Web Services Flow - Flow Diagram

Can anyone let me know what is flow from a Client to Web Services to Server and back. (ie. I need a flow diagram when a client tries to access the Web Services, how does it respond)
Xpecting an early reply

sounds like a homework assignment.
Google is your friend. Aside from that...
is a good place to start

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    If you are using OIM 11gR2 please refer the below document. All steps are very clear with the screenshots.
    See section Configuring the Human Task and BPEL Mappings
    Also see this OBE tutorial for getting idea on Java embedding activity and assigning and retrieving data from global variables in SOA

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    If you are talking about simple XML transformation of the SOAP payload between the client calling your service and the final destination of the message you are routing, the ESB approach may be a better fit.
    If you have more complex transformation in mind, with major processing and rework of the message in the intermediary, you may be better of with using the POJO approach. Write your service and embed a callout to the other service in your implementation. If the two services share the same Java Model, you may even be able to re-use the same Java Bean.
    To get SOAP Element instead of Java bean, you just need to use the noDataBinding option with either genProxy and topDownAssemble (or assemble). See the WS-Guide [1] for details. Chapter 18 will give you all the details about the different WSA command line parameters.
    Hope this helps,
    [1] http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/B31017_01/web.1013/b28974/toc.htm

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    The problem is that when i press the button, multiple instances of the SOA web services are created. Also, check out this blog on executing the method programatically by constructing the parameters to be passed.

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    This thread goes through step-by-step instructions on how to expose a process as a web service (PAPI-WS) working on both Studio and Enterprise:
    PAPI Web Service (PAPI-WS) Example for Oracle BPM Studio

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    Best Regards,

    Batch jobs and real-time services can be published via the Data Services web service.  See the Integrator Guide for full details - http://help.sap.com/businessobject/product_guides/sbods42/en/ds_42_integrate_en.pdf

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    Hi Sunil
    Have you tried using WebServices Adapter. The usecase seems pretty straight forward. You have a WebService that has some code and some Operations to update some Database. First thing, I hope you have methods/Operations defined with request and response xsd for each operation.
    Now you define the main master payload, that should have all elements specific to your process and also few elements to store the output coming from each operation. Because response of each operation may need to go to other Task and get saved in the Payload also.
    You have like 3 Tasks. To complicate, I will assume that each Task can either Approve or Reject. And last 2 Tasks gets data from payload, previous task and also output from the WebService Operation (method).
    Task A -> Xor Gateway (Approve/Reject) -> If Approve -> Call WebServices Adapter -> Task B -> Xor Gateway(...) -> ......
    At each intersection, you can map the attributes for incoming and outgoing. Based on WebServices output also, you can have Another XOR Gateway and decide to send to Task B or do something else. So combinations of outputs of each service (task or webservice adapter) and XOR gateways, you can have a decent control on the overall flow.
    Note: I am hoping the webservices is Synchronous where you get the response immediately.
    Let me know if I am missing something.
    Ravi Jegga

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    Your challenge will be when you throw an exception inside the Exception handler chain. You can't catch an exception (other than in a try/catch block in the logic of an Automatic activity) inside an Exception handler chain.
    Sorry - not a good practice.

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    Are you binding the data table component to the SearchResult[] array? Did you create a property for it in your page bean (.java file)?
    Are you binding the different columns' components with the various getters from SearchResult[]?
    For example, the binding should be of the form
    #{currentRow.bookText} or #{currentRow.verseText}

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    Thanks for your help. Bye!

    UML 2.0 (Unified Modeling Language) is what you are looking for. Googling UML and/or the types of diagrams you need
    should give you more hits than you can handle.
    You can also check Safari, Amazon, etc. for many UML specific books, beginner and beyond.
    Your forum transgression could be forgiven since it can be argued that being able to model the system you are trying
    to design is a necessary skill for any programmer/engineer - Java or otherwise.
    But in this case, I think it is especially relevant to Java since it is such a strongly object oriented language.
    The only thing I would note is that the diagrams you are tasked with making should have been done before writing the app.

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    i recently switched to archlinux from ubuntu.there is ubuntu there was tdfd for creating Data Flow Diagrams but i am not able to find any alternative for archlinux.
    Could anyone suggest me the software to be used.

    Pratgeek wrote:i recently switched to archlinux from ubuntu.there is ubuntu there was tdfd for creating Data Flow Diagrams but i am not able to find any alternative for archlinux.
    Could anyone suggest me the software to be used.
    drcouzelis wrote:
    rp181 wrote:Can't find the program u are talking about though.
    I can't find it either. Pratgeek, what was the name of the application you used in Ubuntu? Is there a website for it?
    probably a kind of necrobump, but i've been searching for flowchart drawing software, and found this topic.
    well, mentioned tdfd is the part of software suite called TCM available at least in debian/ubuntu.
    it appears to be really old, i could found only user guide and ubuntu/debian package pages on the web, but it appears to be working quite well.
    i've installed it on my ubuntu machine just half an hour ago, but it seems to be at least worth to play with, and i'd even make a PKGBUILD if i like it.

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    I am looking for feature flow diagrams for ISE profiling and Posture services. Would appreaciate if anyone can point me to them. I just found one on Cisco website (attached), but need detail ones for profiling and posturing.           
    Thanks and regards,
    Mohan M

    Please find the attached Profing Flow:.
    Posturing Flow:

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