What are the reasons for following Javascript error in Report Viewer

Post Author: dhuka
CA Forum: Crystal Reports
Hello Everybody!
I am using Crystal Reports 10 in my web application. But unfortunately I am surrounded with strange problem related to it because of which I have been unable to deploy is on client-side. In my application the error given below is displayed as javascript error in Report Viewer and report is not displayed. But more frustrating part is that I am getting the same error due to different problem with reporting and I am stuck with it as I am unable to figure out what's causing the error now. Earlier this error appeared due to problem with parameter passing to stored procedure which I resolved it and error vanished but once again it has shown up. Moreover this error now appears less frequently and randomly therefore it is even difficult to trace the cause.
Problem with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. In the future, you can display this message by double-clicking the warning icon displayed in the status bar.
Line: 40Char: 12Error: Expected ')'Code: 0URL: http://myServer/myApp/myForms/myReports/ReportViewer.aspx
So can anybody tell me what factors might be causing this errors as the error text is very vague in nature and gives no idea about the actual error.
Guys, I hope for your kind co-operation.

Post Author: dhuka
CA Forum: Crystal Reports
Thanks for you reply Krishna.
But this syntax error is the one that is creating problem for me as I cannot trace it. The form ReportViewer.aspx contains only a report viewer object which remains un-binded to any ReportDocument even at runtime.
At code behind ReportViewer.aspx I have code below that associates SQL Stored Procedure Parameter and Report Filter along with report name. Once all above is associated with ReportDocument, I export ReportDocument to PDF file format and display the report. Here I dont' even bind ReportDocument with my ReportViewer. Moreover, as I mentioned previously this error is encountered randomly (with no reasonable explanation so far) on client PC (while browsing through application).
I hope below code give you good idea of the way I am implementing my reporting.
Looking forward to you solution. Please note that I am only passing the ReportFileName and Parameter and Filter Criteria to this form while dataTable by itself using the connection information.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CODE BEHIND of REPORTVIEWER.ASPX>>>>>>>>>>>
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim strKeys() As String
Dim strReportFilter As String
Dim strReportName As String
Dim strError As structError
ReDim strKeys(0)
If strReportName = "" Then
strReportName = Context.Session("ReportName").ToString()
If Not Session("ReportParameters") = Nothing Then
Dim char_Delimiter() As Char = ";".ToCharArray()
strKeys = Session("ReportParameters").ToString().Split(char_Delimiter)
End If
If Not Session("ReportFilter") = Nothing Then
strReportFilter = Session("ReportFilter").ToString()
End If
Session("DataTable") = Nothing
End If
If Not ViewParameterReport(strReportName, strKeys, strReportFilter, strError) Then
ASPNET_DisplayErrorMessageBox(strError.strMsg, Me)
Exit Sub
End If
Catch ex As Exception
strError.strMsg = Err.Description
ASPNET_DisplayErrorMessageBox(strError.strMsg, Me)
End Try
End Sub
Private Function ViewParameterReport(ByVal str_ReportName As String, ByVal str_ReportParameters() As String, ByVal strReportFilter As String, ByRef strError As structError) As Boolean
Dim str_ReportPath As String = CStr(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ReportPath"))
Dim crLogInfo As TableLogOnInfo
Dim crConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo
str_ReportPath = CStr(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ReportPath"))
o_Rpt = New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
o_Rpt.Load(str_ReportPath & "\rpts\" & str_ReportName)
If Context.Session("DataTable") = "" Then
crLogInfo = New TableLogOnInfo()
crConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo()
crLogInfo = o_Rpt.Database.Tables(0).LogOnInfo
crConnectionInfo = o_Rpt.Database.Tables(0).LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo
crConnectionInfo.ServerName = clsDbCnn.Server
crConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = clsDbCnn.Database
crConnectionInfo.UserID = clsDbCnn.UserID
crConnectionInfo.Password = clsDbCnn.Password
crLogInfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo
ds_MISReports = New DataSet()
ds_MISReports = CType(Session("DataTable"), DataSet)
End If
If Not IsPostBack Then
Dim param_Fields As CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterFields = New ParameterFields()
Dim iCount As Integer
If str_ReportParameters.GetUpperBound(0) <> 0 Then
For iCount = 0 To str_ReportParameters.Length - 1 Step 2
o_Rpt.SetParameterValue(CStr(str_ReportParameters(iCount).ToString()), CStr(str_ReportParameters(iCount + 1).ToString()))
o_Rpt.RecordSelectionFormula = strReportFilter
End If
End If
'crViewer.DisplayGroupTree = False
'crViewer.ReportSource = o_Rpt
SetDBLogonForReport(crConnectionInfo, o_Rpt)
Dim TargetFileName As String
Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream
Dim FileSize As Long
Dim GenDS As DataSet
'Dim oRD As New ReportDocument()
Dim crReportObject As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportObject()
Dim oExO As ExportOptions
Dim oExDo As New DiskFileDestinationOptions()
'Build Target Filename
TargetFileName = str_ReportPath & "\Pdfs\" & Session.SessionID & ".pdf"
'Export to PDF
oExDo.DiskFileName = TargetFileName
oExO = o_Rpt.ExportOptions
oExO.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
oExO.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
oExO.DestinationOptions = oExDo
'Send the file to the user that made the request
Response.Buffer = True
Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf")
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=MyReport.pdf;")
fs = New System.IO.FileStream(TargetFileName, IO.FileMode.Open)
FileSize = fs.Length
Dim bBuffer(CInt(FileSize)) As Byte
fs.Read(bBuffer, 0, CInt(FileSize))
o_Rpt = Nothing
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
strError.strMsg = Err.Description
Return False
crConnectionInfo = Nothing
crLogInfo = Nothing
End Try
End Function
Private Sub SetDBLogonForReport(ByVal myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo, _
ByVal myReportDocument As ReportDocument)
Dim myTables As Tables = myReportDocument.Database.Tables
Dim count As Integer
For count = 0 To myTables.Count - 1
Dim myTableLogonInfo As TableLogOnInfo = myTables(count).LogOnInfo
myTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo
myTables(count).Location = myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName & ".dbo." & myTables(count).Location.Substring(myTables(count).Location.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)
myTables(count).LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = myConnectionInfo.ServerName()
End Sub

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    If you have the line and not use IPv6, try to comment out that line and retry.

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    This seems to be by design, not too much information about this. The thread below should be helpful for you to understand it:
    Also, from the thread below, you will find some workarounds for this issue:
    Aravindhan Battepati

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            Timeout:  None recorded
              Alarm: 1778218.500
       Message drop:  None recorded
    DSP: 1/14:2
            Timeout:  None recorded
              Alarm: 1778218.500
       Message drop:  None recorded
    DSP: 1/14:3
            Timeout:  None recorded
              Alarm: 1778218.500
       Message drop:  None recorded
    DSP: 3/21:1
            Timeout:  None recorded
              Alarm: 1964220.552
       Message drop:  None recorded
    DSP: 3/21:2
            Timeout:  None recorded
              Alarm: 1964220.552
       Message drop:  None recorded
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            Timeout:  None recorded
              Alarm: 1964220.552
       Message drop:  None recorded
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            Timeout:  None recorded
              Alarm: 1965047.112
       Message drop:  None recorded
    DSP: 1/4:2
            Timeout:  None recorded
              Alarm: 1965047.112
       Message drop:  None recorded
    DSP: 1/4:3
            Timeout:  None recorded
              Alarm: 1965047.112
       Message drop:  None recorded

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    hi... experts....
        Iam having one screen in my previous module pool program....and now as per my requirement i added on e new field...
    for that...
      1. i declared one variable in top include...
      2. cretaed one more new block with help of box in layout screen..
      3. added some text field and inputput out field...
      4. and in that block i also added one line with test like... following...
    " NOTE: PLEASE ENTER THE ..... VALUE..."   Like this.... just for to give direction...
    so these are  the steps i taken to add new field to my screen... but here i am geting error ... while entering the value in that field and press any push button.... including back in that screen... like....
    THANK YOU,,,

    hi naveen,
    there can be problem from ur layout side.
    Goto SE51. in Layout editor make sure that the type in screen and in TOP Include is same.
    and if you are using currency field than it can also give error to you.
    if still you any error .
    give me type of variable whcih you defined in TOP and also code.
    give reward if helpfull.

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    If you want to load InfoObjects in hierarchy form, you have to activate the indicator With Hierarchies for each of the relevant InfoObjects in the InfoObject maintenance. If necessary, you need to specify whether the entire hierarchy or the hierarchy structure is to be time-dependent, whether intervals are permitted in the hierarchy, whether additional node attributes are allowed (only when loading using a PSA), and which characteristics are allowed.
    The detailed procedure is listed in the link below

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    Hi Ned,
    Thanks for the suggestion. I eventually got in touch with Adobe Technical Support and it turned out that my Adobe Application Manager was not the latest version. They downloaded the latest version and installed it and that seemed to solve the problem. I was able to install my CS6 Creative Suite and validate the serial number. All seems to be going well at the moment.

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    best to You,

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    Then I saw your latest post
    Wait, I think I just found it. I pressed record on different settings to take pictures with like portrait to see if it would make a difference and when I uploaded them to my computer I found where it shows the BIt rate and it varied. They run at 23 frames per second 1920 x 1080 MOV video files and all the Bit rates are like 36,356 35,414 ,36,521
    If your camera is recording with a variable bitrate, the Bitrate variations from file to file should not be contributing to the issue. But it does raise the issue related to whether or
    not we are setting the appropriate bitrate level in the export settings. What are the units for 36,356, 35,414, and 36,517 -
    kbps (also can be written Kbps) and is kilobits per second
    Mbps which is megabits per second.
    Let us try this for one of your 1920 x 1080p24 videos.
    Go through the following workflow
    Manually set project preset...
    DSLR 1080p24
    When you go to export your edited Timeline content, then use
    with Presets = NTSC DV 16:9 - that is going to be customized to 1080p24 (H.264.mov) under the Advanced Button/Video Tab of that preset
    The essential settings under the Advanced Button/Video Tab
    Video Codec = H.264
    Frame Width = 1920
    Frame Height = 1080
    Frame Rate = 23.976
    Field Type = Progressive
    Aspect = Square Pixels (1.0)
    Now here is where we are going to experiment....
    Check Mark next to Limit Data Rate to and type in 36000 before kbps
    note the file size of the export as well as the quality of the playback.
    Repeat the whole process but in export
    Remove the check mark next to Limit Data Rate. The Bitrate field will be disabled.
    note the file size of the export as well as the quality of the playback.
    We will be watching for your results.

  • What are the ranges for correct skin tones using RGB%?

    What are the ranges for correct skin tones using RGB%?  Used to using a scale from 0 to 255.  But with LR it's RGB  , I know 100% RGB is white.  What do you use for %?

    While I whole heartedly agree that we should not be constrained to hard and fast numbers for accurate skin tones ... LR does offer an RGB color readout ... I am assuming they made those percentages available for the user to monitor the breakdown of specific color values for a reason ... so we could have an indication of how a specific color in an image will be reproduced ...
    I liken this to using a speedometer ... while many experienced drivers in well tuned vehicles can travel on the highway at the prescribed legal speed limit without really monitoring the readout on the dashboard ... however, there are times when they would like to verify the speed at which they are traveling ... the RGB color percentage readout in LR is no different ... just a source of information to verify you are achieving what you desire ...
    Again, going by specific numbers in this instance, I believe, could lead to problems ... there may be times when you may desire or actually need to adjust skin tones ... even though a pleasing WB has been achieved ... the relationship of R, G and B can be used to get you there.
    From what I have researched and put into practice with LR the following seems to be a good starting point and the data was borrowed from "the pixelation" blog:
    R: highest %
    G: middle %
    B: lowest %
    To get a little more specific. In general,
    R: Y + (15-20)
    G: average of R and B
    B: R – (15-20)
    For example, the following values represent common Caucasian skin tones using the rules above:
    * R: 80%; G: 70%; B: 60%. R is 20 points higher than B, and G is midway between R and B. That’s perfect.
    *  R: 86%, G: 78%; B: 70% also reflects a nicely balanced skin tone.  Again, G is midway between R and B, and R is 16 points higher than B. This, too, illustrates a great relationship among the colors.

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    My ipod nano 6th gen fell out of my pocket and the screen cracked badly, is there any coverage for this under warranty? I just bought it a month ago. If not what are the options for getting it fixed? It is pretty frustrating, it fell from about 3 feet out of my pocket and now looks like it was beaten by a hammer.

    deborahfromwindsor wrote:
    he advises restarting by inserting the OSX disc and pressing down the C button to reboot from there then selecting disk utility, hard disk and repair.... Does he mean me to hold down the C key on the alpha keyboard or the ctrl key?
    Should I just ask for my money back??? If it is a simple repair do I just literally push the disc in, push the power button and hold down the C button?
    That's where I would begin, too, with
    Repair Disk
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu (Panther and earlier) or Utilities menu (Tiger) and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    (Check S.M.A.R.TStatus of HDD at the bottom of right panel, and report if it saysanything but Verified)
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    If DU reports errors it cannot repair you will need touse autility like TechTool Pro,Drive Geniusor DiskWarrior
    First we need to determine if the issue you are experiencing with the computer is software or hardware based. Once we have gotten things sorted out there should be time enough to make you decision about keeping or returning it.

  • What are the settings for datasource and infopackage for flat file loading

    Im trying to load the data from flat file to DSO . can anyone tel me what are the settings for datasource and infopackage for flat file loading .
    pls let me know

    Loading of transaction data in BI 7.0:step by step guide on how to load data from a flatfile into the BI 7 system
    Uploading of Transaction data
    Log on to your SAP
    Transaction code RSA1—LEAD YOU TO MODELLING
    1. Creation of Info Objects
    • In left panel select info object
    • Create info area
    • Create info object catalog ( characteristics & Key figures ) by right clicking the created info area
    • Create new characteristics and key figures under respective catalogs according to the project requirement
    • Create required info objects and Activate.
    2. Creation of Data Source
    • In the left panel select data sources
    • Create application component(AC)
    • Right click AC and create datasource
    • Specify data source name, source system, and data type ( Transaction data )
    • In general tab give short, medium, and long description.
    • In extraction tab specify file path, header rows to be ignored, data format(csv) and data separator( , )
    • In proposal tab load example data and verify it.
    • In field tab you can you can give the technical name of info objects in the template and you not have to map during the transformation the server will automatically map accordingly. If you are not mapping in this field tab you have to manually map during the transformation in Info providers.
    • Activate data source and read preview data under preview tab.
    • Create info package by right clicking data source and in schedule tab click star to load data to PSA.( make sure to close the flat file during loading )
    3. Creation of data targets
    • In left panel select info provider
    • Select created info area and right click to create ODS( Data store object ) or Cube.
    • Specify name fro the ODS or cube and click create
    • From the template window select the required characteristics and key figures and drag and drop it into the DATA FIELD and KEY FIELDS
    • Click Activate.
    • Right click on ODS or Cube and select create transformation.
    • In source of transformation , select object type( data source) and specify its name and source system Note: Source system will be a temporary folder or package into which data is getting stored
    • Activate created transformation
    • Create Data transfer process (DTP) by right clicking the master data attributes
    • In extraction tab specify extraction mode ( full)
    • In update tab specify error handling ( request green)
    • Activate DTP and in execute tab click execute button to load data in data targets.
    4. Monitor
    Right Click data targets and select manage and in contents tab select contents to view the loaded data. There are two tables in ODS new table and active table to load data from new table to active table you have to activate after selecting the loaded data . Alternatively monitor icon can be used.
    Loading of master data in BI 7.0:
    For Uploading of master data in BI 7.0
    Log on to your SAP
    Transaction code RSA1—LEAD YOU TO MODELLING
    1. Creation of Info Objects
    • In left panel select info object
    • Create info area
    • Create info object catalog ( characteristics & Key figures ) by right clicking the created info area
    • Create new characteristics and key figures under respective catalogs according to the project requirement
    • Create required info objects and Activate.
    2. Creation of Data Source
    • In the left panel select data sources
    • Create application component(AC)
    • Right click AC and create datasource
    • Specify data source name, source system, and data type ( master data attributes, text, hierarchies)
    • In general tab give short, medium, and long description.
    • In extraction tab specify file path, header rows to be ignored, data format(csv) and data separator( , )
    • In proposal tab load example data and verify it.
    • In field tab you can you can give the technical name of info objects in the template and you not have to map during the transformation the server will automatically map accordingly. If you are not mapping in this field tab you have to manually map during the transformation in Info providers.
    • Activate data source and read preview data under preview tab.
    • Create info package by right clicking data source and in schedule tab click star to load data to PSA.( make sure to close the flat file during loading )
    3. Creation of data targets
    • In left panel select info provider
    • Select created info area and right click to select Insert Characteristics as info provider
    • Select required info object ( Ex : Employee ID)
    • Under that info object select attributes
    • Right click on attributes and select create transformation.
    • In source of transformation , select object type( data source) and specify its name and source system Note: Source system will be a temporary folder or package into which data is getting stored
    • Activate created transformation
    • Create Data transfer process (DTP) by right clicking the master data attributes
    • In extraction tab specify extraction mode ( full)
    • In update tab specify error handling ( request green)
    • Activate DTP and in execute tab click execute button to load data in data targets.

  • What are the announcements for renting VPS?

    What are the announcements for renting VPS? For details, understand VPS and make the choice of rental; for Taiwan VPS and Hong Kong VPS, without records, unlimited contents, wider range, and more efficient experience. Your server will show its excellence with the advantages.
    Most station agents become less inclined to virtual hosting, for national space, domain name records are needed, which waste the time; for overseas hosting such as Korea hosting, US hosting, no records, but slower speed than national space; therefore, more and more station agents prefer servers, but because the price of servers are too high, they turn their focus on VPS.
    The following are the announcements:
    1.Open remote desktop lander:
    Start-run-mstsc or start-procedure-nearby-remote desktop connect
    2.Several conditions for account halt:
    First, client side login cause account halt
    Second, certain account quits the remote control in midway when it runs routine
    Third, certain routine is restricted by synchronous operation of system administrator.
    3. Not install the third party firewall
    If you need firewall, please use windows firewall, the third party firewall in VPS will cause system collapse and data loss, the system automatically obtains the newest windows patches and install itself, which do not require human operation. Installing system patches in VPS sometimes will heavily lead to VPS collapse and data loss.
    Do not modify remote desktop port.
    Because of the specialty of VPS system, default remote desktop port is 3389, do not modify randomly, or the remote connection will be out of work.
    4. Except some special conditions that user registration is needed for certain procedure, when the remote connection has been close down, do not forget logout user to save memory resource, and prevent the loading connection next time, if it happens, reboot VPS.
    5. VPS has been set with relative security when it was paid, with high security. It suggests that do not open firewall randomly, if you open it by your own, the following ports should be opened: 21(FTP), 3389(remote connection), 80(website http), 3306(MySQL), 1433(SQL Server). Timely check whether there is suspicious account or system log, download 360 safety guard to avoid these files and process.
    6. Try not to modify registry hand-actuated, ensure the reboot of VPS. Modify remote ports please add the modified port in firewall first, and then reboot.
    7.Modify IIS installation files, backup these files, and then modify them with the software that can keep the file layout, prevent these files from destroying IIS.
    8.Website service of VPS and FTP service of IIS are default to open hand-actuated, set Web Publishing Service as automatically if you are station agent. If you often use FTP service of IIS, please set FTP Publishing Service as automatically, i.e. reboot it automatically. If you use serv-u, tick all the system service terms. In the terms of security and resource consumption , it suggests that those users who seldom use FTP do not set it as automatically.

    Hi there
    "So for ALL the apps, the annual monthly fee is £46.88, but you can rent occasionally for £70.32 pm.... ?" Correct
    £17.58 single app plan requires an annual commit - it's £27.34 for the month-to-month plan without annual commit.

  • What are the wildcards for FILE_MASK in FM EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING

    The wildcard for exactly 1 character is '?'.
    example: with mask ????????.STA     , I get the following files:
    (all files ending with .STA, with 8 characters before .STA)
    But what is the wildcard for 'any character' ?
    I tried with *.STA     , but the result is
    (all the filenames with exactly 5 characters)
    with *STA, the result is
    (all the filenames with exactly 4 characters)
    (the result is the same with *123 or *XYZ !!!)
    with BW*, the result is
    as expected, but * seems the right wild character for 'any character' only at the end of the mask; it seems not work as expected when it is not the last character of the mask.
    It seems very strange! What are the rules for wildcards ? (I'm in 4.7)
    thanks in advance

    DATA: linelength TYPE i VALUE 0.
    DATA: linelength1 TYPE i VALUE 0.
    DATA: text TYPE string.
          MDATE    LIKE SY-DATUM,
          MTIME    LIKE SY-UZEIT,
          END OF FATTR.
              DIR_NAME               = DPATH
    *          FILE_MASK              = PFILE
              DIR_LIST               = DLIST
              INVALID_EPS_SUBDIR     = 1
              SAPGPARAM_FAILED       = 2
              BUILD_DIRECTORY_FAILED = 3
              NO_AUTHORIZATION       = 4
              READ_DIRECTORY_FAILED  = 5
              TOO_MANY_READ_ERRORS   = 6
              EMPTY_DIRECTORY_LIST   = 7
              OTHERS                 = 8.
    break developer.
      linelength = STRLEN( DLIST-NAME ).
        linelength = linelength - 3.
      linelength1 = STRLEN( P_FILE ).
        linelength1 = linelength1 - 3.
      if DLIST-NAME+linelength(3) = P_FILE+linelength1(3).
                  FILE_NAME              = DLIST-NAME
                  DIR_NAME               = DPATH
                  FILE_SIZE              = FATTR-FILE_SIZE
                  FILE_OWNER             = FATTR-FILE_OWNER
                  FILE_MODE              = FATTR-FILE_MODE
                  FILE_TYPE              = FATTR-FILE_TYPE
                  FILE_MTIME             = FATTR-FILE_MTIME
                  READ_DIRECTORY_FAILED  = 1
                  READ_ATTRIBUTES_FAILED = 2
                  OTHERS                 = 3.
        IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
          APPEND FATTR.
                  POINT_IN_TIME = POINT_IN_TIME
                  DATE          = MDATE
                  TIME          = MTIME
                  OTHERS        = 1.
    Edited by: kk.adhvaryu on Sep 25, 2010 12:08 PM

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