What do people think about Quicken & Mac?

Hi there. I am thinking of using a new personal finance software to help with family budget, etc... Is Quicken the software to use? Does it work well with Mac? What other options are out there? I'm TOTALLY new to this budget stuff on the computer.
Thanks for any help.

I've used Quicken for a long time, and it does what I need: help me keep track of expenditures & make simple reports & graphs to describe past spending. If that's what you want to do, then I'll say Quicken could be helpful to you.
One thing you might not like about Quicken (and probably any computer-based accounting system): I find that I have to spend quite a bit of time entering data about checks that I write by hand, about payments I make online, and about purchases I make via debit card. All of this data can, theoretically, be downloaded automatically by Quicken from my bank, but I do not like that option. I prefer to cross-check the bank's records by doing it myself. Also, the downloaded transactions usually look something like "ID# 3334405995 VENDOR AD56KF32KDM 123 SOMESTREET SUITE 456 MIAMI FLORIDA" rather than "Bob's Hardware", as I might name it.

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  • What do people think about the different Generic Java approaches?

    I have seen a lot of different approaches for Generic Java, and when people find problems with each approach the normal response has been: the other approach is worse with such and such a problem, do you have a better way?
    The different approaches I have seen are: (in no particular order)
    Please correct me if I am wrong and add other approaches if they are worthy of mention.
    1) PolyJ - by MIT
    This is a completely different approach than the others, that introduces a new where clause for bounding the types, and involves changing java byte codes in order to meet it's goals.
    Main comments were not a java way of doing things and far too greater risk making such big changes.
    2) Pizza - by Odersky & Wadler
    This aims at extending java in more ways than just adding Generics. The generic part of this was replaced by GJ, but with Pizza's ability to use primitives as generic types removed, and much bigger changes allowing GJ to interface with java.
    Main comments were that Pizza doesn't work well with java, and many things in Pizza were done in parallel with java, hence were no longer applicable.
    3) GJ - by Bracha, Odersky, Stoutamire & Wadler
    This creates classes with erased types and bridging methods, and inserts casts when required when going back to normal java code.
    Main comments are that type dependent operations such as new, instanceof, casting etc can't be done with parametric types, also it is not a very intuitive approach and it is difficult to work out what code should do.
    4) Runtime Generic Information - by Natali & Viroli
    Each instance holds information about its Runtime Type.
    Main comments from people were that this consumes way too much memory as each instance holds extra information about its type, and the performance would be bad due to checking Type information at runtime that would have been known at compile.
    5) NextGen - by Cartwright & Steele
    For each parameterized class an abstract base class with types erased is made and then for each new type a lightweight wrapper class and interface are created re-using code from the base class to keep the code small.
    Main comments from people were that this approach isn't as backwards compatible as GJ due to replacing the legacy classes with abstract base classes which can't be instantiated.
    6) .NET common runtime - by Kennedy & Syme
    This was written for adding Generics to C#, however the spec is also targeted at other languages such as VB.
    Main comments from people were that this approach isn't java, hence it is not subject to the restrictions of changing the JVM like java is.
    7) Fully Generated Generic Classes - by Agesen, Freund & Mitchell
    For each new type a new class is generated by a custom class loader, with all the code duplicated for each different type.
    Main comments from people were that the generated code size gets too big, and that it is lacking a base class for integration with legacy code.
    8) JSR-14 - by Sun
    This is meant to come up with a solution Generic Solution to be used in java. Currently it is heavily based on GJ and suffering from all the same problems as GJ, along with the fact that it is constantly undergoing change and so no one knows what to expect.
    See this forum for comments about it.
    As if we didn't have enough approaches already, here is yet another one that hopefully has all of the benefits, and none of the problems of the other approaches. It uses information learnt while experimenting with the other approaches. Now when people ask me if I think I have a better approach, I will have somewhere to point them to.
    (I will be happy to answer questions concerning this approach).
    9) Approach #x - by Phillips
    At compile time 1 type is made per generic type with the same name.
    e.g.class HashSet<TypeA> extends AbstractSet<TypeA> implements Cloneable, Serializable will be translated to a type: class HashSet extends AbstractSet implements Cloneable, SerializableAn instance of the class using Object as TypeA can now be created in 2 different ways.
    e.g.Set a = new HashSet();
    Set<Object> b = new HashSet<Object>();
    //a.getClass().equals(b.getClass()) is trueThis means that legacy class files don't even need to be re-compiled in order to work with the new classes. This approach is completely backwards compatible.
    Inside each type that was created from a generic type there is also some synthetic information.
    Information about each of the bounding types is stored in a synthetic field.
    Note that each bounding type may be bounded by a class and any number of interfaces, hence a ';' is used to separate bounding types. If there is no class Object is implied.
    e.g.class MyClass<TypeA extends Button implements Comparable, Runnable; TypeB> will be translated to a type: class MyClass {
      public static final Class[][] $GENERIC_DESCRIPTOR = {{Button.class, Comparable.class, Runnable.class}, {Object.class}};This information is used by a Custom Class Loader before generating a new class in order to ensure that the generic types are bounded correctly. It also gets used to establish if this class can be returned instead of a generated class (occurs when the generic types are the same as the bounding types, like for new HashSet<Object> above).
    There is another synthetic field of type byte[] that stores bytes in order for the Custom Class Loader to generate the new Type.
    There are also static methods corresponding to each method that contain the implementation for each method. These methods take parameters as required to gain access to fields, contructors, other methods, the calling object, the calling object class etc. Fields are passed to get and set values in the calling object. Constructors are passed to create new instances of the calling object. Other methods are passed when super methods are called from within the class. The calling object is almost always passed for non static methods, in order to do things with it. The class is passed when things like instanceof the generated type need to be done.
    Also in this class are any non private methods that were there before, using the Base Bounded Types, in order that the class can be used exactly as it was before Generics.
    Notes: the time consuming reflection stuff is only done once per class (not per instance) and stored in static fields. The other reflection stuff getting done is very quick in JDK1.4.1 (some earlier JDKs the same can not be said).
    Also these static methods can call each other in many circumstances (for example when the method getting called is private, final or static).
    As well as the ClassLoader and other classes required by it there is a Reflection class. This class is used to do things that are known to be safe (assuming the compiler generated the classes correctly) without throwing any exceptions.
    Here is a cut down version of the Reflection class: public final class Reflection {
      public static final Field getDeclaredField(Class aClass, String aName) {
        try {
          Field field = aClass.getDeclaredField(aName);
          return field;
        catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new Error(ex);
      public static final Object get(Field aField, Object anObject) {
        try {
          return aField.get(anObject);
        catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new Error(ex);
      public static final void set(Field aField, Object anObject, Object aValue) {
        try {
          aField.set(anObject, aValue);
        catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new Error(ex);
      public static final int getInt(Field aField, Object anObject) {
        try {
          return aField.getInt(anObject);
        catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new Error(ex);
      public static final void setInt(Field aField, Object anObject, int aValue) {
        try {
          aField.setInt(anObject, aValue);
        catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new Error(ex);
    }Last but not least, at Runtime one very lightweight wrapper class per type is created as required by the custom class loader. Basically the class loader uses the Generic Bytes as the template replacing the erased types with the new types. This can be even faster than loading a normal class file from disk, and creating it.
    Each of these classes has any non private methods that were there before, making calls to the generating class to perform their work. The reason they don't have any real code themselves is because that would lead to code bloat, however for very small methods they can keep their code inside their wrapper without effecting functionality.
    My final example assumes the following class name mangling convention:
    * A<component type> - Array
    * b - byte
    * c - char
    * C<class name length><class name> - Class
    * d - double
    * f - float
    * i - int
    * l - long
    * z - boolean
    Final Example: (very cut down version of Vector)public class Vector<TypeA> extends AbstractList<TypeA> implements RandomAccess, Cloneable, Serializable {
      protected Object[] elementData;
      protected int elementCount;
      protected int capacityIncrement;
      public Vector<TypeA>(int anInitialCapacity, int aCapacityIncrement) {
        if (anInitialCapacity < 0) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Capacity: " + anInitialCapacity);
        elementData = new Object[initialCapacity];
        capacityIncrement = capacityIncrement;
      public synchronized void setElementAt(TypeA anObject, int anIndex) {
        if (anIndex >= elementCount) {
          throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(anIndex + " >= " + elementCount);
        elementData[anIndex] = anObject;
    }would get translated as:public class Vector extends AbstractList implements RandomAccess, Cloneable, Serializable {
      public static final Class[][] $GENERIC_DESCRIPTOR = {{Object.class}};
      public static final byte[] $GENERIC_BYTES = {/*Generic Bytes Go Here*/};
      protected Object[] elementData;
      protected int elementCount;
      protected int capacityIncrement;
      private static final Field $0 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(Vector.class, "elementData"),
                                 $1 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(Vector.class, "elementCount"),
                                 $2 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(Vector.class, "capacityIncrement");
      static void $3(int _0, Field _1, Object _2, Field _3, int _4) {
        if (_0 < 0) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Capacity: " + _0);
        Reflection.set(_1, _2, new Object[_0]);
        Reflection.setInt(_3, _2, _4);
      static void $4(int _0, Field _1, Object _2, Field _3, Object _4) {
        if (_0 >= Reflection.getInt(_1, _2)) {
          throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(_0 + " >= " + Reflection.getInt(_1, _2));
        ((Object[])Reflection.get(_3, _2))[_0] = _4;
      public Vector(int anInitialCapacity, int aCapacityIncrement) {
        $3(anInitialCapacity, $0, this, $2, aCapacityIncrement);
      public synchronized void setElementAt(Object anObject, int anIndex) {
        $4(anIndex, $1, this, $0, anObject);
    } and new Vector<String> would get generated as:public class Vector$$C16java_lang_String extends AbstractList$$C16java_lang_String implements RandomAccess, Cloneable, Serializable {
      protected Object[] elementData;
      protected int elementCount;
      protected int capacityIncrement;
      private static final Field $0 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(Vector$$C16java_lang_String.class, "elementData"),
                                 $1 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(Vector$$C16java_lang_String.class, "elementCount"),
                                 $2 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(Vector$$C16java_lang_String.class, "capacityIncrement");
      public Vector$$C16java_lang_String(int anInitialCapacity, int aCapacityIncrement) {
        Vector.$3(anInitialCapacity, $0, this, $2, aCapacityIncrement);
      public synchronized void setElementAt(String anObject, int anIndex) {
        Vector.$4(anIndex, $1, this, $0, anObject);
    }Comparisons with other approaches:
    Compared with PolyJ this is a very java way of doing things, and further more it requires no changes to the JVM or the byte codes.
    Compared with Pizza this works very well with java and has been designed using the latest java technologies.
    Compared with GJ all type dependent operations can be done, and it is very intuitive, code does exactly the same thing it would have done if it was written by hand.
    Compared with Runtime Generic Information no extra information is stored in each instance and hence no extra runtime checks need to get done.
    Compared with NextGen this approach is completely backwards compatible. NextGen looks like it was trying to achieve the same goals, but aside from non backwards compatibility also suffered from the fact that Vector<String> didn't extend AbstractList<String> causing other minor problems. Also this approach doesn't create 2 types per new types like NextGen does (although this wasn't a big deal anyway). All that said NextGen was in my opinion a much better approach than GJ and most of the others.
    Compared to .NET common runtime this is java and doesn't require changes to the JVM.
    Compared to Fully Generated Generic Classes the classes generated by this approach are very lightweight wrappers, not full blown classes and also it does have a base class making integration with legacy code simple. It should be noted that the functionality of the Fully Generated Generic Classes is the same as this approach, that can't be said for the other approaches.
    Compared with JSR-14, this approach doesn't suffer from GJ's problems, also it should be clear what to expect from this approach. Hopefully JSR-14 can be changed before it is too late.

    (a) How you intend generic methods to be translated.
    Given that Vector and Vector<Object> are unrelated types,
    what would that type be represented as in the byte code of
    the method? In my approach Vector and Vector<Object> are related types. In fact the byte code signature of the existing method is exactly the same as it was in the legacy code using Vector.
    To re-emphasize what I had said when explaining my approach:
    System.out.println(Vector.class == Vector<Object>.class);  // displays true
    System.out.println(Vector.class == Vector<String>.class);  // displays false
    Vector vector1 = new Vector<Object>(); // legal
    Vector<Object> vector2 = new Vector();  // legal
    // Vector vector3 = new Vector<String>(); // illegal
    // Vector<String> vector4 = new Vector();  // illegal
    Vector<String> vector5 = new Vector<String>();  // legal
    You must also handle the case where the type
    parameter is itself a parameterized type in which the type
    parameter is not statically bound to a ground instantiation.This is also very straightforward: (let me know if I have misunderstood you)
    (translation of Vector given in my initial description)
    public class SampleClass<TypeA> {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(new Vector<Vector<TypeA>>(10, 10));
    }would get translated as:public class SampleClass {
      public static final Class[][] $GENERIC_DESCRIPTOR = {{Object.class}};
      public static final byte[] $GENERIC_BYTES = {/*Generic Bytes Go Here*/};
      private static final Constructor $0 = Reflection.getDeclaredConstructor(Vector$$C16java_util_Vector.class, new Class[] {int.class, int.class});
      static void $1(Constructor _0, int _1, int _2) {
        try {
          System.out.println(Reflection.newInstance(_0, new Object[] {new Integer(_1), new Integer(_2)}));
        catch (Exception ex) {
          throw (RuntimeException)ex;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        $1($0, 10, 10);
    }and SampleClass<String> would get generated as:public class SampleClass$$C16java_lang_String {
      private static final Constructor $0 = Reflection.getConstructor(Vector$$C37java_util_Vector$$C16java_lang_String.class, new Class[] {int.class, int.class});
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        SampleClass.$1($0, 10, 10);
    Also describe the implementation strategy for when these
    methods are public or protected (i.e. virtual).As I said in my initial description that for non final, non static, non private method invocations a Method may be passed into the implementing synthetic method as a parameter.
    Note: the following main method will display 'in B'.
    class A {
      public void foo() {
        System.out.println("in A");
    class B extends A {
      public void foo() {
        System.out.println("in B");
    public class QuickTest {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
          A.class.getMethod("foo", null).invoke(new B(), null);
        catch (Exception ex) {}
    }This is very important as foo() may be overwritten by a subclass as it is here. By passing a Method to the synthetic implementation this guarantees that covariance, invariance and contra variance all work exactly the same way as in java. This is a fundamental problem with many other approaches.
    (b) The runtime overhead associated with your translationAs we don't have a working solution to compare this to, performance comments are hard to state, but I hope this helps anyway.
    The Class Load time is affected in 4 ways. i) All the Generic Bytes exist in the Base Class, hence they don't need to be read from storage. ii) The custom class loader, time to parse the name and failed finds before it finally gets to define the class. iii) The generation of the generic bytes to parametric bytes (basically involves changing bytes from the Constant Pool worked out from a new Parametric type, Utf8, Class and the new Parametric Constant types may all be effected) iv) time to do the static Reflection stuff (this is the main source of the overhead). Basically this 1 time per class overhead is nothing to be concerned with, and Sun could always optimize this part further.
    The normal Runtime overhead (once Classes have been loaded) is affected mainly by reflection: On older JDKs the reflection was a lot slower, and so might have made a noticeable impact. On newer JDKs (since 1.4 I think), the reflection performance has been significantly improved. All the time consuming reflection is done once per class (stored in static fields). The normal reflection is very quick (almost identical to what is getting done without reflection). As the wrappers simply include a single method call to another method, these can be in-lined and hence made irrelevant. Furthermore it is not too difficult to make a parameter that would include small methods in the wrapper classes, as this does not affect functionality in the slightest, however in my testing I have found this to be unnecessary.
    (c) The space overhead (per instantiation)There are very small wrapper classes (one per new Type) that simply contain all non private methods, with single method calls to the implementing synthetic method. They also include any fields that were in the original class along with other synthetic fields used to store reflected information, so that the slow reflection only gets done once per new Type.
    (d) The per-instance space overheadNone.
    (e) Evidence that the proposed translation is sound and well-defined for all relevant cases (see below)Hope this is enough, if not let me know what extra proof you need.
    (f) Evidence for backward compatibility
    (For example, how does an old class file that passes a Vector
    to some method handle the case when the method receives a Vector<T>
    where T is a type parameter? In your translation these types are unrelated.)As explained above, in my approach these are only unrelated for T != Object, in the legacy case T == Object, hence legacy code passing in Vector is exactly the same as passing in Vector<Object>.
    (g) Evidence for forward compatibility
    (How, exactly, do class files that are compiled with a generics compiler run on an old VM)They run exactly the same way, the byte codes from this approach are all legal java, and all legal java is also legal in this approach. In order to take advantage of the Generics the Custom Class Loader would need to be used or else one would get ClassNotFoundExceptons, the same way they would if they tried using Collections on an old VM without the Collections there. The Custom Class Loader even works on older VMs (note it may run somewhat slower on older VMs).
    (h) A viable implementation strategyType specific instantiations are at Class Load time, when the Custom Class Loader gets asked for a new Class, it then generates it.
    The type specific instantiations are never shipped as they never get persisted. If you really wanted to save them all you need to do is save them with the same name (with the $$ and _'s etc), then the class loader would find them instead of generating them. There is little to be gained by doing this and the only reason I can think of for doing such a thing would be if there was some reason why the target VM couldn't use the Custom Class Loader (the Reflection class would still need to be sent as well, but that is nothing special). Basically they are always generated at Runtime unless a Class with the same name already exists in which case it would be used.
    The $GENERIC_DESCRIPTOR and $GENERIC_BYTES from the base class along with the new Type name are all that is required to generate the classes at runtime. However many other approaches can achieve the same thing for the generation, and approaches such as NextGen's template approach may be better. As this generation is only done once per class I didn't put much research into this area. The way it currently works is that the $GENERIC_DESCRIPTOR are basically used to verify that a malicious class files is not trying to create a non Type Safe Type, ie new Sample<Object>() when the class definition said class Sample<TypeA extends Button>. The $GENERIC_BYTES basically correspond to the normal bytes of a wrapper class file, except that in the constant pool it has some constants of a new Parametric Constant type that get replaced at class load time. These parametric constants (along with possibly Utf8 and Class constants) are replaced by the Classes at the end of the new type name, a little more complex than that but you probably get the general idea.
    These fine implementation details don't affect the approach so much anyway, as they basically come down to class load time performance. Much of the information in the $GENERIC_BYTES could have been worked out by reflection on the base type, however at least for now simply storing the bytes is a lot easier.
    Note: I have made a small syntax change to the requested class:
    public T(X datum) --> public T<X>(X datum)
    class T<X> {
      private X datum;
      public T<X>(X datum) {
        this.datum = datum;
      public T<T<X>> box() {
        return new T<T<X>>(this);
      public String toString() {
        return datum.toString();
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        T<String> t = new T<String>("boo!");
    }would get translated as:
    class T {
      public static final Class[][] $GENERIC_DESCRIPTOR = {{Object.class}};
      public static final byte[] $GENERIC_BYTES = {/*Generic Bytes Go Here*/};
      private Object datum;
      private static final Field $0 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(T.class, "datum");
      private static final Constructor $1 = Reflection.getDeclaredConstructor(T$$C1T.class, new Class[] {T.class});
      static void $2(Field _0, Object _1, Object _2) {
        Reflection.set(_0, _1, _2);
      static Object $3(Constructor _0, Object _1) {
        try {
          return Reflection.newInstance(_0, new Object[] {_1});
        catch (Exception ex) {
          throw (RuntimeException)ex;
      static String $4(Field _0, Object _1) {
        return Reflection.get(_0, _1).toString();
      static void $5() {
        T$$C16java_lang_String t = new T$$C16java_lang_String("boo!");
      public T(Object datum) {
        $2($0, this, datum);
      public T$$C1T box() {
        return (T$$C1T)$3($1, this);
      public String toString() {
        return $4($0, this);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    }as the generic bytes aren't very meaningful and by no means a requirement to this approach (NextGen's template method for generation may work just as well), here are the generated classes with some unused code commented out instead:
    class T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String {
      private T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String datum;
      private static final Field $0 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String.class, "datum");
    //  private static final Constructor $1 = Reflection.getDeclaredConstructor(T$$C34T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String.class, new Class[] {T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String.class});
      public T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String(T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String datum) {
        T.$2($0, this, datum);
    //  public T$$C34T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String box() {
    //    return (T$$C34T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String)T.$3($1, this);
      public String toString() {
        return T.$4($0, this);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    class T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String {
      private T$$C16java_lang_String datum;
      private static final Field $0 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String.class, "datum");
      private static final Constructor $1 = Reflection.getDeclaredConstructor(T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String.class, new Class[] {T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String.class});
      public T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String(T$$C16java_lang_String datum) {
        T.$2($0, this, datum);
      public T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String box() {
        return (T$$C28T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String)T.$3($1, this);
      public String toString() {
        return T.$4($0, this);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    class T$$C1T {
      private T datum;
      private static final Field $0 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(T$$C1T.class, "datum");
    //  private static final Constructor $1 = Reflection.getDeclaredConstructor(T$$C6T$$C1T.class, new Class[] {T$$C1T.class});
      public T$$C1T(T datum) {
        T.$2($0, this, datum);
    //  public T$$C6T$$C1T box() {
    //    return (T$$C6T$$C1T)T.$3($1, this);
      public String toString() {
        return T.$4($0, this);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    class T$$C16java_lang_String {
      private String datum;
      private static final Field $0 = Reflection.getDeclaredField(T$$C16java_lang_String.class, "datum");
      private static final Constructor $1 = Reflection.getDeclaredConstructor(T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String.class, new Class[] {T$$C16java_lang_String.class});
      public T$$C16java_lang_String(String datum) {
        T.$2($0, this, datum);
      public T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String box() {
        return (T$$C22T$$C16java_lang_String)T.$3($1, this);
      public String toString() {
        return T.$4($0, this);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    }the methods from the Reflection class used in these answers not given in my initial description are:
      public static final Object newInstance(Constructor aConstructor, Object[] anArgsArray) throws Exception {
        try {
          return aConstructor.newInstance(anArgsArray);
        catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
          Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
          if (ex instanceof Exception) {
            throw (Exception)ex;
          throw new Error(ex.getCause());
        catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new Error(ex);
      public static final Constructor getDeclaredConstructor(Class aClass, Class[] aParameterTypesArray) {
        try {
          Constructor constructor = aClass.getDeclaredConstructor(aParameterTypesArray);
          return constructor;
        catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new Error(ex);

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    If u want decent HP laptop get either probook or elitebook , and dont go for amd/radeon they are junk.
    If u want laptop which will run forever , buy Intel I3/I5/I7 processor and Intel HD graphics version.

  • Adobe, what do you think about that ?

    - one day I was demoing DPS to 35 people in Paris. The whole day the servers were barely accessible. For the reputation and reliability of DPS that was wonderful.
    - another day I was doing a little DPS demo for Adobe. Again the same problem.
    - another day, the demo was ruined because the servers were so slow.
    - this Monday morning, I open my iPad and I can see my latest Folio in ACV.
    In the afternoon I join Adobe reps and partners and other VIPs in London for the launch of CS6. There I go with my iPad and what a surprise when I want to show the Folio to an Adobe representative ?
    Despite being signed in, all my folios where archived and all in Download state. I could not access a WiFi and even if I could I think that downloading 500 Mb would be impossible.
    Many people where asking me :
    —"And are you teaching DPS ?"
    – I said "Yes, I'm even working on it for real projects."
    — "Do you have one to show us ?"
    – "No, because Adobe's software, for a reason that I don't understand, deleted all my folios a few moments ago and I would have to redownload them again. ACV sucks".
    People to who I have talked to where Adobe people, chiefs of graphic studios (newspaper, agency,...), potential clients for DPS,...
    There was even of Adobe person that told me : "We are receiving a lot of complaints about the technical model of DPS, and you're right, it's terrible".
    There are so many problems with this app and with the servers.
    DPS's reputation will may be better when one day we just play offline with the folios like a PDF in GoodReader for instance.
    DPS is exploding my bandwidth.

    Peter, that is sad. If a publisher decides to pull the issue from the
    server, that's like burning down their own library of things.
    Apple wanted adobe to stop downloading such large data into the storage
    that will be backed up. So issues now go into the cache, that will not be
    uploaded to the Icloud storage.
    Because you buy a 64gb iPad, but get only 2Gb of online storage.
    (mobil gesendet)
    Am 26.04.2012 18:35 schrieb "Peter Villevoye" <[email protected]>:
       Re: Adobe, what do you think about that ?  created by Peter Villevoye<http://forums.adobe.com/people/Peter+Villevoye>in
    Digital Publishing Suite - View the full discussion<http://forums.adobe.com/message/4363125#4363125

  • Thinking about using Mac Mini's as desktops for 20 employee business.  Pro's Vs. Con's

    Thinking about using Mac Mini's as desktops for 20 employee business.  Pro's Vs. Con's

    Your best bet would be to buy a single 2012 MacMini Server model that you can use to manage the balance of the other machines. Either that or upgrade one of the MM's to OS X Yosemite Server . You can find information about the Server edition at:
    However I would STRONGLY recommend visiting your local Apple Store and ask to speak to their business specialist, they are trained to manage customer needs such as yours.
    The major advantage of using Macs over any PC is the stability of OS X itself and the overall quality of support that you will never get with HP.

  • HTML generator script (in Ruby) - what do yout think about it?

    Hi folks,
    since I have a lot of time recently, I decided to create a little (non-dynamic) website with HTML and CSS.
    So, when I began writing I noticed that there is a lot of "typing overhead" what really went on my nerves.
    Be it as this may... I was thinking about how I could shorten the whole process of writing HTML-code.
    I began writing a little ruby-script, wich reads a HTML file line by line, searches for a certain pattern, interprets this pattern and generates HTML-code out of it.
    I hope you get what I mean. Here is the code (it's still experimental... )
    # Command class - contains the "template"-code
    class Commands
    # generate a list
    def Commands.list(args)
    s = "<ul>\n"
    args.each { |arg| s += "<li>#{arg}</li>\n" }
    s += "</ul>\n"
    # generate a headline
    def Commands.h2 (args)
    "<h2>#{args.join(" ")}</h2>"
    # generate an image
    def Commands.img(args)
    "<img src='#{args[0]}' width='#{args[1]}' height='#{args[2]}'/>"
    # Searches for pattern and executes them
    def execute_rubyfoo(content)
    content = content.map { |line| line.strip }
    new_content = content
    success = 0
    errors = 0
    puts "Generating..."
    new_content.each_with_index { |line, i|
    # line matches pattern
    if line =~ /^\$\$\s*rfoo.*/
    command = new_content[i].sub(/\$\$rfoo\s*/, "")
    command = command.sub(/\s*\$\$/, "")
    command = command.split(" ")
    method = Commands.method(command[0])
    new_content[i] = method.call command[1..-1]
    success += 1
    rescue NameError => e
    puts "--> Line #{i + 1}: Command not found: #{command[0]}"
    errors += 1
    puts "\n---"
    puts "Finished: #{success} successfully, #{errors} errors."
    file = File.new("foo.html", "r+")
    new_content = execute_rubyfoo(file.readlines)
    new_file = File.new("foo.html.bla", "w+")
    new_file.puts new_content
    An example HTML-file could look like that:
    $$rfoo list 1 2 3 4 5$$
    $$rfoo h2$$
    $$rfoo img bla.png 100 100$$
    And a generated HTML-file like that:
    <img src='bla.png' width='100' height='100'/>
    So, now what I want to know is:
    What do you think about this idea in general and the way I implemented it? Is there already something like that?

    ERB is even part of the standard ruby libraries. See the Notes for other alternatives.
    I have to admit that I'm guilty of reinventing that wheel, too
    Last edited by hbekel (2009-09-22 09:04:57)

  • I would like to have a solar panel on my iPhone so I can have a constant state of charge what do you think about that?

    I would like to have a solar panel on my iPhone so I can have a constant state of charge what do you think about that?

    I am among this community since I invested much into this corporation. I rather go to the consumers just to discuss an idea I would like for this corporation to achieve. I do not like to purchase third party accessories as they seem to fail my expectations or the fact that it is not worth it when i finally see what they have made. Yes they are good products but there is much disappointment when I look to third-party products that say they are engineering products for the iPhone or other Apple device I have purchase. Just a thought no need to be so hostile.

  • What do you think about IPlanet 6.x Application server?

    Right now our company is developing an important project with J2EE. Our customer has IPlanet 6.5 application server. So far, we have had lots of problems with it.
    What do you think about it?.
    Would we consider to change the application server?.

    We also have had a lot of problems, although to be fair we have got it running reasonably reliabily now but only after disabling some of its features such as clustering. Make sure you have the maintence pack 1 installed. Ask Sun about the problems you are having often we would get a reply saying it was a known bug etc, unfortunatly no bug list is made available by sun...

  • What do you think about asset group?

    My client ask me to configure asset group functionality. It's well explained in SAP documentation but there is many SAP OSS note to correct some bugs.
    What do you think about this functionality? Do you have any suggestion regarding asset group?
    Thanks and regards

    What do you think about the forum rules?
    Before you post: Rules of Engagement

  • What do you think about online IT degree?

    I would like to take an online degree since i cannot afored the time to go to on campus school to hold a masters degree. What do you think about online IT degree, Do you have one? If yes, where did you get it? Would you recommend a good school? 
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    I would like to take an online degree since i cannot afford the time to go to on campus school to hold a master's degree. What do you think about online IT degree, Do you have one? If yes, where did you get it? Does it help get a job? Would you recommend a good school? 
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

  • What do you think about the html5?

    I've been seeing developers philosophizing about the future, and I want to know what do you think about the brand new html5?
    mainly because the html5 can take out of the market technology ( flex ).
    thanks for the opinion!!!
    [email protected]

    Yep this is most definitely not just a rumor, I've found plenty of sources talking about this.
    Here's someone's take on HTML5, a non-Adobe perspective, from a Silverlight developer.  I thought this would be interesting to mention.  Not sure I agree 100% with everything said (IE may not be most used browser and I don't believe in DRM), but it's an interesting read anyway:
    Yes, you can do a LOT of stuff with HTML5 + JS that Silverlight is good for. But HTML5 will only reach Candidate Recommendation status in 2012 - if Silverlight keeps the current pace, it will be at V7 by then.
    HTML5 will only get you approximately what Silverlight had at V1.0. A Canvas element, some video playback capabilites, and a Javascript programming model. Can you imagine how further advanced Silverlight 4 is at the moment?
    Actually, scratch that - the video quality and availability of HTML5 is a lot worse than what Silverlight has to offer. There is no DRM, no Smooth Streaming, not even full screen! No GPU acceleration either. Even the codec HTML5 has to support is not standardized! This results in Firefox 3.6 having only Theora decoder, and Youtube experimenting with HTML in H.264 (on the same day FF3.6 launched), only playable in approx. 4-5% of the world's browsers.
    Internet Explorer is still the most widely used browser on the web, and does not have HTML5. Currently, there are more Silverlight capable browsers browsing the web than HTML5 compatible ones. I don't think that in the next 3 years you will be able to create an HTML5 app and hope that at least 50% of the world's population can view it without switching browsers. (and remember: installing a plugin is a lot less hassle than switching to a new browser!)
    HTML5 will not be truly cross-browser standard for quite a long time, if ever. There are too many things that the browser developer can do as they wish - just think about the aforementioned video codec issue. There are too many little differences in each browser's Javascript implementation to make it really portable.
    The developer story: nothing in the HTML + JS world comes close to the awesome Visual Studio and Expression Blend tools. Javascript is cool for small apps, but cannot hold a candle to C# when it comes to serious development. Fighting with browser and OS incompatilities takes up a huge amount of time for any HTML website or web app - with Silverlight you don't have this.
    Just compare what the best HTML / Ajax company in the world (Google) did with maps, and what MS did to see the difference. Go tohttp://maps.google.com/ (watch out - the Streetview part is in Flash, not Ajax), and compare it to http://www.bing.com/maps/explore/. That is the difference I am talking about.
    Of course he means (or should have meant) Flex/Flash rather than just Flash.  As for the GWT and other AJAX fanboys who I guess think browser compatibility problems are going to be a thing of the past (or won't be a drag on corporate bottom lines - haha), it makes you wonder what other wild fantasies they're envisioning for the future.  Next they'll come and tell us XML-based protocols are going to be as fast as AMF...

  • What do you think about our design

    Dear sir, madame,
    What do you think about our design:
    Mini Paarden shop
    Looking forward hearing your opinion.
    Kind regards,

    Hello Mariska,
    Browsing on an iPad, the search bar + cart Infos are hidden on the right hand side of the page (I need to scroll to see it). Depending on your target audience and the devices they uses, it might be an issue if they can't complete the order process because they don't see where the cart is...
    Apart from that, the design overall strikes me as clear enough to be browsable, IMO it does the job!

  • What do you think about BIOS 1.8 for KT4V

    What do you think about BIOS 1.8 for KT4V?
    Is this version really better?
    CRC error- still  be occured?

    This bios is catastrophic(k).I flashed bios and boot to win 98 and no one of my programs wont too work.Every time I try to start anything there is a note "this program performed illigal op...".So I re-installed win but problem remains.Now I'm back on bios 1.7.

  • What do you think about EFI

    What do you think about EFI, is it good or bad? For Linux or generally
    Last edited by fk (2007-03-27 22:36:03)

    EFI is? This? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible … _Interface

Maybe you are looking for

  • CC update crashes PC and Kuler2014 not working

    CC app said it needed updating...I did so but PC could not recover...windows explorer died....PC restart recovered and all seems OK so far. PsCC exchange needed an update; did so, restarted and it asked for another update...after 3 restarts it seems

  • Losing all my music.

    This happened awhile a go: iTunes asked me to update to the new iTunes, so i clicked yes. as i did it, everything looked/sounded normal. The a boxed popped up after it was opened say that there is error.xtl something like that? But did not explain an

  • Recommendations, myisam-innodb

    I have a program that listens to ippackets and reads out and stores an ip address, two mac addresses and one timestamp. I also have a packetID. I am using Java 6 and the latest JDBCdriver with the latest stable Mysql. My first approach was to just ma

  • My iPhone 4s keeps crashing for no reason - any ideas?

    MY new iPhone 4s keeps crashing for no reason. Any ideas? Also, the camera is permanently lit up on the back of the phone- is this normal.?

  • Where is the artwork viewer in 11.1

    I just updated my itunes so it will work with my new nano, but now I can't seem to play videos in the artwork viewer - I can't even find the artwork viewer. Is there a new option for watching videos while arranging playlists, etc?