Web Services After Deployment...???

This may be a dumb question since I am new and evaluating BEA WebLogic products.
I follow the tutorials (Web Services, to be specific) all the way to build EAR
file and deploy it.
Now, WHAT DO I DO ???
Suppose my server is TestServer, my BEA Web Services is TestWebServices,
What URL should I navigate to verify the deployment is success ?
Here the the contents of my WebLogic Console Deployments:
Name: TestWebServices
Path: E:\Bea\TestWebServices
Deployment Protocol: Two-Phase
Staging Mode: nostage
Independent Servers: TestServer
Module:TestWebServicesWeb Status:Active Target:testServer Type:Server LastAction:Success
Can I have a specific url example to try ?

I'd suggest you start with the tutorials on this site:
-- Rob
Tom Nagel wrote:
This may be a dumb question since I am new and evaluating BEA WebLogic products.
I follow the tutorials (Web Services, to be specific) all the way to build EAR
file and deploy it.
Now, WHAT DO I DO ???
Suppose my server is TestServer, my BEA Web Services is TestWebServices,
What URL should I navigate to verify the deployment is success ?
Here the the contents of my WebLogic Console Deployments:
Name: TestWebServices
Path: E:\Bea\TestWebServices
Deployment Protocol: Two-Phase
Staging Mode: nostage
Independent Servers: TestServer
Module:TestWebServicesWeb Status:Active Target:testServer Type:Server LastAction:Success
Can I have a specific url example to try ?

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    public object getOwners()
    DataTable dt = _qbObj.returnDDLData("employeedetails", "EmpID", "EmpFirstName");
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    return new { Result = "Error", Options = "Error getting data" };
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    var owners = lstObject.Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.Name, Value = c.ID });
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    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
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    Hi Vani,
    What project are you developing? According to your code looks like an Asp.Net application? Am i right?
    If so , please repost in  ASP.Net Forum
    http://forums.asp.net for more efficient responses.
    This forum is discuss problems of C# development.
    Have a nice day!
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    Thanx for response.
    Looking at the logs, the following came to light.
    1. My app does get deployed last, but the ServletContextListener in my app is fired after all modules "...transitioned from STATE_PREPARED to STATE_ADMIN".
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         at weblogic.net.http.HttpsClient.openServer(HttpsClient.java:289)
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    Thanks for your immediate response Jan Vervecken.
    I have created the Data Control from web Service proxy and I am able to recieve the output from the web Service.
    But, Currently I am invoking the webservice process method by a command button which populates my SelectOneChoice.
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    Thanks and Regards,
    Sandeep T

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    Just so you'll know Oracle9iAS also includes apache as the HTTP server.
    As Suncan said, if you want to use Forms on the Web you need the Forms Server engine, and it comes bundled in Oracle9iAS. You'll save yourself a lot of headache if you just install Oracle9iAS and have everything pre-configured for you thus reducing maintanance costs.

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    Hi Daniel,
    Check out this link. See if they are of any help to you.
    Message was edited by: Sidharth Deshpande

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    SecurityPoliciesFeature securityFeatures =
    new SecurityPoliciesFeature(new String[] {
    "oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy" });
    UtilGestionDocumentalPortType entidadDocPortType =
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    someone can help me with this ?

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    I’m really new to web services.
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    2. The operation ended without adding nothing to the web.xml file and creating the proxy files. One of them is: FederaMLOLSoapClient.java that have the WS exposed methods (es: public boolean createUser(String) ) + a “main” method with the example how to use this client to consume the WS.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    it.reggiocity.provincia.mlol.proxy.FederaMLOLSoapClient myPort = new it.reggiocity.provincia.mlol.proxy.FederaMLOLSoapClient();
    System.out.println("calling " + myPort.getEndpoint());
    // Add your own code here
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    3. In FederaMLOLSoapClient.java I’ve create the method "tyIt":
    public String tryIt(String username) {
    try {
    it.reggiocity.provincia.mlol.proxy.FederaMLOLSoapClient myPort = new it.reggiocity.provincia.mlol.proxy.FederaMLOLSoapClient();
    if(myPort.createUser(String username)) {
    return “O.K”;
    } else {
    return “K.O”;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    // logs error
    4. I created my try_ws_client.jsp file that creates FederaMLOLSoapClient object and calls the tryIt method, printing the “OK” or “KO” message.
    <%@ page import="it.reggiocity.provincia.biblioreggiane.*"%>
    String message = "";
    FederaMLOLSoapClient obj= new FederaMLOLSoapClient( );
    message = obj.tryIt(“AAAAAA70R10H226H”);
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
    The situation is:
    My try_ws_client.jsp runs correctly from my jdeveloper and the user is created while creating app.ear and deploying it to my Oracle AS/OC4J as mentioned above, I get a 500 Internal Server Error.
    Any idea to find a solution to this problem?
    Please help.
    Take care.
    John M.

    you want to build the Web Service, or you want to consume the Service as a client? If the latter, Web client (ADF?) or Java client?

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    Since this issue is more related to IIS, I suggest you refer to IIS forum below to get more efficient support:
    Best Regards,

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    Enable TCP/IP protocol. Select Microsoft SQL Server 2005>Configuration Tools>SQL Server Configuration Manager. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager select the node SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration>Protocols for SQLEXPRESS. Right-click on the TCP/IP node and select Enable. Restart the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service. Right-click on the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service in Services and select Restart.

  • Web Service - Cannot Deploy on Local OC4J

    We get the following error when trying to deploy the following code as a web service to the local OC4J.
    The parameter of domDoc of type oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument cannot be serialized into XML, and no custom serializer has been defined for it.
    All we want to do with this service is connect to the database and return the results of the query in XML. We have tried a string, but it returns a string of XML and we need it to return the XML.
    The code compiles, runs, and looks as though it is returning what it is suppose to if we write the return out, but the code will not deploy as a web service.
    Thanx so much
    This is the code:
    package getuserform;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument;
    import oracle.xml.sql.query.OracleXMLQuery;
    public class getUserInfo {
    public int GetUserInfo(XMLDocument domDoc){
    try {
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    // TODO
    String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@db:1521:v9it";
    Connection myCon;
    try {
    myCon = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"user","password");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    // TODO
    OracleXMLQuery qry = new OracleXMLQuery (myCon,
    "select upper(t.u_name_frst) || ' ' || upper(t.u_name_last) U_Name," +
    " t.user_id, " +
    " t.active Active, " +
    " to_char(t.termination_dt, 'DD-MON-YYYY') Termination_DT, " +
    " '(' || t.area_code || ') ' || t.phone_no Phone, " +
    " t.email Email, " +
    " t.city City, " +
    " (select dpl_desc from schema.dept_pay_locations dpl where dpl.dpl_num = t.pay_location) Pay_Location, " +
    " t.LOCATION Location " +
    " from schema.users t " +
    " where upper(t.user_id) like upper ('u227%')");
    // xmlStr = qry.getXMLString(); works.
    // return (qry.getXMLString()); works
    // !work
    domDoc = (XMLDocument)qry.getXMLDOM();

    Hi Pam,
    It is using Element as the method return that is causing the problem. As you've seen this means that the Data Control has no concrete schema types to associate with the fields so it fails.
    I have a couple of possible workarounds.
    1. Is it a requirement to write your SQL query in the method? Perhaps they are to be dynamic?
    If not, have you considered using the database to do the query and publishing that as the service. This would work around the problem. You can use JDeveloper to do all of this if you 'wrap' the query in a PL/SQL package in the database. Then use the 'Web Service from PL/SQL Package' wizard to generate the web service including wrapper Java classes for the package and DB connection/mgmt classes.
    Or you can publish the actual Query as a service - using the command line (unfortunately you can't use JDEV to do this)
    2. You mentioned the XSD for the query - if you have that then you can use a custom serializer and map your XSD to the return type of your method - the org.w3c.dom.Element class:
    a. if your web service is already generated - open properties (Web Services Editor)
    b. go to Custom Mappings page
    c. click Add
    d. for Java Class type in org.w3c.dom.Element
    e. for XML Qualified Name add your XSD
    f. add your serializer class - here is one I made earlier!
    package project3;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
    import oracle.webservices.SOAPUtil;
    import oracle.webservices.databinding.SOAPElementSerializer;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    public class DummyElementSerialiser implements SOAPElementSerializer
    public void init(Map map)
    public SOAPElement serialize(QName qName, Object object)
    return SOAPUtil.toSOAPElement((Element) object);
    catch (SOAPException ex)
    return null;
    if you're generating the service from scratch this same mapping page comes up as part of the wizard
    Now you should be able to create your data control

  • Autentication error in Web Service after Login Module

    Hi Experts,
    I am getting a failed autentication when i try to access a web service. This is my scenario:
    I have developed my own login module using JAAS. When i call a web service, the login module is executed, then it validate the credencials and make the authetication true. After that the web service is called. The web Service is mark as user/password authetication. But i always get this error:
    Authentication for web service UtilityService, configuration UtilityService using security policy BASIC___ws failed: Login failed.. (See SAP Note 880896 for further info).
    Just for you know, the credentials taht i use in login modulo isn't the user of UME. I use user store in another user store. I fthe credential is correct pass to the Principal an user of UME. To login stack is right when pass to login module:
    User: tecbmmab
    IP Address:
    Authentication Stack: tridmen.com.br/pegasus~ear*pegasus
    Login Module                                                               Flag        Initialize  Login      Commit     Abort      Details
    1. com.sap.engine.services.security.server.jaas.BasicPasswordLoginModule   SUFFICIENT  ok          false      false                
    2. br.com.tridmen.login.ERPCEHeaderLoginModule                             REQUISITE   ok          true       true                 
            #1 Client = 800
            #2 Destination_reference = CUSTOM_DEST
            #3 SysId = DE1
            #4 SysNum = 00
            #5 TargetHost = tecs220
            #6 TrATicket = TRATICKETCTRL
    Central Checks                                                                                true
    After this, the error mention above, of web service happen.
    As my knowledge, when i call the web service i already have the session autenticate with login module. But this is not happen.
    Could someone help with this question?
    Best regards
    Marcos Brandã

    in what order did you specify your login modules? In that error message it looks like it's in wrong order. Your custom module should be first with SUFFICIENT and then standard user name/password with REQUISITE.

  • Exposed web services after restart of AS disappear

    i create web services from the CAF application service. Then i deploy it with the whole CAF application to the AS. I can see and test the web service through the web services page in the portal.
    But when i restart the AS the deployed web services dissapper! Has anyone experienced such a problem?
    I am using the trial version of Netweaver CE 7.1

    The problem does not appear any more. Don't know why.

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    If for instance you deployed to the default domain then it would be in $ORACLE_HOME/bpel/domains/default/tmp directory. It will be prefixed with a dot in front of it so using ls command will not show it, but use ls -al.

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    I just wanted to ask you there is an Any Occ. Date which is a date field at a particular object.By default the value of this field is having null value.After filling the field if I further want to make it null value,it does not allow the field to make it blank once again by web services.
    Quick response will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    what i understood from you requirement is that, if tax_type is country, you want to skip state field and enter value for tax_rate. in case tax_type is state, you want to enter state also. so, as its a multi-record block, once you do set_item_property(enable/disable), it enables and disables state field for all the records.
    if i am correct, what you can do as workaround is use SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY rather than SET_ITEM_PROPERTY and set the INSERT_ALLOWED and UPDATE_ALLOWED properties to TRUE & FALSE, as you cannot set ENABLE property using that. though the field will be enabled, but user will not be able to key-in any value.
    hope it helps.

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