Warmer screen? Any official link from ?

Having read all the online news, rumors and what-got-you, those are NOT official statement to state that  did adjust the iPhone 3G color temperature to a warmer tone.
Was searching  knowledge base and support sites and I couldn't find anything on the screen looking yellow is normal.
Until a proper KB or whatever official is posted on  sites, can I treat my yellow tinted iPhone 3G screen as a defective product?
Hate sending back the cool phone but I'm uncomfortable with the yellow tint. Didn't have to compare with any other screen. It just looks yellow to me. Tried firmware update to 2.0.2 (5C1) and did restore to default. Still yellow.

Unicode code point U+F8FF is the last character in the Unicode private use area. Its meaning and appearance vary depending on the font in use, but its usage in several fonts make it the most notable code point in the private use area.
* In most Apple supplied fonts, it represents the Apple logo, or an early version of the command key.
Translation: The OP is SUCH an Apple fanboy he does not realize his little symbol it totally nonstandard and does not travel well.

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    I think the McAfee suite will do the trick when I pay them a one-time fee of $69 or $179 for a year for unlimited support.
    Your call of course but IMO a waste of money. Please read this first:
    There are many forms of ‘Malware’ that can affect a computer system, of which ‘a virus’ is but one type, ‘trojans’ another. Using the strict definition of a computer virus, no viruses that can attack OS X have so far been detected 'in the wild', i.e. in anything other than laboratory conditions. The same is not true of other forms of malware, such as Trojans. Whilst it is a fairly safe bet that your Mac has NOT been infected by a virus, it may have another security-related problem, but more likely a technical problem unrelated to any malware threat.
    You may find this User Tip on Viruses, Trojan Detection and Removal, as well as general Internet Security and Privacy, useful:
    The User Tip (which you are welcome to print out and retain for future reference) seeks to offer guidance on the main security threats and how to avoid them.
    More useful information can also be found here:

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