Webservice result and dataGrid fields

I try to bind data from webService to dataGrid.
The trace of webService response is [Object],[Object]
For each Object I have:
     Object.id = 0
     Object.name = "fullname"
     Object.id = 1
     Object.name = "fullname1"
     Object.id = 2
     Object.name = "fullname2"
the binding in datagrid is
     import webapps.pharmaspot.App;
     [Bindable] public var resultObject:Object = null;
     wsdl="{ App.getEntryPoint() + 'groupManagerService?wsdl' }"
     result="App.resultHandler(event, resultObject)"
<mx:DataGrid id="groupGrid" width="100%" dataProvider="{groupDataProvider.resultObject}">
          <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Id" dataField="id"/>
          <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name" dataField="name"/>
This is the soap response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <ns2:listAllResponse xmlns:ns2="http://webservice/">
                <name>Gruppo Uno</name>
                <name>Gruppo Due</name>
I can NOT see data in datagrid....
Please, help ...... thank you.

You should inspect the groupDataProvider.resultObject with the Debugger because it's probably empty, otherwise data would show in the DataGrid.
Also, look at the resultHandler function to see if it populates te variable correctly.
Good luck!

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    My report is based on an Access Database. For the purposes of this current issue, there is the Master Table called u201CCnu201D and then a related u201CTable Au201D which includes multiple records related to the Master and also a related u201CTable B,u201D also with multiple records related to the Master.
    For my report, I want to output results from Table B based on criteria in Table A. This naturally produces duplicate output on the report. As a result, the Summary Fields that I want to include are incorrect.
    I have tried multiple combinations of the Select Distinct function, suppression based on u201Cprevious fieldu201D being equal, summary fields, running totals and if-then statements and still cannot find a solution that works in all of the cases involved.
    Below are descriptions of three different scenarios that are occurring:
    EXAMPLE #1: Entry 1 has 2 records in Table A and 2 Records in Table B so "Select Distinct" including the Table B ID # and then a Summary Field for the Total produces the correct results, while a Running Total is Incorrect.
    EXAMPLE #2: Entry 2 has 2 records in Table A and 1 Record in Table B so a suppression formula of the field based on the "Previous =" Table B ID # and the Running Total produce the correct results, while Summary Field is incorrect.
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    Iu2019ll be pulling my hair out soon! Thanks so much-

    Hi Berry
    Try to create a command with a subquery. The subquery will be returning the the duplicate records and the main query that uses this subquery will find distinct records out of the resultset returned by the subquery.
    Let me know if this helps.

  • Inspect and Inspected field in Record Results:Characteristic overview

          Can any one explain me the Inspect and Inspected field in Record Results:Characteristic overview screen. How the sample size is determined in Inspected field during lot creation.

    Dear Muthamil
    This fully depends on the sampling procedure you choose. for eg if you choose 100% sampling procedure and you have lot quantity of 10 items
    Then inspect will be 10 and inspected will be 10.
    SAP gives the definition for INSPECT as  - Predefined sample size that has to be inspected for an inspection characteristic or a partial sample.
    For each inspection plan characteristic you define the amount by which the inspected sample size in the 'Insp.ed' field can deviate from the to-be-inspected sample size in the 'Inspect' field. If a characteristic (partial sample ) is closed the system checks whether the required sample size is adhered to. The characteristic (partial sample) can only be closed if this is the case.
    But for Scope not fixed, larger , smaller scope the inspected field chages based on the result recording
    SAP gives the definition for INSPECTED as   - Number of sample units that have been inspected for a characteristic or a partial sample.
    Hope this explains

  • Path and Name field in SPD 2010 Workflow for creating Doc Sets

    Hi Guys,
    Here's hoping you can help out and give a few pointers. I'm currently trying to implement what I thought was quite a simple workflow involving the creation of a Content Type (similar to Doc Set but with additional field) within an alternative library when
    a new item is added to the current library.
    Create Item in CaseFileLibrary (Output to Variable: CaseFile)
    When running the workflow, I keep getting the following error:
    "The workflow could not create the list item because the file name is either missing or invalid. "
    It seems to be related to the 'File and Path' field within the 'Create New List Item' field mappings. For this I have tried the CurrentItem:Title as some other forums suggest and have also tried entering the URL path e.g. /subsite_name/library_name/CurrentItem:Title.
    (as the name of the CaseFile (Doc Set) is going to be the same as the current item name)
    If anyone has any suggestions, I would be truely greatful.

    Hi Luke,
    This error indicates there is an error in the workflow logic. Ensure that the file name entered in the Path and Name field is a valid file name. Common reasons for a file name to be invalid include a missing or incorrect file extension or a file/path string
    that is too long and exceeds the allowable number of characters.
    More information, please refer to :
    Common error messages in SharePoint workflow development
    For the URL that you used in the ‘Create New List Item’, whether the CurrentItem:Title is a lookup, not typed by yourself. If not, please type /subsite_name/library_name/, then lookup CurrentItem:Title, like the below, then save and publish the workflow,
    compare the result.
    In addition, please use another name for the name, compare the result.
    Best Regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Assignment Between Structure and Single Field - CL_ABAP_CONTAINER_UTILITIES

    Hi, Need some help on this as I'm not familiar with Java programming.
    Basically in ABAP, we can assign a structure (with complex data type) into a field (please refer to link below).
    Now we need to do similar thing in PI, since PI only support Java then we need to perform similar logic as in CL_ABAP_CONTAINER_UTILITIES =>FILL_CONTAINER_C, but in Java. Understand that there's no concept of structure in Java, in this case PI will receive multiple fields (with different data type) and need to combine them into one field.
    I tried few Java command/method but it doesnt give me the same result as in the ABAP class. Appreciate your help if you know anything about this or some sample program that i can test. thanks!
    SAP Help Reference for ABAP
    [ABAP - Assignment Between Structure and Single Field|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/79/c554d3b3dc11d5993800508b6b8b11/frameset.htm]

    Hello Rika,
    In java we have collection framework instead...
    As per your requirement I understood :
    1. You will get a list of different type of objects as input.
    2. You want to club it in one unit....right...
    3. Once done.....I dont know what you will do with that.....I guess pass it somewhere.....
    Now, You can use ArrayList in java to club all your objects in one unit....and send it to any function you want....
    Arraylist list= new ArrayList();
        list.add(new MachineGun());
        list.add(new Gun());
    But there be carefull when you extract data from List....as you need to type cast them accordingly....
    Start trying it...and revert back if you face any problems.....
    While extracting you will have to use something like :
       //here you can safely cast in the right class
           MachineGun mgun= (MachineGun )list.get(0);   

  • SQL Query -How2bring multiple results into one field using Formatted Search

    Hi Everyone
    i am trying to bring in the results of the field dbo.Lot_ITEM.LOT using a formatted search into a row level using the following query:
    FROM       dbo.DLN1 INNER JOIN dbo.LOT_ITEM ON dbo.DLN1.ItemCode = dbo.LOT_ITEM.ITEM
    WHERE     dbo.LOT_ITEM.ITEM=$[DLN1.ItemCode]
    however the result of the dbo.Lot_ITEM.LOT field could be more then one value depending on how many lots are assigned for that item
    (for example this query would be similar to assigning batch/serial numbers to an item being despatched - as you can choose multiple batches/serials depending on the quantities available and required and then move from the left to the right side of the selection window) if that makes sense!
    is it possible to bring in the multiple results into one field? and how can i amend the above query to include this?
    Thankyou in advance :o)
    Edited by: Asma Bi on Apr 23, 2008 7:22 PM
    Edited by: Asma Bi on Apr 23, 2008 7:24 PM

    Hi Suda
    Thanks for replying :o) but im not sure about the query?
    just to simplify it (as the query im working with is to do with 3rd party addons) i have used the serial/batchs field instead and used standard demo database fields from SBO 2005 sp01:
    SELECT     dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_IntrSerial
    FROM       dbo.DLN1 INNER JOIN
                    dbo.ixvSerialNoFact ON dbo.DLN1.DocEntry = dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_BaseEntry
    WHERE     dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.ItemCode='g1000' and dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_BaseEntry = '193'
    The above brings me the relevant results but when i change it to be used in a formatted search:
    SELECT     dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_IntrSerial
    FROM       dbo.DLN1 INNER JOIN
                    dbo.ixvSerialNoFact ON dbo.DLN1.DocEntry = dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_BaseEntry
    WHERE     dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.ItemCode=$[dln1.itemcode] and dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_BaseEntry = $[dln1.DocEntry]
    i cant seem to get it to work - now this may be because the serial number is not allocated until teh record is added to the system, however when this happens i am unable to go back in and manually trigger the query as the delivery note rows cannot be selected!
    i  think as what im originally wanting an answer for is same as this example, im wanting to know if this is even possible?
    Edited by: Asma Bi on Apr 24, 2008 3:53 PM
    Edited by: Asma Bi on Apr 24, 2008 3:55 PM

  • Bean property and public field found with the same name: getid

    Hi all,
    I have a ejb jar file contains some local entity beans and one session bean
    , the session bean has some functions suck as findXXXByQuery() , InsertXXX()
    , and I have created some model class for the entity bean , and use it as
    the parameter or return type of the session bean , then I want to transfer
    the session bean as a webservice , using ant automaticly . All this function
    successfully in weblogic 6.1 , but when I want to run ant command in
    weblogic 7.0 , an error occured :
    [servicegen] weblogic.xml.schema.binding.BindingException: Error: bean
    and public field found with the same name: getid
    Yes , I have a getid field in table , a getid in entity bean , and a getid
    property in model class , but what different does it make ? Would you mind
    to test my jar file ? I send all files as attachments .
    Any advice will be appreciate .

    In article <[email protected]>, lcl <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi all,
    I have a ejb jar file contains some local entity beans and one session bean
    , the session bean has some functions suck as findXXXByQuery() , InsertXXX()
    , and I have created some model class for the entity bean , and use it as
    the parameter or return type of the session bean , then I want to transfer
    the session bean as a webservice , using ant automaticly . All this function
    successfully in weblogic 6.1 , but when I want to run ant command in
    weblogic 7.0 , an error occured :
    [servicegen] weblogic.xml.schema.binding.BindingException: Error: bean
    and public field found with the same name: getid
    Yes , I have a getid field in table , a getid in entity bean , and a getid
    property in model class , but what different does it make ? Would you mind
    to test my jar file ? I send all files as attachments .
    Any advice will be appreciate .
    -=-=-=-=-=-For better or worse the JAX-RPC spec requires this behavior. From
    section 5.4.1:
    "There is no standard mapping for the case when a JavaBean property
    has the same name as a public field. A Java to XML mapping
    implementation is required to flag this case as an error."
    Since you are not the first person to run into this restriction I'm
    beginning to think we need an option to bypass it.

  • Accessign webservice result from another mxml file

    I have an mxml application that uses the <mx:webservice
    function to load a wsdl and get some values. I have tested the code
    and it works fine and i can get the result and fault methods
    I would now like to call this service from another mxml file
    and use access the result or fault string accordingly.
    example scenario would be that when i load my main page, i
    would like the lookup values obtained from using the webservice to
    be available.
    i tried the following but didnt get any luck. Here lookup is
    the mxml file which contains the webservice, which i am importing
    in this file. GetLookValuesWithAuth is the operation name.
    var l:lookup=new lookup;
    var s:AsyncToken=l.es.GetLookupValuesWithAuth.send();
    s.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(onSResult,onSFault));
    public function onSResult(e:ResultEvent):void{
    Alert.show("value is");
    var xy:XMLList=XMLList(e.result);
    Alert.show("lookup is
    public function onSFault(e:FaultEvent):void
    Alert.show("Fault is "+e.toString());
    An example of the webservice call in lookup.mxml is shown
    <mx:WebService id="e1" wsdl="{wsdl "
    <mx:operation name="GetLookupValuesWithAuth"
    <databaseName>{database name}</databaseName>
    Any suggestions?

    "amthekkel" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g9ovt2$e63$[email protected]..
    > HI,
    > I have an mxml application that uses the
    <mx:webservice function to load a
    > wsdl and get some values. I have tested the code and it
    works fine and i
    > can
    > get the result and fault methods correctly.
    > I would now like to call this service from another mxml
    file and use
    > access
    > the result or fault string accordingly.
    > example scenario would be that when i load my main page,
    i would like the
    > lookup values obtained from using the webservice to be
    > i tried the following but didnt get any luck. Here
    lookup is the mxml file
    > which contains the webservice, which i am importing in
    this file.
    > GetLookValuesWithAuth is the operation name.
    > {
    > var l:lookup=new lookup;
    > var s:AsyncToken=l.es.GetLookupValuesWithAuth.send();
    > s.addResponder(new
    > }
    > public function onSResult(e:ResultEvent):void{
    > Alert.show("value is");
    > var xy:XMLList=XMLList(e.result);
    > lplist=xy.descendants("LOOKUPVALUES");
    > Alert.show("lookup is
    > }
    > public function onSFault(e:FaultEvent):void
    > {
    > Alert.show("Fault is "+e.toString());
    > }
    > An example of the webservice call in lookup.mxml is
    shown below
    > <mx:WebService id="e1" wsdl="{wsdl "
    I have no idea about web services, but it seems to me you
    should have a
    closing curly bracket in the wdsl property.

  • Check double invoice with GL account and Reference field

    Dear SAP GURU's,
    I am very new to SDN. I have one query.
    I know we have the option of control double invoice against Vendor/Customer by using reference field. But here my client is asking that control has to be from GL account and reference field, becoz some times he will receive the shipping bills 3 or 4 times agianst one billing document ( i am booking Transporter Vendor invoice by using FB60) with same bill number but expense GL's will be different most of the times. Some times knowingly or unknowingly same GL Expenditure account will be repeated with the same shipping bill number. This was happend most of the times.
    So can i know how can i get the GL account and Reference field checking and error message for the same.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Dear Shobha,
    I feel that having a check on GL is not a good idea.  If your client insists you can go for an exit or BTE. 
    We used BTE to have the same functionality of Logistics for FI documents also in our office.
    Duplicate Invoice check process documentation is given below for your ready reference --
    with Regards
    Check Flag for Double Invoices or Credit Memos
    Indicator which means that incoming invoices and credit memos are checked for double entries at the time of entry.
    Checking Logistics documents
    Firstly, the system checks whether the invoice documents have already been entered in the Logistics invoice verification; the system checks invoices that are incorrect, or invoices that were entered for invoice verification in the background.
    Checking FI documents
    The system then checks whether there are FI or Accounting documents that were created with the original invoice verification or the Logistics verification, and where the relevant criteria are the same.
    Checking Logistics documents
    In checking for duplicate invoices, the system compares the following characteristics by default:
    Company code
    Gross amount of the invoice
    Reference document number
    Invoice document date
    If all of these characteristics are the same, the system issues a message that you can customize.
    When you enter credit memos or subsequent adjustments, the system does not check for duplicate invoices.
    Exception: Country-specific solution for Argentina, where invoices and credit memos are checked for duplicate documents.
    No message is issued if you enter a document that has previously been reversed.
    The system only checks for duplicate invoices in Materials Management if you enter the reference document number upon entering the invoice.
    In Customizing for the Logistics invoice verification, you can specify that the following characteristics should not be checked:
    Reference document number
    Invoice document date
    Company code
    This means that you can increase the likelihood that the system will find a duplicate invoice, because you can reduce the number of characteristics checked.
    The following document has already been entered and posted:
    Reference document number: 333
    Invoice date: 04/28/00
    Gross invoice amount: 100.00
    Currency: EUR
    Vendor: Spencer
    Company code: Munich
    You have made the following settings in Customizing:
    The field "Reference document number" and "Company code" are deselected, which means that these characteristics will not be checked.
    Now you enter the following document:
    Reference document number: 334
    Invoice date: 04/28/00
    Gross invoice amount: 100.00
    Currency: EUR
    Vendor: Spencer
    Company code: Berlin
    Because you entered a reference document when you entered the invoice, the system checks for duplicate invoices.
    The reference document number and the company code are different from the invoice entered earlier, but these characteristics are not checked due to the settings you have made in Customizing.
    All other characteristics are the same. As a result, the system issues a message that a duplicate entry has been made.
    If the "Reference document number" had been selected in Customizing, the system would have checked the document and discovered that it was different from the invoice entered earlier, so it would not have issued a message.
    Checking FI documents
    Depending on the entry in the field "Reference", one of the following checks is carried out:
    1. If a reference number was specified in the sequential invoice/credit memo, the system checks whether an invoice/credit memo has been posted where all the following attributes agree:
    Company code
    Document date
    Reference number
    2. If no reference number was specified in the sequential invoice/credit memo, the system checks whether an invoice/credit memo has been posted where all the following attributes agree:
    Company code
    Document date
    Amount in document currency

  • How to get text of itab header and structure field name dynamically?

    I'm just trying display itab to web.
    of cause I can use <htmlb:tableView> but I need display by loop itable  for my special reason.
    the table is dynamic structure that means header line should be changes depends on structure description.
    '<htmlb:tableView>' certainly can display header line dynamically with just itable only.
    but don't know how to get these text and structure field name without 'tableView'.
    help me please.
    Thank you.
    <TABLE border=1>
    <TR style="background-color:#FFFF99" >
         <TD>header 1</TD>
         <TD>header 2</TD>
         <TD>header 3</TD>
         <TD nowrap><%=WA_STRUC-ORGUNIT_T%></TD>
         <TD nowrap><%=WA_STRUC-PRGROUP_T%></TD>
         <TD nowrap><%=WA_STRUC-PROCESS_T%></TD>

    DDIC structure means struture made from SE11?
    if yes,that's what I'm trying to display table.
    and my sepcial reason is this:
    my final purpose is download dynamic table to excel file.
    but when I download table comes form "<htmlb:tableView>" with changing http response header that shows some link error and useless icon and no table grid and etc...
    "<htmlb:tableView>" resulting lot of useless tags and script.
    think iterator has no function removing extra tags
    so  I'am trying to make simple html table.
    but problem is that itable is not just one structure can be more than 100 kinds of structure.
    in this situation is there any way to display dynamic itab into simple html table?

  • Attaching search help to SCREEN FIELDS AND TABLE FIELDS

    Hello experts,
    Himanshu here.
    Could you please explain how we can assign search Help to a screen field AND TABLE FIELDS in ABAP?
    Please reply at the earliest,as we have some deliverables to be met

    In the initial screen of the ABAP Dictionary, select object class Search help, enter the name of the search help and choose Create.
    A dialog box appears in which you must select the type of search help.
    Select Collective search help and choose .
    The maintenance screen for collective search helps is displayed.
    Enter an explanatory text in the field Short text.
    You can for example find the search help at a later time using this short text.
    In the Definition tab page enter the parameters of the collective search help.
    Select the Imp flag if it is an import parameter. Select the Exp flag if it is an export parameter.
    Define the types for the parameters of a collective search help by assigning a data element. Enter the name of the data element that describes the contents of the search help parameter in the Data element field.
    You can assign the parameter a default value in the Default value field.
    In exceptions it could be necessary to change the standard process defined by the search help. You can implement the deviation from the standard using a search help exit.
    In this case enter the name of the search help exit in the corresponding field.
    On the Included search helps tab page, define the search helps that you want to include in the collective search help.
    You can include elementary search helps and collective search helps.
    Use the Hide flag to control whether an included search help should appear in the dialog box for selecting the elementary search help. If the flag is set, the search help is not offered.
    It makes sense to hide search help inclusions if one or more search paths in the standard system should not be used in a concrete R/3 System. Similarly, search help inclusions can also be already hidden in the standard system because they only can be used meaningfully in a few R/3 Systems. You have to cancel the flag in this case.
    Position the cursor one after the other on each allocated search help and choose Parameter assignment.
    In the next screen, enter the parameter names of the elementary search helps to which the corresponding parameters of the collective search help should be assigned in the field Reference parameter.
    You can select the parameters contained in the included search help using the input help. Create a proposal for the assignment with Proposal.
    Save your entries.
    A dialog box appears in which you have to assign a development class to the search help.
    Choose .
    The collective search help is activated. You can find information about the activation flow in the activation log, which you can display with Utilities ® Activation log. If errors occurred when the collective search help was activated, the activation log is automatically displayed.
    Do not forget to link the search help to a screen field. The search help attachment is not part of the search help definition; it is part of the object definition to which the search help is attached.

  • I hate the combined search and address fields

    Dear Apple,
          I am very disappointed with the newly combined address and search field. Not only does it not work as well but it's lost important functionality as well. In particular:
    The snap back feature of the search field was brilliant. It was immensely useful and worked perfectly. I greatly lament it's loss and can't, for the life of me, guess why it was taken out.
    Very oftern the address field searches instead of taking me to the address I'm typing in. Typically I type in an address, I see the address autocompleted and press enter. My expectation is that I should go to the URL just entered. Instead I end up on a page of search results. On closer examination I see that it's my search engine returning the auto complete results. From that perspective it makes sense but unfortunately that's completely contradictory to what I'm trying to achieve and to how we've all been trained an address bar works.
    Interestingly, at least to me, I'm currently writing a paper which touches on the use of specialized tools and this is a great example. For any given task a specialize tool will outperform a general tool everytime. With a browser, four of the primary things I do are:
    go to a bookmarked location
    enter an address directly
    search the web
    bookmark a location
    Safari 5 had a specialize tool for each of those task and the tools were readily accessible.

    And I can't find this "on this page" item people are talking about.

  • I need to  know the name of the database table and the fields in that table

    i need to I need to  know the name of the database table and the fields in that table for the following fields of the front end .
    1) incident details.
    2) ownership details
    3) injury type
    4) % of investigation completed withen 7 days.
    5) count of incident type
    6) cost of workers compensation claim.
    7) injury resulting from for workers compensation claim
    8) investigation free text.
    9) investigation contribution factors.
    10) investigation root cause.
    11) investigation root cause free text
    12) employee risk assesment
    13) protential infrigment notice issued
    14) actual infrigment notice issued.
    15) actual infrigment notice reference number.
    16)vehicle damaged text.
    18) when the incident occured.
    thanks and regards,
    pronoy .

    Check CCIHT* under se16 and search for relevant information

  • Brief explaination of REST,Webservices,CSON and JSON

    brief explaination of REST,Webservices,CSON and JSON

    SOAP uses WSDL for communication between consumer and provider, whereas REST just uses XML or JSON to send and receive data
    WSDL Defines contract between client and service and is static by its nature. In case of REST contract is somewhat complicated and is defined by HTTP, URI, Media Formats and Application Specific Coordination
    Protocol. It’s highly dynamic unlike WSDL.
    SOAP doesn’t return human readable result, while REST result is readable with is just plain XML or JSON
    This is not true. Plain XML or JSON are not RESTful at all. None of them define any controls(i.e. links and link relations, method information, encoding information etc…) which is against REST as far as messages must be self contained and coordinate interaction
    between agent/client and service.
    With links + semantic link relations clients should be able to determine what is next interaction step and follow these links and continue communication with service.
    It is not necessary that messages be human readable, it’s possible to use cryptic format and build perfectly valid REST applications. It doesn’t matter whether message is human readable or not.
    Thus, plain XML(application/xml) or JSON(application/json) are not sufficient formats for building REST applications. It’s always reasonable to use subset of these generic media types which have strong semantic meaning and offer enough control information(links
    etc…) to coordinate interactions between client and server.
    REST is over only HTTP. HTTP is most widely used and when we talk about REST web services we just assume HTTP. HTTP defines interface with it’s methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH etc) and various headers
    which can be used uniformly for interacting with resources. This uniformity can be achieved with other protocols as well.
    REST permits many different data formats where as SOAP only permits XML.
    While this may seem like it adds complexity to REST because you need to handle multiple formats, in my experience it has actually been quite beneficial. JSON usually is a better fit for data and parses much faster. REST allows better support for browser clients
    due to it’€™s support for JSON.
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Result of XML fields cannot  be bold?

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    When i load XML data in my RTF file the output result of some fields are not bold. I check the RTF and every field i want in BOLD is clicked to be bold.
    How is this possible?
    Thanks in advance,

    Result from document properties->fonts of the generated PDF :
    Albany WT J(Embedded Subset)
    Type: TrueType(CID)
    Encoding: Ansi
    Actual Font:ArialMT
    Actual Font Type: TrueType
    Type: Type1
    Actual Font: Arial-BoldMT
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    I've long appreciated the spaces/mission control feature of OS X. However, it seems more oriented to organizing desktops by application rather than by project. Like many users, I suspect, I use different desktops for different projects, each of which

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    I plugged my iphone into my computer to get the new update and during it they said that an error occured. after that, my screen showed a plug into itunes screen. i plugged it into itunes and still nothing is happening. my itunes or computer aren't re

  • Backup Failed in SQL server 2008

    Backup is failing for only one database on the server. Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot open backup device 'F:\databasename_backup_2014_07_29.bak'.  Operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105). Msg 3013,

  • Need to replace email address in PO

    I have to replace the vendor email id  in purchase order with some other email id which should come from LFM1 table. The given condition is like while selecting the email address it should first search in LFM1-email_filed and fetch the email from the

  • Trouble with arrays

    Hi! I have to write a program where you enter a name of a person and his points in a game using arrays. The program stops when you enter -99 Then the output should be like this Person 1 45 Person 2 89 Person 30 X We have just begun with arrays and i