Weblogic 10.3 certification...

Hi Everyone,
I willing to write the weblogic 10.3 certification exam. Could you please suggest me.
what kind of books i have to read. Please If any one is having material reagarding weblogic 10.3 certification exam send to below my email address.
[email removed for security purposes]
Edited by: Certification Forum Moderator on Mar 25, 2010 3:05 PM

user12831479 wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I willing to write the weblogic 10.3 certification exam. Could you please suggest me.
The question in my mind is are you prepared to practice and study and know weblogic 10.3 well?
what kind of books i have to read.Books about weblogic. Oracle Documentation.
(As far as I I am aware there are no certification books directly focused on the weblogic exam)
Please If any one is having material reagarding weblogic 10.3 certification exam send to below my email address.The big big problem I have with this statement is it is the statement many cheats and braindumps users make. It doesn't mean you are a cheat, it's just there is a high probability that is your intention; even if unintentionally.
The following blogs indicate the problems in this area ... and correct ways to study.
[email protected]
The is some more information at [http://www.oracle.com/education/certification] including recommended Oracle Courses and study materials for the exam(s) for the Certification you seek. At the time of my post that is down for maintenance
Edited by: bigdelboy on 21-Mar-2010 03:24 - Now the website is back ... drilling down from [http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=140] gives helpful information.

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    Please be aware I am not massively familiar with weblogic and myy anwer is not authorative.
    Rgs - bigdebloy.

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    you can attend one of the weblogic portal dev /Admin course to get more details. other wise just follow Oracle/BEA Edocs...

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    Please provide me the dumps.[These should help|http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/otc-center/otc-medicines/861.html].
    For more specific information on BEA WebLogic certification, please contact [Oracle/BEA|http://www.oracle.com/bea/index.html].

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    The Oracle Certified Associate, Oracle WebLogic Server 11g System Administrator should have a firm grasp on the administrative tasks performed by a WebLogic Server 11g System Administrator, including installing and configuring Oracle WebLogic Server 11g, deploying Java EE applications to Oracle WebLogic Server 11g, and configuring Oracle HTTP Server as a Web proxy for Oracle WebLogic Server. OCAs certified as a WebLogic Server 11g System Administrator should also be able to configure Oracle WebLogic Server cluster to support failover and load balancing for applications*.
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    It is possible (though infrequent) for exam topics to be updated; there are precedents for this; it happened on DBA OCA/OCP 10gR1->10gR2 and for Solaris 10 under sun. It also happens sometimes after beta.
    That is why it is always useful to periodically go back and check as you have sensibly done.
    I admit my knowledge of weblogic is patchy. I know very few some obscure parts, a lot of basics I don't know.
    From the knowledge I have (which may be imperfect) I believe you are right to question why:
    On the exam topics page: http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=5001&get_params=p_exam_id:1Z0-102&p_org_id=&lang= there appears to be noo mention of any clustering topics. On the associated certifcation page http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=458&get_params=p_track_id:Weblogic11g as you rightly say the certification does cover clustering. The suggested training course: http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=609&p_org_id=1001&lang=US&get_params=dc:D58682GC20,p_preview:N .... covers clusters.
    At least three possibilities exist:
    - Clustering covered under other topics or throughout exam (IMHO unlikely)
    - Clustering topics were in exam, but removed, and certiifcation description not changed to suit.
    - Clustering topics are on exam but missed from topics list on the webpage
    Brandye (cert forum moderator) is usually great at checking this and following up (but she can anlso randomly on holiday etc) .... but IMHO there is more than enough reason here to raise a SR here (note it may take a few days to get an answer):
    ( Not sure about which Issue type to choose ... its a toss up between ( BEA Certifcation / Certification details or OTHER) ... I think OTHER might be safest).
    Post the SR number back on this Thread for Brandye to follow up if she passes by.
    My knowledge of this anything that follows is very very sketchy and non authorative. I may be talking rubbish during part of it, and I defer to those who know such technology areas better):
    There are/have recently been a number of weblogic related changes ... and Oracle may be steering to view management of weblogic clusters down a different angle:
    Looking at the all exams and all certification pages ...
    I see a number of certifcations / exams which appear to be related to weblogic / weblogic clusters to a greater/lesser degree:
    Oracle WebLogic Server 10g System Administrator Certified Expert (WLS 10g OCE via 1z0-108 ) #### This certainly covers clusters ...
    Oracle Certified Associate, Oracle WebLogic Server 11g System Administrator ( WLS 11g OCA via 1z0-102)
    Oracle Cloud Application Foundation Certified Implementation Specialist (CLOUDAPP OCS via 1Z0-468) ### very loose connection ( beta finishing soon)
    Oracle Application Grid 11g Essentials (APPGRID OCS via 1z0-523) ### quite loose connection
    Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Certified Implementation Specialist (WLS 12c OCS via 1z0-599) ### Covers cluster
    ... I suspect as the WLS 11g OCA is at OCA level I postulate it may have been felt appropriate to leave clustering it for a later or different exam (e.g. WLS OCP 11 should that ever appear). Generally the OCS exams are for Oracle Partners and often lean towards installation/deployment of the associated product and things needed by a partner.

  • Weblogic 10 g certification

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    Exam Number:     1Z0-108
    Associated Certifications:     Oracle WebLogic Server 10g System Administrator Certified Expert
    Do you know which one books or online material I can access besides the oracle class?

    user9938780 wrote:
    I am planning to prepare for this exam and am not able to find any books online for 10g or any concrete training material. Even if it is a few differet books thats fine but I don't see anything past weblogic 8.
    Exam Number:     1Z0-108
    Associated Certifications:     Oracle WebLogic Server 10g System Administrator Certified Expert
    Do you know which one books or online material I can access besides the oracle class?
    ThanksThere is a book currently due out in UK 2009/11/09 (might slip) Professional Oracle WebLogic Server (Robert Patrick et. at.) ISBN-13 978-0470484302. I can only guess its contents have some relevance.
    There is information arround the Oracle website including (this is not exhaustive):
    - [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12839_01/index.htm]
    - [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E15051_01/wls.htm]
    - [http://www.oracle.com/technology/obe/fusion_middleware/wls103/index.html]
    The information I have give does not relate directly to the certification topics.

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    I was one of the first people to take this test when I worked at BEA on Portal. It's an exercise in WLP trivia. Memorize every menu in Workshiop as well as all of the NetUI stuff related to Portal like placeholders, content management, etc. The WLP class material helps a lot. However, if you don't have access to this info, then study the Beehive stuff. MEMORIZE all of the tag arguments.

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    Hello Jeyageetha,
    This is the kind of information that can change at any time so check with Oracle University for the latest, but here is the story as of today:
    The short answer is that the WebLogic Portal developer certification is now known as: "1Z0-110 Oracle WebLogic Portal 10g Developer" and that it does not have any required prerequisites but does have recommended prerequisites:
    BEA WebLogic Portal 9/10: Develop Enterprise Portals: http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/show_desc.redirect?dc=D70838GC10
    BEA WebLogic Portal 9/10: Develop Enterprise Portals – LWC: http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/show_desc.redirect?dc=D54865GC10
    Oracle WebLogic Portal 10g R3: Develop Enterprise Portals: http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/show_desc.redirect?dc=D56369GC10
    If you look on the Oracle University website I think you'll find what you need:
    OTN (Oracle Technology Network):
    "Certification" link goes to "Oracle University":
    "Product Courses --> BEA" link:
    "BEA WebLogic Portal link:
    There is one learning path for administrators and one for developers. The dark gray shaded courses are marked as required.
    To learn about the certification to which these courses apply, you can start at the "Certification" link at Oracle University:
    If you look around there you will probably want to end up here:
    "Oracle WebLogic Portal 10g Developer Certified Expert"
    Also here:
    "Important Changes to BEA Certifications"
    I don't see a certification for administrators. You should probably ask Oracle University if that is what you want. You may want to ask them why they mark some courses as "required" in the course description but then only list "recommended" courses in the certification description. There are inconsistencies on the Oracle University website about what is a required prerequisite versus a recommended prerequisite and it is probably a mistake.

  • Reagarding weblogic

    Hello all of you,
    i am doing a small webapplication which is using tomcat 5.0 and accessing an application which is running in weblogic 8.1 server .............i am getting this error
    "Cannot instantiate class: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory "
    when i did same application using standalone i got the output .....
    please i am requesting all of u to help me in this matter

    user12831479 wrote:
    Hi Everyone,
    I willing to write the weblogic 10.3 certification exam. Could you please suggest me.
    The question in my mind is are you prepared to practice and study and know weblogic 10.3 well?
    what kind of books i have to read.Books about weblogic. Oracle Documentation.
    (As far as I I am aware there are no certification books directly focused on the weblogic exam)
    Please If any one is having material reagarding weblogic 10.3 certification exam send to below my email address.The big big problem I have with this statement is it is the statement many cheats and braindumps users make. It doesn't mean you are a cheat, it's just there is a high probability that is your intention; even if unintentionally.
    The following blogs indicate the problems in this area ... and correct ways to study.
    [email protected]
    The is some more information at [http://www.oracle.com/education/certification] including recommended Oracle Courses and study materials for the exam(s) for the Certification you seek. At the time of my post that is down for maintenance
    Edited by: bigdelboy on 21-Mar-2010 03:24 - Now the website is back ... drilling down from [http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=140] gives helpful information.

  • Need Exam 1z1-102 dump

    Hi All,
    i want to prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate: Oracle WebLogic Server 11g certification exam. kindly advices me where i can get dump/particles question for this.
    also advice me which is best book for the Weblogic System Administrator.
    Thanks in Advance

    In India , students often refer Training Materials and even Books as "dumps" . Well IMHO it is about time it changed.
    Totally unprofessional and the incorrect mindset for the student that has to be unlearned.
    And makes them total fodder for the braindump sellers and help legitimize braindumps.
    Perhaps it is due for peer pressure to keep using the term dumps.
    Makes the whole of India look bad IMHO.
    They just don't mean it.When Caught. To be caught is dishonourable. ( I am being unfair to a large part of India in these statement .... however unfortunately there is a sizeable group of students, ex-students and tutors to which it is not unfair).
    .... And far too many (and a large proportion of those from India I suspect ) have used the term DUMP as a cover for BRAINDUMP in this forum.
    .... And pretend they are clever when they have got away with it.
    .... And pain the administrators and moderators by censoring and quarentining such posts!
    Which is why I personally take no lieniency with the term whatsover in it this context.
    Given the earlier post my reading is hat the certification forum moderators' viewpoint it is the same. Perhaps your post will wind her up (make her a little vexed).
    Honestly ....I gets worried when someone says honestly or to tell the truth
    .....Its not the the reference to ISBN-13: 978-0071774253 is bad .... in fact my understanding is it is quite a good book (through a quick glance through and a comment by an experienced Weblogic Admin after he took a dip).
    If original poster had confirmed they did not wish to use braindumps, which they did not, They would have received that reference from me (and possibly one other recent book too, though that is IMHO a poorer book).
    Overall IMHO not tolerating the use of term dump is this forum is having a beneficial effect. And IMHO at least some feedback is getting back it is not considered acceptable.
    Edited by: bigdelboy on 07-Nov-2011 13:41 Corrected lieniency to no lieniency

  • Change from jboss to Oracle Web Logic Server

    Dear all
    Currently, we have used the jboss for start T24 Browser, ATM, ... Now we want to change it to ORACLE WEB LOGIC SERVER
    Could you please guide me detail as per-requisist , license , how to configure, where could i download to test it?

    Please follow the below steps :-
    1)In order to install Weblogic it depends on the type of OS bit version.
      If you would install it on a 32 bit version then it has embedded JDK in it but if you use 64 bit then you need first either install Sun JDK or Jrockit JDK 64 version and download the Generic jar and install it.
      Java 64 bit could downloaded from the below  URL :-
      Note :- Java 8 is not supported or certified with Weblogic.So request you to either use Java 6 or Java 7 depending upon the version of Weblogic and its certification.
    2)Could you please refer to the below certification matrix to verify if the OS is supported with Weblogic on which the configuration would be done :-
       Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations
        Either you could use Weblogic 12C or Weblogic 10.3.1 to 10.3.6 depeding upon your requriement.
    3)Please follow the below link where all the Weblogic installers could be downloaded :-
       "Accept the License " to download the installers.
    4)Regarding License it would be better to check with Oracle  SAN for you account or contact Oracle Support depending upon the region you belong to by following the below URL :-

  • Weblogic certification 11g 1z0-102

    Looking for a good book to prepare for this exam.
    Right now I am reading Oracle Weblogic Server 11gR1 PS2: Administration Essentials by Michel Schildmeijer.

    You can try with oracle weblogic server 11g administration handbook - Sam Alapati.I already bought this book and have completed first three chapters.I think this book is the best guide for Weblogic certification.Good Luck.

  • When will WebLogic Integration 9.2 Certification will be available?

    Currently it seems only Integration Developer based on WLI 8.1 is available. Since I am using WLI 9.2 not is not suitable.
    Anyone know when BEA plan to have WLI 9.2 certification available

    T C wrote:
    I have also run into the "Run Database Scripts" dialog box after creation of a domain. When I started the domain I got the following error:
    <[Security:090737]An exception occured while getting connection to validate the configuration settings
    va.sql.SQLException: [Security:090735]The DBMS connection was not usable
    I have BEA 9.2 Platform running on Windows 2000 Professional Service pack 3.
    Incidentally, I started pointbase manually (startPointBase.cmd), started PointBase Console (startPointBaseConsole.cmd) in order to execute the SQLAuthenticator.sql script. This all failed because this SQL script refers to tables GROUPS and USERS, which did not exist in my PointBase schema.
    What worked for me was:
    1. Create a new domain, and only select Workshop for WebLogic, WebLogic Portal, and WebLogic Integration options.
    2. Select YES to Customize Environment and Services Settings tab.
    3. Take defaults until the Run Database Scripts dialog box.
    4. On the Run Database Scripts dialog box, run the scripts for p13nDatasource and cgDataSource-nonXA.
    5. Take default on the remaining steps, and after domain creation the "Run Database Scripts" dialog box shouldn't appear, and the domain should start properly.I'm curious though as what would one do if instead of PointBase DB, we use MS SQL 2000,
    for all the relevant databases in an Integration domain? Thanks.

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