Website lists - clearing

When I start typing a website into the browser, the browser gives me a list of sites I've visited before - how do I clear this list?
I've cleared cache but they still come up ?

what phone are you using? if you are using a Series60 phone, then simply go into the Browser, select Options then Clear Privacy Data. then select All.
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  • List.clear() outside of List finalList = new ArrayList(); will delete element in finalList?

    Hello all!
    I am using 3 ArrayLists.
    the first is List<String>
    the second is List<String[]>
    and the third is a list of those lists List<List>
    I use the first list to get the string I need, but I use the second for String.split.
    I then need to keep a list of these to use, so I need the third List.
    After adding the second list to the list of lists I want to clear it so I can set up the next list to be added, but if I do list.clear(); it will delete everything in that list.
    If I do not clear it, it is fine.
    At first I wasn't sure if it was my fault, because I'm not sure if I ever had to do that before, so I made a test case that yields the result if I change the element outside.
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package javaapplication1;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    * @author Konrad
    public class JavaApplication1 {
         * @param args the command line arguments
        String a;
        List<String> j = new ArrayList<>();
        public JavaApplication1()
        public void a()
            a = "ADASDSADSA";
            a = null;
        public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
            JavaApplication1 a = new JavaApplication1();
    If I change a = null to a = ""; it still yields the original a = "ADASD......";
        protected List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        protected List<String[]> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
        protected List<List> finalList = new ArrayList<>();
    With this I yield an empty array element, even though my array elements exist.  I tried using multiple lists and I just had multiple empty elements.
    So again I'm not sure if I did something wrong, or is this a bug?  Since my test case worked, I'm confused.

    After adding the second list to the list of lists I want to clear it so I can set up the next list to be added, but if I do list.clear(); it will delete everything in that list.
    Correct - you are just working with multiple references to the SAME set of objects.
    Use 'remove' to remove an element from a list and then 'add' to add it to the other list.
    See the Javadocs for the 'remove' method of the List interface
    E remove(int index)
    Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional operation). Shifts any subsequent elements to the left (subtracts one from their indices). Returns the element that was removed from the list.   
    index - the index of the element to be removed 
    the element previously at the specified position 
    UnsupportedOperationException - if the remove operation is not supported by this list 
    IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= size())

  • How to create a revolving website list, like this...

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    Please can somebody help me? Or point me in the right direction
    Thanks for your time,
    Jackie xxx

    that's a (not very well-done) carousel.  you can search for:  flash <your actionscript version> carousel.
    most are horizontal but it's not much different to make one like the site you referenced.

  • No websites to clear

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    The slider bar has None (all the way to the left)  I can't change that.  It defaults back to none.
    FF and Flash recently got upgraded.  Ever since then I don't see websites to clear.  Mozilla FF  4.0.1  Win xp home edition sp3  Flash Player version  WIN 10,3,181,26  
    Global Storage Settings panel l#117498
    has 1 mb
    Check marks are on:  allow third-party flash...
    Store common flash components...
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    Why don't I have websites to clear now?  Appreciate help.  Thank you,

    mihirbaldev wrote:
     [spam links removed by moderator]
    Don't see how this answers my question.  Hopefully an admin of the forum will see this.
    May I have an answer from someone who can give realistic opinions or suggestions?  Thank you..

  • Difference between list.clear() and new instance

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    List<String> test = new ArrayList<String)();
    list = new ArrayList<String)();
    What is the difference between List.clear() and creating new instance for list?

    1. Use code tags to post codes -- [code]CODE[/code] will display asCODEOr click the CODE button and paste your code between the {code} tags that appear.
    2. Invoking clear() sets all the elements of the ArrayList to null and resets the size to 0.    public void clear() {
         // Let gc do its work
         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
             elementData[i] = null;
         size = 0;
        }(modCount is used to detect concurrent modification and throw an Exception when needed)
    Constructing a new ArrayList creates a new, different, empty ArrayList.
    In many situations they might be equivalent, but not in a case where you have two or more variable references to the same ArrayList. Example (watch out for typos)ArrayList<String> stringsA = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> stringsB = stringsA;
    : // add elements to stringsA
    : // stringsB refers to the same populated list
    stringsA.clear(); // stringsB refers to the clear()ed list
    : // add elements to stringsA again
    stringsA = new ArrayList<String>(); // stringsB still refers to the populated listdb

  • Include updated website lists from Microsoft - Not greyed out

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    If you disable the setting under "Policies\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Compatibility View\Include updated Web site lists from Microsoft" the checkbox is detached but it is not greyed out.
    I have tried to set the policy under Computer Settings, User setting and also making a Registry edition under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\BrowserEmulation by setting "MSCompatibilityMode" to "1" but the behaviour
    is still not  the desired.
    Does anybody know if there is any way to grey out this setting?

    This policy controls the website compatibility lists that Microsoft provides. The updated website lists are available on Windows Update.
    If you enable this policy setting, the Microsoft-provided website lists are used during browser navigation. If a user visits a site on the compatibility lists, the pages are automatically displayed in Compatibility View.
    If you disable this policy setting, the Microsoft-provided website lists are not used. Additionally, the user cannot activate the feature by using the Compatibility View Settings dialog box.
    If you do not configure this policy setting, the Microsoft-provided website lists are not active. The user can activate the feature by using the Compatibility View Settings dialog box
    my comments:
    the check for updates to the MSCVL is done the FIRST time the iexplore.exe process is started...
    Try rebooting the computer or closing all open IE processes to see if the changes have taken effect.
    Check if you have installed and activated Enterprise Mode which will over-ride any MSCVL settings.
    Please provide a link to the website where you are seeing the 'undesired' behavior....
    the google Plus web page plugin can change outcomes for x-ua meta determination.

  • Can't see the new version of the website after clearing cache and history

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    If you use extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) that can block content (e.g. Adblock Plus, NoScript, Flash Block, Ghostery) then make sure that such extensions aren't blocking content.
    If images are missing then check that you aren't blocking images from some domains.
    *Press the F10 key or tap the Alt key to bring up the hidden "Menu Bar" temporarily.
    *Check the permissions for the domain in the currently selected tab in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions"
    *Check "Tools > Page Info > Media" for blocked images
    *Select the first image link and use the cursor Down key to scroll through the list.
    *If an image in the list is grayed and "<i>Block Images from...</i>" has a check-mark then remove this check-mark to unblock images from this domain.
    Make sure that you do not block (third-party) images, the permissions.default.image pref on the <b>about:config</b> page should be 1.
    Make sure that you haven't enabled a High Contrast theme in the Windows/Mac Accessibility settings.
    Make sure that you allow pages to choose their own colors.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Colors : [X] "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"
    Note that these settings affect background images.
    See also:
    There are extensions like Adblock Plus (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) and security software (firewall, anti-virus) that can block images and other content.
    See also:

  • I have a website listed as an extension. How do I get the icon into my desktop or on the toolbar?

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    Thanks for your reply, but sorry, still no luck.
    If I go to the Grammarly web-site, the only option presented is a subscription, for a fee. Bookmarking doesn't help; it's the same page.
    So I go to tools, clik on Add-ons, and pull up the Mozilla Firefox page offering Grammarly Lite, Free. I clik on the yellow button that says, Add to Firefox, and it then appears as an extension. That's as far as it goes.
    I need a firefox/grammarly icon, or something, to clik on and open it up so I can use it. I don't understand, Firefox has been my browser for years???
    Thanks, John

  • Firefox "check for add-on updates" checks even when not selected, request website list for firewall blocking purposes

    I work for the Tech Department in a school district. Our student computers are locked down and all settings are reset after a restart. We have set firefox to always allow all add-ons to run and to never check for updates (we update them on a schedule we control). However, since the latest release, we have been prompted after EVERY flash AND EVERY java update that they are out of date and need to be updated. Having the students click on this every time for every affected webpage is no longer an option. We are also not interested in white-listing pages individually; instead, we would like to prevent firefox from finding the update server to prevent any further prompts.
    Please provide me with all of the websites/web addresses that "check for add-on updates" uses so we can block them at the firewall level.

    Part of the problem may be the recent flurry of required updates to FlashPlayer. As I understand it Mozilla took the exceptional step of blocklisting some of those FlashPlayer versions after fixes were released because there were known exploits in the wild.
    * See the blocklist
    * And flashplayers bulletins
    Possibly you are having difficulty in keeping the software updated and so seeing valid warnings from Firefox. You appear (System info aside) to be posting using Firefox 34. The current Release is Fx35.0.1
    Possibly it would be worth you considering using Firefox ESR, that still has regular updates including backported critical security fixes, but the major version stays the same for longer and there are less frequent feature changes.
    I will send links for a couple of other articles by Private Message.
    Steps that may be safe for an IT department may not be recommended for the average reader of this forum.

  • Open Recent list clears on restart

    The "Open Recent" list in InDesign is cleared each time I restart. I'm running CS6, OS 10.7.5. I am current on updates. AI and PS's lists work fine as well as the Finder's recent files list. Thoughts?

    Check  your Edit>Preferences and under File Handling make sure you have a figure set in the
    Number of Recent Items to Display

  • Prefix-list; clear bgp peer-group Test soft in; no file prompt quiet

    Hello everyone,
    I have a few simple questions. Hope someone will help me   Thank you in advance.
    1) We are using prefix-set into route-maps, but how I can use a prefix-list?
    2) In classic IOS we have the command:  clear bgp peer-group Test soft in
    I don't see it in IOS-XR (Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 4.0.1):
    RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:STH02#clear bgp ipv4 unicast ?
      *                  Clear all peers and all routes from the BGP table
      A.B.C.D or X:X::X  BGP neighbor address to clear
      as                 Clear peers in a specific AS
      dampening          Clear route flap dampening information
      external           Clear all external peers
      flap-statistics    Clear flap statistics
      nexthop            Clear nexthop
      self-originated    Clear redistributed, network and aggregate routes originated here
      shutdown           Clear all peers which were shut down due to low memory
    3) In classic IOS we have the command: no file prompt quiet
    I don't see it in IOS-XR.  What is the command for IOS-XR?
    I need it for the operation like this:
    copy ftp://**:***@216.*.*.*/CUST_AS-TEST-in.prefixlist compactflash:/PrefixFilters/CUST_AS-TEST-in.prefixlist
    Wed Apr 18 12:02:00.936 UTC
    Destination filename [/compactflash:/PrefixFilters/CUST_AS-TEST-in.prefixlist]?  !!!!   I don't need this question
    Copy : Destination exists, overwrite ?[confirm]                                                   !!!!   I don't need this question
    Accessing ftp://*:*@216.*.*.*/CUST_AS-TEST-in.prefixlist
    584 bytes copied in      0 sec
    Have a nice day,

    Thank you Alexander for your reply. It is the good RPL description and I've got the idea of REFRESH capable peer.
    BUT, I still don't find the answer on my 3-d question:
    In classic IOS we have the command: no file prompt quiet
    I don't see it in IOS-XR.  What is the command for IOS-XR?
    I need it for the operation like this:
    copy ftp://**:***@216.*.*.*/CUST_AS-TEST-in.prefixlist compactflash:/PrefixFilters/CUST_AS-TEST-in.prefixlist
    Wed Apr 18 12:02:00.936 UTC
    Destination filename [/compactflash:/PrefixFilters/CUST_AS-TEST-in.prefixlist]?  !!!!   I don't need this question
    Copy : Destination exists, overwrite ?[confirm]                                                   !!!!   I don't need this question
    Accessing ftp://*:*@216.*.*.*/CUST_AS-TEST-in.prefixlist
    584 bytes copied in      0 sec
    How can I suppress confirmations like this?
    Destination filename [/compactflash:/PrefixFilters/CUST_AS-TEST-in.prefixlist]?
    Copy : Destination exists, overwrite ?[confirm]

  • DumpLoad Task list & "Clear existing data" option

    I'm going to use the standard package DumpLoad task in order to load a file and to clear the existing data before loading the new data.
    I have configured the task directly in the SSIS package with the following options:
    - select "Import into cube" radio button
    - select "Clear Existing Data" checkbox
    - select the dimensions I want to use to determine the scope of clear data. My understanding of this point is that all the combination of the selected dimensions are deleted.
    Is it possible to define all these parameters using the SCRIPTMODIFY, especially the list of dimensions use to determine the scope.
    thanks for your help,

       Yes, you can define all these parameters using the dynamic script. If you are going to eData->Organize Package list, right click on your package, select Modify and click on second button placed  near the edit box where you fill the package. Tis will open you a window where you can find all tasks and connection associated with your package. Going to Advanced button you will be able to edit the dynamic script.
    Hope this can helps you,

  • Colors of the pages in the website listing in iweb 09

    When I open iweb 09 and look at the list of the pages in the website folder, some of the pages are red in color while the rest are blue. What does it mean when the pages are listed in red?

    It means that you have made changes to these pages. When you publish your website, by selecting File/Publish Site Changes, these page names will turn blue.

  • SpamHaus XBL listing cleared, however O365 blocking citing SpamHaus

    We have a MailFlow Connector authorizing a HostGator (I know, I know) server to transmit form mail within the domain. For a time, it was listed on SpamHaus under XBL. That listing has been cleared, however it's 24 hours later and O365 is still rejected mail
    from that server citing SpamHaus.
    SMTP -> FROM SERVER:550 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [192.185.4.X] blocked using Spamhaus; To request removal from this list see
    Meanwhile, SpamHaus is saying "all clear" on it's lookup tool
    192.185.4.X is not listed in the SBL
    192.185.4.X is not listed in the PBL
    192.185.4.X is not listed in the XBL
    Is there a way to clear O365's cache of the XBL or to temporarily disable SpamHaus check and re-enable 24 or 48 hours later once Microsoft is seeing the all clear from SpamHaus?

    As per the description, I understand that the client host was bocked by Spamhaus.
    As far as I know, there is no way on the recipients' end (office 365) to clear this 'cache of the XBL'. Actually, it can take 24-48 hours before it's completely removed, so maybe you will need to wait for more time.
    Regarding "temporarily disable SpamHaus check and re-enable...", I would suggest you check in the forum of
    Office 365 Community which is dedicated for Office 365
    server/admin aspects. Current forum only focus on questions and feedback for Microsoft Office client.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • How do i create a favourites website list (i'm new to mac)

    I have used a PC for the last 8 years and am new to mac.
    How do I create a favourites list of websites I commomnly visit?

    If you are using Safari next to the address bar you will see a + symbol, click that and follow the prompts. Another method is the keyboard shortcut of Command + D and finally using your mouse click the Bookmarks menu, Add Bookmark...
    Because you're new to Macs I'd strongly recommend you bookmark and study the following site. Bookmarking these will be good practice too!
    Switch 101
    Mac 101
    Find Out How Video tutorials

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