What is RSWR_PERS Table in BI

Can you please explain me
what is RSWR_PERS (Personalization Data) Table used for and how can i delete an entry from Personalization Data table

Table RSWR_DATA contains BOOKMARKS created by users and one entry can be some Megabyte big in size. Buffering is now switched off (but allowed)
Table RSWR_DATA_XREF contains cross references for the BOOKMARKS and will be also accessed only in case some BOOKMARKS will be loaded / saved by the users. Buffering is now switched off (but allowed)
Table RSWR_PERS contains personalization data (information about which user has personalized some objects) which are linking to the BOOKMARK table in case there is personalization for this user. This table will be accessed very often, but one record is small in data size. buffering is still on (was not changed)
Please run the program 'BSP_DLC_DELETE_PERSONALIZATION'to globally reset the user personalization.
For BEx variables selectively delete from ODS 0PERS_VAR00

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    It depends upon the type of Master data u r loading....
    In all the master data loadings, for every new value of master data an SID will be created in the SID table /BI*/S<INFOOBJECT NAME> irrespective of the type of master data.
    But the exceptional tables that get updated depending on the type of master data are.....
    If it is a time Independent master data then the /BI*/P<INFOOBJECT NAME> table gets updated with the loaded data.
    If it is a time dependent master data then the /BI*/Q<INFOOBJECT NAME> table gets updated with the loaded data.
    If the master data is of time Independent Navigational attributes then for every data load the SID table will get updated first and then the /BI*/X<INFOOBJECT NAME> table gets updated with the SID's created in the SID table (NOT WITH THE MASTER DATA).
    If the master data is of time dependent navigational attributes then for every data load the SID table will get updated first and then the /BI*/Y<INFOOBJECT NAME> table gets updated with the SID's created in the SID table (NOT WITH THE MASTER DATA).
    NOTE: As said above, For all the data in P, Q, T, X, Y tables the SID's will be created in the S table /BI*/S<INFOOBJECT NAME>
    NOTE: Irrespective of the time dependency or Independency the VIEW /BI*/M<INFOOBJECT NAME> defined on the top of /BI*/P<INFOOBJECT NAME> & /BI*/Q<INFOOBJECT NAME> tables gives the view of entire master data.
    NOTE: it is just a View and it is not a Table. So it will not have any physical storage of data.
    All the above tables are for ATTRIBUTES
    But when it comes to TEXTS, irrespective of the Time dependency or Independency, the /BI*/T<INFOOBJECT NAME> table gets updated (and of course the S table also).
    Naming Convention: /BIC/*<InfoObject Name> or /BI0/*<InfoObject Name>
    C = Customer Defined Characteristic
    0 = Standard or SAP defined Characteristic
    * = P, Q, T, X,Y, S (depending on the above said conditions)
    Thanks & regards

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    Hi Christina,
    Please find the information of the UCCX DB schema in the following table:

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    <b> Sales and Distribution:</b>
    Customers KNA1 General Data
    KNB1 Customer Master – Co. Code Data (payment method, reconciliation acct)
    KNB4 Customer Payment History
    KNB5 Customer Master – Dunning info
    KNBK Customer Master Bank Data
    KNKA Customer Master Credit Mgmt.
    KNKK Customer Master Credit Control Area Data (credit limits)
    KNVV Sales Area Data (terms, order probability)
    KNVI Customer Master Tax Indicator
    KNVP Partner Function key
    KNVD Output type
    KNVS Customer Master Ship Data
    KLPA Customer/Vendor Link
    Sales Documents VBAKUK VBAK + VBUK
    VBUK Header Status and Administrative Data
    VBAK Sales Document – Header Data
    VBKD Sales Document – Business Data
    VBUP Item Status VBAP Sales Document – Item Data
    VBPA Partners
    VBFA Document Flow
    VBEP Sales Document Schedule Line
    VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records
    SD Delivery DocumeLIPS Delivery Document item data, includes referencing PO
    LIKP Delivery Document Header data
    Billing Document VBRK Billing Document Header
    VBRP Billing Document Item
    SD Shipping Unit VEKP Shipping Unit Item (Content)
    VEPO Shipping Unit Header
    <b>Financial Accounting</b>
    FBAS             Financial Accounting “Basis”
    BKPF             Accounting Document Header              BUKRS / BELNR / GJAHR
    BSEG             Accounting Document Segment             BUKRS / BELNR / GJAHR / BUZEI
    BSIP             Index for Vendor Validation of Double   BUKRS / LIFNR / WAERS / BLDAT /
                     Documents                               XBLNR / WRBTR / BELNR / GJAHR / BUZEI
    BVOR             Inter Company Posting Procedure         BVORG / BUKRS / GJAHR / BELNR
    EBKPF            Accounting Document Header (docs from   GLSBK / BELNR / GJHAR / GLEBK
                     External Systems)
    FRUN             Run Date of a Program                   PRGID
    KLPA             Customer / Vendor Linking               NKULI / NBUKR / NKOAR / PNTYP
                                                             / VKULI / VBUKR / VKOAR
    KNB4             Customer Payment History                KUNNR / BUKRS
    KNB5             Customer Master Dunning Data            KUNNR / BUKRS / MABER
    KNBK             Customer Master Bank Details            KUNNR / BANKS / BANKL / BANKN
    KNC1             Customer Master Transaction Figures     KUNNR / BUKRS / GJHAR
    KNC3             Customer Master Special GL Transactions KUNNR / BUKRS / GJAHR / SHBKZ
    LFB5             Vendor Master Dunning Data              LIFNR / BUKRS / MABER
    LFBK             Vendor Master Bank Details              LIFNR / BANKS / BANKL / BANKN
    LFC1             Vendor Master Transaction Figures       LIFNR / BUKRS / GJHAR
    LFC3             Vendor Master Special GL Transactions   LIFNR / BUKRS / GJHAR / SHBKZ
    VBKPF            Document Header for Document Parking    AUSBK / BUKRS / BELNR / GJHAR
    FBASCORE         Financial Accounting General Services “Basis”
    KNB1             Customer Master (Company Code)          KUNNR / BUKRS
    LFA1             Vendor Master (General Section)         LIFNR
    LFB1             Vendor Master (company Code Section)    LIFNR / BUKRS
    SKA1             G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)  KTOPL / SAKNR
    SKAT             G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts – SPRAS / KTOPL / SAKNR
    MAHNS            Accounts Blocked by Dunning Selection   KOART / BUKRS / KONKO / MABER
    MHNK             Dunning Data (Account Entries)          LAUFD / LAUFI / KOART / BUKRS /
                                                             KUNNR / LIFNR / CPDKY / SKNRZE /
                                                             SMABER / SMAHSK / BUSAB
    FI-GL-GL (FBS)   General Ledger Accounting: Basic Functions- G/L Accounts
    SKAS             G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts – SPRAS / KTOPL / SAKNR / SCHLW
                     Key Word list)
    SKB1             G/L Account Master (Company Code)       BUKRS / SAKNR
    FI-GL-GL (FBSC)  General Ledger Accounting: Basic
                     Functions - R/3 Customizing for G/L Accounts
    FIGLREP          Settings for G/L Posting Reports        MANDT
    TSAKR            Create G/L account with reference       BUKRS / SAKNR
    FI-GL-GL (FFE)   General Ledger Accounting: Basic
                     Functions - Fast Data Entry
    KOMU             Account Assignment Templates for G/L    KMNAM / KMZEI
                     Account items
    FI-AR-AR (FBD)   Accounts Receivable: Basic Functions - Customers
    KNKA             Customer Master Credit Management :     KUNNR
                     Central Data
    KNKK             Customer Master Credit Management :     KUNNR / KKBER
                     Control Area Data
    KNKKF1           Credit Management : FI Status data      LOGSYS / KUNNR / KKBER / REGUL
    RFRR             Accounting Data – A/R and A/P           RELID / SRTFD / SRTF2
                     Information System
    FI-BL-PT         Bank Accounting: Payment (BFIBL_CHECK_D)  Transactions – General Sections
    PAYR             Payment Medium File                     ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID / RZAWE /
    PCEC             Pre-numbered Check                      ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID / STAPL
    FI-BL-PT-AP(FMZA)Bank Accounting: Payment Transactions – Automatic Payments
    F111G            Global Settings for Payment Program for MANDT
                     Payment Requests
    FDZA             Cash Management Line Items in Payment   KEYNO
    PAYRQ            Payment Requests                        KEYNO
    Hope this solves your concern...
    Assign points if helpful

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    Hi Experts,
    What are the tables used in the backend for ACR & Master data daemon jobs. I would like to see the details of CHANGERUNMONI or ACR/Hierarchy Change run.

    Hi Praveen,
    Have you tried these tables BALHDR, BALDAT and BALOBJT for checking master date daemon delta status. It may not give you complete details. but definitely helps.. If you find any more details please do let me know..

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    Normally datas will be loading to 'F'- Fact tables (/BIC/F****) *** - cube name..
    When you do compress the request the data will be moved into E tables.

  • What are the table names for CRM and APO?

    hi friends,
    what are the table names for CRM and APO?

    hi Suneel,
    check in crm forum
    Re: SAP-CRM Tables
    BUT051 BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship
    Similar to BUT050 , additionally contains Contact Person’s Address data
    BUT0BK Business Partner: Bank Data & Details
    BP Number, Bank Key, Bank Country Key, Bank Account Number
    BNKA Bank Master Data
    BUT100 BP: Roles
    ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
    ADR6 SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services)
    Contains Email – Id of the BP.
    ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services)
    BP’s Complete Address Details- City, Country, Post Code, District, Street, Title No Etc
    TSAD3T Table containing the Title text against a Title No.
    COMM_PRODUCT Master Table for Product
    CRMM_BUAG Master table for Business Agreement
    CRMM_BUAG_H Header Data for Business Agreement such as Tax Category, Tax Characteristic, Form key, Business Agreement Class. Data in this table correspond to ISU CRMD_ORDERADM_H Contains the Header Information for a Business Transaction.
    1. It doesn’t store the Business Partner
    responsible for the transaction. To
    get the Partner No, link it with
    2. This table can be used for search
    based on the Object Id(Business
    Transaction No).
    CRMD_CUSTOMER_H Additional Site Details at the Header Level of a Business Transaction
    CRMC_PROC_TYPE Master table Business Transaction Type
    CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Definition of Partner Functions
    SCPRIOT Priorities for Activities with priority text.
    CRMC_PROC_TYPE_T Text for a transaction type
    CRMC_ACT_OBJ_T Objective Number and Text for Activities
    TJ30T All the status code and text
    CRMC_PR_ASSIGN : Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Object.
    IBIB : Installed Base/Ibase
    IBIN : Installed Base Components
    COMM_PRODUCT : Products
    CRMC_T077D : customer account groups
    CRMD_ORDERADM_H (for header) CRMD_ORDERADM_I (Item data)
    CRMD_ORDERADM_H Business Transactions CRM
    CRMD_ACTIVITY_H Activity
    CRMD_OPPORT_H Opportunity
    BUTOO : Customer details
    BUT001 BP: General data II
    BUT100 BP: Roles
    BUT150 BP relationship: Attribute table (test
    BUT_HIER_TREE Business Partner Group Hierarchy
    CDBC_T_PRODUCTID Mapping: Product Id
    CDBD_ORGMAN Business transaction - organizational unit -
    COMC_PRODUCT General Product Settings
    COMC_R3_FIELDS Assignment of R/3 material master fields to
    COMM_CATEGORY Category
    COMM_CFGMAT Basic Data for Materials
    COMM_HIERARCHY Category Hierarchy
    COMP_TYPES Hierarchy Tool: Comparison Type Check
    CRMC_CPRICPROC Customer Pricing Procedures
    SMOKVBEZ15 Assignment employees to positions
    CRMMLSGUID: GUID entry (should match GUID in CRMPRLS)
    CRMM_BUT_CUSTNO : Also GUID table (GUID here should match GUID in R/3 table CRMKUNNR)
    SMOFSUBTAB : Mapping & Parameters
    SMOFDSTAT : Download Monitor (R4AM1)
    SMOFFILTAB : Filters (Should match filters in R3AC1 & R/3 Table CRMFILTAB)
    SMOFOBJECT Definition of Objects for Download
    SMOFOBJPAR Parent Objects of an Object in Table
    SMOFPARSFA Middleware Parameter
    SMOFQFIND Queue Finder Table for MW-Queue finder
    SMOFTABLES Definition of Tables for Download

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    what are the tables related to SD in PP relation tables if any

    SAP Production Planning Table
    Demand Management
    PBED Independent Requirements Data
    PBIM Independent Requirements by Material
    Repetitive Manufacturing
    SAFK RS Header Master Data
    S025 LIS -- Run Schedule Quantities
    S026 LIS -- Material Usage
    S028 LIS -- Reporting Point Statistics
    CEZP Reporting Point Document Logs
    CPZP Reporting Points - Periodic Totals
    MRP Records
    MDKP MRP Document Header Data
    MDTB MRP Table Structure (no data)
    PLSC Planning Scenario (Long-term Planning)
    MDFD MRP Firming Dates
    MDVM Planning File Entries
    S094 LIS -- Stock/Requirements Analysis
    RESB Reservations/Dependent Requirements
    Planned Orders
    PLAF Planned Orders
    Discrete Production
    AFKO Order Header
    AFPO Order Item Detail
    AFVC Order Operations Detail
    AFFL Order Sequence Details
    AFFH Order PRT Assignment
    AFBP Order Batch Print Requests
    AFRU Order Completion Confirmations
    AFFW Confirmations -- Goods Movements with Errors
    AFRC Confirmations -- Incorrect Cost Calculations
    AFRD Confirmations -- Defaults for Collective Confirmation
    AFRH Confirmations -- Header Info for Confirmation Pool
    AFRV Confirmation Pool
    AFWI Confirmations -- Subsequently Posted Goods Movements
    KLAH Class Detail
    CABN Characteristic Detail
    AUSP Characteristic Values
    CAWN Characteristic Values
    CAWNT Characteristic Value Texts
    KSML Characteristic Allocation to Class
    KSSK Material Allocation to Class

  • What Are the Tables in new oracle 10g express

    Hi guys,
    I am new at oracle and I just installed the Oracle 10g express. after login to the oracle by SQL Developer I noticed there are lots of tables in table folder which some of them come with $ and some not! can you please let me know what are these tables for? are they like system tables in SQL Server? if so then what are the tables under
    -->Other Users/System/Tables?
    I am lost here and I can't figure out what are the Other Users? are they like databases? I tries to google them but I couldn't find any thing
    Thanks a lot

    USER/SCHEMA are to Oracle; what database is to SQL_Server
    Edited by: sb92075 on Apr 22, 2011 5:53 PM

  • How to see what are the Tables avialable in DataBase

    Hi ,
    Is it possible to see what are the tables avialable in the Data base (I am using Oracle 10g Client )
    Thanks in advance .

    user672373773 wrote:
    Hi ,
    Is it possible to see what are the tables avialable in the Data base (I am using Oracle 10g Client )
    Thanks in advance .Learning where to look things up in the documentation is time well spent investing in your career. To that end, you should drop everything else you are doing and do the following:
    Go to tahiti.oracle.com. Drill down to your product and version.
    Spend a few minutes just getting familiar with what is available here. Take special note of the "books" and "search" tabs. Under the "books" tab you will find the complete documentation library.
    Spend a few minutes just getting familiar with what kind of documentation is available there by simply browsing the titles under the "Books" tab.
    Open the Reference Manual and spend a few minutes looking through the table of contents to get familiar with what kind of information is available there, especially the initialization parms and the data dictionary views.
    Do the same with the SQL Reference Manual.
    Do the same with the Utilities manual.
    Then set yourself a plan to dig deeper.
    - Read a chapter a day from the Concepts Manual.
    - Look in your alert log and find all the non-default initialization parms listed at instance startup. Then read up on each one of them in the Reference Manual.
    - Take a look at your listener.ora, tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora files. Go to the Network Administrators manual and read up on everything you see in those files.
    - When you have finished reading the Concepts Manual, do it again.
    Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

  • What are the tables/view used to Compute Dependecies Report

    what are the tables/views we have in APEX, which is used to create the Compute Dependecies Report
    Home -> Application xxxxx > Application Reports > Shared Components > Database Object Dependencies

    Hi Scott,
    thanks for the quick response.
    So my question is then...
    I want to create a APEX Report which will give me the following information.
    1. Application and all the Pages associated with it, which I am getting from apex_applications and
    apex_application_pages. This is OK
    2. List of all the Database Objects (Table/View) which the individual page is using, I mean relation between Page ID and database object. HOW to get that???.....(I want for each individual page, the list all the database objects (tables/views), which that page is using)

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    i am a fresher for ABAP. i need the help.
    what r the tables used for this report.
    Reports provide pending order details according to Material wise and customer wise for particular month.
    thanks in advance

    try with these tables,

  • What are the tables for documents in PP Orders

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    What are the tables for Document Items (type D) in PP orders ?

    Welcome to SCN, please refer to the rules of engagement, link at the top of every forum, please search before asking basic questions.
    Thread locked.

  • What is the table name for Workload analysis?

    Hi All TechGurus,
    We need to create an ABAP program in which it displays some information of Transaction (STO3n), Report for the same (SAPWL_ST03N)
    We want  to create an ABAP program to get the output in excel format?
    What is the table name for Workload analysis?
    Many thanks in advance!!

    Hi  Keshav,
    Thank you for your reply.
    As per my requirement, i want to create an ABAP program in which it displays some information of Transaction (STO3n) and want to send the output in excel format. however I don't understand how to start with it.
    Below are the conditions -
    1. display data for today's date
    2 .In transaction profile,  task should be Dialogue.
    from where should i fetch data which is getting displyed after executing t.code ST03n?
    Please help me with your suggessions...

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