What is "efi boot" ??

Something has happened where now if I hold down the Option key when I boot, rather than showing me all my bootable options by name as it used to do, it now shows all bootable options by the same name,
"efi boot"...
I clone my hard drive now and then and after doing so I always like to boot with the clone just to see that it is bootable... Always before it has shown both my main drive, by name and icon, and the cloned drive, also by its name and icon. Now, it still shows them with their specific icons but the real drive names are not presented and instead the system calls them both "efi boot"...
What has happened and can I fix this issue???
any help would be appreciated... thanks... bob...

You use and ran Disk Warrior?
It is cosmetic. Has existed for years. Not a problem. First saw it back in 10.5.0 if not earlier and thought it was TechTool Pro 4.x issue (the first time I saw that my Intel Mac Pro has GPT and EFI partitions).
So there are hidden partitions. And the boot manager shows EFI (which are 128MB and probably the 'actual' boot loader is there but that is pure guess-speculation).
Google turns up excellent threads
(my way of saying most things already or may exist and worth a read).
The solution is to simply select the startup disk you want via the
System Preferences Pane."
Open Terminal.app, at the prompt type:
sudo bless --folder /System/Library/Coreservices --bootefi
(press return, enter your admin password, press return again)
The startup disk name should now equal the volume name. And yes, this happens every time you rebuild the directory with DW,

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    I just updated my 2012 Macbook Pro to 10.9, and I am having some problems with it. I have a bootcamp partition on it and regularly awitch between mac and windows, and 2when I went to switch nack to my Mac side, It said EFI boot nstead of the regular Macintosh HD. When I choose that option, the aple logo comes up and progress bar appears. Once the progress bar finishes, the computer shuts off and doesnt do anything. When I turn it on again, it just starts the efi boot again and shuts off when it finishes. Why is this happening and what can I do to fix this. All help is extremely appreciated.

    That usually happen because the OS X partition got corrupted. Abiotu the only fix for that is to reinstall OS X and to do that you might have to completely erase the drive or repartition it as one partition. Which will wipe out the Windows side. So backup everthing you can before you start.
    nisuteng wrote:
    Hi, did you fix the problem?
    I have the same problem... and my warranty has expired...
    please help~~

  • How can i remove a hybrid mbr from my system drive so that Efi booted windows will install.

    i have just clean installed OSX lion on a freshly wiped drive in my macbook pro, using a bootable lion installer usb i used disk utility to partition my drive into a mac and a windows partition under the GPT/GUID partition scheme, i then proceeded to install lion onto the mac partition, and completed the set up, All Good...
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    Macbook Pro 13 inch Mid 2009
    Mac os: OSX Lion
    Version of windows trying to install: Windows 8 Release Preview 64 bit in EFI Mode

    Alexander, I would like to apologize for the TERRIBLE answers you have been given so far.  I too had this question, and so here is what my thoughts are, as maybe they might provide insight in leading you towards the answer.
    I am a *nix user in general, and thus own a mac and a thinkpad.  In fact I just got my thinkpad not too long ago.  As such, I transfered my faster hard drive to my faster computer, which made logcal sense to me.  Ergo, I moved my Mac drive to my lenovo.  On this drive I have a hybrid mbr which is no longer needed.  So my thoughts are this:
    From what I gather, the UEFI standard indicates that there is to be a protective MBR on all GPT systems.  This is so that when you use programs that are not GPT aware, they will see a presumably "full" drive and not think that they have the right to destroy your existing data in what it thinks is free space.  For instance, fdisk or other MBR only partitioning systems.  Thus, if your system has only a MBR with a single EE partition, it would be my guess that it was in fact not put there by installing Windows, but rather for the protection of your system. 
    If you are in my situation, where you do indeed have a hybrid MBR with written out partitions, it would be my guess that the only way to rid yourself of it is to do it manually.  The way I would recommend, is using gdisk (gpt fdisk).  It is command line only, but the syntax is pretty easy:
    $ sudo gdisk /dev/disk0
    Assuming you are using your mac partition and your primary hdd is disk0.  That will put you into an interactive session of gdisk.  Enter "?" for command options.  What you need is the "recovery and transformation" section which is the "r" I think.  From there I would say you probably want to create a new hybrid mbr (you will be using this to delete it).  When it asks you for the partitions you would like to include, just hit enter.  It should then ask you if you would like to create a protective entry for the remainder of the empty space.  This is what you want so tell it to do that.  After you are done, "w" will write and exit.  You may want to first use the "p" to print and ensure that you have what you want.  You can proabably check your work by using fdisk as so:
    $ sudo fdisk -l /dev/disk0
    I hope this helps you, and if you find that there is a better way, I hope you might enlighten this thread. 
    PS The command examples, the $ is to indicate it is a bash/shell command as a non-root user, do not include it in the command.

  • [SOLVED] Two Grub boot menus on Macbook pro 7.1 efi boot

    This is my first Arch post and I feel a bit of a fool for making the error I'm going to describe but here we go....
    A couple of weeks ago I installed Arch as dual boot on my Macbook pro 7.1 and I'm generally quite happy with the result.  I boot as EFI using Grub2 having followed instructions to make a standalone boot.efi and boot from the mac's bootloader. The boot.efi file is placed on a small macosx journaled partition that has been made bootable with "bless". I've been able to boot between the two systems using 'alt' at startup or, more generally, just leave the pc to boot into Arch.
    When I generated the boot.cfg file I didn't specify ro or rw but grub added ro. So I've had the "root mounted as ro" warning since upgrading to 3.10.3-1 (I don't subscribe to the testing repository) although it was obviously an issue from the start and I was aware of it. After reading some of the forum posts today I thought I'd have a go at changing the boot parameters at startup and edit the boot menu to include rw. This worked and I didn't get the read only warning. I decided to try to generate a new grub.fcg and specify rw before generating a new boot.efi. On inspecting the new boot.cfg I noticed it had both ro and rw entries. I decided to think about what to do (thinking of removing the ro) before making the standalone file.
    Anyway, I had to boot into osx for something else but when doing so noticed that I now have 3 efi boot options in the mac bootmanager. Two are grub and one boots osx. I've had a look in the forums and on the internet in general but can't find out how to remove the second entry. My guess is I've installed grub on my Arch /boot partition but can't figure out how to remove it.   
    Although I can boot into Arch as normal as the pc defaults to the original grub menu, I'd like to remove the additional entry if possible and would be grateful for any help.
    Last edited by youngdm (2013-08-06 21:00:37)

    These are the instructions I followed
    grub-mkconfig -o boot/grub/grub.cfg grub-mkstandalone -o boot.efi -d usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi -O x86_64-efi -C xz boot/grub/grub.cfg
    Then in osx:
    sudo bless --device /dev/disk0s4 --setBoot
    I think that on initial installation I ran the command above as one and then last night ran it as two. Like this:
    grub-mkconfig -o boot/grub/grub.cfg
    grub-mkstandalone -o boot.efi -d usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi -O x86_64-efi -C xz boot/grub/grub.cfg
    The instructions were from:
    http://codylittlewood.com/arch-linux-on … tallation/
    From the apple discussion forums..
    This one is a bit more tricky, surely there is another way but this one is simple and not so risky
    1- burn a GParted Live CD iso
    2- boot on the GParted live CD (press alt on boot and wait for the CD boot option to appear) and choose the first boot entry
    3- during the boot process accept every option with its default value
    4- in GParted select the EFI partition and somewhere in the menus select the "flags" entry and uncheck "boot"
    5- exit GParted Live CD and boot in Mac OS
    6- a new volume has appeared "/volumes/efi"
    in the finder go to "/volumes/efi/EFI" and delete the "ubuntu" folder
    7- repeat steps 2/3 and step 4 but check "boot" instead of unchecking it
    8- exit GParted live CD and reboot
    I have found the instructions above on the apple discussion forums but as noted above I'm a little wary about following them. I guess though that I need to remove the entry in the mac EFI partition which is hidden in osx but shows as sda1 in Arch.
    Do you think I could mount sda1 in Arch and have a look at what's on there? From the instructions above it looks like there should be a directory  for Arch that could be deleted. I presume that Arch is booting from the blessed partition on sda4. Is this correct?
    Last edited by youngdm (2013-08-06 11:46:09)

  • IMac 24" HDD issues, cant backup from Time maschine, EFI BOOT ERROR

    Hi, after a failed Bootcamp experience I saw yesterday only my Windows Partition in the boot chooser. I booted then from Rescue DVD and formatted the hdd completey. Then I reinstalled from my latest Time Maschine backup the whole hdd. Took 7 hrs for 500 GB!
    I restarted then the imac but its shows now only a "EFI BOOT" Drive in the boot choose. When I click on the drive, it shows gray screen than black and the Imac is shutdown °°
    What can I do???

    Although your machine does not match the model series of this
    specific forum (this one is dedicated to iMac G4 LCD models)
    you may be able to make sense of some of the links posted in
    this Apple Discussions thread:
    Re: Blank Grey Screen After Using Boot Camp - intel iMac:
    {Since the G4 series can't run BootCamp and can't boot Windows,
    if the link above has a desired coverage of information, the topic
    should be closed; if not, you may have to rephrase the question
    and re-post the problem in a new thread in the newer Intel iMac
    Discussion forum; or search there for additional ideas on topic.}
    re: Intel iMac Discussions forum (specific areas within)
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Macbook Pro 6,2 EFI Boot rEFind

    I have been using Linux for a while, but I am not very familiar with the booting process of Linux.
    First, I have managed to get Arch booting using grub2-efi, however I would like to use the Linux Kernel EFISTUB.
    I have placed the initramfs-linux.img and vmlinuz-linux.efi in the /EFI/Arch/ (which happens to be mounted on /boot) and a linux.conf in the same place containing
        initrd=\EFI\Arch\initramfs-linux.img root=/dev/sda5 ro quiet
    When I try to boot Arch using rEFInd (not rEFInd to Grub2 to Arch) I see that rEFInd attempts to use the settings found in the linux.conf then I get the following:
        [    0.592308] i8042: No controller found
        :: running early hook [udev]
        :: running hook [udev]
        :: Triggering uevents....
        [    0.673673] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: Found HC with no IRQ. Check PIOS/PCI 0000:00:1a.0 setup!
        [    0.673739] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: init 0000:00:1a.0 fail, -19
        [    0.673793] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: Found HC with no IRQ. Check PIOS/PCI 0000:00:1a.0 setup!
        [    0.673849] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: init 0000:00:1a.0 fail, -19
        ERROR: device '' not found. Skipping fsck.
        ERROR: Unable to find root device ''.
        You are being dropped to a recovery shell
            Type /exit/ to try and continue booting
        sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
    I am not sure what most of it means, however my research tells me that the uhci_hcd is some device that the kernel cannot use correctly and the two that start with ERROR: are related to the EFI booting. Since I specified the device in the linux.conf should it be looking there and not in ''?
    Can someone guide me along the correct path?
    Comment reguarding the "uhci_hcd" and "No controller found" messages are welcome as well.
    Last edited by raisdead (2012-09-15 19:32:29)

    Hello raisdead.
    I'm using an iMac (mid 2010, with i3 processor and AMD 4670 graphics).
    I also have been trying to get EFISTUB boot to work and I've got it running now. I prefer it to grub.
    Your log reports are OK (like mine) until the ERROR comes up.
    I think you may not have got the correct UUID for your disk in the refind_linux.conf file.
    If you can boot with another linux, maybe a live install disk, and run
    sudo blkid /dev/sda7   (or whatever the number is for your arch disk partition)
    you will get the UUID to put in your refind_linux.conf file.
    In the refind_linux.conf file, the menu line I use to boot with is
    "Boot default" "root=UUID=e5ead341-2bea-4933-969c-09ba528e9729 ro nosplash nomodeset init=/bin/systemd"
    You might use the same but with your own UUID value, and maybe no init= value, if you are not using systemd yet (despite initial problems I recommend it).
    The nomodeset is to avoid a black screen problem with the radeon video module.
    My boot files are under EFI/arch353/ on the first partition on my mac. The files there are
    To keep this up to date when the kernel changes I mount the EFI partition (do this before the new kernel is installed, otherwise you might lose the ability to mount)
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/uefi
    make a new folder arch354 (say)
    and copy over the new vmlinuz, initramfs files, together with a copy of the original refind_linux.conf
    When one version isn't needed just delete its folder.
    refind seems to find anything that might be bootable.
    Good luck.

  • Trouble setting up EFI boot on Macbook Pro

    I've been running Arch as a single OS on my Macbook Pro 7.1 for a few months using the bios compatibility mode. I would like to try a pure EFI boot. The reason is that I have an OCZ Vertex II SSD that the MBP  fails to boot from, while booting works fine on an 4 y/o Dell Inspiron 6400. I suspect the   SATA running in IDE mode  on the MBP is the cause, and this wiki entry  suggests that under grub2 AHCI can be forced. Also the same page states that the TRIM feature in the kernel is not available in IDE mode.
    I read the wiki pages on EFI, grub2 and this how-to http://grub.enbug.org/TestingOnMacbook, but some things are not clear to me:
    - Do i need a separate 'EFI System' partition? If so what folder structure should it have and on which mount point should it be mounted? Does it need to be fat32?
    - Do I need a  BIOS Boot Partition?
    - The how to explains using  the 'Apple bootloader'. But isn't that what grub2 is?
    - Do I need GPT for using EFI on a MBP?
    - Do I need grub2-efi or does grub2 from core/community work well enough?
    Last edited by rwd (2010-11-25 08:10:23)

    Thanks for the tips skodabenz. I am getting some progress, in the sense that the Grub menu shows up. But selecting any item  results in black screen with a prompt in the top-left. These are the things that I've been trying, each time swapping harddisk with the SSD:
    - following the tips on http://grub.enbug.org/TestingOnMacbook I verified that the firmware is 64 bit using the mac OSX cd.
    - Also I changed the path of the the contents of /efi/efi/grub2_efi_x86_64_bzr to /efi/EFI/BOOT/
    and renamed grub.efi to BOOTX64.EFI as that is where the firmware seems to expect it
    - Furthermore since efi is on a separate partition I added  '/boot/' to the initrd  and kernel lines (see grub.cfg. below).
    One or more of these changes made that I when booting with the alt key pressed I can get into the grub menu.  Just before the grub menu appears though I see an error message that is too quick to read. Something like "error 'prefix' ...". Selecting any item in the grub menu results in a prompt.
    - To be sure that it wasn't a typo in grub.cfg I tried this within the chroot, and it doesn't show any errors:
    cat /efi/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg | /bin/grub2_efi_x86_64_bzr-script-check --verbose
    - I then decided to compile more modules so I did:
    grub2_efi_x86_64_bzr-mkimage -d /usr/lib/grub2_efi_x86_64_bzr/x86_64-efi -O x86_64-efi -p "" -o /efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI minicmd part_msdos part_gpt fat ext2 hfsplus ntfs reiserfs xfs iso9660 ls search loopback linux chain reboot halt appleldr help configfile hexdump loadbios fixvideo sh
    - Still no boot, so I installed the 2.6.36-ck kernel from aur.
    - Then I tried the ahci force tip mentioned in  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Solid_State_Drives
    and added to menu items in the grub.cfg 'insmod setpci' and added to the menu items 'setpci -d 10de:0d85 90.b=40' with the pci id determined from 'lspci -nn'
    A strange thing I noticed was that even though when booting from the SSD there is only one drive, when I press 'c' in the grub menu and then 'ls' I get this output, so now there is both a hd0 and hd1:
    (hd0) (hd1) (hd1,gpt3) (hd1,gpt2) (hd1,gpt1) (cd0)
    a 'ls (hd1,gpt2)' shows the contents of the partition that contains /boot. When I change the items in grub cfg to set 'root=(hd0,gpt2)' I get 'no such partition' error. When I change it to 'set root=(hd1,gpt2)' I get the black screen with a prompt. 
    A little research showed the cause for this:
    [root@arch-macbookpro boot]# cat /boot/grub2_efi_x86_64_bzr/device.map
    (hd0) /dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HTS545025B9SA02_100610PBL2003SKV6ZPV
    (hd1) /dev/disk/by-id/usb-OCZ-VERT_EX2_FCF0FEFFEFFCF0F33F5231144FF5FD-0:0
    I guess I have to change this file and reinstall grub2. Will post the results in a next post.
    This is the grub.cfg so far. None of these menu items work:
    # Example Config file for GRUB2 - The GNU GRand Unified Bootloader
    # /boot/grub2_efi/grub.cfg.example
    # Linux Grub
    # /dev/fd0 (fd0)
    # /dev/sda (hd0)
    # /dev/sdb2 (hd1,2)
    # /dev/sda3 (hd0,3)
    # Load Graphical modules
    set debug=video
    insmod efi_gop
    #insmod efi_uga
    # Load Font module
    insmod font
    # Setup GFXTERM along with loading unifont.pf2 font file
    if loadfont ${prefix}/unifont.pf2
    insmod gfxterm
    set gfxmode="auto"
    set gfxpayload=keep
    terminal_output gfxterm
    set color_normal=light-blue/black
    set color_highlight=light-cyan/blue
    insmod png
    insmod jpeg
    # background_image ${prefix}/archlinux.png
    insmod part_gpt
    insmod part_msdos
    insmod fat
    insmod ext2
    insmod setpci
    # Timeout for menu
    set timeout=3
    # Set default boot entry as Entry 0
    set default=0
    menuentry "Arch Linux - with bios dump" {
    #search --set -f /boot/vmlinuz26
    #setpci -d 10de:0d85 90.b=40
    set root=(hd1,gpt2)
    loadbios /boot/vbios.bin /boot/int10.bin
    linux /boot/vmlinuz26-ck root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 video=efifb agp=off
    initrd /boot/kernel26-ck.img
    menuentry "Arch Linux - Linux (with bios dump and fix video)" {
    #search --set -f /boot/vmlinuz26
    #setpci -d 10de:0d85 90.b=40
    set root=(hd1,gpt2)
    loadbios /boot/vbios.bin /boot/int10.bin
    linux /boot/vmlinuz26-ck root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 video=efifb agp=off
    initrd /boot/kernel26-ck.img
    menuentry "Arch Linux" {
    #search --set -f /boot/vmlinuz26
    #setpci -d 10de:0d85 90.b=40
    set root=(hd1,gpt2)
    linux /boot/vmlinuz26-ck root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 video=efifb agp=off
    initrd /boot/kernel26-ck.img
    menuentry "Arch Linux test" {
    #setpci -d 10de:0d85 90.b=40
    set root=(hd1,gpt2)
    linux /boot/vmlinuz26-ck root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 video=efifb agp=off
    initrd /boot/kernel26-ck.img
    menuentry "Arch Linux test2" {
    #setpci -d 10de:0d85 90.b=40
    set root=(hd1,2)
    linux /boot/vmlinuz26-ck root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 video=efifb
    initrd /boot/kernel26-ck.img
    menuentry "Arch Linux test uuid" {
    #setpci -d 10de:0d85 90.b=40
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid d76f36b4-109a-48cd-81de-941f169b2213 --set root
    linux /boot/vmlinuz26-ck root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/d76f36b4-109a-48cd-81de-941f169b2213 ro rootfstype=ext4 video=efifb
    initrd /boot/kernel26-ck.img
    Last edited by rwd (2010-11-27 20:35:01)

  • 2006/2007 MacPro 2.66GH Intel Xeon. What version EFI should it have?

    I have a 2006/2006 2.66GH Intel Zeon MacPro.  This version MacPro came with a 32 bit EFI firmware.  After having a new video card iunstalled at the Apple Store I found that my MacPro would no longer recognize bootable FW800 external drives or my eSATA external drives during an OPTION boot.  This function had worked perfectly before I had the video card switched out.  My FW800 drive DO show up on the desktop after boot and are accesssable... I just can no longer boot up my bootable SuperDuper backups as I had been able to prior to the video card switch.
    My thinking is that the technician thought he was doing me a favor and upgraded my machine to the latest 64 bit EFI ... While the machine works fine my bootable backups are useless.
    What version EFI SHOULD this machine have and how do I check the version to see if I am correct?  If this IS the case how can I restore the original firmware?

    Here is some information for you.
    You don't even say what video card. And the EFI in your sysem 1,1 or 2,1 isn't going to change into UEFI 2.x instead of 1.1 (which was developed in 2005, and doesn't have room to be flased to, nor would the motherboard be happy).
    The rest, if you bought a card from Apple like ATI 5770 is not from having a new card.
    That card requjres 10.6.4-1/2 or later, meaning you won't have a 10.6.5 DVD to boot from and can't use older DVDs. Or clones.  You need to find a way to update your backups.
    In the past I could run a combo update against clones while booted from another drive. Last time I tried that, seems 10.6.x made that impossible, and harder to apply and test.
    Only 2008 Mac Pro and later have the EFI64/UEFI (2.x) - that supports things like Nvidia GTX 285. There were two versions of Nvidia 8800GT (1st gen EFI32, and 2008+).  ATI cards work in all Mac Pro models - as long as the OS has the proper minimum build..

  • Sleekbook 6 efi boot

    Hardware: HP ENVY Sleekbook 6 (6-1110us)
    Firmware Ver: F.12
    O/S: Ubuntu 12.10
    I am encountering problems attempting to change the (U)EFI Boot Options on my Sleekbook. I can view the boot parameters, but changes do not appear to get saved in NVRAM. I believe this might be caused by one of the current boot options being broken.
    The Boot Order shows the following: 2001,3004,3002,3003,3005,2002
    However, in the list of Boot Options, 2002 (or Boot2002) does not exist. All of the boot options I have created are in the 000x range, so I assume the 300x and 200x boot options are either from the factory or auto-generated by the firmware. I cannot recreate Boot2002, nor can I remove it from the Boot Order. I have tried this both from Ubuntu (via efibootmgr) and via an EFI Shell. When running the command "bcfg boot dump -v" in the EFI Shell, it shows the first 5 boot options, then gives an error "variable Boot2002 not found".
    I have also reset the firmware to defaults via the setup utility. No change.
    Is there a way to restore the Boot2002 boot option?
    Alternatively, reseting all the boot options to defaults would also work for me. If I have to recreate the boot options for Ubuntu, that is not a problem.
    Booting Ubuntu and running the EFI Shell both work fine.
    A little history (if it helps) ...
    It originally came with Windows 8, which I replaced with Ubuntu 12.10, completely restructuring the disk in the process. (I do have a full image of the factory-installed disk.) I tried out a few different installs before settling on what I wanted. Now I have extraneous boot options I would like to get rid of, both to clean things up and to reduce confusion.
    To say thanks, click the "Kudos" button!

    Good Morning @CCStefanini ,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    It is a terrific place to find answers and ideas!
    For you to have the best experience in the HP forum I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide Learn How to Post and More
    I grasp that you tried to do the recovery from the recovery  disks HP sent but received this error "  P2PP BurnBoot Check Failed" .
    You have tried changing the date in the bios but there was no change.
    Here is a link to Troubleshooting HP System Recovery Problems (Windows 7) that will guide you through some steps.
    Here is a link to a search I did in the forum for your error that were resolved.  You may wish to peruse these as they may have a suggestion that may help.  P2PP BurnBoot Check Failed forum search
    As HP did just send you the recovery kit, you may also contact them for assistance.
    Please call our technical support at 800 474 6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get a support number for your region.
    World Wide Phone Support
    Good Luck!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • MacbookPro EFI Boot password issues

    I have Windows installed via bootcamp on the same hard drive as my Mac partition. I do have the EFI boot password set up, which has never been an issue before. I normally just hit option, type in my password and boot whatever I need to boot.
    I recently installed an update to Windows 7 SP 1 (64 bit) as well as a few other Windows security updates. After that Windows update, for some reason, my 'b' key will not work at the EFI boot password screen. The 'b' key is part of my EFI boot password. When I boot in to Mac regurarly, my keyboard works just fine, 'b' key included. It is just at the boot password screen and only my 'b' key that will not work.
    I have used the nvram utility (in my booted mac) to reset the nvram, I have reset the SMC. Nothing has worked to get my 'b' key back at the boot password screen. As you know, I cant use any of the boot keys to help fix this problem either.
    Any ideas on what is causing this?

    Bump because this is a weird problem. Did SP1 screw up my firmware somehow?

  • Why EFI Boot??

    Hi... When I hold down the Option key and start up my intel macbook pro, my main drive which is called "Macintosh HD" comes up instead names "EFI Boot"... Why is it called that instead of what I used to see there, simply "Macintosh HD"???? What's happened??? Do I need to do something to fix it??? The drive still shows up as Macintosh HD when I boot to the normal desktop...
    thanks... bob...

    This happens after I run DiskWarrior. It has no effect on anything, but you can recover your original volume name by opening Terminal and typing:
    sudo bless --folder /System/Library/Coreservices --bootefi
    Press return. Enter your password if requested (it will not appear in the Terminal window), then press return again.

  • Efi Boot Problem after several failed attempt to install Windows 8

    Hello, excuse me in advance for my bad English level!
    I have a Macbook Pro 17" i7 2,2 Ghz (early 2011 OSX 10.9.4) equipped with a 750 Gb Samsung SSD and a Secondary 750 Gb Toshiba HHD mounted in place of the Original Laptop's DVD optical Drive.
    I've tried several times to Install Windows 8.1 into the Secondary HHD Drive (USB KEY created with a Windows 8.1 Iso Image through the Bootcamp assistent) but without success. This is the message at the end of the Windows 8.1 installation process:
    Windows could not prepare the computer to boot into the next phase of installation. To install Windows, restart the installation.
    I don't Know why and I Don't Know what to do... The problem seems to have no solution and I'm so frustrated!!! .
    But Now I've Noticed, if the EFI Boot partition is selected during the macbook's startup process, this Error Message:
    I've formatted the second HDD Hark Disk now and there should be no trace of Windows in my laptop so... why this message appears?
    So I've Mounted the EFI boot Partition in OSX and that's It:
    1) Is There some file I Can safely delete to remove this Windows's error message?
    2) Is It Normal that EFI Boot Partition appears during the Macbook Startup?

    Well from what I can see here you may have a hardware problem with the player. If it is not being recognised as a removable disk I would suggest if possible try it on another PC and see how it behaves. If there are no problems can you post some system details otherwise I'd either return to the dealer and they should swap it for you our contact customer support and they should be able to assist.
    In answer to your question holding down the play pause button while inserting the device into the port starts it in recovery mode and you should a be able to recover from there but as the unit is behaving so badly I'd gof for my former diagnosis.
    Hope this helps,

  • EFI Boot

    I bought an imac in 2011.
    21.5 inch screen
    intel core i3
    3.2 GHz processor speed256 KB L2 Cache
    4MB L3 Cache
    4GB Memory
    I have partitioned my 1TB internal hard drive into macintosh HD and Windows 7
    But now when I press option while switching on the computer it shows EFI Boot instead of the name macintosh along with the icon of windows.Also a bar is shown when I select EFI Boot along with the spinning thing and the apple icon on a white background then the bar fills up 1/10 and disappears and the spinning thing continues and there is no response.I unplugged the computer and the same process was repeated(the bar filled up 1/10,spinning thing ,appple icon) but then the computer booted.While viewing photos on iphoto the applicaton stopped resonding and I force quit but the iphoto got locked so I restarted the computer and this time after the whole process(bar,spinning thing,apple icon,white background) the computer did not boot up.The next day when I switched on the computer after the whole process yet again! it showed a blue screen and then showed the aurora wallpaper and started the welcome video(the one it shows when you first buy the computer.I was petrified and so I put windows which seems to be working perfectly fine.
    When I tried accessing the mac files from windows it shows not accessible element not found even though it is listing all the applications I have downloaded and is showing the exact amount of memory that I used up.
    I have not backed up files and I am very worried that I have lost them.
    Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with my computer and how to fix it.Also is my data lost permanently or is it just that I an't Access it right now.Please help me.Your help will be appreciated.Please reply ASAP.

    I would suggest running DIskWarrior on it, short of reformatting it.
    Dave M.
    MacOSG Founder/Ambassador  An Apple User Group  iTunes: MacOSG Podcast
    Macsimum News Associate Editor  Creator of 'Mac611 - Mobile Mac Support'

  • "Efi boot" icon on startup

    Good evening,
    Since I've installed Windows 7 with Boot Camp on my iMac, there is a new "Efi boot" icon next to my Macintosh HD and Windows 7 HD icons when I start the computer holding the option key.
    This is the same icon as for a CD or DVD.
    It appeared after a failed installation attempt and didn't go when the next install finished successfully.
    Everything is working fine (Mac OSX and windows).
    Should I be concerned about this ?
    Is there a way to get rid of this "Efi boot" thing ?
    I just used Time Machine to backup everything and have done nothing with Windows 7. Can I scratch my windows partition via Boot Camp utility, format my HD and reinstall everything ? Will it make it disappear ?
    I may be over concerned by this, but I like my install to be clean, and apparently, it is not.
    Many thanks for your help.
    PS: When I turn the computer ON and hold the option key:
    - choosing the Mac OSX partition works fine
    - choosing the windows partition works fine
    - choosing the "Efi boot" icon don't lead anywhere. I assume this is normal, but...

    It appeared after a failed installation attempt and didn't go when the next install finished successfully.
    Well, depends. Generally it is shown instead of "Macintosh HD" name, not along with. And cosmetic change. But in your case it sort of depends on just what went wrong. And whether you removed the partition or what steps you took.
    Normally, there is GPT/GUID 200MB partition, 128MB EFI partitions before and after user volume space.
    If you are in Windows and manage computer hard drive, you should see those hidden partitions.
    Windows 7 creates a 100MB system recovery partition of its own, that should have been inside the 50GB or whatever you set aside with Boot Camp Assistant, which would have been MSDOS/FAT32 and had to be formatted by Windows 7 installation to NTFS.
    Somewhere you did something and I'm unable to simply guess what.

  • Efi boot problem

    Hallo .. I have Efi boot Problem in my Lenovo G50-30 Laptop .. I did all what i read here .. I disabled Net from Bios .. The Hard disk not defekt .. I take the Hard drive out .... I try to enter to safe mode or Dos .. But i cant .. I have the Laptop from 8 months .. And i Format it and i Take the drivers from Lenovo website and during the driver installation the Laptop stop and the message with "chaeking media" appaier ... What I can do ? Please help..

    FWIW, that should allow you to boot into the Recovery mode. Details in Recovery and About Recovery. Also, see the Internet Recovery.

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