WAS memory usage

I want to know how is possible to save in a log or a trace the memory information from WAS. I want to get, for example, the JVM memory usage, processor ocupation, connection pools, etc.
The intention is to make an stress test with this results.
Thanks in advance to all.

Hi Jose,
you can use profiling tool Wily Introscope or SAP Monitoring tool save all this information when doing Stress tests
see the descriptions under:
Monitoring and Supportability tabs
Regards, Angel

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    Thanks in advance for any help

    55%, it's still 1.6Gb....there shouldn't be a problem scanning something that it says will take up 300Mb, then actually only takes up 70Mb.
    And not wrong, it obviously isn't releasing the memory when other applications need it because it doesn't, I have to close PS before it will release it. Yes, it probably is supposed to release it, but it isn't.
    Thank you for your answer (even if it did appear to me to be a bit rude/shouty, perhaps something more polite than "Wrong!" next time) but I'm sitting at my computer, and I can see what is using how much memory and when, you can't.

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    Here the code I'm using, its reduced to functions which open something. Functions   
    get_v_tools() and get_change_tools() are same as get_client_positions().
    Public conODBC As New ADODB.Connection
    Public myPath As String
    Sub get_positions()
    Dim Src As range, dst As range
    Dim lastRow As Integer
    Dim myPath As String
    lastRow = Sheets("SQL_DATA").Cells(Sheets("SQL_DATA").rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("A2:AD" & lastRow + 1).ClearContents
    Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("AG2:BE" & lastRow + 2).ClearContents
    Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("AE3:AF" & lastRow + 2).ClearContents
    k = Sheets("ToolsList").Cells(Sheets("ToolsList").rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
    Sheets("ToolsList").range("A2:M" & k).ClearContents
    'open connection
    Call open_connection
    lastRow = Sheets("SQL_DATA").Cells(Sheets("SQL_DATA").rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    If lastRow < 2 Then GoTo ErrorHandling
    'copy bs price check multiplications
    Set Src = Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("AE2:AF2")
    Set dst = Worksheets("SQL_DATA").range("AE2").Resize(lastRow - 1, Src.columns.Count)
    dst.Formula = Src.Formula
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandling
    'new prices are calculated
    newPrice_calculate (lastRow)
    myPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
    'Refresh pivot table in Position Manager
    Sheets("Position Manager").PivotTables("PivotTable3").ChangePivotCache ActiveWorkbook. _
    PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
    myPath & "\[Position_Manager_v1.0.xlsm]SQL_DATA!R1C2:R" & lastRow & "C31" _
    , Version:=xlPivotTableVersion14)
    Set Src = Nothing
    Set dst = Nothing
    If conODBC.State <> 0 Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub open_connection()
    Dim sql_data, sql_data_change, sql_data_v As Variant
    Dim wdth, TotalColumns, startRow As Integer
    Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
    Errorcode = 0
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandling
    Errorcode = 1
    With conODBC
    .Provider = "OraOLEDB.Oracle.1"
    .ConnectionString = "Password=" & pswrd & "; Persist Security Info=True;User ID= " & UserName & "; Data Source=" & DataSource
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .CommandTimeout = 300
    End With
    startRow = Sheets("SQL_DATA").Cells(Sheets("SQL_DATA").rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
    sql_data = get_client_positions(conODBC, rst)
    wdth = UBound(sql_data, 1)
    Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("A" & startRow & ":AA" & wdth + startRow - 1).Value = sql_data
    'Run change tools instruments
    startRow = Sheets("ToolsList").Cells(Sheets("ToolsList").rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
    sql_data_change = get_change_tools(conODBC, rst)
    wdth = UBound(sql_data_change, 1)
    Sheets("ToolsList").range("A" & startRow & ":M" & wdth + startRow - 1).Value _
    = sql_data_change
    'open SQL for V tools instruments
    startRow = Sheets("ToolsList").Cells(Sheets("ToolsList").rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
    sql_data_v = get_v_tools(conODBC, rst)
    wdth = UBound(sql_data_v, 1)
    Sheets("ToolsList").range("A" & startRow & ":L" & startRow + wdth - 1).Value = sql_data_v
    If rst.State <> 0 Then
    End If
    Set rst = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Function get_client_positions(conODBC As ADODB.Connection, rst_posi As ADODB.Recordset) As Variant
    Dim sql_data As Variant
    Dim objCommand As ADODB.Command
    Dim sql As String
    Dim records, TotalColumns As Integer
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandling
    Set objCommand = New ADODB.Command
    sql = read_sql()
    With objCommand
    .ActiveConnection = conODBC 'connection for the commands
    .CommandType = adCmdText
    .CommandText = sql 'Sql statement from the function
    .Prepared = True
    .CommandTimeout = 600
    End With
    Set rst_posi = objCommand.Execute
    TotalColumns = rst_posi.Fields.Count
    records = rst_posi.RecordCount
    ReDim sql_data(1 To records, 1 To TotalColumns)
    If TotalColumns = 0 Or records = 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandling
    If TotalColumns <> 27 Then GoTo ErrorHandling
    If rst_posi.EOF Then GoTo ErrorHandling
    l = 1
    Do While Not rst_posi.EOF
    For i = 0 To TotalColumns - 1
    sql_data(l, i + 1) = rst_posi.Fields(i)
    Next i
    l = l + 1
    Set rst_posi = Nothing
    Set objCommand = Nothing
    get_client_positions = sql_data
    End Function
    Private Function read_sql() As String
    Dim sqlFile As String, sqlQuery, Line As String
    Dim query_dt As String, client As String, account As String
    Dim GRP_ID, GRP_SPLIT_ID As String
    Dim fso, stream As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    client = Worksheets("Cover").range("C9").Value
    query_dt = Sheets("Cover").range("C7").Value
    GRP_ID = Sheets("Cover").range("C3").Value
    GRP_SPLIT_ID = Sheets("Cover").range("C5").Value
    account = Sheets("Cover").range("C11").Value
    sqlFile = Sheets("Cover").range("C15").Value
    Open sqlFile For Input As #1
    Do Until EOF(1)
    Line Input #1, Line
    sqlQuery = sqlQuery & vbCrLf & Line
    ' Replace placeholders in the SQL
    sqlQuery = Replace(sqlQuery, "myClent", client)
    sqlQuery = Replace(sqlQuery, "01/01/9999", query_dt)
    sqlQuery = Replace(sqlQuery, "54747743", GRP_ID)
    If GRP_SPLIT_ID <> "" Then
    sqlQuery = Replace(sqlQuery, "7754843", GRP_SPLIT_ID)
    sqlQuery = Replace(sqlQuery, "AND POS.GRP_SPLIT_ID = 7754843", "")
    End If
    If account = "ZZ" Then
    sqlQuery = Replace(sqlQuery, "AND AC.ACCNT_NAME = 'ZZ'", "")
    sqlQuery = Replace(sqlQuery, "ZZ", account)
    End If
    ' Create a TextStream to check SQL Query
    sql = sqlQuery
    myPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
    Set stream = fso.CreateTextFile(myPath & "\SQL\LastQuery.txt", True)
    stream.Write sql
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set stream = Nothing
    read_sql = sqlQuery
    End Function

    Thanks Starain,
    that's what I did the last days and found that the problem is in the
    newPrice_calculate (lastRow)
    function. This function retrieves data (sets it as arrays) which was correctly pasted into the sheet, loops through all rows and does math/calendar calculations with cell values using an Add-In("Quantlib")
    Public errorMessage as String
    Sub newPrice_calculate(lastRow)
    Dim Type() As Variant
    Dim Id() As Variant
    Dim Price() As Variant
    Dim daysTo() As Variant
    Dim fx() As Variant
    Dim interest() As Variant
    Dim ObjCalend as Variant
    Dim newPrice as Variant
    On Error GoTo Catch
    interest = Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("V2:V" & lastRow).Value
    Type = Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("L2:L" & lastRow).Value Id = Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("M2:M" & lastRow).Value Price = Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("T2:T" & lastRow).Value
    daysTo = Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("K2:K" & lastRow).Value
    fx = Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("U2:U" & lastRow).Value
    qlError = 1
    For i = 2 To lastRow
    If (i, 1) = "LG" Then
    'set something - nothing spectacular like
    interest(i, 1) = 0
    daysTo(i , 1) = 0
    adjTime = Sqr(daysTo(i, 1) / 365)
    ObjCalend(i,1) =Application.Run("qlCalendarHolidaysList", _
    "CalObj", ... , .... other input parameters)
    If IsError(ObjCalend(i,1)) Then GoTo Catch
    'other calendar calcs
    newPrice(i,1) = Application.Run( 'quantLib calcs)
    End If
    Select Case qlError
    Case 1
    errorMessage = errorMessage & " QuantLibXL Cal Error at: " & i & " " & vbNewLine & Err.Description
    ObjCalend(i,1) (i, 1) = "N/A"
    End Select
    Next i
    Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("AB2:AB" & lastRow).Value = newPrice
    'Sheets("SQL_DATA").range("AA2:AA" & lastRow).Value = daysTo
    ' erase and set to nothing all arrays and objects
    Erase Type
    Erase id
    Erase Price
    Set newPrice = Nothing
    Is there a possibility to clean everything in:
    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    End Sub
    Thanks in advance

  • Memory Usage.

    Good day to you all,
    Im using the miracl library for my program(www.shamus.ie). it is a c/c++ library
    I compiled its dll and made it run on windows.
    i also compiled it on linux but i didnt use the exact source codes because there are differences in compiling in linux.
    my problem is that memory usage on windows is 4mb per client while on linux, it is 23mb per client.
    Is it because i compiled the linux version wrong?
    should windows memory usage be way lower than linux memory usage?
    should i run my app on a linux or windows?
    Is JNI really faster on windows?
    Message was edited by:

    Good day to you all,
    Im using the miracl library for my program(www.shamus.ie). it is a c/c++ library
    I compiled its dll and made it run on windows.
    i also compiled it on linux but i didnt use the exact source codes because there are differences in compiling in linux.
    my problem is that memory usage on windows is 4mb per client while on linux, it is 23mb per client.
    Is it because i compiled the linux version wrong?
    should windows memory usage be way lower than linux memory usage?
    should i run my app on a linux or windows?
    Is JNI really faster on windows?
    Message was edited by:

  • Tracking Memory usage on iOS using the Stats class

    I've been checking memory usage on an app I'm developing for iOS using the Stats class https://github.com/mrdoob/Hi-ReS-Stats ( http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/mobile/WS4bebcd66a74275c3-315cd077124319488fd-7fff.html#WS 948100b6829bd5a61637f0a412623fd0543-8000).
    I added the Stats class to my project and redeployed and, yikes, memory usage reported in Stats creeps up (pretty slowly) even when there's nothing happening in the app (just showing a loaded bitmap).
    To try and track down the issue I created a project with a test class that extends Sprite with just this single call in the constructor :-
    addChild( new Stats() );
    I deployed it to the device to check that it didn't gobble any memory.
    But I was Suprised to watch the memory usage creep up and up (to approx 5) before some garbage collection kicked in and takes memory back down. I left it running and then it crept up again to over 7.5 this time before being kicked back down to just below 3.
    So 2 related questions that I'd appreciate any feedback/observations/thoughts on :-
    1 - Is this normal (i.e. memory creeping up when there's nothing other than Stats in the project) ?
    2 - What is the best way to monitor memory usage within an app ? Is Stats good enough - is Stats itself causing the memory usage ?
    All the best guys !

    Also see thread (http://forums.adobe.com/message/4280020#4280020)
    My conclusions are :-
    - If you run an app and leave it idle, memory usage gradually creeps up (presumably as memory is being used to perform calcs/refresh the display etc)
    - Periodically the garbage collection kicks in and memory is brought back down
    - This cycle could be in excess of 5 mins
    Run with your real app and memory will increase and be released much more rapidly/regularly.
    - It's probably worth performing initial checks by running on your desktop to iron out any initial problems

  • Extensive (very very very extensive) memory usage of host application with CS extension

    I tried this only under Photoshop CS5 and InDesign CS5 under Windows 7.
    When you open and close CS extension panel, the memory taken by Photoshop (InDesign) increases by 6-30MB!
    In case of the simple HelloPhotoshop (HelloInDesign) panel from the examples, compiled in release mode, when you open it and close, - it's about 6-10MB each time you do it. And in case of a more complex panel, which uses AIR, etc. it's about 30MB per one panel close/open.
    When I use some panels in 5-10 minutes Photoshop (InDesign) increases its memory pool from 600MB up to 1,2 GB. And more. And this memory is never freed, only until Photoshop (InDesign) shutdown.
    I tried freeing all my arrays, killing display objects, etc. - nothing helped. Even a simple HelloPhotoshop (HelloInDesign) that does nothing eats memory.
    By the way, InDesign eats memory a lot faster .

    James, thank you for the very fast answer! I did various tests on the weekend on my computer and computer of my friend.
    And I can say, that Debug flag doesn't affect memory consumption.   They still eat memory. My steps to reproduce are as follows:
    (Windows 7 32 bit)
    Photoshop CS5:
    1) set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CSXS2Preferences\PlayerDebugMode to 0
    2*) check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\CSXS2Preferences (just in case)
    3) Compile HelloPhotoshop example to ZXP and install via  Extension manager
    4) restart computer
    5) Run Photoshop CS5 - Memory consumption: 100 096 KB
    6) Open HelloPhotoshop and close it 10 times
    7) Memory consumption: 155 840 - 5,574 MB per one close/open
    Maybe a garbage collector is expected to run and free this memory, but it never happened in my case. The memory pool was increasing to 1 GB when I was working with one of my panels - with no documents open in Photoshop
    In InDesign I tried the same thing with HelloInDesign ( I had to close the panel completely and then open with Window | Extensions | HelloInDesign)
    Memory consumption on start: 118 516
    Memory consumption after 10 open/close cycles: 197 516
    It's 7,9 MB per one close/open
    It's the simpliest panel test. When I'm using AIR libraries the memory usage is increasing a lot faster.

  • Very high memory usage..possible memory leak?  Solaris 10 8/07 x64

    I noticed yesterday that my machine was becoming increasingly slow, where once it was pretty snappy. It's a Compaq SR5250NX with 1GB of RAM. Upon checking vmstat, I noticed that the "Free" column was ~191MB. Now, the only applications I had open were FireFox 2.0.11, GAIM, and StarOffice. I closed all of them, and the number reported in the "Free" column became approximately 195MB. "Pagefile" was about 5.5x that size. There were no other applications running and it's a single user machine, so I was the only one logged in. System uptime: 9 days.
    I logged out, logged back in, to see if that had an affect. It did not. Rebooted and obviously, that fixed it. Now with only FireFox, GAIM, and a terminal open, vmstat reports "Free" as ~450MB. I've noticed if I run vmstat every few seconds, the "Free" total keeps going down. Example:
    unknown% vmstat
    kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
    r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr cd s0 s1 s2   in   sy   cs us sy id
    0 0 0 870888 450220  9  27 10  0  1  0  8  2 -0 -0 -0  595 1193  569 72  1 28
    unknown% vmstat
    kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
    r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr cd s0 s1 s2   in   sy   cs us sy id
    0 0 0 870880 450204  9  27 10  0  1  0  8  2 -0 -0 -0  596 1193  569 72  1 28
    unknown% vmstat
    kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
    r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr cd s0 s1 s2   in   sy   cs us sy id
    0 0 0 870828 450092  9  27 10  0  1  0  8  2 -0 -0 -0  596 1193  570 71  1 28
    unknown%Output of prstat -u Kendall (my username ) is as follows:
      2026 Kendall   124M   70M sleep   59    0   0:01:47 1.4% firefox-bin/7
      1093 Kendall    85M   77M sleep   59    0   0:07:15 1.1% Xsun/1
      1802 Kendall    60M   15M sleep   59    0   0:00:08 0.1% gnome-terminal/2
      1301 Kendall    93M   23M sleep   49    0   0:00:30 0.1% java/14
      1259 Kendall    53M   15M sleep   49    0   0:00:32 0.1% gaim/1
      2133 Kendall  3312K 2740K cpu1    59    0   0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1
      1276 Kendall    51M   12M sleep   59    0   0:00:11 0.0% gnome-netstatus/1
      1247 Kendall    46M   10M sleep   59    0   0:00:06 0.0% metacity/1
      1274 Kendall    51M   13M sleep   59    0   0:00:05 0.0% wnck-applet/1
      1249 Kendall    56M   17M sleep   59    0   0:00:07 0.0% gnome-panel/1
      1278 Kendall    48M 9240K sleep   59    0   0:00:05 0.0% mixer_applet2/1
      1245 Kendall  9092K 3844K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-smproxy/1
      1227 Kendall  8244K 4444K sleep   59    0   0:00:01 0.0% xscreensaver/1
      1201 Kendall  4252K 1664K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sdt_shell/1
      1217 Kendall    55M   16M sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-session/1
       779 Kendall    47M 2208K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-volcheck/1
       746 Kendall  5660K 3660K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% bonobo-activati/1
      1270 Kendall    49M   10M sleep   49    0   0:00:00 0.0% clock-applet/1
      1280 Kendall    47M 8904K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% notification-ar/1
      1199 Kendall  2928K  884K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% dsdm/1
      1262 Kendall    47M 2268K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-volcheck/1
    Total: 37 processes, 62 lwps, load averages: 0.11, 0.98, 1.63System uptime is 9 hours, 48 minutes. I'm just wondering why the memory usage seems so high to do...nothing. It's obviously a real problem as the machine turned very slow when vmstat was showing 195MB free.
    Any tips, tricks, advice, on which way to go with this?

    Apologies for the delayed reply. School has been keeping me nice and busy.
    Anyway, here is the output of prstat -Z:
      2040 Kendall      144M   76M sleep   59    0   0:04:26 2.0% firefox-bin/10
    28809 Kendall     201M  193M sleep   59    0   0:42:30 1.9% Xsun/1
      2083 Kendall      186M   89M sleep   49    0   0:02:31 1.2% java/58
      2260 Kendall       59M   14M sleep   59    0   0:00:00 1.0% gnome-terminal/2
      2050 Kendall       63M   21M sleep   49    0   0:01:35 0.6% realplay.bin/4
      2265 Kendall     3344K 2780K cpu1    59    0   0:00:00 0.2% prstat/1
    29513 Kendall     71M   33M sleep   39    0   0:07:25 0.2% gaim/1
    28967 Kendall     56M   18M sleep   59    0   0:00:24 0.1% gnome-panel/1
    29060 Kendall     93M   24M sleep   49    0   0:02:58 0.1% java/14
    28994 Kendall     51M   13M sleep   59    0   0:00:23 0.1% wnck-applet/1
    28965 Kendall     49M   14M sleep   59    0   0:00:33 0.0% metacity/1
       649 noaccess   164M   46M sleep   59    0   0:09:54 0.0% java/23
    28996 Kendall     51M   12M sleep   59    0   0:00:50 0.0% gnome-netstatus/1
      2264 Kendall    1352K  972K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% csh/1
    28963 Kendall  9100K 3792K sleep   59    0   0:00:03 0.0% gnome-smproxy/1
         0           80          655M  738M    73%       1:18:40 7.7% global
    Total: 80 processes, 322 lwps, load averages: 0.27, 0.27, 0.22Sorry about the bad formatting, it's copied from the terminal.
    In any event, we can see that FireFox is sucking up 145MB (??!?!!? crazy...) XSun, 200MB, and java 190MB. I'm running Java Desktop System (Release 3) so I assume that is what accounts for the the high memory usage RE: java process. But, XSun, 200MB?
    Is this normal and I just need to toss another gig in, or what?

  • Very high memory usage with Yahoo Mail

    After using Yahoo Mail for an hour or so my memory usage increases to a very high level.
    Just now, after reading and deleting about 50 e-mails (newsletters etc.) I noticed Firefox 17 running slowly and checked the memory usage in Windows Task Manager (I am using XP) and it was 1.2 Gb. My older laptop only has 2 Gb of RAM. Yahoo Mail was the only thing open at the time.
    I never notice this problem with Gmail which I mainly use. However I use Yahoo Mail for quite a few newsletters etc. that are less important and which I only check once a week or so.
    I found the following bug report about 3 years old which almost exactly describes my problem.
    But this report involves a much earlier Firefox version, and at the end it seems to say that the problem was fixed. However it well describes my current issue with Firefox 17, especially the continual increase in memory while using the up/down arrow keys to scroll through Yahoo e-mails.
    Is this normal to have to shut down and reopen Firefox every hour or so to clean out the memory? For some reason I only notice this when using Yahoo Mail. After using many other sites and having multiple tabs open for several hours I rarely reach that kind of memory usage. About the highest I've seen with other sites after a couple of hours is 600 Kb which is roughly when I start notice slower response times.

    See also:
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

  • Massive memory usage when using latest version of final cut, 10 minutes after restart.

    Hey I am really struggling with using Final Cut Pro X and I suspect there is some software issue.
    I am editing a one minute video clip, the video files are 1080 h264. I restart my computer and only open final cut. After 10 minutes of editing I cant barely navigate my computer anymore as it is going so slow, until eventually I have to force reboot my computer. I can scarcly export anything out of final cut, when I do my computer feels like its about to die and if it exports I seem to get broken frames and/or missing media.
    I reinstalled my mac only about 2 months ago.
    System specs.
    Mac book pro.
    13-inch, Late 2011
    Processor  2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory  4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
    On my previous mac book pro (early 2010, 4 gm ram), running snow leopard and previous versions of final cut I was able to edit 3, 1 hour documentaries with very little problem, but now I cant even manage a one minute clip.
    Not sure what to do. Here is a screen shot of my memory usage. Im getting massive swap memory and lots of inactive memory. It seems very strange. Especially after only 10 minutes running only final cut.

    FCP is only using 409 MBs of memory out of your 4 GBs. But whatever else you have open is using up virtually all the physical RAM you have. This is forcing the memory manager to page memory out to the disk-based VM file. That's a major reason for major slowdowns.
    You have 4 GBs of RAM. How many applications are you running concurrently? If you look at Page outs: you will note the positive number in parentheses. That means your computer is hitting the hard drive a lot because the memory demands are too high. If possible cut down on how many concurrent applications you run or put more RAM into the computer, if that's possible.
    About OS X Memory Management and Usage
    Using Activity Monitor to read System Memory & determine how much RAM is used
    Memory Management in Mac OS X
    Performance Guidelines- Memory Management in Mac OS X
    A detailed look at memory usage in OS X
    Understanding top output in the Terminal
    The amount of available RAM for applications is the sum of Free RAM and Inactive RAM. This will change as applications are opened and closed or change from active to inactive status. The Swap figure represents an estimate of the total amount of swap space required for VM if used, but does not necessarily indicate the actual size of the existing swap file. If you are really in need of more RAM that would be indicated by how frequently the system uses VM. If you open the Terminal and run the top command at the prompt you will find information reported on Pageins () and Pageouts (). Pageouts () is the important figure. If the value in the parentheses is 0 (zero) then OS X is not making instantaneous use of VM which means you have adequate physical RAM for the system with the applications you have loaded. If the figure in parentheses is running positive and your hard drive is constantly being used (thrashing) then you need more physical RAM.
    Adding RAM only makes it possible to run more programs concurrently.  It doesn't speed up the computer nor make games run faster.  What it can do is prevent the system from having to use disk-based VM when it runs out of RAM because you are trying to run too many applications concurrently or using applications that are extremely RAM dependent.  It will improve the performance of applications that run mostly in RAM or when loading programs.

  • Extremely high memory usage after upgrading to Firefox 12

    After I upgraded to Firefox 12, I began frequently experiencing Firefox memory usage ballooning extremely high (2-3GB after a few minutes of light browsing). Sometimes it will drop back down to a more reasonable level (a few hundred MB), sometimes it hangs (presumably while trying to garbage collect everything), and sometimes it crashes. Usually the crashing thread cannot be determined, but when it can be, it is in the garbage collection code ( [https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/list?signature=js%3A%3Agc%3A%3AMarkChildren%28JSTracer*%2C+js%3A%3Atypes%3A%3ATypeObject*%29] ).
    I was able to capture an about:memory report when Firefox had gotten to about 1.5 GB and have attached an image.
    A couple of things I've tried. I have lots of tabs open (though the Don't load tabs until selected option is enabled), so I copied my profile, kept all my extensions enabled, but closed all my tabs. I then left a page open to http://news.google.com/ and it ran fine for several days, whereas my original profile crashes multiple times a day.
    I also tried disabling most of my extensions, leaving the following extensions that I refuse to browse without:
    Adblock Plus
    However, the problem still happened in that case.
    Don't know if any of this helps or not. I'm looking forward to trying Firefox 13 when it comes out.

    hello, thanks for reporting back with detailed information.
    from a brief look at your extensions i don't recognize any known (to me at least) memory leaking ones. in the last weeks there were also reports about the java plugin causing high memory consumption in combination with firefox 12 - in case you have it installed in firefox > addons > plugins try disabling it for a few days & test how firefox is behaving with many tabs.
    & although probably not related to the memory problems you could update your graphics driver to get better results with hardware acceleration in firefox - this is the latest driver by intel for your model & os:

  • SA520W - High memory usage, possible fix in 2.2.0 firmware?

    As suggested by Thomas Watts, I'm starting a new thread to discuss the new SA520W firmware (2.2.0) and a possible resolution to high memory usage I'm experiencing on my network.
    My current setup is: 16Mbit DSL > SA520W > SA300-10, all with stock settings (no fancy VLAN's etc.)
    I have 4 CentOS 5/6 servers and a Windows 7 Ultimate station connected to the switch. I use CIFS to connect from Windows station to the other Linux servers and send large files. I currently notice the following behavior:
    When the file transfer starts, the Intel 1Gbit NIC is nearly saturated, hitting 115MB/sec. After few seconds, the data transfer comes to a halt and the transfer speed drops to around 50MB/sec. If I check the memory usage before the file transfer, it is approximately to 50-60% (on a fresh router reboot). Every time I send large files to other machines, the router memory consumption increases and it does not lower after a reasonable delay. I end-up with high memory near 90% and the only solution I have is to reboot the router in order to bring it back to 50%.
    Now, Thomas told me that this is simply a cosmetic issue, the memory is not actually 90% used. Yet, when the memory hits this threshold, I'm not capable to send files are normal LAN speeds I'm used to. Rebooting the router allows me to send only ONCE (and for few seconds) data at the expected LAN speeds.
    I would apreciate any input from Cisco engineers as well other users who experience the same issue. I would also like to know if any related work was done into 2.2.0 firmware and when we expect to have it released to users.
    Floren Munteanu

    Hi Tom,
    See below the answers.
    Are you currently running the 2.1.71 code?
    Are you using IPS?
    No, the LAN is for internal use (no external users allowed)
    Are you using Protectlink services?
    Hardware wise, I did not changed anything on machines. All boxes have dual Intel EXPI9301CT NIC's (LACP was planned) but I currently use single connections for sanity reasons (disks won't allow greater speeds anyway). Previous to Cisco, I used a Netgear ProSafe router + switch which did not encountered the issues I mention. Honestly, at first I thought I'm dealing with some stupid disk issues on Windows. So I ran a quick test and the stats are proper:
    > winsat disk -drive c
    > Disk  Sequential 64.0 Read                   109.62 MB/s        6.5
    > Disk  Random 16.0 Read                       2.47 MB/s          4.4
    > Responsiveness: Average IO Rate              2.12 ms/IO         6.9
    > Responsiveness: Grouped IOs                  8.34 units         7.4
    > Responsiveness: Long IOs                     5.59 units         7.7
    > Responsiveness: Overall                      46.63 units        7.1
    > Responsiveness: PenaltyFactor                0.0
    > Disk  Sequential 64.0 Write                  117.03 MB/s        6.7
    > Average Read Time with Sequential Writes     6.977 ms           5.3
    > Latency: 95th Percentile                     32.720 ms          3.0
    > Latency: Maximum                             118.231 ms         7.6
    > Average Read Time with Random Writes         13.346 ms          3.7
    > Total Run Time 00:01:39.50
    As I mentioned before, everything is pretty much stock on router/switch settings. If you have any tips that allow me to identify the cause, I would appreciate the input. What puzzles me is the speed drop and quick memory usage increase. It occurs 7-10 seconds after the transfers begins. It looks like the data transfer hangs for a very short period of time (less than half of second) and the transfer speed decreases from 110-115MB/sec to 50-60MB/sec. The transfer is completed at this speed. No matter how many other files I try to transfer after, the speed won't go higher than 60MB/sec. If I reboot the router, I get the same cycle.

  • High memory usage problem

    Firefox regularly creeps up to about 350 mb of memory usage. It runs poorly, crashes, etc. I read some other posts about how to reduce the its memory usage via about:config tweaks. I made adjustments to browser.cache.disk.capacity (was set to over 1,000,000, reduced to 50,000) and config.trim_on_minimize. However, memory usage has not decreased. I also see the value browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value;1048576. I changed this to 50,000 also, but it reverts to the original number after every restart.
    I have 3 tabs open right now (Hotmail, Google, and this page) and memory is at 242,000.
    I should also note that I recently reformatted my hard drive. Firefox has almost no extensions or plug-ins installed (other than things like Flash and Silverlight). I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, and have 6 gb of RAM.
    Any suggestions for alleviating this problem would be greatly appreciated.

    235 to 285 MB seems to be a rather low notification threshold on a PC that has 3GB installed, not even 10% of RAM being used and that message is triggered.
    That's a new feature in AVG, and I suspect it might need a little tweaking. Unfortunately AVG didn't seem to provide any user adjustments into that feature, so the best thing to do is turn it off if that warning message appears too often.
    Here's an AVG support thread where the users says he gets that message with IE, Chrome, and Firefox. <br />

  • High memory usage OSX Lion on iMac

    Recently upgraded 2006 iMac 6.1 to OSX 10.7.2 (4GB). Noticed performance dropped significantly when 2 or more users are logged in especially when switching users. Observed memory usage for OSX Lion is far higher than Snow Leopard! By startup 2GB real memory already allocated and often down to last 500MB. Performance appear to slow down due to swapping as swap i/o appears to increase.
    On snow leopard I had 6 users logged in and 4GB was plenty. Lion appears to be a MS product!!!!
    Anyone else experienced high memory usage on Lion and any ideas how to reduce memory consumption?
    Unfortunately at the maximum memory capacity for my my iMac so need to find ways to reduce memory usage. There must be a kernel compiler option that could reduce memory.....
    Also considering SSD drive to speed up swap i/o read/writes.
    Otherwise will have to go back to leopard :-(
    Thanks for any help in advance.
    PS> OSX Lion is alot more stable than previous OSX releases with this iMac model. Especially iMacs suffering the notorious NVDIDIA GPU heat problems...

    You mac can handle up to 3gb of ram, but slightly more will be available with 4gb installed.  For Lion to run smooth, a true 4gb of ram is preferred, which may explain the sluggishness of your mac.

  • High memory usage on JDBC driver on Prepared/Callable Statements

    We are observing high memory usage for each callable/prepared stmt, using JDBC Driver. The char[] in oracle/jdbc/driver/T4CVarcharAccessor was alloted 64K to 320K and grows with usage. This problem is worse with driver which was alloted 720K byte of memory for each stmt right at the start.
    We found this by doing a JVM heap dump and analyzing the heap dump using IBM's heap analyser. Here is a snapshot of the heap dump for this object:
    321,240 [216] 11 oracle/jdbc/driver/T4CVarcharAccessor 0x72752968
    - 320,616 [320,616] 0 char[] 0x72761028
    - 216 [216] 0 short[] 0x727527d8
    - 72 [32] 1 java/lang/String 0x727530a0
    - 24 [24] 0 int[] 0x72752938
    - 24 [24] 0 int[] 0x72752948
    - 24 [24] 0 int[] 0x72752958
    - 16 [16] 0 bool[] 0x72752928
    - 16 [16] 0 byte[] 0x727528b0
    - 16 [16] 0 bool[] 0x72752918
    - 10,336 [88] 15 oracle/jdbc/driver/T4CMAREngine 0x712e7128
    - 1,544 [1,032] 79 oracle/jdbc/driver/T4CPreparedStatement 0x72754c58
    It is repeated many times for each prepared/callable stmt call.
    Details of our platform is:
    Database - Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production
    JDBC Driver - Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers
    JDK - [Classic VM, Version 1.4.2] from [IBM Corporation]
    Our callable stmts are not using any of the Oracle caching facility. It is a simple call stmt with OUT parameters and the stmt is closed after each execution. However, we implement our own connection pooling and do not close the connection after each stmt.
    Is there a workaround to this? Would appreciate any feedback.

    What is happening is that each new CallableStatement you create allocates a new char[]. I would strongly encourage you to use the implicit statement cache if at all possible. That way instead of creating a new statement each time with a new char[] you will get an already existing statement and reuse the existing char[]. Closing a statement releases the char[] so if you really are closing the statements the char[]s should be GC'd.

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