Wfica32.exe Entry Point Not Found

Wfica32.exe  Entry Point Not Found  Full error "The procedure entry point GetTickCount64 could not be located in the dynamic link library Kernel32.dll
Thanks & Regards, Amol . Amol Dhaygude

This executable belongs to Citrix:
Please ask them in Citrix forums or contact their support for assistance.
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    Ever since I loaded the newest "update" on iTunes, when I turn on my computer I get the following error message:
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    This executable belongs to Citrix:
    Please ask them in Citrix forums or contact their support for assistance.
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
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    Why is my itunes not installing properly?
    I installed itunes day before yesterday,  I spent hours last night linking all my music photograph and movie files, its a new windows 8 laptop.
    I plugged in my 64GB ipad 3 rebooted it and reloaded all the information I wanted on it, took hours... finally completed this this morning. After this I restarted the laptop to configure my icloud link for the laptop (which I installed last night while I was loading files, I chose to restart later)
    on completion I turned my laptop off for a few hours, when I turned it back on I went to itunes to connect my iphone to do the same and I got this message:
    iTunes exe - Entry Point Not Found
    The procedure entry point
    AVCFPlayerAppliesMediaSelectionCriteriaAutomaticallyKey could not
    be located in dynamiclink library F:\Programmes\iTunes.dll
    then after pressing 'OK' the following message:
    iTunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes
    Error 7 (Windows error 127)
    I went back to apple website to reinstall iTunes, first reinstalled it same again, then unsinstalled it and the reinstalled it, same again.
    The same thing happened with my old lap top and I replaced it with this new one at the start of the week.
    Has anyone any idea what is going on and how to rectify this problem, I am now going on 3 weeks without iTunes.

    I started up and plugged in my iPad  and then the following message came up:
    ❗️This iPad cannot be used because the required software is not
        Installed. Run the iTunes installer to remove iTunes, then install
        the 64-bit version of iTunes.
    I then proceeded to the "iTunes64Setup" expanded folder to load "AppleMobileDeviceSupport64"
    Started the install and then received this message:
          Apple Mobile Device Support
    ❗️Service 'AppleMobile Device' (Apple Mobile Device)
        failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient
        Privileges to start system services.
       Abort.               Retry.                Ignore
    I tried all tree options, last being ignore.
    I continued to download the other 2 you suggested with out any drama.
    I did a system restart and then opened iTunes.
    Connected my iPad
    Then message appears:
          iTunes .exe - System Error
    ❌ The program can't start because CoreAdioToolbox.dll is missing from
          Your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem.
    Press OK and then the next message:
    ❌ iTunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes.
          Error 7 (Windows error 126)
    Any suggestions?

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    Here are the things I tried to resolve the above problem:
    1) Uninstall and Reinstall the CR 2008.  -  No change.
    2) I configured the DEP to accept Crystal Reports (Performance - Advanced - DEP allow). 
    None of these seem fix the problem. 
    Can you please help me kick start the Crystal Reports 2008? 

    Please try with this:
    Run a command prompt as administrator. From the start menu, select "All Programs", then "Accessories" and right-click on the "Command Prompt" shortcut and choose "Run As Administrator". From here you can use the following command to disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) with the following command:
    bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff
    Keeping your command prompt open, run your setup or other process being stopped by DEP. Then, to turn it back on again, do the same and run the following:
    bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOn

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    AVFoundationCF.dll" I cannot acces my itunes or download a new versiona as this keeps flashing up. Any ideas? Please help, my life is meaningless without my music!!

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    AppleSyncNotifier.exe - Entry Point Not Found
    the procedure entry point ___cfconstantstringclassreference could not be located in the dynamic link library core foundation.dll
    But once I click off the message, everything seems to work fine.
    how can I correct this problem?
    2 IPod 5.1.1
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    Windows Vista 32

    Try here > d.124298/

  • OutlookSyncClient.exe - Entry Point Not Found

    I'm at wit's end with this. I've spent most of last night, and this morning trying to track this down. It all started with the iTunes 7.7 update, but it didn't happen until I started syncing Outlook with MobileMe. I get two error messages, about every 15-20 minutes. MobileMe is set to sync "automatically." At one point, I was getting and error message stating that MobileMe couldn't sync and to check my settings. The settings were right, and apparently in my troubleshooting steps I've made that error go away.
    OutlookSyncClient.exe - Entry Point Not Found
    The procedure entry point MAPIInitialize could not be located in dynamic link library MAPI32.DLL
    It has nothing but an OK box, I hit that, and directly after I get another one with the exact same message.
    The best part is, the syncing is working fine with MobileMe. These error messages are driving me nuts.
    I uninstalled my Nokia's syncing software BEFORE I attempted to even setup with MobileMe (the Nokia was my pre-iPhone-phone). I've uninstalled/reinstalled iTunes. I've uninstalled/reinstalled Office 2003 and its service pack. I've completed all critical updates to Office. I'm running XP Pro SP3 with all critical updates completed. I've also manually deleted the MAPI32.DLL file and ran FIXMAPI to replace it with a good copy.
    UPDATE: When I previously stated that I got rid of the MobileMe Sync error message, I apparently have not. It pops up randomly and says:
    The sync failed because MobileMe is not property configured on your computer.
    Make sure your settings are correct under the Sync tab in the MobileMe preferences on this computer.
    They are correct. If I hit the Sync Now button, everything goes smoothly.
    Any ideas before I just set fire to this thing?
    Thanks in advance for any assistance.
    Message was edited by: supradave

    UPDATE - (Made a second post so it'd be clearer)
    I uninstalled Office 2003, then iTunes, then all of the associated software (Mobile Device Support, Apple Update, Quicktime, EVERYTHING)
    Reinstalled Office 2003, then Office 2003's Service Pack 3, then all Microsoft Updates for Office 2003. Then I configured a blank Outlook profile, no data other than the IMAP info for my .Mac/Me account. Then I downloaded (didn't used my existing copy) of iTunes 7.7 and reinstalled. Sync'd phone. Changed MobileMe settings. Told it to sync contacts and calendar with Outlook. It warned me because it was the first sync. Told it to take ALL of the MobileMe data and replace the data on the computer (which was blank.) NOTHING showed up in Outlook. When I tell it to sync Contacts with the Windows Address Book, it works fine.
    In Conclusion, it still won't sync with Outlook, when it's set to Sync with Outlook I still get the annoying MAPI errors. So I switched to to Sync the Contacts with the Windows Address Book, and I'm backing up my WAB file now with my nightly backups.
    I suppose we'll see if it gets fixed when I format/reinstall on Vista Ultimate in the next month or two. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open and willing to try them.
    On a completely unproductive note: Despite my love for Exchange, I hate MAPI.

  • Safari.exe - Entry Point Not Found

    I just recently installed Skype because Yahoo! instant messanger has been giving me problems.  Safari was running just fine last night, and when I turned my computer on this morning, I received this message:
    Safari.exe - Entry Point Not found
    The procedure entry point sqlite3_wal_checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library SQLite3.dll.
    When I click "OK," I receive this message:
    Safari can't open.
    Your copy of Safari is missing important software resources.  Please reinstall Safari.
    I have reinstalled Safari several times, but I still receive the same messages.  I had found a thread from 2010, and attempted to try what was suggested on there, and it suggested to uninstall the AAS as well as safari, and now I cannot open iTunes.  This is very bothersome because I use Safari as my primary browser.
    Some aditional information, I am using a PCLaptop and running Windows 7.  I have a lot of things saved in my bookmarks on Safari, and really would not like to use them.  Also, I am a bit computer illiterate and need everything spelled out for me.
    Help please!

    Safari for Windows is long dead. I suggest you remove it and let it rest in peace.

  • Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found (MSVCP80.dll)?

    Hey guys, new to the board here and pretty much at the end of my rope.
    Starting maybe 2 days ago I began getting quite a strange message when I tried to open Photoshop CS3.
    I'd send a jpeg of the window but with photoshop down i'll settle for just typing this crap out:
    Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found
    The Procedure entry point ?replace@?$basic_string@DU$char_traits@D@std@@V?$a llocator@D@2@@std@@qaeaav12@IIPBD@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCP80.dll
    Now, that's a mouthful! Fortunately i'm at least computer literate enough to dig around on google.
    After doing that, I came up with nothing. I found a replacement for the DLL that it's having trouble with, but that did nothing.
    I then tried out a program called Registrybooster, which found quite a few problems with my registry but failed to correct whatever is causing this problem.
    So I tried to backtrack a little bit and see if anything I had done since the last time the program worked (wednesday the prior week) had broken it. I had shut off some startup programs so i figured maybe that had something to do with it. Unfortunately undoing those changes had absolutely no effect at all.
    I then tried out doing a repair install, which did nothing. After this, I did an uninstall and reinstall and... nothing.
    Some extra info: I run windows xp home edition on this PC and have it updated to SP3.
    I've had photoshop on it for about a year with no problems.
    Hopefully someone can help me here. Almost every thread I located with similar problems via google either went unanswered or the answers given didn't actually help me out.
    Someone save me!

    Hi Chris, thanks for chiming in on my problem.
    I'm doubtful of it being TWAIN/WIA caused, but will look into it. I have a wacom tablet and a canon scanner so who knows. What would you suggest I do to see if those two are causing anything in particular? (Not sure why they would as I haven't made any changes to the programs or hardware involved recently.)

  • NImax.exe entry point not found TDMS_GetDataValueEx in cviTDMS.dll

    I have a remote PXI-8108 and I'm trying to create a task in MAX.  I have no other tasks as this is my first attempt at creating one.  The following sequence is performed on the remote system:  left click on the PXI-6713 under "NI-DAQmx Devices" --> create task --> generate signal --> analog output --> voltage --> ao0 --> default name of "MyVoltageOutTask"  --> click "Finish"
    An error window titled "NIMax.exe - Entry Point Not Found" pops up with the following message:  The procedure entry point TDMS_GetDataValuesEx could not be located in the dynamic link library cviTDMS.dll.
    The only option is to click "OK", at which time the box continually reappears.  the only way to get rid of it is to kill MAX in the windows task manager.  When I restart MAX, the remote system data neighborhood has a broken task under it, and clicking on it locks the program up (needs another kill in windows task manager).  The only way to get rid of it is to reset the remote system's DAQmx configuration and start over.
    I have reinstalled  NIDAQ 8.9.0, reset the remote system configuration in MAX, updated/reinstalled all the software on the remote system (so that it matches the host system).  not sure what else to try.  I figure this should be an elementary step:  I've done it plenty of times with simulated devices on a host system.  Not sure why the remote system is giving me problems.
    Go to Solution.

    I was able to do this on an 8196 controller no problem with DAQmx 9.0 on the controller and my computer having 8.9.5.  Updating to 9.0 or even 8.9.5 should update MAX and hopefully get rid of what you are seeing.  You are correct that the host and controller should have the same driver version so make sure you update both of them together.  It is quite strange that the error is linking to a LabWindows/CVI dll file.  Are you using CVI RT on the controller?
    Doug Farrell
    Product Manager - Condition Monitoring
    National Instruments
    National Instruments Condition Monitoring

  • What is this dialogue message -  AppleSync Notifier.exe-Entry Point not found?

    I need help to understand this dialogue box that appeared each time I powered on my computer -
    "AppleSync Notifier.exe-Entry Point not found" The proedure entry point sqlite3.wal_checkpoint cold ot be located in the dynamic link library SGLite3.dll.
    This message appeared after I downloaded the latest version of the iTune into my laptop Windows 7 Home edition.
    Did I download the version wrongly?
    Will this affect the sync process of my iPhone?
    Please help
    Thank you

    Also I now can`t access any of my itunes library and am concerned that if I remove it from my computer I will lose everything as I have no option of accessing and therefore backing anything up. Any ideas?

  • Itunes 11 will not open itunes.exe entry point not found

    Every time I try to launch itunes this message box shows up:
    iTunes.exe - Entry Point Not Found
    The procedure entry point kCVKmageBufferChromaSubsampling_420 could not be located in the dynamic link library CoreVideo.dll
    When I click ok another message box shows up:
    iTunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes.
    Error 7 (Windows error 127)
    I redownloaded itunes directly from I clicked on the repair option. It completed. The error is still happening. I have been using itunes for over 10 years with no problems until now.
    PC info:
    Windows 7 32bit service pack 1 x86
    3GB ram
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3500+ 2.20 GHz
    NVIDIA GeForce 210 video card 2.2 GB
    Also I used the Firefox browser to download itunes.

    I just restarted my computer. Now it seems to be working fine. Next time I update itunes I'll just restart my computer twice.

  • ITunes.exe - Entry Point Not Found itunes will install but wont run!!!!!!!!

    I updated itunes and it wont work. i unistalled all apple apps, about 5 to 10 times. i get this message on my HP 530,32 bit windows vista. At the top in the error window it says
    *iTunes.exe - Entry Point Not Found* Then under that in the error box it says:
    *The procedure entry point*
    *QTCF_CFUniCharGetUnicodePropertyDataForPlane could not be located in the dynamic link library QTCF.dll.*
    What do i DO PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!!!!!!

    I found the qtcf.dll file in the sys32 moved it to the desktop tried iTunes and still same error message as above.
    Okay ... sometimes there can be multiple copies of them lurking about on a PC.
    Try heading into Computer, and typing QTCF.dll in your Search field. When Vista tells you it can't find the file, click "advanced" and tick the "Search hidden, non-indexed and system files (might be slow)" and then start another search.
    This search *will indeed be slow.* Wait until the green progress bar up at the top of the screen has completely vanished, otherwise you might accidentally stop the search too soon.
    What copies of QTCF.dll do you find, and where are their file locations? (The default location on a 32-bit Vista PC is in C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\QTCF.dll)

  • Error: iTunes.exe Entry Point Not Found

    I recently upgraded my iTunes to the latest version and am now receiving the following error when I try to open it:
    "iTunes.exe - Entry Point Not Found
    The procedure entry point kCMByteStreamNotification_AvailableLengthChanged could not be located in the dynamic link library CoreMedia.dll."
    and when I click ok it then gives me this error message
    "iTunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes.
    Error 7 (Windows error 127)"
    I have tried the following several times:
    reinstalled/repaired iTunes
    reinstalled/repaired QuickTime
    reinstalled/repaired Apple Software Update
    reinstalled/repaired Apple Application Support
    none of which have worked.  I get the error each time i try to open iTunes and then it just shuts down.
    I have also tried to open iTunes in safe mode - per a recommended solution on another thread - which does not work.  And I changed my control panel/quicktime/audio settings to safe mode - per a recommended solution on another thread - which does not work.
    I have not added any other new software
    I am on an old lenovo T61 laptop with Windows XP
    Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 
    Thanks in advance!

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