Watching a film on my MB is great, until the air conditioning comes on...

Low volume here. I have the volume maxed out in DVD player, system sound preferences and audio midi setup. It is still rather low. The other night I watched a film and the volume was much louder. Something has changed. Am I missing something anywhere? Thanks.

No. Running on battery. Will the volume be louder plugged in? That would make sense I guess. I would test but can't use the MB at the moment. And it's not that the air conditioning causes the volume to lower. It's that the air conditioning makes it hard to hear because the speakers are so quiet. My AC isn't that loud though and that's why I bothered asking. I guess the problem sounded much more interesting than it is.

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    4/19/2014 9:38 PM
    Report Sent
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name:      APPCRASH
    Application Name:           iTunes.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp:   53073d6a
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    Additional Information 4:                cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311
    Extra information about the problem
    Bucket ID:          95851104
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    Hey jcaqualung,
    Thanks for the question. I understand that you are experiencing issues with iTunes on your Windows Vista machine. The following resource may provide a solution. I would also recommend installing iTunes on the internal hard drive of your computer, as opposed to the external drive.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
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    Hello EricaLock
    There are a few restrictions when it comes to deauthorize all option. One of them is that there has to be at least 2 accounts signed in. Another option is that you can only deauthorize all once a year. Check out the article below for more information and if you are still stuck, there is an option for further assistance with contacting the iTunes Store for support.  
    iTunes Store: Authorize or deauthorize your Mac or PC
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Contact the developer of the Air Video app.

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    Is this what you are constantly seeing? The grey bars at the top and the bottom with the controls?
    BTW, I see autocorrect turned "volume" into "Blume" in my response to you, but I guess you figured it out.
    I just don't understand why you are even seeing the battery icon. It doesn't make sense. Do you see it in portrait and in landscape and I just now though of this .... Are you seeing this behavior in the built in Videos App or some third party app? Do you see it while streaming a video or with downloaded videos ...or both?
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    Welcome to the Apple Community Jade.
    Unfortunately, you can't do that. But if you rent from the computer you can watch the rental on any device.

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