We have XML,why we need SOAP?

Hi all,
Every Technolgies accept the XML then why we need SOAP.

You refered different concepts by using Xml and SOAP.
SOAP is a type of internet protocol. By using this, you can use Xml Web Services in a secure way. Besides, this protocol provides you to send your action and take your response which is covered by Xml through the HTML protocol.

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    "we can work with XML messages directly over HTTP , then why we need SOAP then ?"
    awaiting for your valuable replies...
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Mahesh ,
    <i>If we need SOAP for web services then why we are using SOAP internally in XI ? As we are not working with web services...we are just working with XML messages ?
    The SAP Exchange Infrastructure message format is based on XML. Since a message in SAP XI can also have binary attachments.
    XI Message Protocol</b>
    <b>The XI message protocol of SAP Exchange Infrastructure is based on the W3C note SOAP Messages with Attachments (for more information, see: www.w3.org/TR/SOAP-attachments). The Integration Server expects a message that has the following structure:</b>
       <b>    XI  Message</b>
            <b>SOAP Header</b>
           1.Message Header  , which contains SENDER , MODE(SYN/ASYN)
                <b>SOAP Body</b>               
             2. Paylod Main - Contains Actual  Business Data
             3. Payload Trace     
    The SOAP header of a message contains all the important information that the Integration Server requires to forward the message, while the payload contains the actual business data (such as <PurchaseOrder> in the example above). You can also append an unlimited number of attachments to the message before it is sent. Attachments typically comprise non-XML data, for example, pictures, text documents, or binary data.
    The information in the message header must have the correct format for the message to be processed on the Integration Server. The payload is not touched unless a mapping needs to be executed.
              Please refer the following link,
      Please Assign Points if helpful*****</b>
    Best Regards .,

  • Why we need XML?

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    like XML:
    <name> java</name>
    flat files:
    contact name:java age:25
    i feel flat file is small and easy .....why we didn't use it.........?

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    (Rainy and cool here.) Well picture this: both of my parrots are trying to
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    btw. it's in
    the lower thirties here (celcius); that makes it in
    the lower nineties (fahrenheit).
    btw, YoGee helped me a lot yesterday.No surprise there. YoGee sure is smart. While I was reading the thread I wished that I had seen it first. You've been so helpful to me so often that I would have enjoyed reducing the trade deficit I have with you. I know that particular problem with Tomcat and JSTL well.
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    ahem there's nothing yet: no services, no control
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    nothing. Those folks
    want me to do it all. Sounds like a great problem. Could be an engagement to carry you through the summer.
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    No, I feel reluctant to introduce yet another
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    I'm not a GUI guy myself, far from that and I'd like
    to stay away from it as
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    up but nowhere to go".
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    I think I'll take another Grolsch and chase that
    silly squeaky bird away.
    Enjoy your weekend!
    kind regards,
    JosYou too! Go enjoy some World Cup football!

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    Sir, your Apple ID can be used as an iCloud account as well. They are both the same thing.
    You can learn more from --> Set up your Apple ID for iCloud and iTunes - Apple Support

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    All I can say is that I REALLY like my Touch 4th gen because I have all sorts of capabilities in a small form: e-mail, web browsing, news, weather, books, magazines, etc. etc.  Plus lots and lots of apps out there, including so many free ones.  I use the Cloud a lot so it's great to have everything sync'd to my MacBookPro (e-mail, Evernote, Pocket, etc.)
    It would be easier, though, to do some of this, especially magazines, on the iPad mini, but, again, I love the small size of the Touch. 
    As for the 5th gen instead of the 4th, the fifth has Siri and the 3D feature in maps, which are great.  And I'm sure it's a lot faster in iOS 6 than the 4th gen.  And cool colors! 
    Don't know if this helps . . .

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    it's unclear what you mean
    you say you dont have a card which I guess is you don't have a creditcard
    in which case the other option is to pay by a giftcard which include a code which you put in
    because to rent you have to pay otherwise it's not really renting

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    The file is too large to download via 3G. There is a 20MB limit with 3G. The purpose of having 3G is that you have internet access everywhere and do not need to be near a WiFi hotspot or network.
    Not every single thing that you do every single minute of the day on the iPad involves downloading files larger than 20MB. You can surf the internet all day long sitting out in a park somewhere with 3G - but not with a WiFi only iPad - unless you use a hotspot with it.
    Try turning off your firewall and anti virus software while you try to download the iOS update.

  • Why we need to use the RMI if you have JSPs? or vice versa

    Hi friends,
    Can anyone please explain me whats the difference between RMI and JSP?
    All I know is how to code and implement them both but can't figure out which one has more advantage than the other.
    Actually this was the Interview question asked to me once,
    The question was "Why we need to use the RMI if you have JSPs? or vice versa"
    Please let me know if you have any answers for this.
    Thank you.

    harsh884 wrote:
    Well I may not have very deep knowledge about them both but from the little bit of coding practice and implementation I know that too, that they are different technology and the implementation is also different. But didnt know what to answer for this question to interviewer.My answer would have been along the lines of using the right tool for the requirements. Use RMI when you want to work with remote objects "directly", but don't want to hassle with handling all the networking manually or restrict yourself to the HTTP protocol and an inappropriate use of the view layer in model 2 applications.
    Thanks anyways for the reply.You're welcome. How did the rest of the interview go?

  • HT4539 I want to download trevie on my iPad like I have on my iPhone it says I need iOS 5 .   If I can' t have it why is it offered as an app.  I really enjoy it

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    Unless the app is only for the iPhone then you can have it on the iPad, you can update it to iOS 5+
    Connect the iPad to your computer's iTunes and copy any purchases off the iPad to your computer via File > Transfer Purchases (you may also want to copy photos off the iPad as well) and then force a backup of the iPad by right-clicking the iPad 'Device' on the left-hand side of iTunes and selecting 'Backup'. You may also want to copy off the iPad any important documents, notes, files etc e.g. via the file sharing section at the bottom of the device's apps tab when connected to iTunes, via wifi, email, dropbox etc - they should be included in the backup, but it's best to have a copy of them outside of the backup just in case.
    You can then start the update by selecting the iPad on the left-hand side of iTunes, and on the Summary tab on the right-hand side clicking the Check For Updates button.
    Updating to iOS 5+ : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4972

  • XML, XSL, and why I need a URL to create a XSLStylesheet

    In order to convert XML>>HTML I need to specify both the XML (data) and the XSL (stylesheet). Great.
    Before I slap these two together, I need to create an instance of XSLStylesheet, which takes my raw XSL file and a **URL**?
    XSLStylesheet xsl = new XSLStylesheet(xsldoc, xslURL)
    What is this URL used for? Antoher XML processor I'm migrating from does not require this, and it looks like I can't avoid it. (There's no constructor for the XSLStylesheet that DOESN'T need the URL.)
    - Is there a way to avoid specifying a URL?
    - If there's not a way, can someone tell me what the URL is being used for? All I see from the Javadoc is that it's a "Reference URL for include, import and external entities". Would love to be able to expand on that - leaves me in a fog.

    try using "null" as argument for url
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Will Garnett ([email protected]):
    In order to convert XML>>HTML I need to specify both the XML (data) and the XSL (stylesheet). Great.
    Before I slap these two together, I need to create an instance of XSLStylesheet, which takes my raw XSL file and a **URL**?
    XSLStylesheet xsl = new XSLStylesheet(xsldoc, xslURL)
    What is this URL used for? Antoher XML processor I'm migrating from does not require this, and it looks like I can't avoid it. (There's no constructor for the XSLStylesheet that DOESN'T need the URL.)
    - Is there a way to avoid specifying a URL?
    - If there's not a way, can someone tell me what the URL is being used for? All I see from the Javadoc is that it's a "Reference URL for include, import and external entities". Would love to be able to expand on that - leaves me in a fog.

  • Support on 'Base64 encoding in XML gateway Web service SOAP content'

    Hi Experts,
    IHAC who's requirement is as follows:
    They are currently using Web service protocol to send order information from Oracle Applications to their trading partner.
    But need to encode the payload in base64 encoding in the SOAP request.
    Further details:
    Current SOAP request is,
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:bac="http://backend.ws.gtas.gridnode.com">
    Required SOAP request with base64 encoding is:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:bac="http://backend.ws.gtas.gridnode.com">
    The issue in question is the content within the element <bac:content>.
    Base64 encoding of the payload
    Is there a way in XML gateway to encode the payload automatically to base64 encoding so that it can accommodate the unicode
    Is there any way to encode the order information from EBS tables to base64 format in the outbound SOAP request ? Is this supported . If yes, how.?
    Does this involve customization. Is it possible to use encoder/decoder provided in sites such as XSL on top of XML : http://gandhimukul.tripod.com/xslt/base64-xslt.html
    Basically, They are trying to use XML Gateway to send and receive messages to a Trading Partner via SOAP. The issues is
    1. Outbound: The TP web service can only receive xml content that is encoded in base 64 binary format. How do we configure to encode content using base64
    2. Inbound: They want to receive messages using the SOAP architecture into XML gateway.
    Please let us know if you have any detailed configuration document for this purpose. Please advise and share relevant details.

    Hi Gurvinder,
    Thanks for looking into this. Just to clarify again.
    example XML content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone='no'?>
    <!-- Oracle eXtensible Markup Language Gateway Server -->
    Sample Soap message that needs to be sent to our service provider is as follows
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
    - <soapenv:Body>
    - <ns5:backendImport5 xmlns:ns5="http://backend.ws.gtas.gridnode.com">
    . The xml content provided need to be encoded as base 64 encoding. The following is the equivalent of above xml content.
    See that the content is encoded using the base64 format.
    Please help us to know how we can configure XML gateway to achieve this.

  • Have XML with another embedded XML encoded in base64 - how to extract?

    Hi guys,
    I have a XML-RPC web service that returns a response like this:
    </methodResponse>The base64 value is another XML embedded document that I have to extract.
    I have the following code (don't know if it's the best approach), where l_val is a CLOB and l_xml is XMLTYPE:
    l_val := DBMS_XMLGEN.convert( l_xml.extract('/methodResponse/params/param/value/base64/text()').getclobval(), 1 );How can I decode the base64-encoded contents of the l_val CLOB and store the result into another CLOB that I can then process with xmlsequence() and extract()?
    Thanks in advance. Regards,

    Hi mdrake,
    I saw your answer on the other thread :)
    I know about the 32K limitation; that's why I need to store the decoded CLOB in another CLOB, as bigger documents will often be the case. I've been reading about this for a while, to no avail.
    Do you believe BASE64_DECODE_CLOB could be changed to return CLOB rather than VARCHAR2? Regards,
    mdrake wrote:
    You'll need to do some work in this if the Encoded XML is bigger than 32K
    SQL> set long 10000 pages 0
    2  return VARCHAR2
    3  as
    4    V_RAW_BUFFER RAW(32767);
    5    V_VARCHAR2_BUFFER VARCHAR2(32767);
    6  begin
    11    return V_VARCHAR2_BUFFER;
    12  end;
    13  /
    Function created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> --
    SQL> with XML as
    2  (
    3  select XMLType(
    4  '<methodResponse>
    5  <params>
    6  <param>
    7  <value>
    8  <base64>
    9  PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz4KPHNlYXJjaFJlc3VsdD48bnVtcm93cz4xPC9udW1yb3dzPjxmb3VuZD4xPC9mb3VuZD48d29yZGl
    10  </base64>
    11  </value>
    12  </param>
    13  </params>
    14  </methodResponse>') OBJECT_VALUE
    15  from dual
    16  )
    17  select XMLSERIALIZE(DOCUMENT XMLTYPE(BASE64_DECODE_CLOB(extract(OBJECT_VALUE,'/methodResponse/params/param/value/base64/text()'
    ).getClobVal())) as CLOB INDENT SIZE=2)
    18    from XML
    19  /
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wordinfo> botπo : 5</wordinfo>
    <wordinfoall>botπo : 5 / 5</wordinfoall>
    <text>... e comunicaτπo via Internet. Clique no &lt;font color="000088&
    quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;botπo&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt; com o logotipo Andrea em ... adqu
    irir uma atualizaτπo, clicando no &lt;font color="000088"&gt;&lt;b&gt;
    botπo&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt; com o φcone Fone de ouvido. Depois de ... &apos; Vi
    rtual Ear&apos;&apos; , bastando clicar no &lt;font color="000088"&gt;
    &lt;b&gt;botπo&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt; com φcone Ouvido. Ap≤s adquirir e </text>
    <modified>10/08/2002 16:58:10 -0400</modified>
    SQL>And don't expect it to be the fastest soln in history.

  • Why I need the same pof conf on client+srver if Coherence is used as cache?

    I have first defined my own pof-config.xml only on my client.
    And Coherence wrote me a very ackward msg: "StreamCorruptedException unknown user type 6" !!!????
    I have made another try, while defining my own pof-config.xml on my servers too !
    Then, Coherence has worked smoothly, as expected.
    QUESTION: as I use Coherence as a cache, using no index, no EP... I expect Coherence is not going to dig into my byte[] for the 'server' nodes.
    Then, I expect only the clients have to serialize/deserialize, I expect they send the byte[], and the servers store only them, that is, without needing any pof config.
    If it works as I have written, why Coherence is not working ("StreamCorruptedException unknown user type 6"), if I define my own pof-config.xml only on my client ?

    Hi Dominique,
    user4947403 wrote:
    Hi Robert,
    robvarga wrote:
    Hi Dominique,
    Coherence does not know what you will do with the data. It has to assume that you may want to send an entry-processor or entry aggregator or query the items with a filter, or you may simply want to get the item from the cache WITHIN the cluster not only via Extend. imho, I feel it as counter-intuitive.
    I have expected something like: as far as no EP is run, no pof config is searched+if no pof config exists in order to deserialize when needed, raise an exception.
    1. There is no such thing as no config. If you don't specify an explicit configuration, default configuration is used, which (depending on whether POF is globally enabled or not) is either a DefaultSerializer, or a ConfigurablePofContext loading stuff from pof-config.xml.
    2. If some data travels across the proxy connection, it has to travel in the serialization format configured for the proxy service. If you put data into a cache, it has to travel on the network in the serialization format configured for the cache service of the cache. Period.
    If this rule was not followed, Coherence would not know what serialization format any piece of data has. Therefore as mentioned below, if the proxy service serialization configuration differs from the cache service serialization configuration, data has to be de- and reserialized on the proxy.
    Again, imagine the case if your logic were followed: Just because you used some service to put data into the cache, Coherence cannot know that you will use the same service to get the data back. If some code inside the cluster tried to deserialize it, it would fail as it has no idea, that it was serialized with the proxy serialization format. It actually doesn't even have an idea that the data came from the proxy, or even that there is a proxy. Also, if you used some other code to put data into the cache which is not coming via the proxy, you would have another piece of data sitting in the cache which was not serialized by the proxy serialization format. If you tried to retrieve that via the TCP*Extend, you could not deserialize it on the client as it is not in the serialization format used by the proxy. Moreover, the client does not even have any chance of even knowing what it was serialized with as the client does not even see the serialization configuration of services inside the cluster.
    Because of this it has to ensure that it can deserialize it with the serializer configured for the cache service within the cluster, so not with the one used for TCP*Extend.Well, in my case, my client is a cluster node+localstorage=false => are the explanations you wrote ok for this case too ?
    It does not matter how your cluster looks like at the moment when you consider consistency checks. Nothing prevents you to start another cluster node, therefore Coherence cannot be lenient in the service configuration consistency checks just before .
    By the way, if you have only a single storage-disabled cluster node (and that means that no cache server node is running) and you tried to put something into a distributed cache then if the serialization error did not happen because you have correct configuration, then you would have received a Storage not configured error instead, as no cache server node is running to actually store your data.
    So if you did not get any errors, then you were either putting the data into a replicated cache where being storage-disabled is not relevant as that is a distributed cache setting, or you had a cache server node running or you only believed that the node was storage disabled.
    Best regards,

  • IF Auto Update Statistics ENABLED in Database Design, Why we need to Update Statistics as a maintenance plan

    Hi Experts,
    IF Auto Update Statistics ENABLED in Database Design, Why we need to Update Statistics as a maintenance plan for Daily/weekly??
    Vinai Kumar Gandla

    Hi Vikki,
    Many systems rely solely on SQL Server to update statistics automatically(AUTO UPDATE STATISTICS enabled), however, based on my research, large tables, tables with uneven data distributions, tables with ever-increasing keys and tables that have significant
    changes in distribution often require manual statistics updates as the following explanation.
    1.If a table is very big, then waiting for 20% of rows to change before SQL Server automatically updates the statistics could mean that millions of rows are modified, added or removed before it happens. Depending on the workload patterns and the data,
    this could mean the optimizer is choosing a substandard execution plans long before SQL Server reaches the threshold where it invalidates statistics for a table and starts to update them automatically. In such cases, you might consider updating statistics
    manually for those tables on a defined schedule (while leaving AUTO UPDATE STATISTICS enabled so that SQL Server continues to maintain statistics for other tables).
    2.In cases where you know data distribution in a column is "skewed", it may be necessary to update statistics manually with a full sample, or create a set of filtered statistics in order to generate query plans of good quality. Remember,
    however, that sampling with FULLSCAN can be costly for larger tables, and must be done so as not to affect production performance.
    3.It is quite common to see an ascending key, such as an IDENTITY or date/time data types, used as the leading column in an index. In such cases, the statistic for the key rarely matches the actual data, unless we update the Statistic manually after
    every insert.
    So in the case above, we could perform manual statistics updates by
    creating a maintenance plan that will run the UPDATE STATISTICS command, and update statistics on a regular schedule. For more information about the process, please refer to the article:
    Michelle Li

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    There is an Apple USB super drive you can buy or any Mac compatible external DVD player.
    Sorry to have nagged at you but you can now see why I couldn't answer your question from the start.   I had no way of knowing there was no slot in the model you have.
    Hope you are sorted now.

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