process, a.username,to_char(a.logon_time,'DD-MM HH24:MI:SS') LogonDate, a.osuser, a.machine, a.status, a.module
    from v$session a, v$process b where a.paddr = b.addr
    order by 1
    Simple Queries for finding active and Inactive connections at DB End
    select count(*) from v$session where MODULE like '%JDBC%';
    select count(*) from v$session where MODULE like '%JDBC%' and status='ACTIVE';
    select count(*) from v$session where MODULE like '%JDBC%' and status='INACTIVE';

  • Generic pretty print of DB content

    is there a better (generic) way to pretty print the content of a few records?
    So far i have this:
    set serveroutput on;
    create or replace function MakeDynamicBrowser(
         browserName in varchar2,
         tableName in varchar2)
    return integer
         type StringTable_t is table of varchar2(256);
         columnNamesOrg StringTable_t;
         columnNames StringTable_t;
         types StringTable_t;
         stmt varchar2(32000);
         tableNameUpper varchar2(256) := upper(tableName);
         SELECT      column_name, translate(column_name, '-', '_') ,
              case data_type
              when 'NUMBER' then
                        null, decode(data_scale,
                                  null, data_type, data_type || '('  || data_precision || ')'),
                             null, data_type, data_type || '('  || data_scale ||' , ' || data_precision || ')')
              when 'VARCHAR2' then
                   case char_length
                   when null then
                        data_type || '(' || char_length     || ' char)'
              when 'TIMESTAMP(3) WITH TIME ZONE' then
              when 'DATE' then
              when 'RAW' then
                   data_type || '(' || data_length || ')'
         bulk collect into columnNamesOrg, columnNames, types
         from all_tab_columns
         where table_name = tableNameUpper
         order by column_id;
         if columnNames.count <= 0 then
              dbms_output.put_line(tableNameUpper || ': no columns!');
              return -1;
         end if;
         stmt :=
         'create or replace function ' || browserName || '( '                    || chr(10) ||
         '     headline in varchar2, '                                   || chr(10) ||
         '     curStr in varchar2) '                                   || chr(10) ||
         'return integer '                                        || chr(10) ||
         'as '                                                  || chr(10) ||
         '     cur sys_refcursor; '                                   || chr(10) ||
         '     type object_t is record ( '                              || chr(10);
         for i in columnNames.first..columnNames.last loop
              if i <> columnNames.first then
                   stmt := stmt ||     '     ,';
              end if;
              stmt := stmt || columnNames(i) || ' ' || types(i)               || chr(10);
         end loop;
         stmt := stmt ||
         '     ); '                                             || chr(10) ||
         '     type data_t is table of object_t; '                         || chr(10) ||
         '     data data_t; '                                        || chr(10) ||
         'begin '                                             || chr(10) ||
         '     dbms_output.put_line(headline); '                         || chr(10) ||
         '     open cur for curStr; '                                   || chr(10) ||
         '     fetch cur bulk collect into data; '                         || chr(10) ||
         '     if data.count = 0 then '                              || chr(10) ||
         '          dbms_output.put_line(''  ' || tableNameUpper || ': no data found!''); '
                                                           || chr(10) ||
         '     else '                                             || chr(10) ||
         '          for i in data.first..data.last loop '                    || chr(10) ||
         '          dbms_output.put_line('' #'' || i || '':''); '               || chr(10);
         for i in columnNames.first..columnNames.last loop
              stmt := stmt ||
         '               dbms_output.put_line(''  ' ||  columnNamesOrg(i) || ' = '' || data(i).' || columnNames(i)|| ');'
                                                           || chr(10);
         end loop;
         stmt := stmt ||
         '          end loop; '                                   || chr(10) ||
         '     end if; '                                        || chr(10) ||
         '     close cur; '                                        || chr(10) ||
         '     return 0; '                                        || chr(10) ||
         ' '                                                  || chr(10) ||
         'exception '                                             || chr(10) ||
         'when others then '                                        || chr(10) ||
         '     if cur%isopen then close cur; end if; '                         || chr(10) ||
            '     dbms_output.put_line(''' || browserName || '(): exception!''); '     || chr(10) ||
         '     return -1; '                                        || chr(10) ||
         'end; '                                                  || chr(10);
         execute immediate stmt;
         return 0;
         ret integer;
         ret := MakeDynamicBrowser('MyBrowser', 'V_$SESSION');
         execute immediate 'call MyBrowser' || '(''headline'', ''select * from V$SESSION where audsid = ' ||  userenv ('sessionid') || ''') into :ret' using out ret;
    SQL> @/tmp/test.sql
    Function created.
    SADDR = 000000043B569268
    SID = 174
    SERIAL# = 55746
    AUDSID = 2964800
    PADDR = 000000043B430AF0
    USER# = 33
    COMMAND = 3
    OWNERID = 2147483644
    TADDR =
    SCHEMA# = 33
    OSUSER = oracle
    PROCESS = 26326
    MACHINE = padsol40
    TERMINAL = pts/42
    PROGRAM = sqlplus@padsol40 (TNS V1-V3)
    SQL_ADDRESS = 00000003FD230BB8
    SQL_HASH_VALUE = 2822516303
    SQL_ID = 2rz6khyn3sbkg
    PREV_SQL_ID = 0000000000000
    MODULE = SQL*Plus
    MODULE_HASH = 3669949024
    ACTION =
    ROW_WAIT_OBJ# = -1
    ROW_WAIT_FILE# = 0
    ROW_WAIT_ROW# = 0
    LOGON_TIME = 02-AUG-11
    LAST_CALL_ET = 0
    SEQ# = 103
    EVENT# = 116
    EVENT = db file sequential read
    P1TEXT = file#
    P1 = 1
    P1RAW = 0000000000000001
    P2TEXT = block#
    P2 = 133185
    P2RAW = 0000000000020841
    P3TEXT = blocks
    P3 = 1
    P3RAW = 0000000000000001
    WAIT_CLASS_ID = 1740759767
    WAIT_CLASS# = 8
    WAIT_CLASS = User I/O
    WAIT_TIME = -1
    SERVICE_NAME = testsys.padsol40.domain.com
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.It's incomplete for the types being recognized.
    And the reason for need to deal with the types in the first place is:
    Some tables use hyphen in columns names (e.g. v$transaction: DSCN-B, DSCN-W).
    That's why i need translation from '-' to '_' to be able to print.
    Otherwise '-' is recognized as minus operator (is there another way around w/o dealing with the types?).
    Another question:
    Is it possible to extend this to work with result of some cursor
    - e.g. returning result of joining #2 tables?
    best regards,
    Edited by: user8704911 on Aug 2, 2011 4:52 AM

    Tom Kyte's print_table functionality?

  • Capture stuck at one archive file

    I have set up a 1-to-1 one-way streams replication in Oracle 10.2. (schema level capture).
    Source DB (SRC)& destination DB (DEST) on : SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 (ia64)
    The capture, propagation and apply did run okay for few hours. Now I find that the capture is stuck at a particular archive file and not moving further. I also registered the archives manually using:
    alter database register or replace logical logfile ....
    This also has not helped.
    Please help. Thanks.

    We suppose that you have already tried to stop/start the capture.
    Creating LCR is an Internal Streams action which cannot be impeded by any form of data locking. So you are facing a database resource constraints (library cache lock on a streams structure) or an archive log corruption, usually after a file system full with 2 destination registered and you retook the archive which was on the file system full(I already met this once).
    Run this to check you don't have any library cache lock:
    set lines 190
    col  kglkmod format 9999999
    col  kglkreq format 9999999
    col  kglnaobj format a50
    col  kglnaown format a22
    col OBJ_OWNER for a16 head  'Object Owner'
    col OBJ_NAME for a26 head 'Object Name'
    col module for a26
    col lck_cnt for 999 head 'Lck|cnt'
    col lock_req for 999 head 'Lck|req'
    col lock_mode for 9999 head 'Lck|mode'
    col State for a8
    col seconds_in_Wait head 'Seconds|in wait'
    col wait_time head 'wait|time' for 999999
       ses.ksusenum sid, KSUSEMNM module,
       ob.kglnaown obj_owner, ob.kglnaobj obj_name
       ,lk.kgllkcnt lck_cnt, lk.kgllkmod lock_mode, lk.kgllkreq lock_req
       , w.state, w.event, w.wait_Time, w.seconds_in_Wait
      x$kgllk lk,  x$kglob ob,x$ksuse ses , v$session_wait w
      where lk.kgllkhdl in (select kgllkhdl from x$kgllk where kgllkreq >0 )
    and ob.kglhdadr = lk.kgllkhdl
    and lk.kgllkuse = ses.addr
    and w.sid = ses.indx
    order by seconds_in_wait desc
    /If you pick nothing, then I suggest to put all working session on trace 10046.
    This query list all the sessions associated to capture activity and their type.
    Run this several time to see if one of the session is advancing and set it into trace.
    set linesize 132
    col ROLE format a16
    col SESSION_ID format 99999 head 'Logmr|id' justify c
    col WORK_MICROSEC format 9999990.99 head 'Work(sec)'
    col OVERHEAD_MICROSEC format 9999990.99 head 'Overead (sec)'
    set lines 190
    /Once you have the trace there should be an SQL witch is circling, that's would be a starting point.

  • Query running slow in one node

    Hi All,
    We are running 4-node Oracle 10g RAC (linux 64-bit). The query is running fast in one node, but the same query is running very slow in the other node. And sometimes, we see pin S wait on X wait event in top 5 events.
    Has anyone faced this kind of situation before ?

    Execute your query on node where query is running very slow. Get SID and execute query above to see what is event of waiting.
    exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info('@sw2')
    -- file sw2.sql
    col event  format     a25  heading "Wait Event" trunc
    col state  format     a15  heading "Wait State" trunc
    col siw    format   99999  heading "Waited So|Far (ms)"
    col wt     format 9999999  heading "Time Waited|(ms)"
    select event,
           seconds_in_wait siw,
           wait_time wt
    from   v$session_wait
    where  sid = &sid
    order by event;
    exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info('@sw1');
    -- file  sw1.sql
    set linesize 30000
    set pagesize 200
    col sid      format    9999  heading "SID"
    col username format     a10  heading "USERNAME"
    col osuser   format     a20  heading "OSUSER"
    col event    format     a25  heading "Wait Event" trunc
    col state    format     a15  heading "Wait State" trunc
    col siw      format   99999  heading "Waited So|Far (ms)"
    col wt       format 9999999  heading "Time Waited|(ms)"
    col sw1      format 9999999  heading "File"
    col sw2      format 9999999  heading "Block"
    col Objeto   format a50
    select sw.event,
           nvl(s.program, s.module),
           sw.seconds_in_wait siw,
           sw.wait_time wt
      from gv$session_wait sw,
           gv$session s
    WHERE sw.sid = s.sid
       and sw.EVENT NOT LIKE 'SQL%'
       and username is not NULL
       and s.inst_id = sw.inst_id
       and sw.event not like 'PX%'
    order by 1, 6, 7;Regards,
    Levi Pereira

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