Webdynpro and Adobe Javascript

Hi All,
I have a webdynpro for Java program with an Adobe form embedded as an UI element. This Adobe form has javascript for validations.
Now, my web dynpro has a submit button and on click of this submit button, I need to invoke the xfa.form.execValidate() so that all javascript validations on the form are executed.
How can I perform this task? Kindly advice.
Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

can you put xfa.form.execValidate()  in interactiveform load event?

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    Hi experts!
    I have a problem with Signature Field in Adobe Form showed in a Web Dynpro Abap.
    During the execution I fill the Signature field correctly but when I push any other button of the Webdynpro, the Adobe Form shows me the next error.
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    Hi friend,
    Its not like that the Adobe created using SFP is non interactive.
    We can create interactive forms using SFP transaction using java code.
    I think it will be the problem with ADS just check with your basis people i think they will configure you the settings which works fine.
    To check whether the settings are perfect you can try executing the standard programs FP_TEST_00 and
    FP_PDF_TEST_00. If it works fine then some other problem exists else check with your basis team.
    Just check this and revert me if you have any issues. I will help you
    Sri Hari

  • Comparison between webdynpro and adobe forms

    Hi All,
    I want to compare Adobe v/s webdynpro.Can anybody tell me some pros and cons of webdynpro over Adobe?

    Hi Shweta,
    This is a little bit "chalk and cheese".
    WebDypro is an application programming environment with huge functionality which you can use to create any online application.
    Adobe forms are a forms based UI which can talk to an application programming environment such as WebDynpro, or a business process environment such as Guided Procedures if it is available, but can also work independently on a PC or laptop without a network connection.
    But I assume here you are talking just a WebDynpro "form" i.e. a UI, versus an  Adobe form?
    Think of it this way:
    Adobe forms are a forms specific technology - WebDynpro forms aren't - they are part an application technology
    Adobe forms can be used <b>offline</b> and <b>printed</b> with no additional effort - WebDynpro applications are only used online, and print functionality needs to be specifically added (other than printing straight from the Web Browser which really isn't the same thing at all)
    Adobe includes a number of features to support offline processing and later upload - such as barcode generation - (you can fully or partially enter data in a form which generates the barcode, then print it and swipe the barcode with a reader), digital signatures, intelligent protection of fields, and offline button features (e.g. to return a form via email) - WebDynpro doesn't do anything offline... of course.
    And of course there are different skillsets required to create the forms. 
    But really the main criteria to decide one vs. the other is:
    Do you need <b>offline</b> capability? If you do then its clear the choice is Adobe.
    Personally I prefer Adobe also if you are likely to be printing the form. 
    If everything is happening online then really its just an application and other factors will dictate the forms choice, such as available skillsets and the level of integration required with backend systems.
    This is also consistent with SAP's current and future direction - SAP is delivering forms as Adobe forms - so they can be used online and offline.  Applications SAP delivers using WebDynpro.

  • Webdynpro and adobe interactive form

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement where i have to develop an interactive adobe form using webdynpro.
    In the layout of a view , i created an element of type "Interactive form" and do the necessary setting.
    In the properties of  "Interactive form" i have "ENABLED" field, once i uncheck it and execute the application, i get the PDF but non editable mode.
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    Can any one please help me to solve this problem.

    By default always Use 'ZCI' Layout as form layout and Choose Display type as 'native' in Interactive Form UI properties when you design and develop interactive forms using webdynpro abap.
    If form layout is 'xACF', then choose Display type as 'activeX' in interactive form UI properties.
    If the form is designed using xACF layout then you can run the report "FP_ZCI_UPDATE" by entering form name and choosing update radio button. This will add some script to your form that is required for using native controls.
    Bala Baskaran.S

  • WebDynpro and Adobe Designer and Web Service

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    I want to make a call to a web service created in SAP.
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    When I press the button, nothing is happening...not even an error.
    Can someone please help with that issue ?
    Thanks in advance.

    But now, my doubt is "How to know the list of values selected in the list box to concatenate using scripting in th Adobe form it self? "
    For list box which is multiselect, when you say this.rawValue you get a arraylist, i believe separated by "\n" which mean newline on the form and separated by # when it reaches to SAP.
    And also, regarding border color. The suggested logic is not changing the color of the border of the field. Instead it is giving additional border in specified color. But, Is it not possible to change the actual border color instead of adding additional borders with other color
    You feel like aditional border because the field is an input type which has emboss effect to look, you can change the appearance of the file from palletes/windos>object>field-->appearance dropdown, just say it to none and alter the type field in Value tab from user entered optional to readonly you will see the difference.
    Let me know if this suffice you.

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    Kindly suggest.

    hi lalit,
    check the below links to know more on [webdypro abap + felx|http://forums.adobe.com/message/1081492] and [thread|WebDynPro ABAP in adobe flex client; in sdn, [Integration of Flex to sap|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/index?rid=/library/uuid/e0765c3d-2f49-2d10-3db3-ad81bca0cd63].
    and about [visual composer.|What is the scope of the Visual Composer;. and the carer in Bi is also good you can check a lot of  threads on Moving to BI,XI,CRM in this forum.

  • Adobe Javascript from within Excel VBA

    I have some limited experience with Excel VBA and Adobe Javascript separately, but have never tried to put them together. I am rather baffled by the use of “DoJavaScript” from within Excel VBA. I have a number of Illustrator JavaScripts that do various tasks (mostly measure and set properties on illustrator drawing objects to determine some geometric metrics). I wanted to run these scripts from within Excel VBA (they run without problem when directly called into Illustrator). My hope was to pass a few real numbers from VBA into the JavaScript before one ran to set some run parameters and then get a few real numbers back out from the JavaScript back into VBA. I cannot seem to get even the simple DoJavaScript command given in the Adobe VBscript reference to run. Reading other posts that seem somewhat related it is not clear if I am doing something very simple wrong, or if my understanding of the use of the DoJavaScript command is misguided. Anyone able to shed some light on this?
    My last try was this simple test...almost directly from the Adobe reference:
    Private Sub SetScale_CommandButton1_Click()
    Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
    Set myNumberOfDocuments = appRef.DoJavaScript("documents.length;")
    MsgBox myNumberOfDocuments
    End Sub
    I am really hoping to be able to run javascripts that are a few hundred lines long....but if I cannot even get something simple to go then I am about to give up on it.
    Thanks for any suggestions

    I am most grateful! ... I was stumped on that for hours, thought I had tried about every combinatory possible, and was about to give up on getting the DoJavaScript  method to work. There are few examples of this on the web, so for anyone else who would like a bit more verbose  example I post below is a simple VBA sub-routine that uses a javascript function to return the number of selected objects in the current active illustrator document and displays that number in a message box in excel. Simple example, but it was the sort if thing I was looking for all over the web before Carlos’ help.
    Private Sub ObjectNum()
    Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
          tmp$ = "function myfunction() {"
          tmp$ = tmp$ + "var idoc = app.activeDocument;"
          tmp$ = tmp$ + "var sel = idoc.selection;"
          tmp$ = tmp$ + "var numobj = sel.length;"
          tmp$ = tmp$ + "return numobj;};"
          tmp$ = tmp$ + "myfunction();"
    numobj = appRef.DoJavaScript(tmp$)
    MsgBox numobj
    End Sub

  • Getchar() and putchar() in adobe javascript

    One of the simplest programs that are written in C for newbies is pure input  and output of characters from pressed keys in succession (with some max  repetition allowed by the operating system settings for key pressed for extended  period).
    #include <stdio.h>
    int c;
    while ( (c=getchar()) != EOF)
    I want to write a similar minimal program in acrobat  javascript.
    The script may be document/application level ... most preferably not attached  to any specific field on any page and listens for the Keystroke ... ie a pressed  key.
    However, if it MUST be attached to a field ... then that field would be a  button field which is on the current page and in focus ... but this will take  away the simplicity I desire and as exhibited in the C program above which  compiles and works.
    I want to print the letter corresponding to the key pressed on the console  using this statement or another ...
    [QUESTION] How do I read the key pressed ?
    Francis Fukuyama
    Re: getchar() and putchar() in adobe  javascript
    as a newbie i did lots of search in the sdk and guide before asking this  question.
    i need acrobat to do events globally irrespective of page based on what key  is pressed in certain contexts so it should not interfere with other normal  operations.
    alternatively, i need three of four modifiers of mouse events but  nothing is more convenient on the fingers than pressing a key like y/n for  yes/no .
    Are there any non-reserved keys or non-reserved clicks events that can be  recorded at the global, application or document level, or else be intercepted by  a button and then recorded in some kind of file or hidden field for that button  and then automatically "recorded or downloaded" into a text file as a data ?
    Thanks again for any help.
    George Johnson
    1,505 posts since 
    Aug 11, 2002
    2. Dec 17,  2010 11:03 PM in response to: FrancisFukuyama
    Re: getchar() and putchar() in adobe  javascript
    You would have to create a custom plug-in to have any hope of accomplishing  this. JavaScript cannot do what you describe. You might want to pose this  question in the Acrobat SDK forum here if you haven't already.

    The SDK documentation is sufficient, I learned plugin development just from reading all the relevant documents. The SDK comes with sample plugins that you can use to start your own project.
    However, your development environment will not be sufficient to develop Acrobat plugins: you need Visual Studio on Windows and XCode on the Mac. Which version is necessary depends on which version of the SDK you are using.
    The PDF reference is the document that describes The PDF file format, and is necessary if you want to access information in a PDF, add to, or modify a PDF. Since the PDF format is no longer owned by Adobe, but is now an international standard, that document is available as ISO32000 through ISO, but you can still find the previous version on Adobe's web site.
    Plugin development is complicated, don't expect to learn it in an afternoon or a week or even a month.
    Karl Heinz Kremer
    KHKonsulting LLC
    PDF Acrobatics Without a Net
    [email protected]

  • JavaScript and Adobe Flash player massage in webpage

    Hi all,
    I have difficulties surfing some of the pages. It either show Adobe Flash Player not available or javascript not present. I had on both plug-in and javascript but it still show the above massages. Especially i surf pages which require to login. Does anyone encounter this problems and have sole it.Thx

    YouTube content with the YouTube application is not provided via flash. There is no flash player or plugin that is compatible with the iPhone, which is an Adobe product and Adobe's responsibility to produce to produce a version that meets Apple's approval. 3rd party apps has something to do with this, which Apple doesn't make any profit on. All content sold via iTunes including 3rd party apps is set up as a break even for Apple per their reported financial info. Apple makes their profit on the sale of iPods and iPhones.

  • Comparision matrix of Webdynpro Java and Adobe Interactive form

    Hi Experts,
    In our project we have to choose the GUI between Webdynpro Java and Adobe Interactive forms. Can anyone help me out with strong comparision parameter's in order to select the right technology.
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi ,
    Depends on your project requirement : if you project is simple and want to use  less UI controls  then use Adobe Interactive Forms (AIF).
    But In your project needs large number of UI controls and to show huge amount of data then best option is  Web Dynpro Java.
    Web Dynpro provides wide varieties of UI controls for designing your web application . Adobe Interactive Forms have limited controls .
    Web Dynpro take care of your Client side eventing which is not possible in AIF . AIF Developers needs to know Adobe scripting too.
    If your Client data is huge AIF take so much of time to render your content and also this depends on your reader version installed on the end user too . Web Dynpro Java is Client neutral & it won't take much time to render the content.
    Use AIF  to show/process Business data in any Web application. ideally it is not suited for complete GUI of your project  .
    Rakesh Kumar

  • Adobe Javascript buttons does not work after deploying by ADS

    I have a dynamic PDF with adobe javascript " addInstance (1) ". In the preview of Adobe Lifecycle the PDF works like it should. However when I deploy the PDF in Developer studio the button is working anymore. It looks like the PDF isnt dynamic after deployment.
    I have tried to add the following code , but it isnt working:
    IWDInteractiveForm iForm1 = (IWDInteractiveForm)view.getElement("InteractiveForm1");
    Also, the properties of the PDF is set to Interactief Form, and XDP preview format is Dynamic PDF.
    Does anyone know what the problem is?
    Thank in advance.
    Application details:
    Acrobat Reader 7.0.9 and higher
    Adobe Live cycle 7.1
    Developer studio S 7.0.13
    AdobeControl version  6.3018.0.1
    Type browser Internet Explorer 6.0
    Operation system Linux
    Type of interact form ACF
    Netweaver 2004s

    Hi Harman,
    Am i inserting the code at the correct spot?
    //@@begin javadoc:wdDoModifyView
    Hook method called to modify a view just before rendering.
    This method conceptually belongs to the view itself, not to the
    controller (cf. MVC pattern).
    It is made static to discourage a way of programming that
    routinely stores references to UI elements in instance fields
    for access by the view controller's event handlers, and so on.
    The Web Dynpro programming model recommends that UI elements can
    only be accessed by code executed within the call to this hook method.
    @param wdThis Generated private interface of the view's controller, as
           provided by Web Dynpro. Provides access to the view controller's
           outgoing controller usages, etc.
    @param wdContext Generated interface of the view's context, as provided
           by Web Dynpro. Provides access to the view's data.
    @param view The view's generic API, as provided by Web Dynpro.
           Provides access to UI elements.
    @param firstTime Indicates whether the hook is called for the first time
           during the lifetime of the view.
      public static void wdDoModifyView(IPrivateInfosessieenqueteView wdThis, IPrivateInfosessieenqueteView.IContextNode wdContext, com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDView view, boolean firstTime)
        //@@begin wdDoModifyView
         if (firstTime) {
         IWDInteractiveForm iForm1 = (IWDInteractiveForm)view.getElement("InteractiveForm");

  • Open PDF from database in a browser and run Javascript within PDF

    What we're trying to accomplish is to query a PDF in the database and open the PDF in the browse. Once opened if a user click on a link to open another PDF, it launchs a URL to Coldfusion, that queries the database and opens the PDF link. This all works but we also want to have the open PDF goto a section or bookmark within the PDF. We currently have JavaScripts within the PDF links that do that but only if the PDF is in the file system. We're using the app.openDoc to get a reference to the opened PDF. But when opening the PDF from the database we pass the control to Coldfusion using app.launchURL or app.getURL. These do not pass back a reference to the opened PDF and the JavaScripts fails.
    I'm looking for different methods or ideas.
    Is there another way to do this, I'm new to acrobat JavaScripting?
    Thanks, Rob

    I tried tapping and holding the attachment icon, it just shows "Open / Bookmark/ Copy"...
    Also i tried opening the attachement first and then tapping on it, it just shows "open in Safari"
    Is there any settings to be done to add the options of Opening in Adobe Reader/or any other Docu Sign app . the exhibition booth systems one would work i think
    Appreciate if someone could help

  • Baffled! What are adobe acrobat 8.1 standard and adobe reader 8.1.05

    My laptop has installed adobe acrobat 8.1 standard. I need to complete an online form which requires a minimum of adobe reader 8.1.05 so I downloaded adobe reader X, assuming this would work, but get a pop-up notice telling me I need to upgrade and still cannot insert text in the form. Can anyone advise me what I need to download? I really am confused what the adobe acrobat does and what the reader does!

    The developer very poorly phrased the requirement.
    The proper phrasing could be "You need to update your version of Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat to minimum version of 8.1.05."
    Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat are 2 distinct products, one only reads the other is a full processing product., but both products interact with the same file format and for the same version number Adobe Acrobat has the same capabilities that Adobe Reader has and then some features that are unique to Acrobat.
    With JavaScirpt a developer can identify the product (Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat), the variation (Reader, Standard, Professional, Business Tools) and the major and minor version of the product. And with that information and knowledge of the capabilities of each version, can make a custom message for the end user if a newer version is needed. This script can be executed as the PDF is opened. With some simple coding the developer could have even cusotmized the message for the procuct that tue user had. Had this been done, it would have been very clear as what you had to do. This information and properties have been avilable since the introduction of JavaScript in vesion 3.01.

  • Confirmation That I Understand What I Can and Cannot Do With Adobe Reader XI and Adobe Acrobat Pro XI

    I am new to working with Adobe Acrobat Pro XI and Adobe Reader XI.  Based on research I have done and questions answered in the Adobe Communities and Forum, I wanted to make sure I understand the limitations of these two products before I report back to my supervisor.  (We do not want to use XFA forms to obtain data in an xml file.)
    1.  Adobe Reader XI will allow a user to save a fillable PDF document to his/her local PC.  But it is only possible to save it as a PDF.
    2.  Adobe Reader XI will not allow a user to export the data in a fillable PDF into an xml file (unless you purchase the LiveCycle Reader Extensions license).
    3.  Adobe Reader XI will not allow a PDF file to be displayed in a .NET program unless the "Enable Protected Mode at startup" checkbox in Preferences/Security(Enhanced) has been unchecked.  (The previous version of Reader would allow this without disabling security.)
    4.  Adobe Acrobat Pro XI will allow a user to scan a form and create a fillable PDF.
    5.  Adobe Acrobat Pro XI will allow a user to save the fillable form as a PDF or XML.  However, it is the form that is being saved as an XML file.  Not the data.
    6.  Adobe Acrobat Pro XI will allow a user to export the data of a form into an xml file, an .fdf file, an .xfdf file, or a .txt file.
    7.  If a programmer writes a program in .NET to save the data of a PDF as an .xfdf file using IAC code, it will only work on a PC that has Adobe Acrobat (Standard or Pro).  If we need this executable to work on other PCs, we would need to purchase additional licenses of Adobe Acrobat - a license for every PC that needs to run the executable.
    8.  If a programmer writes  JavaScript code using trusted functions to get around security issues, that code will work on a PC that has Adobe Acrobat (Standard or Pro) but will not work on Adobe Reader XI.  Again, if we wanted our JavaScript to work, we would need to purchase Adobe Acrobat for every PC that would run the code.
    Please let me know if I have understood all of this correctly.  Thank you.

    Thank you for your comments to each of my statements, Irosenth.  That has been extremely helpful.
    I probably needed more of an explanation on statement #3.  I wrote a .NET program that used this line:   "Process.Start("AcroRd32", FilePath)" and when I ran the executable on a desktop PC that only had Adobe Reader XI on it, Reader would not open unless we unchecked the "Enable Protected Mode at startup" box.  I researched this and found several references to this being a problem in Readers since Reader 9.  I just wanted to make sure this was correct.  One article indicated that we could change the security setting within the registry using code and then change it back.
    Item #8 needed more information as well.  I had tried to use the "exportAsXFDF()" in a trusted function and it would never work in Reader.  It has an "F" in the availability column of the "Quick Bar" in the JavaScript API Reference which means it requires "forms rights".  I saw that; but it was not clear to me if that meant that a trusted function would work.  So, it looks like trusted functions will not get around security settings if forms rights are required.

  • Webdynpro Interactive Adobe Forms/Workflows

    I have the following steps for my client in their appraisal process.
    Manger selects his employee using webdynpro and selects the appraisal form.
    Manager and Employee fills Appraisal form / interactive adobe form in the beginning of the year .
    It will be sent to the employee UWL through workflow for verification in read only form where he can add his comments in the comments box.Once he agrees with the objectives and submits the form it sits in the UWL of managers.
    After six months there will be revision of Objective Setting if required by manager and employee with same as above process.
    Objective Setting should be freezed after approval.
    At the end of the year, the final appraisal form is agreed with employees and manager an approval from manager should send to the next level line manager UWL using workflows.
    I have built the webdynpro application with an interactive adobe appraisal form , but how to trigger the Workflow from the adobe form and what are the steps i need to customize for the above process and store the appraisal form after the second line managers approval??
    Are these available in standard workflows provided by SAP? Or do I need customization?
    Please help.

    Hi Kumar,
    Your requirement is achievable by configuring a HR Process by using the HCM Process and Process. Please refer to SAP course material HR 280 for an overview of the HCM process and forms.

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