Want to use 2008 Server R2 on MBP 2012

Hello All,
I need some suggestion and help on 15" MBP non retina 2012 model, to install windows 2008 x64-bit R2 Server as i have some Active directory DNS setup,
is possible with Bootcamp? or can we install with out boot-camp, i mean Directly by partition the HDD ?
i don't want to use 2008-R2 in  by parallels or Vmware !!.. want to use full Hardware 16GB and Quad-core,
can some one guide me how to do please
Thanks a lot !!
15-inch MBP Hi-Res Antiglare Widescreen Display
2.6GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
1GB GT-650M Nvdia Geforce
1TB HDD + 500GB SSD Samsung 8 series
16GB 1333MHz DDR3 crusial

Hi Templeton,
i browse to many forums and threads since i post this question, and found some blogs that they really Achieve to do this and they achieved TRIPLE Boot as well like Mac OSX, Linux, windows 7,
And some blogs with 2008 R2 server fully support MBP as IVY Bridge Support Hyper Threading (Hyper-V)
http://ark.intel.com/products/64891/Intel-Core-i7-3720QM-Processor-6M-Cache-up-t o-3_60-GHz

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  • 2008 Server R2 on MBP 2012

    Hello All,
    I need some suggestion and help on 15" MBP non retina 2012 model, to install windows 2008 x64-bit R2 Server as i have some Active directory DNS setup,
    is possible with Bootcamp? or can we install with out boot-camp, i mean Directly by partition the HDD ?
    i don't want to use 2008-R2 in  by parallels or Vmware !!.. want to use full Hardware 16GB and Quad-core,
    can some one guide me how to do please.
    Thanks a lot !!
    15-inch MBP Hi-Res Antiglare Widescreen Display
    2.6GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    1GB GT-650M Nvdia Geforce
    1TB HDD + 500GB SSD Samsung 8 series
    16GB 1333MHz DDR3 crusial

    Hi Templeton,
    i browse to many forums and threads since i post this question, and found some blogs that they really Achieve to do this and they achieved TRIPLE Boot as well like Mac OSX, Linux, windows 7,
    And some blogs with 2008 R2 server fully support MBP as IVY Bridge Support Hyper Threading (Hyper-V)
    http://ark.intel.com/products/64891/Intel-Core-i7-3720QM-Processor-6M-Cache-up-t o-3_60-GHz

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    Removing streams is very simple in 10g. Please follow the below steps:
    1. Remove all the streams configuration metadata informations:
    connect / as sysdba
    execute dbms_streams_adm.remove_streams_configuration;
    2. Now drop the streams administrator user who owns the streams queues:
    connect / as sysdba
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    Best Regards
    My configuration is:
    ACE-MOD6/integracion1# sh runn
    Generating configuration....
    access-list anyone line 8 extended permit ip any any
    probe http get-index
    interval 4
    open 2
    recieve 2
    faildetect 2
    passdetect interval 10
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    rserver host Srv1
    ip address
    probe get-index
    rserver host Srv2
    ip address
    probe get-index
    serverfarm host servers
    rserver Srv1
    rserver Srv2
    class-map type management match-any ADM-CONTEX-SERV1
    2 match protocol telnet any
    3 match protocol ssh any
    4 match protocol icmp any
    class-map type http loadbalance match-all Check-Headers
    2 match http url .*
    3 match http header Host header-value "10.24.16.*"
    4 match http header User-Agent header-value ".*MSIE.*"
    class-map match-all VIP-10-HTTP
    2 match virtual-address tcp eq www
    class-map type http loadbalance match-all other-HTTP
    2 match http url .*
    policy-map type management first-match ADM-CTX-SERV1
    class ADM-CONTEX-SERV1
    policy-map type loadbalance first-match L7-logic
    class Check-Headers
    serverfarm servers
    class other-HTTP
    serverfarm servers
    policy-map type loadbalance first-match lb-logic
    class class-default
    serverfarm servers
    policy-map multi-match client-vips
    class VIP-10-HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy L7-logic
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply active
    interface vlan 60
    description inside
    ip address
    access-group input anyone
    access-group output anyone
    service-policy input ADM-CTX-SERV1
    no shutdown
    interface vlan 233
    description outside
    ip address
    access-group input anyone
    access-group output anyone
    service-policy input ADM-CTX-SERV1
    service-policy input client-vips
    no shutdown
    ip route

    If your server is running an SNMP agent, the ACE can use SNMP to pull stats from the server. You'll just need the correct OID. For instance, if you were using Linux, you might use something like the following as a probe:
    probe snmp linux-stats
    interval 10
    community public
    oid .
    threshold 75
    . is the OID for CPU load average (for Linux, Windows would have a different OID). If it goes above 75, the server is marked as out. When used with the least-loaded predictor, it will also divert more traffic to the least loaded server, as defined by that OID. You can use multiple OIDs in conjunctions and give them different weights.
    However, judging from your timeout value of your get-http health check, I would check to see if the issue isn't that your servers are flapping because of a too-low receive threshold. Each server has 2 seconds to respond to the ACE, which may not enough time given that the servers may be getting a lot of traffic and you're doing these checks every 4 seconds.
    If one fails, the other gets all the traffic, until it is overloaded, and it fails. By this time, your other servers has calmed down, and gets all the traffic, and the cycle repeats itself. Check SNMP traps or SYSLOG to see if this is the case.
    Either way, you might want to change the timeout to 5 or 10, to give them more breathing room.

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    imho... you may be over-complicating your system and adding additional points of failure to your architecture if you go this route.
    Communigate Pro allows you to run both SpamAssassin 3 and Clamd (the main antivirus/antispamspam tools provided in OSX Server) very easily on your CGPro box.
    MPP Free gives you a nice gui for configuring them.
    Here's install directions I used to get it all working:

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    Hiren Patel
    +91 9974091230

    RDS 2012 CALs can license 2008 R2 and 2008 session hosts. However, RDS 2012 CALs only can be installed on the 2012 Licensing server.
    RDS and TS CAL Interoperability Matrix
    Hope this helps.
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    No one - yes - if you're excluding any but the Crystal Reports Designer people hanging out in this forum.
    You might try over at Business Objects -> BusinessObjects Enterprise Admin forum for migration questions.
    Ted Ueda

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    Planning on setting up a small single server and  need this functionality:
    * 3 local users runnnig Windows 7 Home Premium needs to access files on the server
    * The same 3 users should also be able to connect from home (PC, Mac, iPhone) and run an application on the server. (Session-Based Remote Desktop).
    We want to use Windows Server 2012, and found out that Essentials does not support RDP, so that leaves Foundation and Standard versions.
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    7 Pro, but we would like a solution with minimal investment in time and money)

    Hi Ryan, 
    and thanks for the answer! I do not know how to do "multiple quote" in this forum so I do it this way:
    "have you considered virtualisation, as you can run multiple virtual machines under one licence. I think this would be the cheapest and most efficient use of your money. Upgrading your clients to Windows 7 pro would allow you to have domain control
    Single Sign On SSO. "
    This is the "official" solution I think: Upgrade all clients to Win 7 Pro and run two instances of Win Server 2012 Standard on the server.
    However, I was hoping to get away with something a bit more Quick & Dirty.....;-) We do not have big security issues and will have a good backup system, and I think for 3 users only, it will be more work trying to centralise administration like updating,
    backups etc, than to just go to each machine and do what is needed. 
    We are good with computers/Windows but have no Server experience. A server guy will help us get started, but I dont want him around after that, so it must be a very simple solution.
    Also, installing 2 instances of WS 2012 and upgrading all 3 clients to Win Pro, and then installing all software and settings on the clients into the new domain user accounts on these clients is quite a lot of work. So I was hoping to keep only existing local
    users on the client machines and only have some kind of file share thing going on with the server disks that we need to access. So perhaps use a Workgroup instead of a domain, if that works with the RDS setup?
    "Option 1
    2 virtual machines 1x DC and 1x RDS server."
    So, if we set up RDS this way (so we can log in remote and run our application session-based on the server), can we keep the local clients running Windows Home Premium using our current local user logins (ie no domain user accounts created on the client machines,
    as this is impossible in Home versions) and still access the server disks somehow, or is it impossible? 
    Another question is if it is stupid/a really bad solution...but I still want to know if it is possible....;-)
    "Option 2 
    2 virtual machines 1x DC and 1x RDS server.
    You can configure your RDS solution as a domain joined platform and will still be able to access resources from the local device as you can map local drives to the session host. http://www.serverintellect.com/support/techfaq/drive-rdp/
    Your users would have two sets of credentials, one for the local client and one for the domain."
    I do not want to access files over VPN or RDP, we only want to run an application on the server from remote (Session-Based Remote Desktop). However when we use the local clients we want to access files on the server, and then we access huge image and film files
    on fast RAID drives, so local network speed must be top speed. Also if possible we would like to not upgrade to Win Pro, and then joining a domain is not possible.
    "Option 3
    1x Server
    The second option would be to manually deploy the session host role and licencing role to a work group server. This would limit access to RDP only and you would loose web access functionality."
    I think this is what I was hoping for. It seems that the new R2 release of WS 2012 allows you to rund RDP and Domain Controller roles on the SAME instance of the server. That sounds nice, it limits what we need to keep track on and minimises the load on the
    server that needs to act as a very fast file server locally.
    However, can we do this and still keep file acces with only Windows Home (no domain) in the local clients (same question as above under "Option 1")?

  • Use mssql server in place of hsqldb

    If this is wrong forum then pl tellme.
    I am posting my problem.
    I used hsqldb server(default one,no need to install any server).Now I want to use mssql server 2000.
    I am posting for your convienience.
    Pl. look ::
    This is one when I used hsqldb server.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
            "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
            <!-- Database connection settings -->
            <property name="connection.driver_class">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</property>
            <property name="connection.url">jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost</property>
            <property name="connection.username">sa</property>
            <property name="connection.password"></property>
            <!-- JDBC connection pool (use the built-in) -->
            <property name="connection.pool_size">1</property>
            <!-- SQL dialect -->
            <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect</property>
            <!-- Enable Hibernate's automatic session context management -->
            <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>
            <!-- Disable the second-level cache  -->
            <property name="cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider</property>
            <!-- Echo all executed SQL to stdout -->
            <property name="show_sql">true</property>
            <!-- Drop and re-create the database schema on startup -->
            <property name="hbm2ddl.auto">create</property>
    This is one I want with mssql server 2000
    I try with following changes
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
            "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
            <property name="connection.provider">NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider</property>
            <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.Dialect.SqlDialect</property>
            <property name="connection.driver_class">NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver</property>
            <property name="connection.connection_string">Server=(local);Initial Catalog=dbname;User Id=sa;Password=</property>
    </hibernate-configuration>Whatever i found on command line screen
    D:\myht>ant hbm2ddl
    Buildfile: build.xml
    [hibernatetool] Executing Hibernate Tool with a Standard Configuration
    [hibernatetool] 1. task: hbm2ddl (Generates database schema)
    [hibernatetool] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate
    [hibernatetool] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    [hibernatetool] An exception occurred while running exporter #2:hbm2ddl (Generat
    es database schema)
    [hibernatetool] To get the full stack trace run ant with -verbose
    [hibernatetool] org.hibernate.HibernateException: Dialect class not found: org.h
    D:\myht\build.xml:81: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Dialect class not found:
    Total time: 1 second
    D:\myht>Please give me your suggestion sothat I can use mssql 2000 server.

    I got a very little mistake I don't change my config. file to use mysql.

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    You can add "hint" tracks via AppleScript (download the collection):
    Of course, these only run on a Mac.
    You may have other issues with formatting and should check the FAQ page at the QTSS Site.

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    So, how do I make the server (loop) mount itself as if it was a pure client (and not complain about it)?
    Please help me.

    Have you try this command ?
    $ sqlplus scott/tiger@scomachine

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    Is a Java class available which provides this functionality?

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    I've found on the internet regarding this subject is over a year old and a lot can change in a year.  So my questions are can we install VS2012 and both SSDT and SSDT-BI to create and maintain the SSIS, SSRS, and SSAS currently in our SQL Server 2008
    R2 database?  If we can install these three items, VS2012 and the two SSDTs, and are able to create new BI and maintain our current BI in our SS2008R2 database then what issues might we have with our TFS2010 code repository?  We prefer
    to use only VS2012 or VS2008 but not both at the same time.  If we can't do everything we are currently doing in VS2008 with our SS2008R2 database by switching to VS2012 and the two SSDTs then we will stay with VS2008 until we someday upgrade
    to SS2012.  Please advise and thank you.  James M.

    I'm going to move this to the SSAS blog, where most SSDT-BI questions are answered (this forum mainly answers SSDT questions). Someone there may be able to give you better information but here's what I know:
    - I think you'll only need to install SSDT-BI since you're using SSIS, SSAS and SSRS. SSDT is the database tooling which it sounds like you wouldn't use, and it's actually built into VS2012 in any case.
    - SSIS projects don't work with earlier versions of SQL Server, but SSAS and SSRS do. Details are on
    this blog post. I don't have enough knowledge to suggest workarounds or best practices for handling the SSIS issue. Perhaps you could keep 2 projects, or 2 branches of the same project (one for 2012, one for 2008) if that's possible? I think your BIDS projects
    will be upgraded to SSDT-BI compatible projects so it's work checking them into source control, upgrading, then comparing to understand what's changed. You might be able to keep the same overall source and just change a few settings in the different branches?
    Hopefully someone on the SSAS forum can help give you more information and suggestions.

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