What function does this...

How would i go about coverting '.750' to '75.0' ? What function do i use here?
My guess si to_char but how would i apply that here?
Edited by: user652714 on Apr 3, 2009 7:44 AM

And a final (?) solution, using the necessary datatype conversions and being language independent. For example, in the Netherlands the decimal symbol is a comma, not a point.
SQL> select to_char
  2         ( 100 * to_number('.750','999D000','nls_numeric_characters=''.,''')
  3         , '99999D0'
  4         , 'nls_numeric_characters=''.,'''
  5         )
  6    from dual
  7  /
1 rij is geselecteerd.Regards,

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    Creative Zen Micro v0.0.58.
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    du musst versuchen die firmware von einem anderen pc aus zu installieren. ich hatte heute genau das gleiche problem. der player hat sich beim upgraden aufgeh?ngt und dann war nur die halbe firmware drauf. du musst die firmware l?schen bevor du die neue von einem anderen pc l?dst. das doofe ist nur, dass der player an meinem pc nicht richtig erkannt wird, im ger?tmanager von win xp steht zwar der player drin, aber ich kann weder ?ber den windows explorer, media player 0 oder eben media source organizer auf den player zugreifen. schlie?e ich den player nun an dem anderen pc an, wird der creative sofort erkannt. windows media player 0 will ihn sofort mit musik f?ttern und auch ?ber den windows explorer ist er nun per drag&drop bef?llbar. ich habe mittlerweile schon mein komplettes system neuinstalliert, aber auch das hat nichts gebracht. ich wei? nicht mehr was ich machen soll und warum der player nur an meinem pc nicht mehr funktionieren will. wenn er kaputt w?re oder so, dann w?rde er ja auch nicht an dem anderen pc funktionieren.

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    I update some of the fields in the IPTC metadata. In particular the title and keywords. I'm running Vista 64, and both changes faithfully appear when I view the file with Vista's picture browser or even in Windows Explorer. So far so good.
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    - If I have Prefer ACR checked off when I update the IPTC then the gallery website is able to pick up on the metadata and assign captions on the website accordingly.
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    After much digging, I've been able to come up with a rough answer to my own question.
    It appears that when the "prefer ACR" setting is on, Bridge saves older versions of the Metadata (in the XMP IDF, I believe). When displaying a file's metadata, Bridge knows to only display the latest version.
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  • Startup Disk Full. What exactly does this mean and what can I do about it?

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    +"Are there other things I can do to clear memory space or add more?"+
    Yes. Either replace the internal drive with a much larger one or purchase an externally attached drive (USB or Firewire or both) and transfer all your pictures and movies onto that instead. Either way will involve an outlay of some sort? Another way would be to start backing up less important photos, music and movies onto CD or better still DVD. You do have a built-in DVD Burner of some description. You could use it as that is primarily one of the reasons it's there for. Once you've backed up desired data start deleting it from the internal drive.
    It's important to leave some free space on the drive that contains the Operating System. Not doing so will invariably cause potentially major problems in terms of performance and the proper running of your computer. Think of it this way. If you were to constantly stuff yourself full of food would you be able to function properly or as well as you normally do? Not a great analogy but should give you enough of an idea?

Maybe you are looking for