What is 'Checking Playlist' -while burning a DVD- checking ?

I've started backing up iTunes files on DVD disks.
Made iTunes playlist with all files.
All (over 19.000) files are box-checked.
Put in a Philps DVD+RW empty/new disk.
Burn Disc is shown and blinking.
'Checking Playlist' is processed.
Takes (almost I hope) forever...
Question : What is 'Checking Playlist' checking/doing ?
I need about 14 or 15 DVD's to do all my (first time, yes I live dangerous...) backing up on discs. So my second question is :
Will this 'Checking Playlist' be done everytime I insert another DVD disc ?
Hope that someone can answer these - maybe simple - questions !
Thanks a lot !

John hello,
What is 'Checking Playlist' checking/doing ? exactly that it is checking to see if all the songs in the play list can be burned in the format you have chosen and making sure all songs are ticked plus checking to see if protected songs are not included.... they should be burned in Data format...
I personally prefer to use the Finder for backing up music files and have never had a problem ... if iTunes does it for you and there is a power failure you will have to start again, not so with the Finder... I do it like this
1. open iTunes Music folder in column view.
2. select all folders beginning with letter 'A' and drag to 4.7GB DVD and Burn
3. repeat step 2 but change the 'Letter' until all done.
Some tips...
backup iTunes Library file as well on one of the DVD's
printout a library list of all albums and note DVD ref. # against the albums as you burn each one.
some letters of the alphabet will not have many files so you can fit some letters together... the reverse is also true, the letters 'T' & 'C' may need more than one DVD disk
by storing them this way it is very easy to put the right disk back and there you have the data files as they were in the Finder.
after you copy each selection to DVD use the get info window or contextual menu and change color on the folders from Red to Green will do... if you want to leave your backing up and come back later... very easy to know what has and has not been backed up.
the big plus is these DVD's can be viewed and played from within iTunes.... 1200 songs approx per DVD (print a album list for each DVD is a good idea)
to restore your total setup on another computer or where ever, drag all files back to an empty iTunes Music folder and replace library file with backup ... all done
for incremental backups just look for folder/s with no color and put on a DVD .... changing to 'Green' will indicate they are backed up.
NOTE: do not keep the DVD backups with you computer... put well away somewhere safe in case of fire, burglary or natural disasters.
I hope that helps you John ... take care .... TP

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    How did you load it into iDVD?
    The recommended way is to
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    1. Do you still get the problem if you put the blank CD in before you start the burn in iTunes and let it "settle" in the system?
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    How did You do the burn ?
    • There are two flavours of DVDs - Data-DVD and Video-DVD
    • Brand and type of DVD used
    • Burn Speed
    • Free Space on Start-up (Mac OS) hard disk
    Did You try Your DVD on
    • Your Mac
    • On other DVD-player
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    More information needed for someone to help... click these links and provided the requested information
    Encore http://tv.adobe.com/show/learn-encore-cs4/
    Authoring http://www.videocopilot.net/tutorials/dvd_authoring/
    Encore Tutorial http://www.precomposed.com/blog/2009/05/encore-tutorial/
    And more Encore http://library.creativecow.net/articles/devis_andrew/

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    Ed Gerson
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    As Ruud states, PP does not recognize DL DVDs, while Encore does. However, with 1.5 hours of Video, you should not need DL. With good transcoding specs., it will easily fit on a DVD-5 (single-layer).
    I'll bet that you are looking at the size of your Exported file (what format is it - DV-AVI?) and figuring that THAT will not fit on a 4.7GB DVD-5. What you have to allow for is that either PP, or Encore will "transcode" the file to MPG-2 for the DVD, and it will compress that file. If you have already Exported to MPG-2, you need to look at your Export settings, as they are likely too high. They may also be too high, for any DVD player to actually play the DVD.
    A very nice feature of Encore is that if you feed it a nice DV-AVI file from PP, it will automatically choose the correct settings to fit the file onto a DVD-5 (provided that you have set DVD-5 in your Disc tab). If you wish to do all of the math yourself, and not rely on Encore to do it for you, then you'll need to study up on "bit budgeting." This forum would be a great place to start, with a "search." However, you will likely need to spend a great deal of time learning this, plus you'll need a few "tools," most of which are freeware, though not 100% intuitive.
    The next stop should be Jeff Bellune's "Focal Easy Guide to Encore2." Even if you have CS3, which includes Encore3, Jeff covers bit budgeting and that part will be the same. Some buttons and switches will likely have changed between the two versions, but the principles will be the same.
    Still, most of us rely on Encore's automatic transcode settings, until we have a really involved project with specific Assets.
    Considering the age of the original thread, and how far down it is on the forum, I'd suggest that you start a new thread. First, I'd set it up a bit differently, than the one that you tagged onto this thread. State what your Assets are, which programs you are using and which programs you have at your disposal, or plan on acquiring to complete your Project. Next, a bit of info on your system, might help others, should they have to "trouble shoot" your Project. It would look a bit like this:
    Five hours of DV tape, Captured into Premiere Pro X and edited to a 1.5 hour Project with stereo Audio from the original tape.
    Exported from PP to DV-AVI (file size) as elemental streams DV-AVI Video and PCM WAV Audio.
    Imported to EncoreX as a Timeline. Imported 3 Menus from Library(details).
    Desired medium for Export = DVD-5 to be played on both computers and stand-alone set-top players.
    System: Intel Core2 Duo 2.6GHz, OS=XP-Pro SP2, nVidia 8800 GTX, 4x 250GB SATA II HDDs, Adobe PP2, Encore2, etc.
    This way, we'll know what you have, what you want, what gear you're using to get there, and what you've done so far.
    Good luck,

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    .\Vobulator\Block Planner\Block Planner.cpp.line215
    Had no trouble the first time. Have tried burning to both +R and -R. Would appreciate any help, as I don't understand this message, or what I can do about it. Thanks

    I assume that you are using Encore CS4 for this Project. Is that correct?
    Now, let's look at your SlideShows. Is there any chance that the Audio is longer than the Video (the slides and their Duration), by even one Audio Unit? If so, then extend the Duration of the Video by a tiny amount. I do my SlideShows in PrPro, and always have about 2-3 Frames more Video, than Audio. I find Encore's SlideShow feature to be rudimentary at best. Also, make sure that your still images have been resized to the Project's Frame Size, outside of Encore. This would be true if you were doing SlideShows in PrPro too.
    Last thing, Encore can have issues with MPEG Audio. This can either be in muxed AV files, or Audio streams, like MP3. In general terms, MPEG is not even an optional Audio stream for DVD-Video. In PAL-land, it is "optional," but that is falling out of favor. The exception is the DD AC3 Audio stream, but it is unique. If I had MP3's, I would convert to PCM/WAV 48KHz 16-bit outside of Encore, and NOT use anything MP3. If I am doing the Transcoding in PrPro, prior to Import into Encore, I always do so as elemental/elementary streams, i.e. one Audio-only and one Video-only file. I then Import the Video-only file as a Timeline, and the Audio-only file as an Asset. Once into Encore, I just drag the Audio-only file to the appropriate Timeline, where it snaps into place.
    Oh, one more thing: ganging Assets on the same Timeline can be problematic, and for some of the things mentioned above, like slightly longer Audio, than Video, plus gaps. I always have one Video Asset per Timeline, and then use Play Lists for my navigation.
    Good luck, and hope that this helps.
    PS - if this is related to Encore, there is a great forum for that program, with some excellent subscribers, like Jeff Bellune and Neil Wilkes. You can get some very good and specific responses from them. Here is the Encore Forum link - see you there.

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    Anyone know how to burn multiple playlists to a single disc? maybe some other app can read iTunes's playlists and provide burning?
    I want each playlist to create a self titled folder on disc with the tunes in each.

    Hi man, good idea.
    Unfortunately, in iTunes, the "Burn Data Disc" button disappears when the folder is selected, in addition to the burn menu item. The burn button reappears when a single playlist inside the folder is selected, unfortunately again, more than one playlist cannot be selected.
    It does appear iTunes can burn only 1 single playlist to a disc or the entire library and nothing in between which is very problematic for me right now.
    Sadly the "Back Up to Disc" option in the File menu provides the following options :
    "Back Up entire iTunes library and playlist"
    "Back Up only iTunes Store purchases"
    This appears also to be useless.
    Toast 8 won't import exported iTunes XML playlists either and just burn the tracks in each playlist to a folder on the disk.
    Suppose we need "iTunes Pro" to do something simple as I require :-((

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    I changed the burn speed, verified my laptop burns DVD+R DL discs. Any help is much appreciated. Must burn a master to duplicated 100 dvds by Friday. Thanks!

    Sense Code errors are hardware or blank media related.
    Try to burn with other blank disc, if it does not work then the problem may be because of burner.
    Pankaj Gauba

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