Weird Folder Problem (Directory Folder changed to Unix Excecutable file?)

I didn't know where to put this so mods, feel free to move this to the section it needs to be under.
I'm running Mavericks on an iMac and had an external HDD attached to my iMac. However, I wanted to reach the files on the ex-hdd from my other computers also, so I moved the external hdd and attached it to my time capsule instead.
All was OK for the first few days, but now I'm needing to edit some photos from the external hdd, and now one of the file directories has changed from a folder containing all my blogs' important files to a folder I cannot open, a unix expectable file?
That folder had all my backups and blog files in it, and is extremely important. I haven't changed any settings at all. I've had to create another folder to store new files, but I really need to access the files in that folder.
It's showing as 46MB so I'm hoping that my files are in there somehow, but is there anyway to access them and rescue?
Now who can coming running to this damsel in distress? Looks like the time has come for double backups on different locations.
Thanks in advance.

Loner T wrote:
1. I can see the image now. Do you have automatic OS X updates enabled?
2. I feel bad for "Dan" and his "crap" .
3. If you are comfortable with the OS X terminal, try
a. ls /Volumes
b. Find your ex-HDD in the list.
c. cd /Volumes/<YourExHDDName>
d. Find your BLOG.
e. ls -ld BLOG and post it's output. You can use Command+C/Command+V.
What you may be seeing is the vagaries of Spotlight indexing with the 2040 date? Check your system date as well.
1. On the iMac yes, but the ex-hdd is no longer connected to the iMac. It's connected to the TC and accessed over wifi.
2. He has his own Mac, but insists on storing his files on my drive, so I think it's worthy of such title.
3. I'm trying to this, but getting errors:
Lisas-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPro$ ls /Volumes
EX HDD Mac OS X Install ESD Macintosh HD
Lisas-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPro$ cd /Volumes/<EX HDD>
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
Lisas-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPro$ cd /Volumes/<EXHDD>
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
Lisas-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPro$ cd /Volumes/ExHDD
-bash: cd: /Volumes/ExHDD: No such file or directory
Lisas-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPro$ cd /Volumes/EX HDD
Yet in get info, it's shown as '/Volumes/EX HDD'.
Loner T wrote:
1. Is the last modification date on the folder still 2040?
2. Do you have some scheduled activity that moves files to this directory?
3. If you host a website, do you sync files between this folder and some other source? If yes, what tools do you use?
1. Creation now shows as 1981! And modified still showing in 2040.
2. No.
3. No, mainly large resolution and web resolution photos. Database backups, file backups from the blog, my media kit, and generally just files relating to the blog. All of which are hugely important to me, too. If it had happened to any other folder on that drive, I wouldn't be too upset. Pfft!

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    I found that a number of Windows files copied across to an external HFS+ hard disk from a Windows PC using MacDrive showed as Unix executables.
    It turned out that they files had Execute permissions set for all users.
    You can change the "Execute" setting using chmod in the terminal, but a simpler solution is to install FileUtilsCM, a free context menu control available from
    It offers a variety of high level controls, including remove file type and creator; remove resource fork; clear "execute" Unix attribute.
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    Thanks, Kappy. I've tried that but I get an error message saying "An error ocurred while changing...because not enough information is available." Could that mean that the action cannot be done because these files don't have extensions? When I go ahead and select to use Word to always open the file it only takes effect on that file. But the file remains a Unix Executable file.
    Could anyone provide any further help with this issue?
    Message was edited by: Karkula

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    I have tried to find out if this is normal
    Yes, it is.

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    Never fear! Your original MacOS disks should include the developer tools. They call it xcode these days. By default it should install extra command line utilities in /Developer/Tools. So really the command should look like:
    /Developer/Tools/SetFile -t 'TEXT' -c 'CSOm' your_mbox
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    G4 iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Yes they do. When you installed them you dragged these particular apps to the Applications folder. Doing so automatically attributes the program with the ownership attributes of the account owner who installed them - 'robert.'
    Proper application installers install apps under the system/admin ownership. You can try to fix these apps by changing their permissions:
    Select the app and CTRL-click to open the contextual menu. Choose Show Package Contents from the contextual menu. Select the Contents folder and press COMMAND-I to open the Get Info window. In the Ownership and Permissions section click on the tiny arrow icon to expose the panel. Click on the little lock icon to authenticate. Change permissions as follows:
    Owner = system with Read/Write privileges
    Group = admin with Read/Write privileges
    Other with Read-Only privileges
    Click on the Apply To Enclosed Items button. Close the lock by clicking again on the lock icon.

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    (2) My second option - Mac Pro (early 2009) running 10.9.4 – is showing a 256.15 GB backup folder size.  Very close, but not 258.56 GB.
    (3) My last option is to use the computer I’m trying to stay away from, the MacBook Pro running 10.6.8.  This is the computer I backed up and is showing me the correct folder size = 258.56GB.  As I mentioned, I'd like to work on my laptop while copying the backup folder using one of my other computers.
    I am able to drag and drop from each computer, but the folder size depends on the computer I’m using.  I don’t understand why I can't do a simple drag and drop of a 258 GB folder.
    Many thanks!!

    The directory files that you are seeing are not real. They are links to the actual backup files that are stored in a hidden directory on the drive. If you were to look at the same drive on a pc, you would see the folders and you would a list files that are in the folders but the files would all be 0 byte files and Windows will tell you the file is empty because there is nothing there but a link which Windows does not understand.
    So the point is you can't just copy the backupd files. The best solution that I know of (and maybe someone else will chime in) for copying them is to mirror the drive with something like Carbon Copy or some other program.
    See this site for more information about time machine and how it works:

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    I don't believe mounting the hard drive should be necessary, unless you have several external drives and want your computer to recognise them as folders, rather than drives. I've never had to mount a hard drive, ever. If you don't know how to do it, then it shouldn't be necessary now.
    Try this:
    Prepare iTunes so that it can see the external drive.
    Make a note of which drive-letter the external drive has been allocated. (Look in Windows Exploer)
    Look at the file location for a song. Make sure it plays (and therefore that iTunes has found it). Highlight it and select File/Get Info/Summary>Where: and make a note of the drive letter for that song.
    Close and shut down the computer.
    The next time you turn the computer on again, connect the external drive
    Before you start iTunes - check the external drive in Windows Explorer. Is it ready, does it have the same drive-letter that it had last time? Can you go into the drive and see the files on it?
    Once you can, start iTunes. (If the drive lettter has changed, you need to work out why before going any further.)
    If iTunes fails to find your external drive, you need to check where iTunes is looking for your Library.
    Select the same song you checked before (presumably iTunes can no longer find it). Follow the procedure for locating it. You should be able to see where iTunes thinks the file is. It's the drive that counts. Which drive letter is iTunes looking at? Is it the same one that it was previously (which should also be the same one that the drive has now).
    What happens, which step do you have problems with?
    Message was edited by: the fiend

  • Lib Folder? Unix executable files

    So suddenly a folder entitled "lib" appeared in my documents folder without me putting it there. Or shall I say without me intentionally putting there. But before I remove it I just wanted to make sure it is not a critical system component. Oh and the folder contains the files; libdaz-qsa.dylib,libdaz-qt-mt.dylib, and libdzcore.dylib. These are all unix executable files ranging in size from 2.8 MB to 9.8 MB. Anyone have an idea of where this folder originated from, so I can promptly return it to ts proper home? A place for everything and everything in it's place. Thanks in advance, to anyone that can help
    powerbook G4 1 Ghz 12.1 inch   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Did you perchance recently download and install Bryce from DAZ?
    I seem to remember they had a special free download last month. Must say that your Documents folder is a rather weird place for their dynamic library files to go though...

  • I'm using iWeb 08. When I make a change and publish to the folder on the desktop the file remains highlighted in red in iWeb. When I used to publish to Mobile Me the change would be saved and revert to blue. Anyone know what's going on?

    Problem publishing website changes from iWeb08

    Are you publishing the changes to the same folder on your hard drive? See this tutorial for what I'm referring to.

  • [iphone] application folder changing

    Each time I click build and go the application folder name (i guess unique id) is changed and data in the old directory copied, is there a way to change this behaviour so the folder name persists? thanks!

    You shouldn't rely on hardcoded locations for files. Search the boards for code on how to access the app's documents directory.
    The Simulator stores its files in a different location to where an iPhone stores the same files.

  • Help with folder change library call

    I'm attempting to create a labview function that waits on notification of a change in a folder, specifically a new file to be created. I'm trying to use the FindFirstChangeNotification, referenced here; 
    I've attached the .vi I'm having trouble with where I get the notification handle. It returns error 1097 when run. Any ideas?
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏62 KB

    iyeager2012 wrote:
    I'm attempting to create a labview function that waits on notification of a change in a folder, specifically a new file to be created. I'm trying to use the FindFirstChangeNotification, referenced here; 
    I've attached the .vi I'm having trouble with where I get the notification handle. It returns error 1097 when run. Any ideas?
    The WinAPI solution you provided has just about all things configured wrongly in the Call Library Node. This version should be correct for both LabVIEW 32 Bit and 64 Bit and also provides the additional calls to be functional. It is not a perfect implementation if you want to wait repeatetly on the same event as there, one should not call FindFirstChangeNotification() each time but instead use FindNextChangeNotification() on subsequent calls. Also for a truely reusable library the creation of the handle, the subsequent reinitialization, and the waiting on the handle should probably be put in their own VI functions each. But it gives at least a correct Call Library Node configuration for the function calls involved.
     One caveat with this VI. It will block the LabVIEW thread in which it is called for the duration of the timeout (indefinitely with the default value that is in the VI) and LabVIEW can not be stopped in this situation, not even with the Abort button, since LabVIEW does not allow to reset a threads state when it is in external code. The only solution to get out of this state is killing the LabVIEW process (usually with the Task Manager) or forcing a change on the directory according to the configured change filter.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions
    WIN Folder Change ‏21 KB

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