.wave to .txt conversion

I need a squential representation of the ampiltudes of a sound file( .wav of course) at the frequency at which is was recorded(44,100hz). If I am not mistaken the advantage of the wave format is that it is just that a list of integers corresponding to the ampiltude of the sound file at the recording frequency. So my job is read the array of bytes in the sound file and write them to a .txt file so that I can run other programs which I have already gotten.
I am currently trying to work with the Javax.sound.sampled API.
My code sorta goes like this:
public class analyse
public analyse()
AudioInputStream stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File("audiofile"));
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, stream.getFormat(), ((int)stream.getFrameLength()*format.getFrameSize()));
Clip clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
public writeArray() {
int numRead = 0;
byte[] buf = new byte[line.getBufferSize()];
while ((numRead = stream.read(buf, 0, buf.length)) >= 0) {
int offset = 0;
while (offset < numRead) {
offset += line.write(buf, offset, numRead-offset);
That was just the bare bones. However, I've also come across this code while looking thru the API
AudioInputStream stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File("audiofile"));
stream.read(byte[] b, int 0, int stream.frameLength()*stream.frameSize());
this I actually understand better, but I cannot get either to work.
If anyone could help me with this, I would sorely appreciate it.

Does anybody know of an RTF parser or RTF to TXT converter, written in java, that won't load the whole rtf file in memory before pasrsing it?
If I use RTFEditorKit, I'll have to load the whole file, which I do not want to do for big files.
I just wanna load portions and search them for occurences of certain words.
Any Help?

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  • XML-2-TXT conversion

    We have a small, annoying problem with xml-2-text conversion.  During the conversion, the "&amp;: in the XML file is not translated to "&" (ampersand).
    We encounter this issue with the xml-2-txt convertor of the file adapter of the standalone J2SE adapter.
    Anyone having a simple workaround for this small but annoying issue?
    Kind regards, Guy Crets

    I have not used the J2Se adapter, however I wrote a java mapping program that converts XML2TXT, it is highly experimental. You may use it as the last mapping in the mapping program "chain". The XSLT is at the end.
    I have tested this with
    XML -> fileadapter -> SAP XI javamapping -> http adapter -> MS IIS.
    Good luck /Otto
    Created on 2005-dec-05
    To change the template for this generated file go to
    Window&gt;Preferences&gt;Java&gt;Code Generation&gt;Code and Comments
    @author 01ottfro Otto Frost Capgemini
    To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    Window&gt;Preferences&gt;Java&gt;Code Generation&gt;Code and Comments
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api. AbstractTrace;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformation;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformationConstants;
    //import java.io.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    //import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
    //import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    //import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    import java.io.StringReader;
    //import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    //import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    //import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
    public class XML2TEXT implements StreamTransformation {
      private Map           param = null;
      private AbstractTrace  trace = null;
      private StringBuffer sbTrace = new StringBuffer();
      public void setParameter (Map param) {
        this.param = param;
        //if (param == zero) {
        if ((param == null)) {
               this.param = new HashMap();
      public void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out) {
        try {
          //javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory = "";
           trace = (AbstractTrace)param.get(
           trace.addInfo(System.getProperty("javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory "));
           InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(in,"UTF-8");
           StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer();
           char c;
           int i = isr.read();
           while (i != -1) {
                c = (char) i;
              i = isr.read();
           String ss = new String(sb2);
           String receiverName = (String)param.get(
           //static Document document;
           Document document;
           StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
           StringBuffer sbTrace = new StringBuffer();
           sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
    //          sb.append("<greeter>An XSLT Programmer</greeter>");
    //          sb.append("<greeting>Hello, World!</greeting>");
           //String s = sb.ToString();
           StringReader sr = new StringReader(sb.toString());
           DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = new DocumentBuilderFactory();
           DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
           try {
              DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
               new org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler() {  // ignore fatal errors (an  exception is guaranteed)
                 public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
                 throws SAXException {
                 // treat validation errors as fatal
                 public void error(SAXParseException e)
                 throws SAXParseException {
                   throw e;
                 // dump warnings too
                 public void warning(SAXParseException err)
                 throws SAXParseException {
                   System.out.println("** Warning"
                      + ", line " + err.getLineNumber()
                      + ", uri " + err.getSystemId());
                        trace.addInfo("** Warning"
                        + ", line " + err.getLineNumber()
                        + ", uri " + err.getSystemId());  
                   System.out.println("   " + err.getMessage());
                     trace.addInfo("   " + err.getMessage());
              //document = builder.parse( new File(args[0]) );
              ByteArrayInputStream bais = new
                //System.out.println (bais.toString());
              //document = builder.parse(bais);
              document = builder.parse(in);
              Element documentRootElement = document.getDocumentElement();
              trace.addInfo("root" + documentRootElement.getNodeValue());
              trace.addInfo("root" + Short.toString(documentRootElement.getNodeType()));
              trace.addInfo("root" + documentRootElement.getNodeName());
    //          Element textElement = (Element) documentRootElement.getFirstChild();
              NodeList nodeList = documentRootElement.getElementsByTagName("TEXT");
            StringBuffer sbText = new StringBuffer();
              for(i = 0; i<nodeList.getLength() ;i++) {
                   Element textElement = (Element) nodeList.item(i);
                   Node text = textElement.getFirstChild();
              nodeList = documentRootElement.getElementsByTagName("CHARSETNAME");
              StringBuffer sbCharset = new StringBuffer();
              for(i = 0; i<nodeList.getLength() ;i++) {
                   Element textElement = (Element) nodeList.item(i);
                   Node text = textElement.getFirstChild();
    //          System.out.println(textElement.getNodeValue());
    //          System.out.println(textElement.getNodeType());
    //          System.out.println(textElement.getNodeName());
              trace.addInfo("te" + textElement.getNodeValue());
              short nodeType = textElement.getNodeType();
              trace.addInfo("te" + Short.toString(nodeType));
              trace.addInfo("te" + textElement.getNodeName());
              Node textNode = textElement.getFirstChild();
              Node mt_textdocument = document.getFirstChild();
              Node text = mt_textdocument.getFirstChild();
              Node hashtext = text.getFirstChild();
              textNode = hashtext;
              String s = new String();
              if (textNode != null) {          
                  s = new String(textNode.getNodeValue());
              else {
                   s = "ERROR";
    //          traverse1(document);
    //          trace.addInfo(sbTrace.toString());
    //          OutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            String s = sbText.toString();
            String charset = sbCharset.toString();
              byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(charset);
    //          baos.write(bytes,0,bytes.length);
           } catch (SAXException sxe) {
               // Error generated during parsing
               Exception  x = sxe;
               if (sxe.getException() != null)
                    x = sxe.getException();
           } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
               // Parser with specified options can't be built
           } catch (IOException ioe) {
               // I/O error
         catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
        catch (IOException ioe) {
          // I/O error
          //  ioe.printStackTrace();
        finally {
      public void traverse1(Node node) {
           do {
               System.out.println("Node: name=" + node.getNodeName() +
               ", value=" + node.getNodeValue() + ", type=" +
               sbTrace.append("Node: name=" + node.getNodeName() +
              ", value=" + node.getNodeValue() + ", type=" +
              node.getNodeType() + "\n");
              trace.addInfo("Node: name=" + node.getNodeName() +
              ", value=" + node.getNodeValue() + ", type=" +
              node.getNodeType() + "\n");
               if (node.getFirstChild() != null) {
                System.out.println("Processing children:");
                sbTrace.append("Processing children:"+"\n");
                trace.addInfo("Processing children:"+"\n");
           }  while ((node = node.getNextSibling()) != null);
         public void traverse2(Node node) {
              //Get the children of this Node
                NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
                //go through all the children of the node
                for (int i=0; i<children.getLength(); i++) {
                    //get the next child
                    Node child = children.item(i);
                    //get the type of the child
                    short childType = child.getNodeType();
                    if (childType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                   //if the child is an Element then print the start and end
                   //tags and recurse the content       
                   String nodeName = child.getNodeName();
                   System.out.print("<" + nodeName + ">");
                   sbTrace.append("<" + nodeName + ">");
                   trace.addInfo("<" + nodeName + ">");
                   System.out.print("</" + nodeName + ">");
                   sbTrace.append("</" + nodeName + ">");
                   trace.addInfo("</" + nodeName + ">");
                } else if (childType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                   //if the child is a Text node just print the text content
                   String data = child.getNodeValue();
         public void traverse3(Node node, int indent) {
              for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
                System.out.print("   ");
                sbTrace.append("   ");
                trace.addInfo("   ");
              int type = node.getNodeType();
              switch (type) {
              case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
              case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
              case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
              case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
              case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
              case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
              case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                NamedNodeMap atts = node.getAttributes();
                for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) {
                   Node att = atts.item(i);
                   traverse3(att, indent + 1);
              case Node.ENTITY_NODE:
              case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:
              case Node.NOTATION_NODE:
              case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE:
              case Node.TEXT_NODE:
              for (Node c = node.getFirstChild(); c != null; c =
              c.getNextSibling()) {
                traverse3(c, indent + 1);
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:trema-com:trema:trema" targetNamespace="urn:trema-com:trema:trema">
         <xsd:element name="MT_TEXTDOCUMENT" type="DT_TEXTDOCUMENT" />
         <xsd:complexType name="DT_TEXTDOCUMENT">
                   <xsd:appinfo source="http://sap.com/xi/TextID">
                   <xsd:element name="TEXT" type="xsd:string">
                             <xsd:appinfo source="http://sap.com/xi/TextID">
                   <xsd:element name="CHARSETNAME" type="xsd:string">
                             <xsd:appinfo source="http://sap.com/xi/TextID">
    example xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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    Any help please, its quiet urgent.

  • PDF to TXT Conversion

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    Dim AcroXApp As Acrobat.AcroApp
    Dim AcroXAVDoc As Acrobat.AcroAVDoc
    Dim AcroXPDDoc As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
    Dim Filename As String
    Filename = "R:\My Documents\ZBIR006A_8781830 - DRC000004311.pdf"
    Set AcroXApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
    Set AcroXAVDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
    AcroXAVDoc.Open Filename, "Acrobat"
    Set AcroXPDDoc = AcroXAVDoc.GetPDDoc
    Dim jsObj As Object
    Set jsObj = AcroXPDDoc.GetJSObject
    jsObj.SaveAs "R:\My Documents\pdfTest.txt", "com.adobe.Acrobat.plain-text"
    AcroXAVDoc.Close False
    On the jsObj.SaveAs line I get the following error:
    "UnsupportedValueError: Value is unsupported. ===> Parameter cConvID.
    I've looked through all of the documentation online and cannot come up with a reason why I'm not able to do this. Please help!!

    I have installed Acrobat 7.0 professional.In VB.NET 2005 i have this code:
    Dim AcroXApp As Acrobat.AcroApp
    Dim AcroXAVDoc As Acrobat.AcroAVDoc
    Dim AcroXPDDoc As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
    Dim Filename As String
    Filename = "c:\test.pdf"
    AcroXApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
    AcroXAVDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
    AcroXAVDoc.Open(Filename, "Acrobat")
    AcroXPDDoc = AcroXAVDoc.GetPDDoc
    Dim jsObj As Object
    jsObj = AcroXPDDoc.GetJSObject
    jsObj.SaveAs("C:\Test.txt", "com.adobe.acrobat.plain-text")

  • WAV to MP3 conversion not working

    I just bought an iTalk which records voice memos as .wav files. I right-clicked on one and chose "Convert Selection to MP3" and iTunes creates an .mp3 file (888kb from the original 1.2 MB .wav file), but when I try playing it in WinAMP, I get no sound. I sent it to a co-worker and he hears nothing as well. Help?

    jdabestani wrote:
    I have tried multiple times to do what you have on iTunes, just in order to make an mp3 cd for my car with more songs that a regular audio cd. It is frustrating that you cannot do this with the music you have purchased on iTunes.
    You can very easily do it.
    Simply select MP3 CD or Data CD.
    In order to make an MP3 CD, the files must already be MP3 but converting is simple.

  • RTF to TXT conversion

    Does anyone know of a java class(es) that converts RTF files to TXT files?

    Does anybody know of an RTF parser or RTF to TXT converter, written in java, that won't load the whole rtf file in memory before pasrsing it?
    If I use RTFEditorKit, I'll have to load the whole file, which I do not want to do for big files.
    I just wanna load portions and search them for occurences of certain words.
    Any Help?

  • Wave to mp3 conversion losses

    When I adjust the amplitude of a song in Soundtrack Pro up or down by, say 6 dB, and then convert the sound file from wave to mp3, I notice that the volume increase or decrease is noticeable in the wave version but not in the mp3 version. Although the mp3 is a compressed version of the song, I didn't expect the volume changes to be completely bypassed or filtered out.
    Any tips on how to increase or decrease song volumes and to maintain these volume changes within the mp3 format?
    Thanks in advance.

    or any other help?Linux, using timidity and lame:
    timidity -Or -o - <input.mid> | lame - <output.mp3>

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    Is there a way to send a text conversation to an e-mail address?

    carrie125 wrote:
    Is there a way to send a text conversation to an e-mail address?
    Are you talking about extracting a txt conversation and exporting that to email?
    or you talking about sending a txt using your email?
    Each carrier has a different email address:
    AT&T – [email protected]    
    Verizon – [email protected]  ???    
    Verizon - [email protected]    pictures too         
    T-Mobile – [email protected]    
    Sprint PCS - [email protected]    
    Virgin Mobile – [email protected]    
    US Cellular – [email protected]    
    Nextel - [email protected]    
    Boost - [email protected]    
    Alltel – [email protected]
    If you are talking about txting to an email address,  not so much?? 
    Copy your txt and paste it in a new email to send to an email address.

  • How can I convert text to pdf without the pathname showing in new doc?

    I had this worked out in v.7 but now in v.8 it seems to be different and/or I just plain forgot how to do it.
    I want to not see the path name anywhere in the document when I make a new pdf document from a text file. It seems to do it by default.
    But there is no way to remove as a header or footer since it doesn't see it as such. So I can't look up how to do it in the help menu because I don't know what that added line is called if not a header.
    Please help. I don't want to have to keep going back to my v.7 Acrobat.

    Go to Create PDF From Web Page. Change the settings to remove headers
    and footers and it will (somewhat surprisingly) affect TXT conversion.
    Aandi Inston

  • I just updated to new software, this was my first mistake, at first contacts were not there and my pics, and it deleted all my messages, after alot of research i got all this back, but now cant text, getting error "sms box is full"

    i just updated to the new software, now im getting error when i send a txt "cannot receive in box is full" ive deleted alot and cant get this fixed, also when i first did the update i lost all contacts, pics and it deleted all txt conversations after several restores i did get all that back but cannot receive txt, any suggestions?

    Close all open apps by double-tapping the home button, then swiping up and off the screen with the app window (not the smaller icon).
    Reset your device: hold down the home button along with the sleep/wake button until the screen goes black and you see the Apple, then let go. (No data loss)

  • Message transformation in BPM

    I have a scenario where I'm collecting Debmas from R3 and I want to convert it to a text file.
    I'm unable to transform the multiple Debmas to a single xml structure with multiple debmas.
    The BPM collects the IDOCs correctly but during the transformation it outputs only one IDOC .
    In my message map testing it is able to convert the multiple Idocs to a single structure but within the BPM it does not do that.
    Please suggest what could be the issue.

    Hi Manoj,
    Have you entered the correlation correctly.. (the condition for collecting IDOCS, a primary key in most cases)
    When u r collecting Idoc Debmas, ( Customer Master i believe), u should have the mappings as IDOC XSD to IDOC and then IDOC to txt conversion..  Am I right ?
    inbound interface: target structure (txt)
    outbound interface : idoc
    abstract interface : for collecting multiple  idocs..
    mappings would be like this :
    IDOC to IDOC XSD and
    IDOC XSD to Txt structure .
    Things to look out for while developing the interface:
    Occurences and BPM data, like selecting multiline and defining correlation.
    You should recheck the container for any discrepancies.
    I am sending you two links (as there's some information missing, to identify your problem)
    IDOCs (Multiple Types) Collection in BPM by Pooja Pandey:
    and Collecting IDocs without using BPM by Stefan Grube:
    Check the first one, You will get some idea, where there might be a problem.
    You can also do the same without using BPM as Stefan has so elaborately explained.
    Alternatively, you can also refer to this URL :
    www saptechnical com/Tutorials/XI/CollectMultipleIDocs/Collect1.htm
    Happy Developing..
    Edited by: Abhisek on May 10, 2009 12:26 AM
    Edited by: Abhisek on May 10, 2009 12:29 AM

  • Itunes wont play some of my songs...and it used to!

    I had to reinstall windows ... as i have done several times in the past.. and when i added my music folder, which is on an external HD, over 500 songs wont add to the library. they will play in QT and WMP but not in itunes. when clicked itunes will open but then nothing...doesnt even show the song in the list.
    Here is an example of a song that will not play, show up, or anything:
    21 guns - Greenday
    mp3 audio
    8.66 MB
    Protected - NO
    Duration - 0:06:12
    bit rate - 224kbps
    channels - 2(stereo)
    audio sample rate - 44kHz
    i thought maybe something happened to all the songs around the same date but thats a no go. i have advanced mp3 catalog pro to organize my music and it has id3 editor v.2 but i use that for ALL my music not just these songs that now wont play. i tried removing the tag completely and recreating it and that also did not work. i have unintalled all itunes, apple, and quicktime applications and reinstalled ...still nothing. what now?

    iamoph wrote:
    they will play in QT and WMP but not in itunes.
    If you don't mind a little brute force, convert them to WAV and then back to MP3:
    Use a 3rd party tool such as Switch to convert them to WAV. The conversion to WAV will wipe out every peculiarity of tags, etc (WAV is essentially just pure PCM-encoded music). Put the WAV into your iTunes library, make sure it plays, and then use iTunes to convert it to MP3.

  • Can't "Share my library on local network with different versions of iTunes

    Should iTunes 8.2 have trouble sharing libraries over a LAN with iTunes 9.x?
    Where I work, some of us are on 9.2, some on earlier versions of 9.x, and I'm on 8.2. I downgraded because of bugs in entering metadata to WAV and AIFF files before encoding to mp3, which is mostly what I use iTunes for at work. We used to all be able to share libraries. Now I can see them in the SHARED list, but when I click on them, it doesn't load. When they click on mine in their SHARED list, they get a message that says my computer "cannot accept connections at this time."

    I'll play Little Red Hen and answer my own question. Sort of. I upgraded to 9.2.1 earlier this week and was immediately able again to share music libraries with others in the office. Barring bizarre coincidence, that would indicate that everyone needs to be on or near the same version of iTunes in order to share music libraries. FWIW.
    Haven't done any big WAV to mp3 conversion jobs since 9.2.1 but a small test went OK. Oy, I hope they got that mess ironed out.

  • Connecting a record deck to AUX IN 2 (x-fi I/O) - Wanting to convert vin

    X-Fi PlatinumI'm presuming I just connect the L/R audio lead from my record deck directly into the L/R 'AUX IN 2' and launch Audio Creation Mode to start recording my vinyl?I tried this and there was no sound coming through. I have sound in all other applications so do I need to put my deck through an amp then connect my amp to the AUX IN 2 input on the X-Fi I/O?I was hoping it would be an uncomplicated process but it appears I was nai've to think it would be that easy. Thanks in advance for your feedback and hope other people have experience they can share with me.Message Edited by imar on 02-2-200803:9 PM

    imar wrote:
    Everything is working great.
    Plugged my deck into the 'phono' on the amp and then the 'Pre Out' on the amp to the X-Fi I/O 'AUX IN'.
    Launched Audio Creation Mode and now have full control over the audio. I'm able to adjust settings on my amp and also those that Audio Creation Mode offers.
    Ran a few test recordings to check it was all working, now I just need to fine tune to ensure I get good quality recordings while keeping the file size down.
    Only problem I face is the recordings are in WAV format. Why they didn't include MP3 is beyond me but you can purchase the addon for this feature from creative for an additional $9.99. Not sure which is the easiest option, do I get the addon or use some different software to convert the files later. Possibly iTunes?
    Media Monkey is a great tool for this WAV to MP3 conversion ... you even get your MP3 files tagged automatically ...

  • Mulitple Message Transformation BPM Problem

    I am getting a map failure exception because of the following reason (see below) and am not sure what to do about it. 
    I am a BPM process and have a received a populated Request Message, mapped the Request Data into a Bapi request (via BPM Transformation), Synchronously called the Bapi (via BPM Send), and next mapped the data from the Bapi Response and Original Request into a single Response message (2 messages into 1 message).  I am getting a map failure when I am sending the two messages (Bapi Response and Original Request) into the Map process.  It appears as the original Request data is lost (populated data is gone)and this is why the map is failing.  I have tested the map independently and have no problems.  Any suggestions?

    Hi Manoj,
    Have you entered the correlation correctly.. (the condition for collecting IDOCS, a primary key in most cases)
    When u r collecting Idoc Debmas, ( Customer Master i believe), u should have the mappings as IDOC XSD to IDOC and then IDOC to txt conversion..  Am I right ?
    inbound interface: target structure (txt)
    outbound interface : idoc
    abstract interface : for collecting multiple  idocs..
    mappings would be like this :
    IDOC to IDOC XSD and
    IDOC XSD to Txt structure .
    Things to look out for while developing the interface:
    Occurences and BPM data, like selecting multiline and defining correlation.
    You should recheck the container for any discrepancies.
    I am sending you two links (as there's some information missing, to identify your problem)
    IDOCs (Multiple Types) Collection in BPM by Pooja Pandey:
    and Collecting IDocs without using BPM by Stefan Grube:
    Check the first one, You will get some idea, where there might be a problem.
    You can also do the same without using BPM as Stefan has so elaborately explained.
    Alternatively, you can also refer to this URL :
    www saptechnical com/Tutorials/XI/CollectMultipleIDocs/Collect1.htm
    Happy Developing..
    Edited by: Abhisek on May 10, 2009 12:26 AM
    Edited by: Abhisek on May 10, 2009 12:29 AM

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