What does "partially downloaded" mean?

I ran Software Update to see if there were any updates, and it came up with a few. The System 10.5.6 update was really big and my DSL connection is not very fast on downloads. I was short on time, so I downloaded all the other (smaller) updates and quit Software Update.
I had time today, so I checked Software Update again and saw that the System 10.5.6 update is 29% downloaded. Since I never tried to download it, how can it be 29% downloaded?
If I click on the "Install 1 item" will it continue the download or start over again from the beginning?

Software Update downloads updates automatically in the background if it's set up this way. I suppose that's what happened. You can uncheck that option if you like. Partially downloaded updates will continue downloading where they left of.

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                                  [click on image to enlarge]
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