Webdialer Not Seeing Lines on Softphones

Upgrading a call manger to 10.5 from 8.5.
The webdialer will can trigger a call from a softphone or hardphone, but on 10.5 it is not finding lines available on the softphones.  Anyone with any ideas on what might be the issue? Hardphones are working without issue.  -Bill
TAC Resolved Issue:
In 10.5 the webdialer is case sensitive on the Device Names.  CIPC Communicator logs the device in with all upper case.  In the Phone Configuration all of our Device names were SEP and lower case on the MAC addresses.  So, SEPc81f663d349e was not being found by the dialer, while SEPC81F663D349E is able to be found by the dialer.  Just thought I'd add this note in case someone else ran into the issue. -Bill

In 10.5 the webdialer is case sensitive on the Device Names.  CIPC Communicator logs the device in with all upper case.  In the Phone Configuration all of our Device names were SEP and lower case on the MAC addresses.  So, SEPc81f663d349e was not being found by the dialer, while SEPC81F663D349E is able to be found by the dialer.  Just thought I'd add this note in case someone else ran into the issue. -Bill

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    You need to adjust the wireless settings/parameters of your router...
    Open an Internet Explorer browser page.In the address bar type -
    Leave username blank & in password use admin in lower case...
    For Wireless Settings, please do the following : -
    Click on the Wireless tab-
    -Here select manual configuration...Wireless Network mode should be mixed...
    -Provide a unique name in the Wireless Network Name (SSID) box in order to differentiate your network from your neighbours network...
    - Set the Radio Band to Standard-20MHz and change the standard channel to 11-2.462GHz...
    - And wireless SSID broadcast should be Enabled and then click on save settings...
    Please make a note of Wireless Network Name (SSID) as this is the Network Identifier...
    For Wireless Security : -
    Click on the Sub tab under Wireless > Wireless Security...
    Change the Wireless security mode to WEP, Encryption should be 64 bits.Leave the passphrase blank, don't type in anything...
    Under WEP Key 1 type in any 10 numbers please(numbers only and no letters) and click on save settings...
    Please make a note of WEP Key 1 as this is the Security Key for the Wireless Network.
    Click on Advanced Wireless-
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    Threshold to 2304 Change the RTS Threshold to 2307 >>Click on "Save Settings"...
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    For others.
    The Firewall is in System Preferences > Security > Firewall
    There are then slight variances in Leopard and Snow Leopard/Lion about when you turn it ON and when you can access the Advanced Button
    If it is set to ON then you need to go to the Advanced Button and Enable Allow Signed software
    You may also need to add iChat (Or message beta) to the List.
    Enabling Stealth will stop iChat/Messages from working.
    8:28 PM      Wednesday; March 28, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • ORA-04091: is mutating, trigger/function may not see

    I am getting this error
    ORA-04091: table SATURN.SARQUAN is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
    ORA-06512: at "BANINST1.F_GETSARQUANSEQNO", line 24
    ORA-06512: at "BANINST1.F_GETSARQUANSEQNO", line 30
    I am trying to do this insert
    INSERT INTO sarquan
                             sarquan_appl_no, sarquan_question,
                             sarquan_answer, sarquan_activity_date,
                    SELECT spriden_pidm,'201090',BANINST1.F_GETSARQUANSEQNO(spriden_pidm,'201090','1'),'1',
                     'Would you prefer September admission?',
                    DECODE (szcasup_sept_adm, 'Y', 'Yes', 'N', 'No'),sysdate,'rmanoei'
               FROM saturn_midd.szcasup, saturn.spriden
              WHERE spriden_id = szcasup_common_appl_id
                AND spriden_ntyp_code = 'CAPP'
                AND (   szcasup_sept_adm IS NOT NULL
                     OR szcasup_feb_adm IS NOT NULL
                     OR szcasup_interview IS NOT NULL
                AND NOT EXISTS (
                       SELECT *
                         FROM  sarquan
                        WHERE sarquan_pidm = spriden_pidm
                          AND spriden_ntyp_code = 'CAPP'
                          AND sarquan_term_code_entry = '201090');
                          I got data when I ran just the select statement, none of the records have data in the sarquan table.
    I got data when I select from this function
    Any ideas?
    Edited by: peace4all on Aug 12, 2009 4:49 PM

    I can not drop the trigger, I don't own the trigger, it is in production, SARQUAN is a production table
    Now I am getting this error ORA-04091: table SATURN.SARQUAN is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
    ORA-06512: at "BANINST1.F_GETSARQUANSEQNO", line 24
    ORA-06512: at "BANINST1.F_GETSARQUANSEQNO", line 30
    ORA-06512: at "SATURN.ST_SARQUAN_INSERT_ROW", line 2
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SATURN.ST_SARQUAN_INSERT_ROW'
    when I do the following
    I know that this pidm does not have any records in the table SARQUAN
    spriden_pidm = 2287953
    So I try to do a simple insert, not using the function, now I am hardcoding the seq, I know it needs to be 1 since there are not records in that table yet,
    the sequence go by pidm
    INSERT INTO saturn.sarquan
    SELECT spriden_pidm,'1',
                     'Would you prefer September admission?',
                    DECODE (szcasup_sept_adm, 'Y', 'Yes', 'N', 'No'),sysdate,'recheverri'
               FROM saturn_midd.szcasup, saturn.spriden
              WHERE spriden_id = szcasup_common_appl_id
                AND spriden_ntyp_code = 'CAPP'
                 and spriden_pidm = 2287953
                AND (   szcasup_sept_adm IS NOT NULL
                     OR szcasup_feb_adm IS NOT NULL
                     OR szcasup_interview IS NOT NULL
                AND NOT EXISTS (
                       SELECT *
                         FROM saturn.sarquan
                        WHERE sarquan_pidm = spriden_pidm
                          AND spriden_ntyp_code = 'CAPP'
                          AND sarquan_term_code_entry = '201090');
                          Edited by: peace4all on Aug 13, 2009 5:35 AM

  • ORA-04091 table string.string is mutating, trigger/function may not see it

    When I am tending to delete something from my table I received this message.
    I defined a PL/SQL function reads data from that table. Is that meaning I could not modify anything in table once I have some PL/SQL defined on that? It sounds ridiculour. Or I missed some points?
    Anyone could help me out?
    Many thanks,

    In get_point_coordinates(point_id, layerid), it does not have any codes deleting thing from point_tab.
    Its functionality is to find out that specified point;
    put its coordinates into SDO_GEOMETRY object and return as function value.
    However, oracle does not allow me to delete any data from point table since then.It is saying that function (get_point_coordinates) can not know mutating tables.
    When I run delete task:
    delete from point$_view where point_id = 1;
    I got errors:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-04091: table POINT$_TABLE is mutating, trigger/functio
    n may not see it
    ORA-06512: at "GET_POINT_COORDINATES", /* THIS LINE REPORS ERROR*/ Look at codes below.
    The following is code of function: GET_POINT_COORDINATES
    CURSOR get_lonlat(ppoint_id IN NUMBER, player_id IN NUMBER) IS SELECT LON,LAT
    WHERE player_id = layer_id AND ppoint_id = point_id;
    PSRID := 8265;
    OPEN get_lonlat(pPoint_ID,Player_ID);
    FETCH get_lonlat INTO PLON, PLAT;
    I guess it has nothing with foreign key. There is something wrong with this function.
    By the way, a spatail index is built on this function. Does this make any differences on this point?

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