Webdynpro populating dropdown values programmatically

Hi Friends,
I knwo how to populate dropdown using simple type, and providing valeus there.
How to do it programmatically to populate the dropdown values, instead of hardcoding the values?

Check ythis working code in case of node with attribute.
Let the structure is
Let the cardinality of the node is 1:1 or 1:n
IWDNode n=wdContext.getChildNode("node1",0);
     IWDNodeInfo nf=n.getNodeInfo();
     IWDAttributeInfo attributeInfo =nf.getAttribute("att1");
     ISimpleTypeModifiable countryType = attributeInfo.getModifiableSimpleType();
      IModifiableSimpleValueSet valueSet = countryType.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
       for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
Vijayakhanna Raman

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    I have a subform which is repeatable have  a drop down  as one of the field which is dynamically populated from the web service call(short lived process) from the DB.On initialize event of the subform the data connection is executed .Dropown is populated with the values but when an instance of subform is added the dropdown values are missing.
    Only in the first instance of a subform  dropdown values are showing up , when instances of subform is added the drop down values are missing.
    Please let me how can i solve this issue,
    Thanks in Advance

    I've tried this option by adding some value (hard-coded) during initialize event of the subform and all values are populated in the newly added instances as well.
    Not sure why it's not working for you.. Can you try adding some sample values without calling web service and confirm if it's working?

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    Hi All ,
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    Thanks in advance.
    Sijin K P.

    Hi All ,
    Thanks for reply .
    In production taxcodes are coming fine but wrong in dev and quality . ( Australian taxcodes are coming in production for dropdown values but new zealand tax codes in dev and quality )
    I have not started doing any changes . Is there any configuration part to change tax codes that can reflect in expense claim portal . Please help ..
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards ,
    Sijin K P.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Not sure what you are saying here.  Obviously you have to have a place to place the distinct values, whether in another column or in the same column. That's not really a drawback, just a fact of life.
    I'm curious about what you mean by "multiple columns to dynamically select some records with specific criteria from different columns."  If you can give a specific example of what you are trying to do, I there may be a solution.  Are you trying to do something like Excel's filtering on multiple columns?
    If you are you can click the disclosure triangle by the column letter to get a dropdown like this:
    Similar to Excel.

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              UIViewRoot uiv = fc.getViewRoot();
              Application application = fc.getApplication();
              String oldValue = (String)valueChangedEvent.getOldValue();
              String newValue = (String)valueChangedEvent.getNewValue();
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    javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: null
    root cause

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    You can do this usecase by populating the values to SelectOneChoice Programmatically.
    <af:selectOneChoice label="List"
    <f:selectItems value="#{MyTestBean.listOfItems}"/>
    backing bean code will be:
    public List<SelectItem> getListOfItems() {
    List<SelectItem> items= new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    SelectItem si = new SelectItem();
    //if u trying to populate data from VO then u have set the values
    DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    DCIteratorBinding iterBind = (DCIteratorBinding)dcBindings.get("DepartmentsView1Iterator");
    for(int i=0;i<iterBind.getEstimatedRowCount();i++)
    Row row = iterBind.getViewObject().getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
    si = new SelectItem();
    //here you can add the static values;
    si = new SelectItem();
    si.setLabel("Static Value1");
    si = new SelectItem();
    si.setLabel("Static Value2");
    return items;

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    data.Layout.CH1.CHContent.ISR_NEW_COST.presence = 'Visible' else
    data.Layout.CH1.CHContent.ISR_NEW_COST.presence = "Hidden"
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Mukesh,
    THanks alot.
    Yes,  The Split functionality is working.  I have added the code in 'Change' event and  for selecting the value from the Drop down, am  writing the code in the 'exit'.
    In addition to this, I am populating the values to the drop down from the Generic service.  The problem is, while running  the  Process from Portal and check and send button,  the fields fetched from the generic service & the dropdown values are getting refreshed. i hope, this is because of the java script.
    pls. suggest me if this can be handled .
    Thanks &Regards,

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    How should i go about?
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Shilpi,
       On the pop-up view in the method DO_INIT_CONTEXT, you must be populating the values in the context node used for your drop-down list. So while setting the values to the context node used for displaying the values for the drop-down box, you can alter the internal table values.
    for example something like this,
    MY_DROPDOWN is my context node on the popup view.
    LT_VALUES has teh values that i wish to display in the drop-down list
    so in the DO_INIT_CONTEXT method of the popup view,
    The SET_VALUE_TABLE method called with reference to the context node will set the values in the internal table passed to the drop-down list.
    hope this helps you to resolve your problem

  • Dropdown values

    Hi experts,
                        In My dropdown I have 10 values(i used dropdownbyindex). I need to highlight the some selected values. ? I need to highlight the some 3 values(it means3 values should be selected in the dropdown).. How to do that?

    On click of a button any Three value will get highlighted right?
          After highlighted what u want
            --- 3 will be removed remaining 7 will be there  ?
    Is this in any random order ?
    if u need only random selection then code is
    // For populating the value
    // I have done this for my test please avoid if data is already there in list box
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                   IPrivateTestView.ITestNodeElement ele = wdContext.nodeTestNode().createAndAddTestNodeElement();
                   ele.setA("value" + i);
    // For button action
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                   wdContext.nodeTestNode().setSelected(i, true);
    Reason to fail :
    1. Make sure the multiple selection of ItemList UI is true.
    2.The value node by which u bound the ItemList UI element its selection cardinality property should be 0..n
    Best Regards
    Satish Kumar

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    If this answers your question , please close this thread by marking it as answered.

  • Store dropdown value in a variable in WAD

    I would like to pass the values from dropdown box to variable in my IP application. These variables are used to restrict the char values in filters of my application. When I change the dropdown box, my variable value should automatically change. My dropdown box uses the Char/struc member (Characteristic_selection) as data binding because I am doing the cascading dropdown boxes for my selection. I can not use variable as data binding for my dropdown box and I know this will work if I use the variable selection as data binding for drop down box.
    Now, the dropdown value is never stored in the variable, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    So, I need to know:
    - Variable settings
    - Dropdown settings
    - Dataprovider sttings
    I am using WAD 7.0

    Hi Sebastian,
    Ok if I understand right, you have 2 DropDown webitems - on selection of one you would want the 2nd to filter which is cascaded action on DropDowns; and on selection of each DropDown you would want to pass the selections to the main query variables. Check if the below settings work;
    DropDown 1 -> DP1 (perhaps on a master IO), Characteristic -> say C1, Affected Data Providers -> DP2 (DP of DropDown 2), Action -> Command via Command Wizard -> Execution Point of Time -> After Default Action, Command -> SET_SELECTION_STATE_BY_BINDING (under Data Provider Commands -> Commands for Filter Values), Data Provider Affected -> main query DP assigned to the Analysis webitem, Selection Binding -> Characteristic -> C1, Binding Type -> Variable, choose corr. query Variable
    DropDown 2 -> DP2 (perhaps on a master IO), Characteristic -> say C2, Affected Data Providers -> None, Action -> Command via Command Wizard -> Execution Point of Time -> After Default Action, Command -> SET_SELECTION_STATE_BY_BINDING (under Data Provider Commands -> Commands for Filter Values), Data Provider Affected -> main query DP assigned to the Analysis webitem, Selection Binding -> Characteristic -> C2, Binding Type -> Variable, choose corr. query Variable

  • How to restrict the dropdown values in Att/abs type in Record Working Time

    Hello experts,
    We are implementing ESS business package.  In the Record Working time, within the Weekly View and Daily View tabs, there is a column Att/abs.type which has several drop down values - like:  floating value, Funeral Leave, Military Reserve, Regular Attendance, etc.   Our requirement is to restrict the dropdown values  by means of showing only one of these values (say:  Regular Attendance) and others should not be shown.   How do we achieve this?
    Vicky R.

    Hi Siddarth,
    Thanks for the info.  By the way, this table info is not mentioned in the Business Package documentation.  Which documentation are you referring to?
    Vicky R.

  • Changing the dropdown values for one of the fields in CHECK STATUS query

    We are on SRM 7.1.
    In the CHECK STATUS transaction,in the selection screen(QUERY),there is a field called "ROLE" which has teh dropdown values of "APPROVE BY ME","REJECTED BY ME" and "GOODS/SERVICES DELIVERED TO ME".Is there any way some of these drowpdown values can be removed?
    Please advise.

    hi nmsrm1234
    i have a document for this issue.
    but i don´t find this document in internet. it is called : CUSTOMER-SPECIFIC UI ADJUSTMENTS IN SRM 7.0 WEBDYNRPO ENVIROMENT / META DATA HANDLING CONCEPT.
    if you can find it, you will get an idea to resolve this issue, if you will no have luck, please get me your mail, and i will send you the document.

  • How to set Dropdown list in tablen whith others Dropdown values in each row

    how to set Dropdown list in tablen whith others Dropdown values in each row of the table

    hi ,
    You have to add the parent element before adding data to the child node ...you follow the below steps it will work
    1) Take ContextStructure as follows ...
    tabledata (valuenode)
        ddownbyindex( value node) --within the tabledata node
             value (attribute)
    2)Binding to your layout
      tabledata (node) ---bind this to the dataSource property of your  table
          ddownbyindex( node)
                Value (attribute)--bind to the texts property of you DDbyIndex
    3)In wdinit() method add the following code
         IPrivate<Your view name>.ITabledataElement tabledataElement =wdContext.createTabledataElement();
        for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
         IPrivate<Your viewname>.IDdownbyindexElement ddbyindexElement=wdContext.createDdownbyindexElement();
    And set the cardinality property of the table node as 0..n
    and dropdownbyinex node to 1..n
    You try it ...
    Edited by: madhavi kotra on Sep 2, 2008 6:00 PM

  • How to hide two fields in SharePoint list when a dropdown value selected?

    Hi all,
    I have a SharePoint list which have four columns 1 Title 2.Type (Dropdown: option1:Issues Option2:Risk) 3.Risk Name and 4.Risk type. If 'type' value is 'Issues' then I need to hide field 3 and 4. In other words, default value in dropdown should be 'Issue'
    and want to hide field 3 and 4 are onload without using InfoPath.
    How to achieve this? Thanks in advance!

    You can make use of jquery for the same. Add script editor webpart on the page and access the dropdown value and based on the value you get, show or hide the fields. Below are some pointers.
    Geetanjali Arora | My blogs |

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