Weblogic 10.3.6 - Custom Tag Issue

We have created custom tag in our application. It is working fine with Tomcat and Jetty Server but on Weblogic 10.3.6 we are getting below issue:
securities.jsp:301:5: The tag handler class was not found "jsp_servlet._tags.__money_tag".
  <neutrino:money placeHolderKey="label.security.faceValue" labelKey="label.security.faceValue"
securities.jsp:301:20: This attribute is not recognized.
  <neutrino:money placeHolderKey="label.security.faceValue" labelKey="label.security.faceValue"
securities.jsp:301:62: This attribute is not recognized.
  <neutrino:money placeHolderKey="label.security.faceValue" labelKey="label.security.faceValue"
securities.jsp:302:4: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="faceValue"
securities.jsp:302:21: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="faceValue"
securities.jsp:302:41: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="faceValue"
securities.jsp:302:53: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="faceValue"
securities.jsp:302:73: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="faceValue"
securities.jsp:303:4: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="faceValue" path="faceValue" tabindex="13" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
securities.jsp:303:19: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="faceValue" path="faceValue" tabindex="13" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
securities.jsp:303:36: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="faceValue" path="faceValue" tabindex="13" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
securities.jsp:303:50: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="faceValue" path="faceValue" tabindex="13" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
securities.jsp:303:69: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="faceValue" path="faceValue" tabindex="13" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
securities.jsp:308:5: The tag handler class was not found "jsp_servlet._tags.__money_tag".
  <neutrino:money placeHolderKey="label.security.price" labelKey="label.security.price"
securities.jsp:308:5: The tag handler class was not found "jsp_servlet._tags.__money_tag".
  <neutrino:money placeHolderKey="label.security.price" labelKey="label.security.price"
securities.jsp:308:20: This attribute is not recognized.
  <neutrino:money placeHolderKey="label.security.price" labelKey="label.security.price"
securities.jsp:308:58: This attribute is not recognized.
  <neutrino:money placeHolderKey="label.security.price" labelKey="label.security.price"
securities.jsp:309:4: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="price"
securities.jsp:309:21: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="price"
securities.jsp:309:41: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="price"
securities.jsp:309:53: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="price"
securities.jsp:309:73: This attribute is not recognized.
  mandatory="true" moneyBoxColSpan="4" colSpan="6" validators="amount" errorPath="price"
securities.jsp:310:4: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="price" path="price" tabindex="14" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
securities.jsp:310:15: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="price" path="price" tabindex="14" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
securities.jsp:310:28: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="price" path="price" tabindex="14" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
securities.jsp:310:42: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="price" path="price" tabindex="14" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
securities.jsp:310:61: This attribute is not recognized.
  id="price" path="price" tabindex="14" viewMode="${view}" maxLength="16" />
money.tag:2:25: The encoding specified on the page cannot be different than detected encoding for the file.
<%@ tag language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
money.tag:2:25: The encoding specified on the page cannot be different than detected encoding for the file.
<%@ tag language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

I had similar problems with appc.
Try to remove the line "<%@ tag language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>" or at least the pageEncoding attribute from the *.tag files.
In my case, I had no idea why the compiler complained about encoding. No UTF-8 specific characters were used and both, *.jsp and *.tag set the same encoding by directive.
If you get rid of the "The encoding specified on the page cannot be different than detected encoding for the file.", you will also get rid of the "The tag handler class was not found" and the resulting errors.

Similar Messages

  • Bug in Weblogic 6.0 sp2 Custom Tag implimentation ?

              I 've got this wierd weblogic error in my custom tags:
              javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Since tag class emc.blackbox.taglibs.validation.ErrorTag
              implements BodyTag, it cannot return Tag.EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE
              though my class is (And it doesnt implemnt BodyTag) :
              public class ErrorTag extends BodyTagSupport {
              private JspWriter writer;
              private String preHtml;
              private String postHtml;
              public ErrorTag() { }
              public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
              try {
              writer = pageContext.getOut();
              ValidationManager vm = (ValidationManager) pageContext.findAttribute("validm");
              if (vm.getErrors().length>0){
                   String [] errors = vm.getErrors();
                   for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
                        writer.println(errors[i] );
              catch (Exception ex) {
              return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
              public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
              return EVAL_PAGE;
              public String getPreHtml(){return preHtml;}
              public void setPreHtml(String preHtml){this.preHtml = preHtml;}
              public String getPostHtml(){return postHtml;}
              public void setPostHtml(String postHtml){this.postHtml = postHtml;}
              Searching on the net I found this :
              http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00888.html
              Does anybody know any work around this ?
              I would appreciate any hints / suggestions ..

              I was getting a similar error message! In the jsp 1.2 spec,
              EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE should be usable with BodyTagSupport (as long as
              your .tld file doesn't contain <bodycontent>empty</bodycontent> for
              ErrorTag custom tag) .
              Since it apparently isn't working like it should, HERE IS A WORK
              AROUND that I found (with some Divine inspiration). Change this line:
              public class ErrorTag extends BodyTagSupport
              public class ErrorTag extends TagSupport
              Hope it works for you too!! I'll look into this matter further to see
              if I can find some reason for the error.
              "Amit Khare" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
              > I 've got this wierd weblogic error in my custom tags:
              > javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Since tag class emc.blackbox.taglibs.validation.ErrorTag
              > implements BodyTag, it cannot return Tag.EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE
              > though my class is (And it doesnt implemnt BodyTag) :
              > public class ErrorTag extends BodyTagSupport {
              > private JspWriter writer;
              > private String preHtml;
              > private String postHtml;
              > public ErrorTag() { }
              > public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
              > try {
              > writer = pageContext.getOut();
              > ValidationManager vm = (ValidationManager) pageContext.findAttribute("validm");
              > if (vm.getErrors().length>0){
              >      writer.println(preHtml);
              >      String [] errors = vm.getErrors();
              >      for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
              >           writer.println(errors[i] );
              >      }
              >      writer.println(postHtml);
              > }
              >      vm.clearErrors();
              >      vm.clear();
              > }
              > catch (Exception ex) {
              > }
              > return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
              > }
              > public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
              > return EVAL_PAGE;
              > }
              > public String getPreHtml(){return preHtml;}
              > public void setPreHtml(String preHtml){this.preHtml = preHtml;}
              > public String getPostHtml(){return postHtml;}
              > public void setPostHtml(String postHtml){this.postHtml = postHtml;}
              > Searching on the net I found this :
              > http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00888.html
              > Does anybody know any work around this ?
              > I would appreciate any hints / suggestions ..
              > Thanks,
              > Amit

  • JSP Custom tag issues.

    Hi all,
    When my JAVA_HOME env variable is pointing to C:\jdk1.3, the JSP below which contains some custom tags fails to compile in Weblogic 5.1. However, when i change my JAVA_HOME env variable to C:\weblogic\jre1_2\jre, the same JSP compiles and deploys with no problems. I was of the opinion that the jre in jdk 1.3 is the same as jre1_2 which is bundled with weblogic 5.1. Does anyone know of any differences btw the Jre's or why the JSP below cannot be compiled when i use JDK1.3. Thanks for the help.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <%@ page import="java.util.Vector" %>
    <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.common.framework.errorhandling.ErrorUtility" %>
    <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.common.framework.errorhandling.PremiereLogger" %>
    <%@ page import="org.grnds.structural.web.GrndsServletException" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/tlds/profiling/profile.tld" prefix="profile" %>
    <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.web.common.HTMLListBuilder" %>
    <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.web.common.ListParametersDomain" %>
    <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.web.common.PremiereConstants" %>
    <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.ejb.authentication.LoginDomain" %>
         <title>Premiere Business...Assign Credit Class</title>
         <LINK HREF="<%= request.getContextPath()%>/stylesheets/premiere.css" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css">
         <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
              var winHandle=window.dialogArguments;
         function userFocus()
    <body onload="userFocus();">
    <TABLE WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" CLASS="groupbox">
              <TABLE WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="75%" CLASS="groupbox">
              <TR HEIGHT="15%"></TR>
              <FORM NAME="SupervisorLoginForm" ACTION="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/Premiere/AddAccountConversation/SupervisorLogin" METHOD="post" TARGET="_self">
    <TR HEIGHT="15%">
    <TD align=center><LABEL NAME="SupervisorUserNameLabel">User ID:</LABEL></TD></TD>
    <TD align=left><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="SupervisorUserName" MAXLENGTH="20" SIZE="20" TABINDEX="1"></TD></TR>
    <TD align=center>    <LABEL NAME="SupervisorPasswordLabel">Password:</LABEL></TD></TD>
    <TD align=left><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="SupervisorPassword" TABINDEX="2" MAXLENGTH="20" SIZE="20" ENABLED></TD>
              <TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"><BUTTON TYPE="submit" NAME="Login" TABINDEX="3" Class="button">Login</BUTTON></TD>
              <FORM NAME="CreditClassForm" ACTION="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/Premiere/AddAccountConversation/AssignCreditManually" METHOD="post">
    <TR HEIGHT="60%">
    <TD align=center>        <LABEL NAME="SupervisorCreditClassLabel">Credit Class:</LABEL></TD></TD>
    <TD align=left>
              <profile:user WidgetName="CreditClass" Context="JSP" SubContext="SupervisorLogin" Evaluate="SUPERVISOR">
              <%= HTMLListBuilder.buildHTMLList((ListParametersDomain)session.getAttribute("CreditClassCodes")) %></TD>
              <TABLE WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="25%" CLASS="groupbox">
              <TD align=right><BUTTON NAME="Cancel" Class="button" TABINDEX="4" ONCLICK="window.close()">Cancel</BUTTON>  
              <profile:user WidgetName="Save" Context="JSP" SubContext="SupervisorLogin" Evaluate="SUPERVISOR">
                   <BUTTON TYPE="submit" NAME="Save" TABINDEX="6" Class="button">Save</BUTTON>  
    catch (Exception e)
    LoginDomain loginDomain = (LoginDomain)session.getAttribute(PremiereConstants.LOGIN_DOMAIN);
    PremiereLogger.log( "ERROR", loginDomain.getUserName()+" General Exception Error: ", e );
    request.setAttribute(ErrorUtility.ERROR_CONDITION, ErrorUtility.getMessage(PremiereConstants.GENERIC_JSP_EXCEPTION_ERROR_ID) );
    throw new GrndsServletException();

    UUh, interesting.
    Try to use the last Service Pack for 5.1 - i think it is sp9.
    Hope it'll work. I've had some problems with XML parsing but they resolved when I installed the last SP...

  • Custom Tag issue and then ApplicationID?

    is there anybody out there who can help me with the following
    I installed ColdFusion 4.5 Server on my Windows XP machine
    and wanted to access an already built CF application. When
    the main default page, i got the following error:
    "Cannot find CFML template for custom tag
    ColdFusion attempted looking in the tree of installed custom
    tags but
    did not find a custom tag with this name. "
    I copied the same Administrator settings, code and folders
    from the
    working production server to my local machine and it just
    doesn't seem
    to work. (I couldn't find any differences to the working
    I tried to fix it by copying the custom tag folder (located
    under allaire/spectra/customtags/) to C:\CFusion\CustomTags which
    somehow cleared the previous error but gave me the following new
    "Error Occurred While Processing Request > Error
    Diagnostic Information > This application can't be located by
    name. Use ApplicationID instead"
    Please, i appreciate any kind of comment on this post (i have
    been trying to fix this for the past 3 days!)

    Spectra requires 4.5.1 or 5.
    Run the Spectra install to set up all the correct mappings
    and the webtop. Then copy over the custom application. It's been
    awhile since I've dug into the folder structure of the webtop, so I
    don't have a complete list of steps required for a Spectra app
    deployment. So you still have some work ahead of you.
    Just make sure you backup your database before the install,
    mirror it, or use a new schema for the installation and then switch
    over your datasources.
    I would recommend an old Spectra book you can probably find
    on eBay.

  • Custom Tag Issue

    I have a large DLL that has been converted to a cfx tag. I
    get a generic error when I try to call it. I've been trying to
    isolate the problem and believe it has to do with memory
    Does anyone know if ColdFusion is limiting access to memory
    on that tag? If so, is there a way to adjust this?

    Spectra requires 4.5.1 or 5.
    Run the Spectra install to set up all the correct mappings
    and the webtop. Then copy over the custom application. It's been
    awhile since I've dug into the folder structure of the webtop, so I
    don't have a complete list of steps required for a Spectra app
    deployment. So you still have some work ahead of you.
    Just make sure you backup your database before the install,
    mirror it, or use a new schema for the installation and then switch
    over your datasources.
    I would recommend an old Spectra book you can probably find
    on eBay.

  • Custom tag issues.

              When my JAVA_HOME environmental variable is pointing to c:\jdk1.3,
              the JSP below fails to compile and does not deploy on Weblogic 5.1. However, when
              i change the JAVA_HOME env variable to
              c:\weblogic\jre1_2\jre, the JSP compiles and deploys without any problems. Since
              jdk 1.3 uses the same jre1_2 as the jre1_2 that Weblogic 5.1 uses, what do you
              guys think might be causing the JSP to fail to compile when i point to the JDK
              instead of the JRE. Thanks for your anticipated help.
              <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
              <%@ page import="java.util.Vector" %>
              <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.common.framework.errorhandling.ErrorUtility"
              <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.common.framework.errorhandling.PremiereLogger"
              <%@ page import="org.grnds.structural.web.GrndsServletException" %>
              <%@ taglib uri="/tlds/profiling/profile.tld" prefix="profile" %>
              <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.web.common.HTMLListBuilder" %>
              <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.web.common.ListParametersDomain" %>
              <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.web.common.PremiereConstants" %>
              <%@ page import="com.spcs.premiere.ejb.authentication.LoginDomain" %>
                   <title>Premiere Business...Assign Credit Class</title>
                   <LINK HREF="<%= request.getContextPath()%>/stylesheets/premiere.css" REL="stylesheet"
                   <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
                        var winHandle=window.dialogArguments;
                   function userFocus()
              <body onload="userFocus();">
              <TABLE WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" CLASS="groupbox">
                        <TABLE WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="75%" CLASS="groupbox">
                        <TR HEIGHT="15%"></TR>
                        <FORM NAME="SupervisorLoginForm" ACTION="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/Premiere/AddAccountConversation/SupervisorLogin"
              METHOD="post" TARGET="_self">
              <TR HEIGHT="15%">
              <TD align=center><LABEL NAME="SupervisorUserNameLabel">User ID:</LABEL></TD></TD>
              <TD align=left><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="SupervisorUserName" MAXLENGTH="20"
              SIZE="20" TABINDEX="1"></TD></TR>
              <TD align=center>    <LABEL NAME="SupervisorPasswordLabel">Password:</LABEL></TD></TD>
              <TD align=left><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="SupervisorPassword" TABINDEX="2"
              MAXLENGTH="20" SIZE="20" ENABLED></TD>
                        <TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"><BUTTON TYPE="submit" NAME="Login" TABINDEX="3"
                        <FORM NAME="CreditClassForm" ACTION="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/Premiere/AddAccountConversation/AssignCreditManually"
              <TR HEIGHT="60%">
              <TD align=center>        <LABEL
              NAME="SupervisorCreditClassLabel">Credit Class:</LABEL></TD></TD>
              <TD align=left>
                        <profile:user WidgetName="CreditClass" Context="JSP" SubContext="SupervisorLogin"
                        <%= HTMLListBuilder.buildHTMLList((ListParametersDomain)session.getAttribute("CreditClassCodes"))
                        <TABLE WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="25%" CLASS="groupbox">
                        <TD align=right><BUTTON NAME="Cancel" Class="button" TABINDEX="4" ONCLICK="window.close()">Cancel</BUTTON>  
                        <profile:user WidgetName="Save" Context="JSP" SubContext="SupervisorLogin"
                             <BUTTON TYPE="submit" NAME="Save" TABINDEX="6" Class="button">Save</BUTTON>  
              catch (Exception e)
              LoginDomain loginDomain = (LoginDomain)session.getAttribute(PremiereConstants.LOGIN_DOMAIN);
              PremiereLogger.log( "ERROR", loginDomain.getUserName()+" General Exception
              Error: ", e );
              request.setAttribute(ErrorUtility.ERROR_CONDITION, ErrorUtility.getMessage(PremiereConstants.GENERIC_JSP_EXCEPTION_ERROR_ID)
              throw new GrndsServletException();

    UUh, interesting.
    Try to use the last Service Pack for 5.1 - i think it is sp9.
    Hope it'll work. I've had some problems with XML parsing but they resolved when I installed the last SP...

  • Jsp:include problem in custom tag

    I call <jsp:include page="emailbody.jsp" /> within a custom tag(in a file
              caller.jsp), which does emailing.
              When I invoke caller.jsp from browser, I do get the output(body of the
              email) on the browser screen, but not the output is not send as the body of
              the email.
              When I use static include namely, <@include file="emailbody.jsp" />, the
              output is directed to the body of the email.
              The above means, for a static jsp include file, it is parsed and included in
              the body-evaluation of the custom tag.
              For a dynamic include file, it is NOT parsed and NOT included in the
              body-evaluation of the custome tag.
              The reason could be, How Weblogic loads classes for custom-tag for dynamic
              include files.
              Can anybody at BEA throw loght on this and the solution.
              Thanks in advance.

    Well I found out jsp:include is not supported inside custom tags for JSP
              spec 1.1.
              This was stated in section 5.4.5 of spec 1.1.
              May be in future spec 1.2.
              "Cameron Purdy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Have you sent this to [email protected]?
              > It sounds serious.
              > Peace,
              > --
              > Cameron Purdy
              > Tangosol, Inc.
              > http://www.tangosol.com
              > +1.617.623.5782
              > WebLogic Consulting Available
              > "matthew mcclain" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:[email protected]...
              > > I have run into the same problem.
              > > I'm certain it's because CustomTags have their own buffer and
              > > jsp:include or pageContext.include() or requestDispatcher.include()
              > > all bypass the buffer and write to the underlying stream.
              > >
              > > I attempted to define jspx:include by wrapping the response object
              > > which is sent to requestDispatcher.include and then wrapping the
              > > OutputStream returned from the response with a stream which
              > > writes to the "out" of the pageContext for my tag.
              > >
              > > Unfortunately, I get a class cast exception because weblogic expects
              > > it's own class to be there as a ServletOutputStream:
              > >
              > > java.lang.ClassCastException:
              > > at
              > >
              > > l.java:202)
              > > at
              > >
              > > l.java:172)
              > > at com.allmystuff.wif.Include.doStartTag(Include.java:37)
              > >
              > > So any chance, jsp:include will get fixed?
              > >
              > > Thanks,
              > > Matthew McClain
              > > [email protected]
              > >
              > >
              > > "chandra" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > > news:[email protected]...
              > > > I call <jsp:include page="emailbody.jsp" /> within a custom tag(in a
              > file
              > > > caller.jsp), which does emailing.
              > > > When I invoke caller.jsp from browser, I do get the output(body of the
              > > > email) on the browser screen, but not the output is not send as the
              > > of
              > > > the email.
              > > > When I use static include namely, <@include file="emailbody.jsp" />,
              > > > output is directed to the body of the email.
              > > >
              > > > The above means, for a static jsp include file, it is parsed and
              > included
              > > in
              > > > the body-evaluation of the custom tag.
              > > > For a dynamic include file, it is NOT parsed and NOT included in the
              > > > body-evaluation of the custome tag.
              > > > The reason could be, How Weblogic loads classes for custom-tag for
              > dynamic
              > > > include files.
              > > > Can anybody at BEA throw loght on this and the solution.
              > > > Thanks in advance.
              > > > Chandra
              > > >
              > > >
              > >
              > >

  • Weblogic Commerce Server 3.5 runtime failure in custom tag

    An error occurred:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: runtime failure in custom tag 'process'
         at jsp_compiled._tools._property._propset_create._jspService(_propset_create.java:641)
         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:27)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:208)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(RequestDispatcherImpl.java:149)
         at com.beasys.commerce.foundation.flow.ServletDestinationHandler.handleDestination(ServletDestinationHandler.java:51)
         at com.beasys.commerce.foundation.flow.FlowManager.service(FlowManager.java:540)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:208)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:1127)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:1529)
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:137)
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)

    I just started getting this error after a year in production environment without any problems. Did you every find out what caused this or better yet how to prevent this?

  • HTTP 500 Internel server error in Custom tag program on Weblogic 8.1

    Dear sir,
    Please attend my problem...
    I face the Error 500 Internel server error when I rum the custom tag program on weblogic 8.1.
    My program Structure is:
    >WEB-INF>classes>mypack>MyTag.java, MyTag.class
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/taglib" prefix="Kumar" %>
    <Kumar:hello name="Vijay">
    It is a Tag Body<br>
    package mypack;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    public class MyTag extends TagSupport
    String name;
    public void setName(String c)
    public int doStartTag()
    public int doEndTag()
    JspWriter out=pageContext.getOut();
    out.print("Good Night "+name);
    catch(Exception e)
    return EVAL_PAGE;
    Allthough this program are run on NetBean6.1.In NetBean6.1, i am not specify the web.xml file.Please Help me..

    With an [HTTP status code|http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html] of 500, the most helpful information for debugging the problem is usually in the server's log file. There should be a stack trace in the web or application server's log file that will contain the specific root cause of this. It is often a NullPointerException or ClassNotFoundException or other "common" exception.

  • Custom tag lib issue with task flow in portal

    Dear Experts,
    I am facing an issue and need your guidance
    I have a ADF task flow which is consumed in portal. My task flow uses a custom tag library.
    When I run the task flow on portal I am facing following issue:
    Caused by: oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseException:
    Error: Encountered deferred syntax #{ in template text. If intended as a literal, escape it or set directive deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTagXMLTextContainer.processAttributeForELFunctions(JspParseTagXMLTextContainer.java:118)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTagXMLTextContainer.processAttributeValue(JspParseTagXMLTextContainer.java:103)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1565)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1610)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:886)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:780)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1297)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parseXMLSrcBody(OpenJspTagHandler.java:782)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1572)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1610)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parse(OpenJspTagHandler.java:846)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:923)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:780)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1297)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parseXMLSrcBody(OpenJspTagHandler.java:782)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1572)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1610)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parse(OpenJspTagHandler.java:846)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:923)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:780)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1297)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parseXMLSrcBody(OpenJspTagHandler.java:782)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1572)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1610)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parse(OpenJspTagHandler.java:846)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:923)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:780)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1297)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1572)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTagFile.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTagFile.java:341)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTagFile.parse(JspParseTagFile.java:256)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.OracleJsp2Java.transformImpl(OracleJsp2Java.java:439)
      at oracle.jsp.parse.OracleJsp2Java.transform(OracleJsp2Java.java:593)
      at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageCompiler.attemptCompilePage(JspPageCompiler.java:691)
      at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageCompiler.compileBothModes(JspPageCompiler.java:490)
      at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageCompiler.parseAndGetTreeNode(JspPageCompiler.java:457)
      at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageInfo.compileAndLoad(JspPageInfo.java:624)
      at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.compileAndServe(JspPageTable.java:645)
      ... 120 more
    <XmlErrorHandler> <handleError> ADF_FACES-60096:Server Exception during PPR, #1

    Make sure you have the JSTL tag library selected in you deployment plan. Go to Project Properties->Deployments->your_deployment_profile->WWB-INF/Lib Contributors and check JSTL.
    Let me know if this worked for you!

  • Custom Tag Error with Weblogic SP9

              I seem to be having a problem with a custom tag that I wrote. When I run the JSP
              on WLS (without a service pack), the generated java code uses the weblogic.utils.StringUtils
              class to interprete jsp expressions that are passed into the custom tag's attribute
              (on the JSP). The method called on this StringUtils class is valueOf(). This method
              in essence makes sure that the result of the expression is not null and then subsequently
              calls a toString() on the value. Note that if the value is null it simply returns
              an empty string.
              The problem is that when we go to service pack 9, this method is not called (StringUtils.valueOf()).
              Now the problem arises if first of all the result of the expression statement
              in the custom tag definintion (on the JSP) is null. Secondly, it will also error
              out when the setter method is called within the custom tag, if the object returned
              from the expression does not match the one that is expected by the tag... in our
              case a String.
              Here's a sample usage of the tag:
              selectedItem="<%= buildingJB.getBuildingNumber()%>"
              selectTagDataName="buildingNumberDataAttribute" />
              Note: buildingJB.getBuildingNumber() returns BigDecimal
              Here's a snipett of the line generated java:
              * Without the service pack
              *With Service Pack 9
              Note: The setSelectedItem() method expects a String object as a parameter, so
              the code with service pack 9 will result in a compilation error, since buildingJB.getBuildingNumber()
              returns a BigDecimal.
              Let me know if you need more explanation.
              Has anyone experience this problem before... Any help would be deeply appreciated.
              Thanks all.

              Modify the <cewolf:param> tag.
              <cewolf:chart id="confchart" title="Reports" type="bar3d" yaxislabel="Time"> <cewolf:data>
              <cewolf:producer id="report"> <cewolf:param name="type" value="all" > </cewolf:param>
              </cewolf:producer> </cewolf:data> </cewolf:chart>
              "Balakrishnan" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >We are using cewolf charting library in weblogic 7.0. The charting library
              >is implemented
              >as custom jsp tag library module.
              >However, when the use the tag for displaying the chart, weblogic is producing
              >this compiler error.
              >/reports/reportsView.jsp(108): no corresponding open tag for tag extension
              >//[ null; Line: 108]
              >Here's the corresponding source of the jsp file:
              > <cewolf:chart id="confchart" title="Reports" type="bar3d" yaxislabel="Time">
              > <cewolf:data>
              > <cewolf:producer id="report">
              > <cewolf:param name="type" value="all" /> (<-- Error occurs
              >Line no: 108)
              > </cewolf:producer>
              > </cewolf:data>
              > </cewolf:chart>
              >I've also checked the corresponding tld file and it is in place.
              >The same code without any modifications is working fine in tomcat. Can
              >you please
              >let me know what needs to be corrected to make this work?

  • Jsp Custom tags Weblogic 6.1

              I had posted a message before regarding the docs for weblogic custom tags, my
              query is whether the custom tags listed in the javadocs of weblogic api like BeanParamTag,
              FormAnchorTag etc should be used for development or not.
              Weblogic docs only talk about process, repeat and cache tags from development
              point of view.
              I'm studying the custom tags of weblogic 6.1.0 and i need to know whether the
              tags besides process,repeat and cache tags.

              I had posted a message before regarding the docs for weblogic custom tags, my
              query is whether the custom tags listed in the javadocs of weblogic api like BeanParamTag,
              FormAnchorTag etc should be used for development or not.
              Weblogic docs only talk about process, repeat and cache tags from development
              point of view.
              I'm studying the custom tags of weblogic 6.1.0 and i need to know whether the
              tags besides process,repeat and cache tags.

  • Urgent: Unable to run JSP pages(using JRun Custom Tags) in Weblogic 5.1

    I am using JRun Custom tags to bulid JSP pages.
    Could not run the jsp page on Weblogic 5.1.
    I could run the same on JRun Server but not on Weblogic?.
    Had placed JRuntags.jar in the web_inf directory.
    What/where i need to update in properties file?.
    Please reply..
    Best Wishes.
    Satish k.Yalamaddi.

    javax.servlet.ServletException: com/sun/tools/javac/Main (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
    This is your problem either your tomcat or eclipse is pointing to a wrong jre
    here the problem is you are trying to run a code that was compiled using j2sdk1.5 in j2sdk1.4

  • JSP in custom tag attributes...

              A very nice feature from a development perspective, would be the ability
              to use JSP code within custom tags. Say I have a page on which I wish
              to give all the information on a widget. Say further that I have
              implemented a tag that writes out all the info of a widget as HTML
              table. I would like to write something like this:
              <mytaglib:widgetTag widgetID="<%=request.getParameter("widget_id")%>"
              As far as I know, in the current implementation of custom taglibs this
              does not seem to be possible. Instead you end up writing something like
              <mytaglib:displayWidget />
              Which is much more like a scripting language than a heirarchical XML .
              Now, I could always just use the request object within the tag helper
              classes, but this gives up flexibility and can introduce security
              issues, and it also makes the tags much more difficult to work with...
              In short, we should push for JSP evaluation of tag attributes. Weblogic
              could leap ahead of other app servers in this area (making up for the
              custom tag performance issues, to be solve in sp6) and Sun would, once
              again, follow Weblogic's lead and rewrite the standard to include this
              Carson Gross

              Perhaps the problem is that you are treating custom tags like one would
              construct an imperative language. I have never had to put Java or use beans
              or %= or even parameters to tags into a JSP because of custom tags.
              The real problem is writing/packaging/maintaining all those tags; sure could
              use a tool that did just that ;-)
              Cameron Purdy
              [email protected]
              WebLogic Consulting Available
              "Carson Gross" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Sirs,
              > A very nice feature from a development perspective, would be the ability
              > to use JSP code within custom tags. Say I have a page on which I wish
              > to give all the information on a widget. Say further that I have
              > implemented a tag that writes out all the info of a widget as HTML
              > table. I would like to write something like this:
              > <mytaglib:widgetTag widgetID="<%=request.getParameter("widget_id")%>"
              > />
              > As far as I know, in the current implementation of custom taglibs this
              > does not seem to be possible. Instead you end up writing something like
              > this:
              > <mytaglib:widgetTag>
              > <mytaglib:displayWidget />
              > </mytaglib:widgetTag>
              > Which is much more like a scripting language than a heirarchical XML .
              > Now, I could always just use the request object within the tag helper
              > classes, but this gives up flexibility and can introduce security
              > issues, and it also makes the tags much more difficult to work with...
              > In short, we should push for JSP evaluation of tag attributes. Weblogic
              > could leap ahead of other app servers in this area (making up for the
              > custom tag performance issues, to be solve in sp6) and Sun would, once
              > again, follow Weblogic's lead and rewrite the standard to include this
              > functionality.
              > Regards,
              > Carson Gross

  • Error in JSP Custom Tag Program

    Hi Dear,
    when I compile my JSP Custom tag program on weblogic Its give that Error..
    Parsing of JSP File '/Home.jsp' failed: /Home.jsp(-1): cannot load TLD: weblogic.xml.dom.ChildCountException: missing child tagclass in tag
    probably occurred due to an error in /Home.jsp line -1:
    Tue Sep 09 18:46:56 GMT 2008
    My Files are:
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="neeraj" %>
    <neeraj:hello name="Vijay">
    It is a Tag Body<br>
    package mypack;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    public class MyTag extends TagSupport
    String name;
    public void setName(String c)
    catch(Exception e)
    public int doStartTag()
    public int doAfterBody
    JspWriter out=pageContext.getOut();
    out.print("Good Night "+name);
    catch(Exception e)
    return EVAL_PAGE;
    Please resolve my issue..

    I had the same problem. In your .tld change tagclass to tag-class and bodycontent to body-content and that should do the trick. The names slightly changed for JSP spec 1.2.

Maybe you are looking for

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