Wait until execution ends

I am using TestStand API in CVI to run a test sequence. I want the button start to be dimmed during the execution, so I wrote these lines: 
TS_NewEngine (NULL, &lEngine));
TS_EngineGetProperty (lEngine, &errorInfo, TS_EngineGlobals, CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &stationGlobalsHandle));
TS_EngineGetSeqFileEx (lEngine, &errorInfo, "SequenceFile1.seq",TS_GetSeqFile_OperatorInterfaceFlags, TS_ConflictHandler_UseGlobalType,&lCurrentSequenceFile ));
TS_SeqFileGetFileGlobalsDefaultValues (lCurrentSequenceFile,&errorInfo, &fileGlobalsHandle);
TSerrChk( TS_EngineNewExecution (lEngine, &errorInfo, lCurrentSequenceFile,"MainSequence", modelSeqFile, VFALSE,TS_ExecTypeMask_Normal, CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL, &lCurrentExecution));
TS_ExecutionWaitForEndEx(lCurrentExecution,&errorInfo, INFINITE,TRUE,CA_DEFAULT_VAL,CA_DEFAULT_VAL,&end);
But it's not working, the sequence is not even executed and the button remains dimmed.
If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. 
Thank you

There are several flaws in your approach:
You are not using Manager Controls
You are using WaitForEndEx which is documented as This method is not meant to be used by a user interface or sequence editor, as it does not process UIMessages. Instead, use this method from a step to synchronize with another execution. Remove this from your UI code!
The default visible TestStand button provides properties. Use them to do what you want.

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    Why it is not reporting the data is easy; fixing the program may not be. LabVIEW uses a dataflow paradigm. This means that no part of the program executes until all of its data inputs are availble. In your case the table and the array functions driving it are fed by outputs from the outer while loop. Thus no data gets to the table until the while loop has finished executing (which is at the end of your experiment). One possible approach would be to store the data in a shift register and move the table inside the loop.
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    You can write "exit" (or whatever terminates your shell) in the output stream as the last command - this will quit the shell as soon as all commands are finished, and that will be visible to your prog. Note that you should not run ANY of the shell commands in background then, as this could cause the shell to exit before the commands are finished (and, depending on the system, even signal the subprocesses).

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    The Azure forums are over here.
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

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    dirku wrote:
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                if (sb.length() > 0)
                    Timer timer = (Timer)e.getSource();
                    // ***** start process here ***
            }The timer here continues until a condition is satisfied (here it's where the Stringbuffer that holds the text that is sent to the JLabel is empty). So all you have to do is place any code that needs to happen when the Timer ends in the else block. It's so simple as to be trivial.

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    #>> Start of VERSION 1
      call function 'MY_FUNCTION_MODULE'
           destination RFCDEST
                orders_list          = t_orders_packet
                apo_orders_list      = t_apo_orders
                apo_resources        = t_apo_resources
                SYSTEM_FAILURE           = 2 MESSAGE MSG_TEXT
                NO_ORDERS_SUPPLIED       = 3
                NO_PEGGED_ORDERS_FOUND   = 4
                ORDERID_CONVERSION_ERROR = 5
                OTHERS                   = 6.
    if sy-subrc is initial.
      * do some stuff as RC was 0
    * log non-zero return code etc
    * << End of Version 1

    And now Version 2.
    I didn't put this into the 1st post as the formatting goes bonkers.
    #>> Start of VERSION 2
      call function 'MY_FUNCTION_MODULE'
           destination RFCDEST
           starting new task 'taskname'
           performing receive_result on end of task
                orders_list          = t_orders_packet
                apo_orders_list      = t_apo_orders
                apo_resources        = t_apo_resources
                SYSTEM_FAILURE           = 2 MESSAGE MSG_TEXT
                NO_ORDERS_SUPPLIED       = 3
                NO_PEGGED_ORDERS_FOUND   = 4
                ORDERID_CONVERSION_ERROR = 5
                OTHERS                   = 6.
      WAIT UNTIL results_received = 'X' UP TO 60 SECONDS.
    if sy-subrc is initial.   << Now this is always ZERO
      * do some stuff as RC was 0
    * log non-zero return code etc
    FORM receive_result USING iv_taskname.
                orders_list          = t_orders_packet
                apo_orders_list      = t_apo_orders
                apo_resources        = t_apo_resources
                SYSTEM_FAILURE           = 2 MESSAGE MSG_TEXT
                NO_ORDERS_SUPPLIED       = 3
                NO_PEGGED_ORDERS_FOUND   = 4
                ORDERID_CONVERSION_ERROR = 5
                OTHERS                   = 6.
      results_received = 'X'.
    endform.                    "receive_result
    * < End of Version 2

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    The " waint until completion " boolean is true, because I have to wait the end of the external executable to continue.
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    Is it a bug of this function ?
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    Thank you for your suggestions.
    Process.jpg ‏86 KB
    Bug system exec.vi ‏17 KB

    Thanks to both for your speed.
    In fact I had simplified my vi to target the problem.
    I use System Exec to launch another executable, made possibly with labview, but with passage of parameter. (Ex: - " / string:init ").
    In the literature Labview it was made with the method cmd / x / c start by putting twice the path of the executable.
    In this method a waiting time in the recent system exec function was effectively missing.
    But effectively, today, it is enough: "c:\myexe.exe" - " / string.init " to launch and to pass a parameter.
    You have both reason and I thank you sincérement.
    Very cordially.
    Sorry for my English....

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    I have tried to simplify this problem as much as possible. Basically, I have a java.lang.Process which executes a simple C program.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    int main()
    ...The process has an input stream and error stream handler each on a separate thread. I have tried both buffered and unbuffered (BufferedReader, BufferedInputStream, InputStreamReader...) stream handlers. Both produce the same problem of waiting until the process has exited to receive anything from the process's streams.
    The only time this does not happen is when I call fflush(stdout); after each printf(). This can't be a solution because the real application calls a massive C application which would require thousands of fflush()'s to be added. What is causing this to happen? This doesn't happen when the C program is executed from the shell. Is there a way the InputStream can be forced to extract from the stream?

    I have closed the output stream of the process as you told me to do...
    The hitch is that, if my program contains only printf() statements,it works fine
    as soon as scanf() statement is encountered within the C code,it is totally neglected,and the output comes as if no scanf() statement existed in the C code.
    Consequently the thread doesnt wait for input which was bound for scanf() from the thread
    the code...
        public void run()
             PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(),true);
             BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                            new InputStreamReader(
                     Process p;
              p=new ProcessBuilder("./a.out").start();
                     PrintWriter exOut=null;
                     BufferedReader exIn=null;
              exOut = new PrintWriter(p.getOutputStream(),true);
              exIn = new BufferedReader(
                           new InputStreamReader(
                  //String inputLine="", outputLine="";        
                  String str="";
                     int c;          
                        //System.out.println("In While");
                            int x=p.exitValue();
                   System.out.print("Bye 1");
                            String str1="Bye"+(char)(0);
                        catch(IllegalThreadStateException e)
                            //System.out.println("The Process has not ended yet");
                        //System.out.print(str+"Control reaches here too");
                        exOut = new PrintWriter(p.getOutputStream(),true);//I have tried to run the program without this also but the effect is the same
                                System.out.print("Bye 2");
                                String str1="Bye"+(char)(0);
                            int x=p.exitValue();
                            System.out.print("Bye 3");
                            String str1="Bye"+(char)(0);
                        catch(IllegalThreadStateException e)
                            //System.out.println("The Process has not ended yet");
                  /*while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
             catch(IOException e)
                  System.err.println("Accept failed."+e);
         catch (Exception e)

  • How to wait until an Entourage Schedule item completed

    I am trying to script the "Send & Receive All" operation in Entourage, and I have found that I can trigger the process off (from within my script) by:
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
    execute schedule "Send & Receive All"
    end tell
    However, the script continues to process while the scheduled actions take place.
    Is there any way to wait until the schedule actions complete and then process the rest of the script?

    Glad to help, Susan
    I found out about "connection in progress" by looking at the properties of "application" in the Entourage dictionary:
    connection in progress boolean [r/o] -- Are there any network connections in progress?
    (In fact I searched through the dictionary for the phrase "connect".) The property is a boolean (true/false), and my script uses a "repeat while" loop to test for that boolean condition.
    As well as properties, the Entourage application object also has elements. These include "POP account", "IMAP account", "Exchange account" and "Hotmail account". These can be referred to "by numeric index, test". So if you pass a list of accounts to the "connect" command, Entourage will connect and download mail from those accounts. For example, if you have two POP accounts, this works:
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage" to connect to {POP account 1, POP account 2}
    AppleScript lists are contained in curly braces.
    But it's simpler (and less prone to error) to do this:
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage" to connect to every POP account
    Alternatively, the "test" lets you refer to individual accounts by name - a list isn't essential, despite what the dictionary says:
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage" to connect to POP account "My Account"
    There's many ways of skinning a cat.
    To answer your more general question, though, there is no one "user guide" for AppleScript. You can learn the about the basics of the language from the AppleScript Language Guide. But that will tell you nothing about how to script particular applications. This is because every developer, if they do implement AppleScript in their application (and lots don't), implements it in different ways.
    So as well as learning AS, for each application that you want to script you have to learn a slightly different set of commands. There's an awful lot of trial and error involved, but one way to learn is to look at scripts that others have written. There are good resources at Apple's own AppleScript page and at AppleScript Central among others. For specifically scripting Entourage, try Paul Berkowitz's scripts.
    Different people will also recommend different books. My recommendation is AppleScript: The Definitive Guide by Matt Neuberg, but again it's not application-specific.
    Hope this helps, at least to give you some pointers.

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    Hope this helps,
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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