Warning before quit

does anyone know of any kind of application or modification you can do so that Safari will warn you before quitting? "windows are open, are you sure you want to quit safari?"

I will stand in the corner with a D hat on...
No need. This is a little confusing, I agree.
...and there is no action to choose to be executed upon pressing my new key combo.
I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by this, but let's go back to the beginning.
1) Open System Preferences, click on the Keyboard and Mouse icon, and click on the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.
2) Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click on the disclosure arrow next to Application Keyboard Shortcuts to show what that section contains.
3) Click on the disclosure arrow next to All Applications. Is there a Safari item under it? If there is, it should look like this:
If you didn't actually add a keyboard shortcut for Safari, the Safari item won't be there, of course. And if you didn't get the key combination entered, you won't see it as it's entered in the screenshot.
If there is no Safari entry there at all, click the "plus" button again. This is what it should look like after you fill out the fields for this keyboard shortcut:
Note that you have to click right in the field next to "Keyboard Shortcut" and press the keys that you want, as you would press them when entering that to quit. In other words, if you want to use Command-Control-Q, click in that text-entry box and then hold down all three keys at once.
If there is a Safari entry there, but the entry in the Shortcut column doesn't look like my first screenshot or the keyboard shortcut is missing in that column because it didn't get entered, you can just click once right in that section (the spot under the Shortcut column) to edit the key combination. Click the spot circled in the screenshot below, and it will highlight a text-entry box there, and then enter the key combination you want.

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    You likely selected, at one time, the "Do not ask again" box when you deleted a playlist. If something's already been deleted, do not expect to get it back. If you want that option to return again, you may be able to deleted you iTunes plist. With iTunes closed, go to your home folder > library > preferences and delete a file called come.apple.itunes.plist. Restart. Try and open iTunes and remove a playlist (create a blank one if there's nothing you can safely delete).
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    Hey klw67
    Thanks for the question. Are you referring to the prompt for your password? If so, this can be achieved by utilizing the Restrictions (parental controls) of the specific device. For information on setting up and using Restrictions, see this resource:
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    Matt M.

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    That's not just Preview, ie also Safari is doing the same.
    From here:
    Now apps you close will reopen right where you left off, so you never have to start from scratch again. And when you install software updates, you no longer need to save your work, close your apps, and spend valuable time setting everything up again. With Resume, you can restart your Mac and return to what you were doing — with all your apps in the places where you left them.
    It's not a bug, it's a feature
    You can change it in for the whole system:
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    nyberpe1 wrote:
    Just one more question: Is the meaning and behaviour of ""Warn when old backups are deleted" still the same at Lion?
    Your welcome.
    I don't use TimeMachine or Lion, I consider the two inferior.
    Cloning OS X is superior as I can boot and use the computer like before, so I use Carbon Copy Cloner for that.
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    blheath2010 wrote:
    There is a low battery warning that displays and sounds an alarm when the battery gets low. Best thing to do would be to plug it in or save what you are working on right then.
    Thanks for the info, I have not run mine down below 20% yet.
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