What I found swing.jar

I as intaled j2sdk-1_4_1_01-windows-i586.exe in windows XP.
But not found swing.jar in folders.
In run program a message is raised.
Look command line:
c:\nando\java SwingApplication.class
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: SwingApplication/class

java SwingApplication.class
java SwingApplication

Similar Messages

  • Problem deploying connector: META-INF/ejb-jar.xml not found in jar file

              Has anyone seen this problem:
              I built Sun's Blackbox implementation and packaged
              it identical to the BlackBoxNoTx.rar included with
              Weblogic's 'jconnector' sample (even using the same
              ra.xml and weblogic-ra.xml). When I try to deploy
              it, the server reports:
              META-INF/ejb-jar.xml not found in jar file
              I have no idea why the server thinks my connector
              is an EJB. If I deploy the BlackBoxNoTx.rar included
              with the sample, everything works without a hitch.
              The only variable that I'm changing in my BlackBoxNoTx.rar
              is that I build the Blackbox classes myself--otherwise,
              the RAR packagings are identical. Any assistance is
              greatly appreciated since I'm banging my head against
              a wall...

              I was finally able to resolve this one. On the odd chance that someone else encounters
              the same problem, here's what went wrong:
              My RAR file had two directories: 'META-INF' and 'meta-inf'. The first was created
              by the jar tool and contained the manifest.mf file. The second I created manually
              and it contained my ra.xml and weblogic-ra.xml. When I examined the RAR using
              any tools or I extracted the contents, it looked like it only contained one directory:
              META-INF (because NT is case-insensitive).
              "Jason L" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >Has anyone seen this problem:
              >I built Sun's Blackbox implementation and packaged
              >it identical to the BlackBoxNoTx.rar included with
              >Weblogic's 'jconnector' sample (even using the same
              >ra.xml and weblogic-ra.xml). When I try to deploy
              >it, the server reports:
              >META-INF/ejb-jar.xml not found in jar file
              >I have no idea why the server thinks my connector
              >is an EJB. If I deploy the BlackBoxNoTx.rar included
              >with the sample, everything works without a hitch.
              >The only variable that I'm changing in my BlackBoxNoTx.rar
              >is that I build the Blackbox classes myself--otherwise,
              >the RAR packagings are identical. Any assistance is
              >greatly appreciated since I'm banging my head against
              >a wall...

  • Gif file not found in JAR from Java Application

    Hello Forumers,
    Could some one please explain how to create a JAR file from where I can get a GIF file. I have tried a number of different ways but it allways fails. (I have tried to add the GIF files using the jar command and I have tried to add it using WinZip after the jar is created).
    To isolate the problem I created this very simple program, the program works very well when the gif file resides on the directory from where I run the Application, but when I remove it from the directory it fails. I have tried to put the GIF file in the JAR in a number of different ways but it allways fails. (I have also tried with and without slash before the name of the GIF). I guess the problem is the way I create the JAR file
    import java.io.*;
    public class GifTest
    { public static void main(String args[])
    { InputStream in = GifTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/open.gif");
    if (in==null)
    System.out.println("Null returned");
    Any Hints appreciated

    here is a small application using my own class GetImageIcon.
    Normally I have this "help-class" in a utility-package to use it from all my projects without copying. For this example I copied the code in the test application. Feel free to use the code of the class like you want. For me it works fine.
    Do the following:
    1. Create a folder called /meta-inf under the folder where the class-files are. Use a text-editor and create a file saved as "manifest.mf".
    manifest.mf tells the jar-file which is the main-class from where the application will start when double-clicked.
    It only has to contain one line:
    Main-Class: GifTest
    2. Compile and create the jar file. I made a bat-file containing:
    javac -verbose GifTest.java
    REM Create Jar-File
    jar cmf meta-inf/manifest.mf GifTest.jar *.class *.gif
    REM Show Table of Content of the Jar-File
    jar tf GifTest.jar
    So you can see what's in the jar-file.
    3. When you double-click on the jar-file the application is executed. So it is easier to use for the users. They don't have to type in anything on the command-line. You can deploy this jar-file to any client and run it. The only thing you have to do, is to install the JRE on the clients.
    I develop with JDK 1.3.1 and JRE 1.3.1 is installed on the clients of the company I work for.
    //Begin of the code
    import java.io.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.jar.*;
    public class GifTest extends JFrame
            protected JLabel m_title;
            protected ImageIcon m_image;
            static File file;
            //You have to define the name of the jar-file
            static String jarFile = "GifTest.jar";
            //Instance of the class GetImageIcon
            protected GetImageIcon gii = new GetImageIcon();
            public GifTest()
                    //the name of the image and the name of the jar-file the image resides in
                    m_image = gii.getImageIcon("orb.gif", "GifTest.jar");
                    m_title = new JLabel(null, m_image, SwingConstants.CENTER);
                    getContentPane().add(m_title, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            public static void main(String argv[]) {
                    GifTest frame = new GifTest();
    public class GetImageIcon{
    * @param fileName the full qualified name of the file
    * from the root of your application. use a "/" before the
    * fileName, eg. /images/warning.gif
        public ImageIcon getImageIcon(String fileName, String jarName) {
            int counter, c, i = 0;
            byte buffer[];
            JarFile  jfile;
            JarEntry jentry;
            InputStream in;
            ImageIcon m_image;
                    // Create Jar-File object from JarFile
                    jfile = new JarFile(jarName);
            catch(Exception ex){
                    System.out.println("JarFile-Problem " + "\n" + ex);
                    return null;
                    // create Jar-Entry object from File-Name in JarFile
                    jentry = jfile.getJarEntry(fileName);
            catch(Exception ex){
                    System.out.println("JarEntry-Problem " + "\n" + ex);
                    return null;
                    // create InputStream from JarEntry
                    in = jfile.getInputStream(jentry);
            catch(Exception ex){
                    System.out.println("JarEntry-Problem " + "\n" + ex);
                    return null;
                    //get uncompressed size of entry data in Jar-File and create byte-array with this size
                    buffer = new byte[(int)jentry.getSize()];
                    //write int-value 'c' (casted to byte) with read() and while-loop in byte-Array
                    while((c = in.read()) != -1){
                            buffer[i] = (byte)c;
            catch(Exception ex){
                    System.out.println("in.read()-Problem " + "\n" + ex);
                    return null;
                    //create ImageIcon with byte-Array 'buffer'
                    m_image = new ImageIcon(buffer);
            catch(Exception ex){
                    System.out.println("ImageIcon-Problem " + "\n" + ex);
                    return null;
            // return the created ImageIcon
            return m_image;

  • I am transfering my stuff from my lap top to my desk top (both Mac). I cannot get my CS4 to open. It gives me a 150:30 error, licencing thing. I have no idea what to do and after hours of searching none of what I found helps. I don't know anything about t

    Sorry didn't know that the first step was just supposed to be "subject".
    So here it is again.
    "I am transfering my stuff from my lap top to my desk top (both Mac). I cannot get my CS4 to open. It gives me a 150:30 error, licencing thing. I have no idea what to do and after hours of searching none of what I found helps. I don't know anything about this stuff so please don't answer with "maybe this willl work, or maybe that."  I need a real answer please and I cannot find a way to actually contact Adobe. I also don't have a disk drive on this Mac. Thanks"
    Also please feel free to e-mail the answer because I hate looking for these answers online. It takes me forever to find this section. Not that I have even even gotten a real answer.
    [email protected]

    Hi Sonia,
    While transferring Adobe from laptop to PC the licensing files got corrupt and the right way to use Adobe Applications is to install first as transferring from a different machine can give you problems.
    You can try steps from this article if that helps otherwise you have to reinstall and manually delete some files , everything is mentioned.
    You can download CS4 from here:
    Download CS4 products

  • Trying to login to software program known as hamspher (vip simulated ham radio,  it downloaded the program but it will not allow me to login with call sign and pin.  it has to be opened with what they call a jar file.  how do i do this?

    trying to login to software program known as hamspher (vip simulated ham radio,  it downloaded the program but it will not allow me to login with call sign and pin.  it has to be opened with what they call a jar file.  how do i do this?

    This is compatible with Mac? Especially Snow Leopard (if that is what you'e running)?
    Have you considered posting your question in their forums?
    Here is some information re. the jar file:

  • What are the basic .jar files to be set in web dynpro project classpath

    I am having a problem while customizing the ESS. I used DTR, DC and imported configuration. After that, I created project from one of the DC(say ess/jp/addr). Later when I open an iView from any Web Dynpro component, I am getting lot of errors without even making any modifications.
    I closed the project and reopened it and reload & rebuilt, but it doesn't solved my problem. In my classpath settings I couldn't find any jar files except the jre_lib. Could you please let me know what are the basic jar files we have to set in classpath and where to get them from. We are using NWDS 7.0.06 version.
    Can you please let me know how to solve this or any other way to work around this.
    It's an urgent to be fixed as early as possible, plz help me out.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Julien,
    Thanks for your reply.
    We imported the the specified SCAs in our track.
    we are getting the following errors.
    Kind Status Priority Description Resource In Folder Location
    Error The import com.sap.xss.per cannot be resolved CcPerAddressInterface.java NS1_XSSTR_Dessusaddrsap.com/gen_wdp/packages/com/sap/xss/hr/per/us/address/cc line 18
    Error com.sap.pcuigp cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument fpm of the method loadConfiguration CcPerAddressInterface.java NS1_XSSTR_Dessusaddrsap.com/gen_wdp/packages/com/sap/xss/hr/per/us/address/cc line 113
    Error com.sap.pcuigp cannot be resolved (or is not a valid return type) for the method getNextPerspective CcPerAddressInterface.java NS1_XSSTR_Dessusaddrsap.com/gen_wdp/packages/com/sap/xss/hr/per/us/address/cc line 127
    Error com.sap.pcuigp cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument currentPerspective of the method getNextPerspective CcPerAddressInterface.java NS1_XSSTR_Dessusaddrsap.com/gen_wdp/packages/com/sap/xss/hr/per/us/address/cc line 127
    Error com.sap.pcuigp cannot be resolved (or is not a valid return type) for the method getCAPState CcPerAddressInterface.java NS1_XSSTR_Dessusaddrsap.com/gen_wdp/packages/com/sap/xss/hr/per/us/address/cc line 137
    Error com.sap.pcuigp cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument perspective of the method getCAPState CcPerAddressInterface.java NS1_XSSTR_Dessusaddrsap.com/gen_wdp/packages/com/sap/xss/hr/per/us/address/cc line 137
    we manually set below .jar files in classpath settings.
    Is there any alternative to work around.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Place to put swing.jar to enable Swing for IE?

    I know I can extend the JVM in Netscape 4.7, or any of the JRE's from Sun by sticking extra JAR files into the lib/ext directory. Is there a similar place to do so to extend the Microsoft JVM for IE. Specifically, I want to do that for Swing. I know it's possible to put the swing classes I might need into a JAR file and add it to my applet download, but I'm hoping there is a way to install it into the Microsoft JVM.
    Did Micro$oft avoid having a simple directory that class files or JAR files could be placed to extend the browser JVM?
    Harold Shinsato

    If you are forced to use the microsoft's virtual machine, you could try this solution:
    (Everything is documented in the ms sdk for java docs)
    Download the microsoft's sdk for java, unjar the file swing.jar, then use the dubuild tool to make a cab file, the command would be something like this:
    dubuild filename.cab . /D "My Classes" /I *.class /V 1,0,0,0
    The resulting cab file will have the half of the size that the original jar,
    Then you have to change the applet tag:
    <APPLET code="package.classname.class" width=342 height=390>
    <PARAM name="cabbase" value="filename.cab" />
    <applet />
    Optionally you can use a feature in IE, that allows you to install classes in the user's computer.
    First you must get a certificate, you can generate tests certificates using the tool makecert included in the ms sdk for java, it would be something like this:
    C:\..\>makecert -sk MyKeyName -n "CN=My Publisher Name" MyTestCert.cer
    C:\..\>cert2spc MyTestCert.cer MyTestCert.spc
    C:\..\>signcode -j javasign.dll -jp medium -spc MyTestCert.spc
    -k MyKeyName filename.cab
    the parameter after -jp is the level of security if you change medium for low you get full permissions.
    Again you need to change the applet tag:
    <APPLET code="package.classame.class" width=342 height=390 >
    <PARAM name="cabbase" value="filename.cab" />
    <PARAM NAME=useslibrary VALUE="My Classes">
    <PARAM NAME=useslibrarycodebase VALUE="filename.cab">
    <PARAM NAME=useslibraryversion VALUE="1,0,0,0">
    This will cause the user see a warning window when he watch the page, he will be asked for authorization to download and install software to his computer, if the user agrees the cab file filename.cab is copied to %winnt%\downloaded program files and acording to the documentation when he sees the page again he would not have to download all the files again.
    As IE installs the files I think that is more easy for the unexperienced user that open the winnt dir search for the java folder and copy the classes by hand

  • XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/chrome/toolkit.jar!/content/global/netError.xhtml Line Number 1, Column 1:

    Accidentally clicked on "Allow for Safe Networks Only" and saved it. When launching Firefox, this error: XML Parsing Error: no element found
    Location: jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/chrome/toolkit.jar!/content/global/netError.xhtml
    Line Number 1, Column 1:
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled, changed to a new profile, nothing works. I have looked at Options - Network - No Proxy
    Please help as I love Firefox

    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

  • How to detrmine what directory you (the JAR file) are in

    Is there some sort of function that returns (ideally in a string, or array of strings) what directory you (the JAR file) are in? Something along the lines of:
    String dir = Function();Then dir would be something like : "C:\Users and Settings\Me\Java Apps"

    It's not clear exactly what is wanted. Look at the information in the API for java.lang.System,getProperties(), which lists properties available - choos the one you want.

  • What's in ZenIdentity.jar?

    can anyone tell me what's inside ZenIdentity.jar ?
    I would like to make a script that does the same "job" I've noticed it's
    modifying "Public Key" attribute in Workstation object, but this
    attribute is "read only"(in console one)...
    thanks a lot for your help

    Jared Jennings wrote:
    > Pascal S.,
    >> I would like to make a script that does the same "job" I've noticed
    >> it's modifying "Public Key" attribute in Workstation object, but this
    >> attribute is "read only"(in console one)...
    > I doubt anyone here will know. Have you tried in the Novell Developer
    > forums?
    Not yet, but which one ?
    > LDAP might be a easier of modifying the workstation object, but then
    > that depends on what you are trying to do.
    I do not know yet "what I'm trying to do", yet, because I do not know
    exactly what the .jar does. I know it has something to see with the
    "Public key" attribute but their might be more than that

  • Where to get swing.jar file for JTreeTable

    From the link "http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/treetable2/", I got the source code for creating JTreeTable, but I'm not able to compile. Because it's asking for the library files "swing.jar", I think the package com.sun.java.swing.tree.* and com.sun.java.swing.event.* are available in that jar. I need the link to download this jar file
    Can anyone help me in this.

    Get jstl-1.2.jar here.

  • What phones have max jar file more than 300 kB?

    What phones have max jar file more than 300 kB? Model and max jar size, please.

    300k - thats really much.
    I'm pretty sure no phones support such big midlets when installed over-the-air.
    However, heres a link to the mobile database of Nokia:
    As you can see, it seems the Nokia6600 doen't have a max-midlet size...
    lg Linuxhippy

  • Swing.jar download

    Where can I download a swing.jar from to use with my SDK?
    A link will be helpful.

    Isn't there anyone that can help out?

  • Swing.jar

    Where can i download swing.jar ??
    Romeo G.

    If u want to download 'swing.jarj' alone separately,
    Point ur browser to:

  • Classes not found for jars listed in manifest

    I have an applet whose main jar has a number of dependent jars listed in the manifest. All the jars are signed.
    The applet works fine when downloaded from an HTTP server.
    Previous to 1.6.14 it would also run from a local directory.
    As of Java 1.6.15 and 1.6.16, the classes in the dependent jars are no longer loadable from the local directory. ClassDefNotFound is the reported on the java console. Obviously the class is present, as the application is running fine in JVMs 1.6.14 and previous.
    I see that 1.6.16 includes changes for the security baseline, but I cannot find anything that suggests changes are needed to support dependent jars. None of the dependent jars request a specific version of JRE.
    Anybody know what is going on?

    Is this the error? ...Yes, sorry, the exception is NoClassDefFoundError
    If you provide a Short, Self Contained, Correct Example someone may be able to diagnosis the problem, as opposeed to guessing. A link to the real live application can be found at: http://download.equitrac.com/38834/InstallGUI.html. (This original application does not meet the definition of short ... but demonstrates the problem well.)
    When run as an applet off this site, it works fine.
    If you click on the download button, it will place a copy on your local harddrive. To execute it locally double click on your local copy of InstallGUI.html.
    When running it locally with Java 1.6.15 and 1.6.16 it will give you a class def not found exception without doing any thing.
    When running locally with Java 1.6.14, it will not experience any trouble.
    This applet needs permissions to open sockets and store data on the harddrive.
    Probably due to the presence of class files that once existed outside of the jars, but are now not thereClose ... the application is made up of a main jar (our product) and a number of third party jars. The manifest for the main jar properly references the other jars, and works in all JVMs before 1.6.15. As of 1.6.15, none of the classes from the referenced jars can be opened.
    I found that I can work around the problem by placing all classes into a single jar ... which may infringe on licensing requirements for some of the third party jars we use.

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