Watchdog for the Droid Incredible

So in a desperate attempt to have my phone battery last longer than 3 or 4 hours after normal use, I purchased the Watchdog app which kills apps once the CPU usage on you phone hits a certain percentage ...due to the almighty Froyo kicking off apps anytime you do anything on the phone.
SInce you can specify when to kill an app based on the percentage usage (ex, kill Pandora once CPU usage hits 50%) I set it up to kill Skype, Amazon, City ID, Updater, Footprints, News, Slacker, Stocks, Vcast Apps, VZ Navigator and Voice Dialer once CPU usage hits 1% (in an attempt to kill the app every time it starts)
So far I see the difference in battery life but its too early to determine if it makes a difference after a few days concern it the app is ALWAYS killing some of the apps listed before ...primarily Skype (stupid, pointless Skype) so this is no different from ATK basically. Since I have read several times before that ATK's are pointless on 2.2 I am wondering if this is no different?
Just curious if anyone else is using the app and appreciate some feedback I can get a refund if it does more harm than good.
.....was 2.2 really necessary?

I don't use the app, but it doesn't sound too much different than other task killers other than the parameters used to determine when to kill apps. I would think that this particular app though would use more battery as it would have to constantly poll the cpu to determine when limits are reached. Also, I would remove updater (I believe this is used by the market to notify you when an app is updated) and voice dialer (may be critical to phone functions). And now, a brief spiel about task killers...the android os (not just 2.2) views free memory as wasted memory. Built into the code are low memory limits and the os will load apps into memory up to these limits for quicker access, starting with often used apps and system apps. These are waiting idle and not using battery power, whereas, if they are killed, they attempt to reload which will use battery power. When a new app is opened, if more memory is needed, the app that has been sitting idle longest is removed from it's space in memory. Eventually, I believe, the system learns which apps you use most so, in time, the bloatware apps that you never use will not even load. Sorry if this got too long (it usually does) but I hope it helps in your decision. I would advise doing some research on android/task killers/memory management. It's very different from windows and that is what most of us are used to.

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    Float this thread to the top of your page to always see whats new and never stay out of the loop! 
    Tag often!
    Here is some basic info regarding the new upcoming update. If you have any new information PLEASE update this thread and attach some links for all of us to follow.  
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    As I can see from your specs, we won't benefit from this update at all. Useless update. The new resolution would only be compatible with screens 4' and above.
    With all the features we have now, what else are we gonna need?
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    Thanks so much and kind regards,

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    How and when did the screen went blank? Battery level? Using an specific application?
    Help us help you by providing more information.

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    pre86 - this was the response i just recieved:
    Luckily, HTC has sent out a technical bulletin regarding this particular
    issue. They're aware that the update will cause their devices to reboot quite a
    few times, and they've said that it was actually something they had planned.
    They've informed us that you'll experience this issue with the reboot for one
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    I'd like to give some advise if you have taken the time to do a master reset already. There are really only 2 other things I can think of aside from replacing the device.  One thing I would like to make clear before trying the troubleshooting steps below is ensure that your issue is not caused by an application. I don't know how many customers have done a master reset and then immediately have redownloaded all of their apps.  The issues immediately came back which isn't surprising if the issue is caused by an app.
    1) Remove the SD card from you device. The phone may be trying to access files that have been corrupted and is glitching out because of this. If you find there is a problem with your SD card, I suggest backing up any pertinent info on a computer and formatting the SD card. Do the same for phone storage memory too.
    2) Ensure your software is up to date. The current software information can be found here: Incredible Software Update.
    If none of the above has resolved your problem, I recommend contacting the Warranty Center at 866-406-5154 or DM me with your name and number. I'll call you as soon as possible.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    Thats it.....Both phones are important parts of Verizon's line up and have been out for a while......

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    ~Write down the number of the contact you're trying to delete from the history (ex girl/boyfriend, secret lover, whom ever)
    ~Delete the contact
    ~Re-enter the contacts info
    You'll notice the history for that contact is gone and even though this is a rather long route to take to delete the history it works.
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    I am not sure you if you know this or not but the Droid X stores text messages as well as phone call histories in two locations. One location for your text messages is at the location where you would normally send or receive messages, you can reply to them and if you'd like you can delete the conversation as well as the trend, however, there is a catch. Even though you have deleted the trend or conversation, if you go to your contacts and swip your finger to the left or right (I can't recall which way but you'll know when you see your message history) you'll see all you text messages. It's this location where the messages and call history can not be deleted and the only way I have found and so far the only technique that actually works, is to delete the entire contact, once the contact is deleted you will no longer have the history listed. Then you can readd the contact and repeat the process until an update is provided. I hope this doesn't confuse you too much.

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    no pieces are missing, turns on fine.

        screenfreak, great question! As long as the smart phone is in good working condition then yes, you would be able to use that device for the trade in. Take a look here for the details
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