Want to Post a Warning from Pay Pal Regarding Safari

I have read the latest issue of MacWorld, there is a short artcle about a warning from Pay Pal to "Steer Clear of Safari". Pay Pal "Chief information security officer", says, that "Safari has no built in Phishing filter to warn users when they are visiting suspicious web sites" he also says "a 2nd problem that safari has is it lacks support for another antiphishing Technology, called an Extended Validation Certificate."
I would like to send this little info. out to someone that can either take this info out to someone that knows a apple Developer that can maybe do some adjusting to Safari so that the Safari web browser can be safer for the visitor, or maybe someone can refer me or direct me to a apple developer so that I can pass this info over to them and and suggest that they make some adjustment to Safari so that it is a safer Browser.
Has anyone seen or read that little artcle in the " News in Brief" side bar?
I am just trying to Help Safari and its developers to try to improve their web Browser so it can be safer for us users.
Let me know what your feed back.

I have read the latest issue of MacWorld, there is a short artcle about a warning from Pay Pal to "Steer Clear of Safari". Pay Pal "Chief information security officer", says, that "Safari has no built in Phishing filter to warn users when they are visiting suspicious web sites" he also says "a 2nd problem that safari has is it lacks support for another antiphishing Technology, called an Extended Validation Certificate."
I would like to send this little info. out to someone that can either take this info out to someone that knows a apple Developer that can maybe do some adjusting to Safari so that the Safari web browser can be safer for the visitor, or maybe someone can refer me or direct me to a apple developer so that I can pass this info over to them and and suggest that they make some adjustment to Safari so that it is a safer Browser.
Has anyone seen or read that little artcle in the " News in Brief" side bar?
I am just trying to Help Safari and its developers to try to improve their web Browser so it can be safer for us users.
Let me know what your feed back.

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    tonefox wrote:
    It is. I doubt that there is any tablet or phone on the market that is not using a lithium battery.
    Today's cameras, cell phones, watches, etc. also use lithium batteries yet they're routinely taken onboard aircraft.  Again, it's not the same as the several tons on the Malaysian flight.

  • Exasperated trying to do a pay pal button, plz help!

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    thx in advance.

    Hi  all -
    Sorry, I got called away to another task and this is my first chance to get back.  Desperately need to get this page up.
    Here's the code to the page.  Here's the line to search for that refers to the image I want to link to a pay pal page: 
    <img src="images/cx_paypal_u_NEWEST.jpg" alt="Order with Pay Pal" name="paypal" width="235" height="80" border="0">
    Just for a test, when I replaced the button text with the pay pal code, a drop-down box appeared with the test amounts I had set up.
    I only want the button to link to the page.  And honestly, I really don't even want drop-down options, just a field where a customer can enter an amount with their credit card.
    I'm sort of old school when it comes to privacy and like maintaining my anonymity in the forums. I'd be happy to send a link but could I do it by email?
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
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  • Pay Pal to SagePay

    I've got a client whose site uses Pay Pal to process orders. It works well - all the information is dynamically generated to fill out the Pay Pal variables in the form which is then added to the Pay Pal cart - all works great
    Now the client is looking to use SagePay. I have zero experience of Sage Pay - so my question is: How difficult is it to go from Pay Pal to Sage Pay.
    Also does anyone know of a good tutorial for Sage Pay integration because after extensive hunting on Google I can find buggar all.
    Does Sage pay even have an 'add to cart' button like Pay Pal? Will it return information to the client server so a database can be updated like Pay Pal IPN?

    hans-g. wrote:
    Hello osgood_,
    according to my information SagePay is spread in good old Europe (UK, Spain, Ireland and Germany). Did you already explore their UK website here: http://www.sagepay.co.uk/, where you will find many answers to your questions, what I took from the German side.
    Good luck!
    Hi Hans. Yep already been to the UK SagePay website and it's about as clear as mud. No real examples of form intergration. Looks like you need a 3rd party shopping cart as well.
    I guess this is simple if you know how but when you don't like everything else web related its a ••••••• nightmare. Is it me or does everyone else take 1 step forward and 11 backwards.
    Looks like the best solution is going to tell the client to shop around for someone with SagePay experience. Shite - you can't be expected to know everything.
    Seems you need to be an expert in, html, css, database, php, jquery, paypal, worldpay, sagepay, mobile, SEO, Wordpress, Drupal, CMS, front end designer -  to be able to offer anything worthwhile on the web. I'm missing my old job as a Graphic Designer. Just need the copy and the images and you're good to go, simple and it paid more!
    Yawn! I'm getting tired of this.

  • Hoow to update my pay pal acct. through firefox?

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    You can use multiple paypal accounts. You can just enter the email address of the new one and register it.
    Each form can have a different paypal account asociated with it.

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    Hi RoseyG856,
    I'm sorry you're having this printing problem with Firefox. There are some suggestions at the bottom of the following article that might help, since printing is working in your other browsers:
    [[Firefox prints incorrectly]]

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi, Ira_Morozova, and welcome to the Community,
    Skype does not have any means to pay for a single product via multiple sources.  Think about these strategies as a work-arounds:
    Add enough credit to cover the cost of the subscription you wish to purchase. 
    When you purchase the subscription, designate the payment method as credit.
    Remember to change the payment method to something else shortly thereafter so your subscription renews automatically, unless you do not wish to do it this way.
    Purchase the subscription using credit, but in smaller time increments until your credit balance is reduced as far as possible, and then change the payment method to something else.
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

  • My iTunes says I owe $5.25 for songs that I have already paid for and am not going to pay for again but I want to get some apps from the store and now there's a hold on my account. Who do I talk to get the hold taken off

    I explained it most in my question but I am getting charged double for songs that I have already paid for and am not going to pay for twice because that is messed up. But I want to get some apps from the store and it wont let me because of $5.25. Who can I talk to about resolving this issue?

    You're right, it would have been covered under warranty. But because of the user damage, chances are there's a 200-something dollar fee . If you explain to them that it had a defect previously, they might replace it for you at no charge. **MIGHT**. But they would have to believe that it had a defect previously.

  • In MAC, I want to change document size from 8.5X11 to 18X24 to create a poster to print through Staples. I created the doc originally in WORD, changed the size in WORD, converted to PDF doc. But PDF doc is still in 8.5X11. Read ADOBE support help info. Te

    In MAC, I want to change document size from 8.5X11 to 18X24 to create a poster to print through Staples. I created the doc originally in WORD, changed the size in WORD, converted to PDF doc. But PDF doc is still in 8.5X11. Read ADOBE support help info. Terls me to change size in application rather than printer. BUT ACROBAT Pro does not give me a page set up option in FILE. I can only find one in the printer dialog box. Help!

    from the FAQs on Staples website:
    I have a file that I know is a PDF, but the website claims it is not in a PDF format. What should I do?
    Check to see that the file has the .PDF extension. Also, check that the filename does not have any special characters such as an ampersand (“&”).
    Regarding your measurements set to centimeters rather than inches; is it just in MS Word?
    Or does it occur in all other applications.
    Check your Work preferences first:
    If it is happening in all your applications, check your Mac OS System Preferences.

  • I want to make the switch from 5 iphone5 to pay the difference and how much?

    I want to make the switch from 5 iphone5 to pay the difference and how much??he's locked icloud already bought it so now I'm not using as too expensive and thought this possibility .... you guys can help me ... thank you for it helped

    Unfortunately there is little you can do, Lion will not run on your machine.
    However it is possible to access some features of iClould while staying with SL. If you go to iCloud you will see the web interface for the cloud.
    Some but not all functionality is here. Check it out and see if it meets your needs.

  • Every time I want to download an app From AppStore when I start downloading it after I write my password there is warning that says to me that it isn't possible right now to download power DVD mobile even now were this app is deleted from my ipad

    Every time I want to download an app From AppStore when I start downloading it after I write my password there is warning that says to me that it isn't possible right now to download power DVD mobile even now were this app is deleted from my ipad

    The power DVD app is active, and seems to download ok.  You have already deleted the app? 
    I suspect what is happeneing is that a download is in your queue, and is blocking the queue until it completes, thus the message every time you try to do a down load.  It may be failing because while it thinks you have the app, it is not finding it, and doesn't know what to do.  ( sounds like a poorly designed download).
    I think the way around this might be for you to resync with your iTunes, and let it reload the app onto your pad.  Let it complete the download.  Then, if you do not want the app, delete it again from your pad, and if you never want it, from I tunes as well.
    The next time they do an update, you may wind up in the same situation, so if it happens again, until they fix the download routine, you will get stuck again.
    So try the suggestion, and see if this clears it out.
    The other option would be to open your account in I tunes on your computer, let it complete the download there.

  • I have set up payment method on i tunes as pal pal but when i try to make the payment it comes back declined,there is no issue on pay pal card it is some kind of glithch with i tunes.I want to use my pal pal account as my primary means of payment but your

    I have successfully created a payment account on I tunes through my pay pay account,however when I attempt to submit the payment,It shows declined.There is not a problem with my pay pal account the problem is with I tunes. can you please help me resolve this issue so I can pay on the account.I want pay pal to be my primary means of payment to I tunes thank you, billpeterfromyubacity

    Troubleshooting a start up script can be difficult. There are some third party programs that also keep logs of start up programs, however for Firefox this may be different.
    Is Firefox a startup program? [http://www.winxptutor.com/msinfo32.htm]
    Its also possible to check the Web developer tools for any scripts in a page: [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Debugger]
    In the control panel there is also Administrative tools to view event logs, but this may be something a local technician can walk you through.

  • I have 2 Mac computers and I want to download Aperture 3 from the app store. Do I have to pay for it twice ?

    I have two macs, a mac book air and a desktop mac. I want to buy Aperture 3 from the App store and get it to both computers,but I don't want to pay for it twice. Is there a way to do this?

    No you don;t have to pay for it twice. Simply install it on one machine. Then go to the other. Log into the App store there and it will be on your pruchases list. Install from there.

  • After an update to firefox I keep getting a warning from my Firewall (McAfee) "Program wants internet access". I have permission set at outgoing for firefox and updates checking off, to check that request is valid so what does it need access for

    After an update to firefox I keep getting a warning from my Firewall (McAfee) "Program wants internet access". I have permission set at outgoing for firefox and updates checking off, to check that request is valid so what does it need access for

    This was not a Firefox update, but a piece of malicious software you have inadvertently downloaded from a site called http://ffftp.co.cc/ which is impersonating Firefox. I discovered this as soon as my Zonealarm requested permission for "Golds" to access the internet. Golds??!! However I couldn't find a file with this name installed on my computer.
    You should delete the file you downloaded and certainly do not allow internet access to any suspicious program. If you have already given permission, scan your PC immediately for any virus, malware, etc. Best of luck.

  • Making CCV field in checkout mandatory for on site credit cards, but not for getting to Pay Pal site

    Hi.  I posted this on December 1st and am still waiting for a response after a failed attept with chat.
    When my clients are making an order, the CCV field, even though it is marked as required, they can actually place an order without entering the CCV.  I’d like the CCV to be required.  A chat rep said Pay Pal and BC don’t require a CCV, but I would like it to be there for extra security.
    I’ve put the correct webform under Module tempaltes > online layouts > registration buy using both html and module insert methods to test it.  Neither worked.
    The rep gave me this code to put at the bottom of my web form (note this is just the bottom of the web form field code as the top and middle have nothing to do with CCV).  The bold text is the extra text that is supposed to make the CCV required. 
    It works. This code does render a CCV requirement for direct credit card transactions on site.  Problem is, if a client selects Pay Pal in my checkout as their choice and clicks "Place Order" a Pop up window appears telling them they must enter their CCV. So its being required for direct CC on site and offsite for Pay Pal.  Of course a CCV shouldn’t needed on that screen if a client wants to pay by going to the Pay Pal website. 
    So I was wondering if you could help me modify the code so that the CCV code IS required for direct credit card purchases on my site, but when a client wants to use Pay Pal, that the CCV required field pop up does NOT appear and the client can be taken to Pay Pal to compete their order.  Many thanks!  My website is trueafricanart.com and I am using the latest BC version and normally Firefox, though I have tested in Safari and IE 9 and 10.
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/CatalystScripts/ValidationFunctions.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
    var submitcount44260 = 0;function checkWholeForm44260(theForm){var why = "";if (theForm.PaymentMethodType) why += checkSelected(theForm.PaymentMethodType, "Payment Method");if (!theForm.PaymentMethodType || getRadioSelected(theForm.PaymentMethodType) == 1) { if (theForm.CardName) why += isEmpty(theForm.CardName.value, "Name on Card"); if (theForm.CardNumber) why += isNumeric(theForm.CardNumber.value, "Card Number"); if (theForm.Amount) why += isCurrency(theForm.Amount.value, "Amount"); } if (theForm.WorkPhone) why += isEmpty(theForm.WorkPhone.value, "Work Phone Number"); if (theForm.BillingAddress) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingAddress.value, "Billing Address"); if (theForm.BillingCity) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingCity.value, "Billing City"); if (theForm.BillingState) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingState.value, "Billing State"); if (theForm.BillingZip) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingZip.value, ""); if (theForm.BillingCountry) why += checkDropdown(theForm.BillingCountry.value, "Billing Country");if (theForm.CardCCV) why += isNumeric(theForm.CardCCV.value, "CCV Number");if (theForm.CardCCV) why += isEmpty(theForm.CardCCV.value, "CCV Number"); if (theForm.EmailAddress) why += checkEmail(theForm.EmailAddress.value); if (theForm.FirstName) why += isEmpty(theForm.FirstName.value, "First Name"); if (theForm.LastName) why += isEmpty(theForm.LastName.value, "Last Name"); if (theForm.CAT_Custom_511186) why += checkSelected(theForm.CAT_Custom_511186, "Billing Address same as shipping address?");if(why != ""){alert(why);return false;}if(submitcount44260 == 0){submitcount44260++;theForm.submit();return false;}else{alert("Form submission is in progress.");return false;}}

    I thought I had and a few others in that with the answer. Because it was a javascript issue.
    As I said in that other post, The code you get from the registration form has a condition on the radio options, none of the fields for credit card become required if you choose paypal.
    if (!theForm.PaymentMethodType || getRadioSelected(theForm.PaymentMethodType) == 1)
                        if (theForm.CardName) why += isEmpty(theForm.CardName.value, "Name on Card<br>");
                        if (theForm.CardNumber) why += isNumeric(theForm.CardNumber.value, "Card Number<br>");
                        if (theForm.Amount) why += isCurrency(theForm.Amount.value, "Amount<br>");
    And in there and when that case is met you put in the CCV script.

Maybe you are looking for